If they met a Karen

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Brisk/Maesi: (runs inside his house at 10:00pm)

Brisk: (turns to Maesi) You okay?

Maesi: (just nods)

Brisk: You don't have to listen to what she said.

Maesi: but she's right.

Brisk: No she's not.


Brisk: SHIT (falls back and turns on the light)

Swift/Quick: (has weapons out but relaxes when it's just Maesi and Brisk)

Quick: Where the hell were you

Swift: Your father was about to bring in the whole navy Maesi.

Maesi: (says sadly) Sorry

Swift/Quick: (very surprised by her expression)

Quick: uh...what happened to my niece?

Brisk: A lot has happened.

Swift: Care to explain?

Brisk: Yep. It was after school...


Brisk/Maesi: (walking back home from school)

Brisk: So, how'd you do on the test?

Maesi: Decent. (Shows him that it was a D-)

Brisk: Yeah, decent. (rolls eyes)

Maesi: Hey, it's better than your F in math.

Brisk: I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.

Maesi: (blows raspberry at him)

Brisk: (does the same)

Maesi: Hey, wanna go to the store?

Brisk: For candy?

Maesi: Yep.

Brisk: But Halloween was yesterday.

Maesi: My parents hid my candy after I ate half of my Halloween basket.

Brisk: Yeah, I would've done the same. Have your mask?

Maesi: (puts in her mask) yep. You?

Brisk: (puts on his mask) Got it.

Brisk/Maesi: (walks into the store)

???: Well well well

Maesi: (facepalms) Not again.

Brisk: What?

Maesi: It's Karen

Karen: (walks up to them) finally decided to be civilized Dumbo? (Has hands on her hips)

Brisk: You have a Karen at your school?!

Maesi: Yep.

Brisk: How did you even apply?

Karen: Uh, grades? Who's this, another one of your Dumbos, Dumbo.

Brisk: Seems your favorite word is Dumbo, Dumbo. How about I call you Bitch instead.

Maesi: Brisk, don't-

Karen: Excuse me!?

Brisk: Well, you don't have a mask on so Dumbo is your middle name.

Karen: You're so rude. How could you- I'm a millionaire.

Brisk: Liar. If you were a millionaire, why're at the store?

Karen: I don't have to explain myself to you! Dumbo, who the hell is this!?

Maesi: Brisk, maybe we should-

Brisk: Her name isn't Dumbo, Bitch. It's Maesi. Learn it.

Karen: I don't have to learn anything!

Brisk: then why're you in school?

Karen: Why do you care?

Brisk: Maesi, do you seriously have to put up with this shit!?

Maesi: She's just a bitch. Calm down.

Karen: (pushes Maesi to the ground) You don't get to talk you bitch. I see you working at Six Flags cause your daddy doesn't have his own job.

Maesi: That's not true.

Karen: Sure it isn't. He wouldn't like it if daddy's little girl wasn't at home like a proper human! (Laughs like a mean girl)

Maesi: (starts to cry)

Brisk: That's it! (Cracks knuckles) I don't care if you're a girl, I will beat your ass.

Karen: You're a sl-

Brisk: (punches her face) Finish that sentence, I dare you.


Brisk: Does it look like I care?!

Karen: I'll kill you! I will murder you, you son of a-(dead)

Brisk: O_O (looks at Maesi)

Maesi: (has a gun in her hand and breathing heavily) I...I just-

Brisk/Maesi: (hears sirens)

Brisk: Let's get outta here. (Grabs her hand and runs)

Maesi: I'm sorry! I didn't- it just-

Brisk: I know I know it's okay. (Starts to hug her)

Maesi: (continues to cry)

End of Flashback

Swift: She killed her!?

Brisk: Well, we don't know yet.

Quick: Do you have any idea what'll happen to her?!

Brisk: Mom, stop! You're only making it worse!

Maesi: (still crying while in Brisk's arms)

Quick: (starts to calm down) What did the police say?

Brisk: We ran before they saw her.

Swift: I'm calling your parents. (Gets up and calls his brother)

Maesi: (doesn't even care anymore)

Brisk: I'm sorry we didn't make it home mom.

Quick: It's fine honey. I'm just...(can't find the words)

Brisk: Yeah, me too.

Part 2?

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