The Story Of Evil

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Once upon a time.

In a far away kingdom..

The mutant queen gave birth to twins.

Two turtles.

Two boys.

However, the siblings were separated soon.

The older twin became a selfish prince. While his brother became his loyal tool.

The Son Of Evil and The Servant Of Evil.

Welcome to the TMNT one-shot Story of Evil! Based on the Vocaloid series of the same name, the one-shot covers the events of Daughter of Evil and Servant of Evil. Not a lot of yaoi here but I'll make for it in the sequel/second chapter. Now, onto the story!


There was, once upon a time, in another place,

An evil kingdom who no person dared to face.

And the ruler was a boy so mean.

A tiny little prince of only age fifteen!

Expensive furniture littered his abode.

His loyal servant who's likeness to him surely showed.

Macbeth was what his horse was named.

All the riches of the world is what he had claimed.


"Oh, it's tea time."

The speaker was a young turtle with a blue bandana and eyes the color of sapphire. He was dressed in lavish robes that showed his wealth. This young man was the prince of the kingdom of Hamato: Prince Leo.

The young prince sat alone in his garden, resting his hands on the table in front of him that had a cup of tea, as well as an intricate teapot. He gave out a small huff before he heard footsteps approaching. He smiled innocently when he saw who it was, eyes shining with happiness.

"Today's snack will be brioche, my prince." The servant said, bowing to the prince. The servant was dressed in a simple buttoned-up white shirt and black pants. He had the bandana same as Leo's but his was purple and his eyes were as brown as chocolate.

"My favorite." Leo said, flashing his smile at his most loyal servant, "Thank you, Donnie."

"Anything for my very cute brother." Donnie replied, setting the plate with Leo's snack on the table, smiling at Leo. At that moment, the brothers looked identical, showing that these two – the prince and his loyal servant – were twins.

It hadn't always been this way. Once upon a time, the twins had both lived in the luxury of the castle, spoiled by their parents. Then, one fateful day, Donnie had been taken away just as Leo was about to crown him with a flower crown made by the purple orchids that surrounded the palace gardens.

Leo never knew where they had taken his brother but he came back three years ago, the day Leo was given the throne. His beloved little brother had then pledged himself as his fateful servant. Even if the whole world should become your enemy, Donnie had said, I will always protect you.

Donnie was the only person Leo could trust and the only one that cared about him. The servants in the manor hated him, wishing he'd drop dead any minute. The knights who swore loyalty to him followed him out of fear. His people cursed his name and even his parents didn't like him. The only one that cared for him – that loved him – was Donnie. In turn, Donatello was the only person that Leo loved.

Donnie sat down on the ground, looking up at the clear sky, "Leo, what do you think of Mikey?"

Leo frowned at the question when he noticed that Donnie was looking away. Mikey also known as Michelangelo was also a young, male turtle that had become his knight a year ago. He was a good soldier and was loved by the people. However, Leo hated him so much ever since he had come to the castle. The young man had recently come to him asking for the right to marry. Even though it was common for a young man to come to him asking permission to marry their sweetheart, it had angered Leo when Mikey had asked for permission to marry Donnie.

The selfish prince didn't want someone else to get near his brother. If they did, Donnie might start to care about them and love them. Perhaps he'd love them more than he loved Leo. And that would hurt him so badly.

"I don't like him."

Donnie looked at his brother, raising an eyebrow in question, "Oh?"

Leo sipped his tea before responding, "I don't like him. I would be happy if he died." From the corner of his eye, he could see Donnie standing up.

"His death would make you happy?" Donnie asked, his voice soft so it couldn't be heard unless you strained your hearing.

Leo smirked, his eyes lighting up cruelly, "Yes. It would make me very happy, otouto." If Mikey would die, there wouldn't be anyone around to take away his little brother from his side. Donnie would only care and love Leo, just as it has been since their birth.

Donnie smiled when he mistook Leo's smirk for a genuine smile. He bowed before his younger brother, "Anything for you, my cute big brother."


You're the prince

And I'm your servant.

We're a pitiable pair of twins,

Separated by our fate.

For the sake of protecting you

I will become evil for you.


Donnie had only one purpose in life and that was to serve his twin brother. At least, that had been what the King and Queen had told him before they died and Leo became the ruler of No. 6.

He had been raised just as Leo had been until he was five and he was taken away. They sent him to a district that was on the outskirts of the kingdom. He was raised by a man named Chris Bradford who trained him to be the perfect servant for Leo.

No one told him why he had been chosen to be the servant instead of the prince. As far as he knew, both his parents had preferred for Leo to have taken the throne. Because the throne always went to the firstborn son, they had to get rid of Donnie in order for Leo to occupy the throne.

Even though he had been horribly raised in order for Leo to receive the throne, he never resented his big brother. He was too kind and sweet to be at fault. Besides, he would never have wished the horrors of his childhood to the brother who smiled so innocently. Leo only deserved the best, after all.

He had pledged his allegiance to Leo at the age of twelve and had been serving his prince – his twin – for three years. Everything he'd done throughout those three years had all been to protect Leo and to keep that sweet and innocent smile on his face.

Donnie sighed. He had to admit that he liked Mikey. He was a good friend and had a habit of becoming a lovable klutz around Donnie. It was as if he lived only to see Donnie smiling. He didn't really understand why he cared so much for him but Donnie appreciated him. He might have even grown to love him.

It was a shame that his death would make Leo happy.

Currently, the servant of evil was on the outskirts of town, staring intently at the young turtle that was practicing with his sword. The turtle had an orange bandana that almost gave away his baby blue eyes. He also had a dusting of freckles on his face. He was short, being around four feet ten, and had a slight muscular build.


Donnie flinched when the knight finally caught him staring and grinned up at him, waving at him. Mikey was so happy and carefree and full of life. Why did he need to kill him?

Because Leo wishes for his death, a voice whispered. It'll make him so happy and he'll smile innocently. He'll be happy and that's what he deserves.

Is that what will make you happy?

"Hey, Mike," He greeted, trying to ignore that question. Mikey enveloped him in a hug, lifting him up before twirling him, much to Donnie's surprise.

"Mikeeeeeyy!" He yelped.

"Don, guess what I have done!" He laughed as he set the purple banded turtle down, much to Donnie's relief as he was significantly taller than the other.

"And what's that?" Donnie asked, fixing his bandana and smiling weakly at Mikey.

"I've asked the prince for your hand!" Mikey said with so much excitement that it made Donnie freeze. Mikey grabbed Donnie's hands when the tall turtle did not respond, "He said he'll consider it but I heard he says that to everyone before he lets them marry. Isn't that fantastic?"


Donnie never thought about that.

He'd have to fall in love with someone for him to marry and he had yet to do so. He didn't bother with his own feelings because he was too busy thinking about Leo's. Perhaps he would have thought about marrying Mikey

but . . .

the prince had one wish that he needed to fulfill.

"Those are excellent news." Donnie whispered and Mikey hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you think so." The orange banded turtle smiled happily as he laid his head on Donnie's shoulder. Donnie's hands hung limply, unsure of what to do. He could feel the tears building up in his eyes as he grabbed the dagger from his pocket. He wrapped his arms around Mikey and positioned the dagger so he could stab Mikey.

"I love you, Donnie."

Donnie felt like something was stuck on his throat. He bit his lip to prevent the tears from falling down because he didn't want to kill Mikey. This was someone who loved him and who he was falling for.

Did he have to kill him?

Leo wishes for his death.

Leo deserves the best.

Leo deserves to be happy and you don't.

"I love you too, Mikey," Donnie whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek, "but my prince, my big brother, wishes for your death and I love him more." He brought down the dagger, stabbing Mikey. The other turtle screamed in pain and Donnie let him go.

Mikey fell to his knees, looking up at Donnie with horror in his eyes, "Big brother? He's your-?" He could see everything being processed on the young knight's face. He must have seen the resemblance between the prince and his loyal servant. The same face, and the same stature except their eyes. "So you are twins . . .?"

"Now, you must keep that secret by taking it to the grave." Donnie whispered, more tears falling, "Sayonara, Michelangelo."


If you're short on money,

That's no fearful thing

Just take it from those who you dangle on a string

To those who feel that they want to bring me down

You'll just tidy up my gown.

Now, bow to me!

Evil flowers; steadily bloom

With an array of colorful doom.

But the weeds that think they can stay

They'll just die and feed me the same anyway.


Leo was walking around the garden when he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned around, and gasped in surprise when he saw it was Donnie. His twin brother, however, had blood on his face and on his hands, making him look terrifying.

Donnie looked at Leo sheepishly, "I'm sorry; I scared you."

"Did you kill him?" Leo whispered, wondering if Donnie had done so. It wouldn't be the first person that Donnie killed for his sake – that noble man that was close to find out the truth of the twins had been the first Donnie had gotten rid of – but Donnie had liked Mikey.

Donnie smiled, "Yeah. Sorry I was gone for a long time."

Leo sighed and walked to his brother, grabbing his bloodied hands that were a sharp contrast to the white gloves Leo was wearing, "Thank you, Donnie." He smiled at his little brother, feeling guilt yet joy.

Would siblings ask their older siblings to kill those that threatened to take them away? Or was he just being selfish?

Impossible, Leo thought to himself. I am the prince. I deserve everything and can't be called selfish. What a silly thought. Besides, at least, Donnie won't abandon me.

Donnie squeezed Leo's small hand, "Anything for you, Leo."


We were born into the world carrying other's expectations

And blessed by the sound of the church's bells.

By the adult's own convenient arrangement

Our future was split into two.

Even if the entire world

Should become your enemy

I will always protect you,

So you just be yourself and smile.


"Leo?" Donnie had never seen his older twin act so excited before.

He was pacing in his room with a goofy smile on his face, jumping up and down slightly. He wasn't even paying attention to the canvas he had been told to paint by his art professor.

"Yes?" Leo said, smiling while clasping the paint brush on his right hand, "What is it, Don?" Leo started to hum and now Donnie thought back, wondering what had caused his brother to be excited. Besides Mikey's death almost four months ago, the only thing that had caused a smile to blossom on Leo's face was . . .

The ball three weeks ago.

"Are you still thinking about that prince from the neighboring kingdom?" Donnie asked and Leo burst out laughing, looking so happy that it made Donnie smile too.

Leo hugged his brother, careful to not hit him with the paintbrush he still held, "Raphael, Donnie. Prince Raphael! My minister was right as usual; he is such a great prince! Not to mention that he's handsome!" Leo released his hold on his twin and sat down on the carpet, looking to the window with a wistful smile, "I made him a marriage proposal."

"You did?" Donnie sounded surprised, "I didn't think you'd be that serious about him." He sat down next to his brother, who looked like he was glowing in his happiness.

"I am. I sent him a letter, a week ago," Leo stated, "so it should come in today." He waved his hands around, Donnie trying to shield himself from the paintbrush once again. Leo smiled sheepishly at him before letting go of the art utensil.

There was a knock on the door and Leo got to his feet, opening it immediately. Donnie recognized the maid and Leo did too as he glared at her. The maid – a woman of nineteen with straight red hair and baby blue eyes – stiffened at the glare of the ruler of the Hamato Kingdom before she bowed, "A letter from Prince Raphael, my prince."

Leo took it, "Get out of my face, April, before I have Donnie kill you."

April bowed once again before running off. Donnie sighed, remembering a time when Leo had adored April. The maid had been on Leo's good graces years ago but she had fallen out of his favor when he learned that she had known where Donnie had been but hadn't told him. Thus far, she was the only living person that knew that the son of evil and his loyal servant were twins and she had sworn to keep the secret unless she wished for death.

Leo opened the letter, a faint smile returning to his face. He read through the letter quickly, mouthing the words before he froze, all his joy disappearing. He dropped the letter and Donnie stood immediately when he could see Leo's shoulders shaking.

"What happened?" Donnie asked, standing in front of his trembling brother. He paused when he saw Leo was crying and hugged him, "Shh, it's okay. Don't cry, Leo. It's okay. . ."

"No, it isn't." Leo mumbled, burying his face on his twin's chest plastron while sobbing, "Don . . . he rejected me so coldly. He said he loves someone else. . ."

Donnie had no idea how to comfort his nii-chan. Leo had gotten everything growing up so this must hurt. The one thing that he truly wanted in life was a person that was forever out of his reach.


The prince had a love for a man

Of red who wasn't very much his fan.

But instead, he chose his neighbor's girl

Of blue who's eyes shone like a pearl.


Donatello walked the streets of the neighboring kingdom with a hat over his head. The small country of Oroku that he was in was nothing compared to the Hamato Kingdom but he was quite impressed by the number of mutants in the area. He was observing the small square when his hat flew away.

"Oh no!" He yelled, trying to reach for his hat but was unable to grab it as his other hand contained a bag with all of the things he had bought for Leo. At that moment, however, someone caught his hat.

The one that had caught it was a young salamandrian with blue skin and gray eyes who was wearing a maid's outfit.

Donnie rushed to the young alien, "Thank you so much!" The hat wasn't anything special, really, but it had been the only present he had received when he was with Mikey in a district. As such, it held a special place in his heart so, no matter how many times Leo asked him to throw it away, Donnie kept it.

The young salamandrian chuckled at him as he put on his hat, "It must mean a lot to you if you almost dropped your stuff to get it," She tipped his hat forward and smiled, "My name is Mona Lisa. What's yours?"

Donnie flushed a bit when she had directed her smile at him, "It's Donatello or Donnie for short. Donatello of the Hamato Kingdom."

"You're from the Hamato Kingdom?" She asked and the two began to walk towards the fountain in the square. She giggled, "Who would have thought such a good-looking young mutant such as yourself lived in the Hamato Kingdom? I can't believe it." She turned serious before looking him up and down, "You seem to be pretty healthy, despite the famine over there."

"Oh, I live and work in the castle as the prince's servant so he makes sure I am healthy." Donnie replied, carefully omitting that no other servant was as healthy as he was. The only reason why he was properly fed was because he was the prince's right-hand and his twin brother.

"And how is he like? The prince of the Hamato Kingdom?" Mona Lisa asked, leaning closer to Donnie and causing him to blush slightly once more while his heart began to beat a bit faster.

What was wrong with him?

"He's great." Donnie immediately answered, "Prince Leonardo has done his best for the country, even at his young age."

Mona hummed, "Guess you're right about that."


Mona Lisa stood up and waved, "It seems my companion for the evening has arrived." She looked back at Donnie with a gentle smile, "See you around, Donatello." She ran off and Donnie held a hand over his chest.

This felt like the beginning of an attraction.

But that couldn't be, right?

Love at first sight did not exist like in fairy tales, right?

Donnie looked up and froze at what he saw.

Prince Raphael and Mona  were walking together, holding hands while Mona grinned up at Raphael happily.


When I went out to our neighboring nation

I saw a girl of blue in a town.

Because of her gentle voice and tender smile

I fell in love with her at first sight.


Leo refused to leave his room, staring at Raph's letter with sorrow.

He could feel Donnie standing on the wall of his bedroom, as if he expected him to come out of his room.

Not a chance.

Not when he felt as if the whole world had changed just so he couldn't get together with the one he cared for.

Leo clenched his fists, glaring at the paper.

"My heart has been taken by a blue salamandrian of the Oroku Kingdom."

Leo hated her without even knowing her and he could feel angry tears welling on his eyes.

He looked down, trembling with sadness and anger. He heard a knock on the door and Donnie answered it.

"My liege, are you ill?"

It was Chris Bradford, his minister and the one who had brought Donatello back to him after the death of his parents, and Leo lifted his head to see him. Donnie whispered something to Chris before his faithful and powerful minister sat down next to him.

"Leonardo, is there something you need?" He asked.

"My heart has been taken by a blue salamandrian of the Oroku Kingdom."

Leo nodded, his anger resurfacing, "Yes."

"And what is that?" Chris whispered, even though they both knew that Donnie would not tell anyone of their plans or of Leo's wishes. After all, Leo only trusted Bradford and Donatello.

In a soft voice to not be heard by anyone but Chris, Leo stated, "Make sure the Oroku Kingdom is badly stirred."

Chris nodded, already understanding his wishes. He bowed and asked, "Is there another order you wish to give to me?"

Leo nodded and his eyes lit up cruelly while a single tear ran down his eyes, "Find every blue salamandrian in the Oroku Kingdom and kill them."


The prince knew this and was filled with rage.

He called the minister locked in his cage

And said in a soft voice to not be heard.

"Make sure the neighboring country is badly stirred."

Houses of the people were burned to the ground

So many voices would no longer make a sound.

The people who had suffered so much pain

Didn't get pity from the one who'd slain.

"Oh, it's tea time."

Evil flowers; Steadily bloom.

With an array of bloodied doom.

Even though the flower is so very refined

The thorns had driven it's garden to decline.


War was waged between the countries of the Hamato and Oroku. As Leo had ordered, all the soldiers that encountered a blue salamandrian, murdered them without remorse. Donnie was inside the chaos, knowing exactly what he had to do.

He moved some branches around and encountered Mona sitting down by a well, covering her ears as people screamed while the massacre in her city happened. Donnie raised his hood to cover his face before showing himself.

"Who-?" Mona stopped, eyes widening, "Donatello?"

"For the sake of the prince of the Hamato Kingdom," Donnie said in a monotone, ignoring the pain in his chest for doing this, "I must erase you from existence."

Mona Lisa smiled at Donnie and stood up, approaching him with forlorn eyes, "I knew they were after me. I just didn't know that they'd send you." She spread her arms and closed her eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek, "If my death ends this war, then do it."

It was just like with Mikey.

Donnie rushed forward, taking out a golden dagger as he did so before plunging it to Mona's chest. He trembled as he dug the blade deeper into her heart, tears falling down his eyes without stopping. He felt Mona hug him for a moment before her arms went limp.

Before she fell, Donnie grabbed her body from her waist and gently placed her on the ground where her body was supported by the well.

"I'm sorry."


However if the prince wishes

That girl to be erased from the world.

I shall answer that wish.

But why? My tears won't stop falling.


Leo munched on a brioche while waiting for Donnie to come back. He heard footsteps approaching and he smiled when he saw that it was his twin brother.

He stood up and launched himself at him, Donnie yelling as they both fell.

"I've been waiting for you for ages." Leo whispered, burying his face on Donnie's chest. He paused, smelling the familiar stench of blood. He felt Donnie stiffen and he looked up at him, "Did you-?"

"If you need to have a wish fulfilled, you know that I'll do everything to make it come true, right?"


You're the prince and I'm your servant

We're a maniacal pair of twins separated by our fate.

"Today's snack will be brioche."

You happily smile, an innocent smile.


Raph had been horrified when he had heard that  the Oroku Kingdom had been attacked by the Hamato Kingdom and had been anguished when they reported Mona Lisa to be among those that had been killed.

He had been so hurt that he had not known what to do.

Until he heard that the people of the Hamato Kingdom were rioting against their prince.

He had traveled to the Hamato Kingdom to become part of the revolution and had met the person that was leading the people: Karai.

Karai, or the black kunoichi as the people called her, was the daughter of a duchess that had been close to the former rulers of the Hamato Kingdom. She was strong noble with a love for justice.

She had even helped Leo adjust to his role as the prince (as Leo did not want to be known as a king) until her mysterious death. Karai, however, learned that her death had been caused by none other than Prince Leonardo and had withdrawn herself from the nobles since, plotting her revenge.

"Are you ready to storm the castle?"

Raphael put on his red bandana and unsheathed his sais. Ever since she had heard what had happened to him with Mona's death and showing her his prowess, he had joined the ranks within the revolution.

It was time to dethrone the son of evil.

"Of course I am."


To defeat the prince was no easy task

But the people could no longer wear their mask.

Like a flock of birds they were led by

A black lady mercenary into the nigh.


Raphael and Karai, along with some of their strongest warriors stormed the castle, the weakened knights not standing a chance against them.

It seemed that the war with the Oroku Kingdom had tired them out greatly.

They could hear servants screaming as they ran away, the people surrounding the court terrifying them.

The rioters allowed all the servants to run, as they were only interested in taking down the son of evil, not the innocents that worked for him.

"Where the hell would he be?" Raph asked, fighting with a knight before disarming him and hitting him on the head with the hilt of his sword, "This castle is too big; he could be anywhere!"

"He's in the sitting room!" Karai yelled as she ran.

Raph followed her, "And how would you know that?"

Karai smirked at him, "It's tea time."


All the anger that had built up over the years

Now consumed them without any fears.

But the army was battered from the Oroku war.

Their attacks were not much of a chore.


The two entered the sitting room, Raph's eyes hardening when he couldn't find Leo. He was about to say something when Karai nodded her head in the direction of the balcony and, when he looked that way, he saw the back of the cursed son of evil.

Leo wasn't looking at them. Instead, he was gazing at the city, his hands gripping the railing. He seemed oddly quiet and peaceful, Raphael thought as they approached him. Karai pointed her sword at him, "You've been defeated, Prince Leonardo of the Hamato Kingdom."

"Have I?" He asked, not turning around. He chuckled, one of his hands coming up to cover his mouth, "I think you've lost more people than I have. So who is really the winner?"

"You've officially been dethroned." Raphael stated, ignoring the need to cut off the prince's head at that moment, "Now, you will face justice, son of evil."

Leo turned around, his eyes glinting while he smirked cruelly, "You're such a disrespectful man."


Once they fell the countrymen surrounded the court.

The servants ran away as time was short.

Little man prince would not pose a fight.

And he was finally captured in the night.

"You're such a disrespectful man!"

Evil flowers; steadily bloom

With an array of funest doom

How the paradise that he made for himself

Put this broken doll right back on the wooden shelf.


The people of The Hamato Kingdom were happy, for once, Karai noticed as they walked to the local jail, dragging Leo with them.

People yelled curses at the son of evil, sometimes throwing him things.

Some people attempted to punch or kick him but Raph did not allow them, as he wanted Leo to be fine by the time his execution arrived.

Despite all the curses launched at him, Leo walked regally, his head held high and his eyes closed.

He continued to look like the prince he was, despite the trash he had on his clothes.

They reached the jail and they led Leo to one of the cells, locking him in.

He sat down on the bed, ignoring them all. Raphael's fists were clenched as he and Karai were left alone with the dethroned monarch of the kingdom. He grabbed one of the bars, "Do you regret anything? Do you feel remorse for your deeds?"

"I feel nothing." Leo stated, opening his eyes and immediately turned his head so he could look at the barred window, "And don't attempt to interrogate me. I will say nothing."

"Where is your servant?" Karai asked, frowning, "Your loyal shadow that killed my mother."

"He's gone. I told him to leave my side so he can live." He replied and Karai noticed that his eyes were gentle when he talked about his loyal servant.

He looked down, "At least he'll live."


He was to be punished at three o'clock

When the church bells resounded a tock.

The person who was once royalty

Was bored in jail with no loyalty.


The next day, everyone gathered on the square, where a guillotine was placed.

A group of guards brought Leo forward and the crowd cheered loudly, knowing that their cruel monarch was about to meet his end.

"Down with the son of evil!" They yelled as Leo was properly placed in the guillotine, his eyes closed. Karai looked around the crowd and gave a start when she noticed, among the crowd, a person that was wearing a familiar looking black cloak, the hood obscuring the person's face from view.

"The servant of evil," She whispered, too low for Raphael to hear her.

The crowd was yelling loudly, jostling the hooded turtle, who was trying to make his way to the front of the crowd.

"Any last words?" Raphael asked Leo, who looked up. His eyes widened when he spotted his loyal servant among the crowd.

He smiled softly in a way Karai had never seen him do before he closed his brown eyes.

"Oh, it's tea time."

And then the blade of the guillotine fell.


At the time that eventually came

The church bells to him sounded rather lame.

Without looking to the faces of the crowd

Said he with eyes in a shroud.

"Oh, it's tea time."

Evil flowers; steadily bloom

With an array of colorful doom.

Now the people speak of him without a second thought

That son of evil had received what he sought.


Karai saw people dispersing while the guards removed Leo's decapitated body from view.

After a while, only Leo's loyal servant remained, trembling and probably crying.

She gave out a small sigh, realizing that, perhaps, only one person would mourn the death of Prince Leo.

She got down from the stand and stood in front of the servant of evil, who was sobbing softly.

She frowned down at him, "If you truly cared for Leonardo, then why did you not try to stop the execution? You are a skillful assassin; you could've rescued him before he even stood in the stand."

He didn't even react to his words. If anything, he sobbed harder, clutching his chest where his heart was.

He refused to look up, as if he was ashamed.

Karai rolled her eyes. This person had killed her mother? She couldn't believe it.

"It's fine. We're twins, after all," He spoke before making eye contact with her, tears rolling down his cheeks, "Nobody will be able to tell the difference."

Karai gasped, backing away.

Standing in front of her was none other than Prince Leo.


Very soon this kingdom will come to an end.

At the hands of the enraged people.

If this is what they call "retribution"

Then let me take upon myself to defy it.


"Leo?" Leo turned around to see Donnie, holding a bundle of clothes.

He didn't get to see anything else before he was rushed out of his room and they began to run to the sitting room.

"Donnie, what are you doing?" Leo called out before they entered the sitting room.

Donnie immediately locked the room, panting hard and looking at him sadly. Leo frowned, "That's not going to stop them, Don. Those people will storm the castle and break every door until they find me."

"And they will. At least, they'll think that they found you."


Donnie held out the bundle of clothes to Leo, "Here, I'll lend you my clothes. Wear them and immediately start escaping."

Leo shook his head and was about to speak before Donnie hugged him, cradling his head on his shoulder. Leo sobbed, hugging Donnie tighter, already knowing what he planned on doing. After all, Donnie had said he'd do whatever it takes to protect him. "No," he whispered, "no . . ."

"It's fine," Donnie said before holding Leo across from him and smiling, wiping away his tears, "We're twins after all. Nobody will be able to tell the difference."

Before Leo could say anything else, Donnie kissed his forehead and began to take his royal robes off, replacing them with Leo's usual attire.

"No!" Leo yelled, struggling against his twin as best as he could.

However, Donnie was always the stronger twin and he could do nothing but stare in anguish as Donnie finished dressing Leo to look like him.

Donnie donned the royal robes and it was like looking in the mirror, except for Donnie's brown eyes.

The servant of evil opened a cabinet and kicked the back of it, revealing a secret passage.

"Go, Leo. They're coming." Donnie said before pushing him in and closing the cabinet door.

Leonardo pounded his fists against the door, screaming at Donatello so he wouldn't do this before falling to his knees and sobbing softly.

Donnie locked the cabinet and unlocked the sitting room door.

He looked around his home and went to the balcony.

If he was honest with himself, he was terrified.

But Leo had to live.

Even if they had escaped together, they would always be chased around and they wouldn't be allowed to live in peace.

That's why, for Leonardo to live peacefully for the rest of his life, the people had to believe that he was dead.

And no one could be a better Leo double than his own twin.

And wasn't it convenient that no one knew that he had a twin?

Donnie wrapped his hands around the balcony railing and smiled weakly, "How ironic. I'm now the prince and you're the fugitive when our roles were reversed once." He chuckled before staring at the city, "Live long, Leo."

The door opened and Donnie closed his eyes, resigning himself to his fate. He heard the two footsteps approach him before he felt the point of a sword close to him.

He didn't turn around when the kunoichi spoke, "You've been defeated, Prince Leonardo of the Hamato Kingdom ."

"Have I?" Donatello asked, not turning around.

He could hear Leo's soft sobs so he chuckled, one of his hands coming up to cover his mouth and spoke in order for them to not hear Leo, "I think you've lost more people than I have. So who is really the winner?"

"You've officially been dethroned. Now, you will face justice, son of evil." Donnie recognized the voice of the man that Leonardo had loved and who, in turn, had loved Mona. He didn't laugh, knowing this was his punishment for killing her.

He turned around, his eyes glinting while he smirked cruelly, "You're such a disrespectful man."


"Here, I'll lend you my clothes.

Wear them and immediately start escaping.

It's fine. We're twins after all.

Nobody will be able to tell the difference."

I'm now the prince and you're the fugitive.

We're a lamentable pair of twins separated by our fate.

If they must call you evil

Then, alas, I am too, for we share the same blood.


After Raphael and Karai left, Donatello was left alone, gazing at the window.

From here, he could see the castle and the night sky. He smiled peacefully, a tear rolling down his cheek.

By now, Leo was probably far away from this place. Donnie closed his eyes, wiping away the tear that had rolled down.

He shouldn't cry.

Not when he had decided to trade places with Leo so he could die.

Still, the reality that he would die rocked his world.

A rose petal floated into the cell and landed on Donnie's hand. He opened his eyes, recognizing it. This was a rose from Leo's garden.

The knowledge of that made more tears fall.

I would've followed you to the end of time, nii-chan.


Once upon a time,

There was a savage and ruthless kingdom.

And the one sitting at the top

Was my very cute sibling.


The bells were ringing loudly as Donatello was led to the guillotine. Leonardo pushed people around, wanting so see him one last time.

It was his fault that Donnie was going to die and he knew that. Still, he wanted to see his little brother again.

"Otouto, I'm coming." He whispered, squeezing himself two people and making sure his hood did not fall off.

The crowd was worse than the last time that they had seen Donnie.

At least, this time, they weren't throwing him anything.

They were just waiting for his death.

Donatello positioned himself in the guillotine, ignoring the shouts.

To him, those voices did not matter.

He'd take every stone, filth and curse that was thrown at him.

For Leo's sake, he had suffered more than this.

"Any last words?" Leo could hear Raph say as he pushed a man so he was finally within Donnie's sight.

He could see his twin's eyes widen in shock, wondering why he wasn't here.

A small tear ran down Leo's cheek before he smiled at Donnie, as if to reassure him.

When he saw Leo smile, Donnie felt he was okay with dying.

As long as Leo lived and was happy, he was going to be fine.

He smiled softly at Leo before he closed his brown eyes before uttering Leo's favorite phrase:

"Oh, it's tea time."

And then the blade of the guillotine fell, severing the link between the tragic twins.


Even if the entire world (Finally, the time has come)

Should become your enemy (as the bell's sound signals the end)

I will always protect you (Not even bothering to look at the crowd)

So you just be happy somewhere else (You utter my favorite phrase)


"A twin, huh." Karai muttered before turning away from Leo.

The prince hadn't even paid her any attention, his gaze locked on the bloody blade of the guillotine that had killed his brother.

"I hate you. I hate Raph. I hate the people. I hate myself." Leonardo said, trembling with uncontrolled sadness, "Donnie was the only person that cared for me and now he's gone. He left me alone. We were happy!"

Karai began to walk away, making Leo freeze before glaring at her back, "What's wrong with you? Why won't you kill me?"

Karai stopped and looked back at the once prince of the Hamato Kingdom before snorting, "Why kill you when the pain and guilt of you causing the death of your beloved brother hurts more than any blade? Why end your misery?" She turned back to look at him, "Suffer the way the people of the Oroku Kingdom did when you killed their friends and family members. Live everyday with the guilt. The servant of evil died because of you. Never forget that, son of evil."

She walked, leaving Leo alone to ponder over her words. His knees buckled and he screamed as he fell to his knees.

Even from where she stood, Karai could hear all the regret, sorrow and pain in that one scream.

She ignored the need to turn back around and continued walking.

"I'm sorry, Donnie. I'm sorry."


If we could be reborn in our next life,

Then please play with me again.

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