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Two turtles with bandanas stood alone by the beach. The turtle with a purple bandana dressed as a servant was putting a cork on a glass bottle with a letter inside it. He smiled before placing the bottle in the sea. As he watched it float into the ocean, the blue banded, sapphire eyed turtle approached him, looking curious at what the other turtle was doing.

"Donnie, you're really serious about this." As the purple banded turtle servant turned to the other turtle that was obviously a prince, the prince continued to address him, "That can't possibly make your wishes come true, no matter what that demon told you."

Donnie grinned at him, an awkward smile that would make almost anyone else smile, "Would my prince like to try this too? I always carry extra paper around just in case."

The prince snorted, standing next to Donnie as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. As Donnie blinked, he responded in a snobbish tone, "It's a game for the peasants. I don't need to try it." Upon seeing Donnie's deflated look, the prince sighed, "I mean. . ."

"You mean?" Donnie pried.

He turned to face his servant with a bright smile that could melt the hearts of so many people, "Donnie already grants me all my wishes, don't you?"

Donnie's surprised look morphed into one of joy.


In a distant country, everyone gathered on the square, where a guillotine was placed. A group of guards brought a young turtle with a blue bandana forward and the crowd cheered loudly, knowing that their cruel monarch was about to meet his end. The bells were ringing loudly as the boy - as Donnie - was led to the guillotine. Among the crowd, a turtle dressed in a black cloak pushed people around.

"Down with the son of evil!" The people screamed, the turtle pulling his black hood up so it wouldn't fall off. As it slipped, a hint of blue was seen, along with two pair of sapphire orbs.

He whispered something that was lost in the crowd, squeezing himself between two people and making sure his hood did not fall off. Donnie positioned himself in the guillotine, ignoring the shouts.

"Any last words?" At that moment, the turtle in the cloak pushed a man so he was finally within Donnie's sight. He could see Donnie's eyes widen in shock, wondering why he was here. A small tear ran down the turtle in the cloak's cheek before he smiled at his dear brother in the guillotine, as if to reassure him.

When he saw the turtle in the cloak smile, the former servant of evil felt he was okay with dying. He smiled softly at the other turtle before he closed his brown eyes before uttering:

"Oh, it's tea time."

And then the blade of the guillotine fell.


In the outskirts of a small port town in Hamato Kingdom, a young turtle stood alone in the beach. He had a blue bandana that made it up to his shoulders. He was wearing a cloak that covered some of his clothes. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers underneath his clothes and was wearing no shoes on. In his hands, he held a bottle that contained a message of his deepest wish.

When Donnie had first told him about this story of wishes coming true, Leo had never believed it. Mostly it was because he didn't believe in stories like that and mostly because Donnie told him he had learned that secret from a demon when they were little kids.

Leo vaguely remembered the demon - he and Donnie had met it in the beach when they were six or five, the innocent days before his older brother went missing - but he didn't remember when said demon had told Donnie about this secret.

According to Donnie, you write your wish in a piece of parchment and fold it so it can fit inside a glass bottle. Throw the bottle in the sea and, someday, your wish will come true. Before, Leo never believed in such things but he was ready to be a believer if this wish, the wish he desperately wished would come true, came to fruition.


Donnie had taken them to the sea once more and, like always, had placed the glass bottle in the sea while Leo had sat down on the beach. Donnie watched the glass bottle with such a soft smile of adoration that Leo couldn't help but ask him, "What are you wishing for, to be doing this so diligently every day?"

Donnie was startled by his sudden question and turned to face him. With the sun behind him, Donnie seemed to be glowing in the eyes of Leo. It made his brother look like some kind of angel. It was beautiful.

Donnie smiled mischeviously, "For Leo's dick to become bigger."

Leo gasped, blushing a bright red while Donnie laughed at him. Leo pouted, balling his hands into fists while he flailed around. Donnie was still laughing at him, not minding the waves that crashed into his bare feet. Leo yelled, "Donatello, you're a cruel brother!"

"Just kidding," Donnie said between his laughter, Leo giving him the strongest glare he could muster with his flushed cheeks. He couldn't be too angry, considering that a joyful Donnie like this was rare. Donnie was so happy that he had a big grin, he looked out of breath for all the laughing he had done and his cheeks were pink.

Leo huffed and Donnie finally admitted once his laughter had calmed down, "I wish Leonardo would be happy forever and ever." Leo looked at him staring at the glass bottle and he felt his heart warming at how much Donnie loved him. He stood and walked so he was standing next to Donnie.

He looked around before enveloping his little brother's hand with his own. Donnie paused and Leo looked at him with a smile, "If that's what you want, then stay with me, always. I'm the happiest when I'm with Donatello." It wasn't a lie, not when he loved Donnie so much.

Donnie blushed at his confession, staring at him in shock and Leo squeezed their fingers together, unsure of what to tell Donnie to make him happy again.


Leo nodded, leaning his head on Donnie's shoulder. Donnie smiled warmly at him before turning to look at the ocean.    Leo followed his gaze and the two were quiet, listening to the ocean, before Donnie spoke once more, "I'll be glad if I can do that."


Leo looked at the sea, stopping himself from thinking about the past once more. It had already been more than two months since Donnie's execution and Leo wondered when Karai would pity him and kill him like she did his brother.

"Why kill you when the pain and guilt of you causing the death of your beloved brother hurts more than any blade? Why end your misery? Suffer the way the people of the Oroku Kingdom did when you killed their friends and family members. Live everyday with the guilt. The servant of evil died because of you. Never forget that, son of evil."

He lived with the guilt of his actions every day. His brother was dead and it was his fault. The lives of so many people had been ruined because of his whims. However, the only person that he wished hadn't suffered for his actions was the one that had suffered for them.

Leo missed Donnie. He had always done everything for him, ever since they were little. No matter how absurd the request, Donnie fulfilled it. He did everything he asked for, even going as far as killing the person he could have grown to love only because of Leo's childish jealousy.

If Donnie hadn't killed Mikey, he would've married him. The two would've been happy and the war with the Oroku Kingdom would never have happened, among other events. It was all Leo's fault that Donnie had died. He was spoiled, a brat. He had been so selfish. When it had come to his brother, Leo had been terribly selfish. He had been nothing but trouble to his poor brother. Now, he was no longer here and Leo never felt so empty and lonely.

Because he had been such an idiot, he hadn't even realized his sins until everything was over, Donnie was killed in his place in that damned guillotine. Everything was his fault. He missed Donnie so much.

He threw the bottle into the sea, the glass bottle with a message filled with regret bobbing up and down thanks to the waves. Leo watched it with a small smile on his face, glad that his wish was close to being realized. He'd have to believe that. He'd have to believe that.

"I wish Leonardo would be happy forever and ever."

Leo's lower lip began to tremble and he could feel something warm run down his cheeks. The liquid was salty but he knew it had nothing to do with the ocean waves that crashed onto his feet. Without any control, Leo began to wail, releasing all the sorrow he felt into that mournful cry.

He fell to his knees, the waves hitting him with more vigor as he trembled, crying loudly. Between his broken cries, he began to speak, "I'm sorry."

Donnie, offering him the flower crown of purple orchids that he had never been able to wear because his brother had been taken from him that day due to their selfish parents and he didn't see him for many years later.

Donnie, joining him in the lonely ballroom to dance with him with a smile on his lips.

Donnie, killing Karai's mother and giving him her head without a moment's hesitation when Leo asked him for it.

Donnie, playing pranks on some of the other servants to cheer up Leo after he had broken his favorite violin.

Donnie, sacrificing his own future with Mikey by following Leo's selfish orders and killing the one he could have been happy with and showing up with bloodied hands.

"I'm sorry."

"His death would make you happy?" Donnie asked, his voice soft. When Leo had confirmed it, Donnie had smiled before he had bowed before his older brother, "Anything for you, my cute big brother."

"It's fine," Donnie said, holding Leo across from him and smiling, wiping away his tears, "We're twins after all. Nobody will be able to tell the difference."

"Go, Leo. They're coming." Donnie said before pushing him in and closing the cabinet door.

Donnie walking the streets with his head held high while people threw him all manner of things, such as stones and rotten fruit.

Donnie walking up the guillotine with an emotionless look on his face, taking a punishment that he didn't deserve.

Donnie's surprised look when he saw his face among the multitude that vanished as he had smiled and, with eyes closed, had said Leo's favorite phrase, "Oh, it's tea time."

"I'm sorry."

Leo tilted his head back and cried more, not paying any mind if anyone saw him as he mourned his lost brother. The salt water made his throat burn but he deserved it. He didn't care if he lost his voice due to all his screaming. He just missed his brother, the brother who had suffered throughout his whole life only for him to be happy.

Leo had done many mistakes in his life but the biggest mistake he had made was allowing his brother to suffer due to his own foolishness. If he could change their places, he would in a heartbeat.

"God, please . . ."

Who was he pleading with, really? Was he asking for anyone to fulfill his desire? Who was going to fulfill his selfish promise? Was his desperate wish going to ever come true? Would he and Donnie ever see each other again?


His voice already sounded hoarse thanks to his wails of anguish and the salty air and water. He would probably be practically voiceless later on in the day. He sobbed, looking down and looking at the water that had already gotten him soaked.

"If we were to be reborn. . ."

"It'll be nice if we become brothers again."

Leo looked up, having felt the presence of Donnie. He got up and scanned around the beach, searching for signs of his deceased brother. Even though he was disappointed when he didn't find him, the words Donnie had spoken made him feel as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Yeah," Leo nodded, wiping away a stray tear and smiling sadly, "It will." He looked to the rising sun, the direction where his bottle had disappeared to and felt hope that his wish would someday be fulfilled.


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