Your decision

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In this AU Shy, Brisk and Shade are starting there senior year in High School.

Also, all characters belong to Shy. Look her up she's awesome!


Brisk just finished washing the dishes for his mother. Tomorrow was the first day of school for him and his cousins. As much as he missed his friends from last year, education was the one thing that was not in his mind. And the last thing he wanted to do was talk about it.

He almost broke one of his mother's plates when his sister Xena asked, "Ready for school tomorrow?" Brisk grumbled to himself. "Nope."

"Me neither." Xena replied back as she leaned on the wall and folded her arms. "Why can't we just have another week off?"

"Sadly Xena, that's not my call to make." Brisk rolled his eyes at his remark.

As Brisk began to dry his hands, his phone started to ring on the counter. "Hello?" He asked as he picked it up. "Hey Brisk it's me." The voice was low and steady. Shade. "Shade, it's almost 10pm. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you." Normally Brisk would ask him the reason why he called so late, but the sound of his voice sounded urgent. Brisk sighed and simply asked, "Where do you wanna meet?"


About a an hour later, Brisk and Shade were in the home stadium of the New York Giants. Shade called him here because he was into football like that. And throwing something made him relax his head a bit.

Right now, the boys were throwing a football at each other keeping a lot of pace and movement. "So, what's this about?" Brisk asked seeing as how Shade was talking to him and not his dad. "'s about school tomorrow."

"If this is about education, I'm gonna have to pass."

"No, none of that." Shade replied as Brisk threw the ball back at him. "You know...about the sports thing?" Shade asked.

The Sports try outs. It was something that Brisk, Shade, and the rest of the children were looking forward to. Every year they would try out for a sport even if they didn't get in. It was pretty much traditional for them. "Yeah, why?" Brisk replied the ball now thrown to him in a swift manor. "I'm...not sure if I it this year."

Brisk froze right when he was about to throw the ball. Shade, not trying out. He always tried out. "Seriously?" Brisk said as he finally threw the ball back. "It's just...we're seniors now. And I just wanna focus on my career."

"You want to be a SWAT soldier?"

"Yeah, they're cool. And they have high-tech weapons." Shade threw the ball back to Brisk. Shade always wanted to be a SWAT soldier ever since he was a kid. It just made him feel...whole. "So...what're you gonna tell your dad?" Brisk asked as Shade nearly dropped the ball when he asked him.

Shade didn't answer and threw it back. Catching it with one hand, Brisk said, "You haven't told him yet have you?" Again, Shade looked at the ground. "I've...been thinking about it."

"And by thinking about it, you mean, forgetting about it and putting it in a safe lock inside your brain." Shade shot him an annoyed glare. Brisk shot a glare of his own right back at him. "Think fast." Brisk said as before Shade a blink, a fast ball came right at his chest. "Shit!" Shade cursed loudly as he quickly caught the football right before it slammed into his chest.

Brisk laughed while Shade gave him a look that could kill. "Could've knocked my head right off." Shade said throwing it back hoping for it to hit Brisk's face. Sadly, it didn't cause Brisk caught the ball with his reflexes. "Suck it up tall boy." Shade rolled his eyes at the nickname. "So, you don't wanna do sports, no big deal." Brisk said with a shrug of his shoulders. Shade sighed as the ball was thrown at him again. Shade caught it with one hand and said to Brisk, "Easy for you to say, you did both Basketball and Football."

"That's because I'm that good." Brisk said with a smirk. "God, he's just like his dad."

"I heard that." Brisk called out at the ball was thrown to him this time. "Look Shade, all I'm saying his that it's your decision. If you don't wanna do sports that's fine." Brisk said as Shade sighed. "It's not that simple-Ouch!" Shade was interrupted cause Brisk accidentally threw the ball too hard to his face. "Oops! You okay!" Brisk yelled with worry as he ran towards his cousin. Shade rubbed his face, thankful that his nose wasn't bleeding. "I'm fine." Shade replied as he and Brisk decided to sit for a while.

Brisk handed him a whiter bottle that he had in his bag. "So, what's not that simple?" He asked as Shade drunk a sip of water. "The fact that I have to tell my dad."

"Uncle Ghost wouldn't mind that."

"He's your uncle, not your dad." Shade replied as Brisk rolled his eyes. "Still, it wouldn't hurt to tell him." Brisk said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Shade looked at the ground. "...alright. I'll tell him."

"Good, now we should probably run."


"Cause we snuck into a huge football stadium and the FBI showed up."


Perfect!!! Done! How was it?

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