Everyone Loves Casey

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Kayla: Hey! Welcome back my amazing readers! Tonight we got some bad news and we got some good news

Mercedes: What's the bad news?

Kayla: The bad news is that Leo and Bella won't be joining us for this chapter

Anju: Why not?

Raph: Their on their first date

Alyssa: Awe how romantic

Casey: How gross

Abbie: Shut up Casey!

Kayla: Are you guys done?

Sabrin: Probably not

Kayla: *sighs* And the rest of the bad news is Donnie. We're having trouble getting him outta of his room

Emily: No thanks to Jones

Casey: Is he seriously still mopping about that?

Anju: Wouldn't you?

Mikey: Yea dude you kissed the love of his life

Raph: You were the one who told him shell for brains!

Kayla: *get in the middle of the room* I'm sorry am I interrupting something? No? Good, because I would like to finish what I was saying!

Everyone but me and Casey: Sorry

Kayla: Okay then. The good news is we have new players to replace them

Mikey: Whoo! New friends! *high fives Mercedes*

Sabrin: Who are they?

Kayla: Um about that-

???: Hey sis!

Everyone turns to the enterence and sees two girls

Sabrin: Siham!?

All the boy's jaws drop and their faces turn red

???: How's it going?

Siham: Hey Kayla and Sabrin! *waves*

Kayla: Hi Siham and Nova!

Casey: W-who are they?

Kayla: *points to the girl with red hair* This is Nova my-

Raph: Wattpad friend?

Nova: Pretty much

Casey: And who's the other cutie? *smirks*

Siham: *giggles*


Casey: Your point?

Alyassa: This is going to be interesting

FROM: @Lila-Hamato

DARE: I dare Casey to go to a pool full of rats! If he doesn't he can get a kick in the face by anyone who wants to! Oh and 1 whole pizza for everyone! EXEPT CASEY!

Nova: There's a Casey fan right there

Mikey and Mercedes: WHOO PIZZA!!!

Casey: Yeesh what did I ever do to that chick?

Siham: Probably for killing Donnie

Casey: *sigh* Really? C'mon people it was just ONE kiss!

Nova: And this is just ONE! *bashes Casey's head ino the ground with her foot*

Everyone: BWAHAHAHA!!!

Casey: *groan* What was that for!?

Nova: *shrugs* You didn't do the dare

FROM: @darkangel574

DARE: I dare Casey to be quiet for a whole chapter or Donnie will get to beat the shell out of him

Raph: *chuckle* Everyone loves Casey today

Abbie: Ya got that right


Nova: *pounds him again*

Casey: *moans*

Anju: It was suppose to be Donnie to beat the shell outta him

Siham: Aw poor Casey

Emily: Yea, we're all dying on the inside

Casey: C-can you please e-end the chapter?

Sabrin: *stomps on Casey's chest*

Siham: SABRIN!!!

Sabrin: What? I can't be the only one who finds that funny

Kayla: *chuckle* How much I agree with you but we do need to end this part. So there you have it folks. We got Nova and Siham! *claps* Anyway we'll try to get Donnie out for the next round. See ya next chapter! ;)

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