Prince Leonardo The First

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Kayla: Hey! Guess who's back?

Casey: Elvis?

Kayla: *groan* Tell me why I agreed to let you join us?

Raph You didn't 

Kayla: Oh yea. Anyway, I'm guessing you guys already met our two new players last chapter. Let's please welcome @tmnt-fan15 and @alyssaolaf123 A.K.A Anju and Alyssa

Anju: Hey!

Alyssa: Yo! *peace sign*

Emily: Ready for some dares?

FROM: @ArtsyAlly101

DARE: I dare Leonardo to ask Bella out in a Prince Charming impression, if he doesn't he'll have to raid Master Splinter's closet and put on his clothes, and can't take them off until Splinter sees him

Mikey, Mercedes, and Alyssa: BAWHAHAHA!

Leo: -_- It's really not that funny

Anju: *snicker* It kinda is

Mikey: Yea, can you imagine Leo wearing one of Sensai's robs? 

Everyone expect Leo and Kayla: BAWHAHAHAHA!

Kayla: *trying so hard not to laugh* *snicker* That's not funny

Leo: *glares* Then why are you laughing?

Kayla: *snickers* I-I'm not 

Raph: Riiiight 

Sabrin: Hey Bella and Donnie! Come out here please!

Bella and Donnie come out from the lab

Bella: What's up?

Donnie: Do let me guess, it's another dare, right?

Abbie: Your too smart for us, Don *rolls eyes*

Casey: *nudges Leo*

Leo: *blushes* Um Bella, c-can I talk to you for a second?

Bella: Sure

Everyone gathers around the two, to hear the conversation

Leo: *sighs* ALONE!!!

Abbie: Right, like we're missing this 

Bella: *sighs and takes Leo into the dojo*

Mikey: Aw I wanted to see Leo act like Prince Charming *pouts*

Mercedes: We still can. C'mon!

Everyone but me and Donnie leave and stand in front of the dojo door

Donnie: What's going on?

Kayla: Romance Donnie. Romance


Anju: Shhh! We can't hear them

In The Dojo....

Bella: You needed to talk to me?

Leo: Y-yea

Bella: Listen if it was about that kiss-

Leo: Nononono! It's not about that! It's

Bella: Um...?

Leo: *sighs and bows* Dear princess, your eyes are as beautiful as the rose it's self

Bella: Uh thanks? Leo, what are you doing?

Leo: *gets on one knee and holds her hand* My lovely princess shall we ride off into the sunlight on my noble steed?

Bella: Huh?

Leo: *sighs and blushes* Will you go out with me?

Bella: *blushes, but smiles* Y-yes. Yes I will Leonardo! *jumps into his arms*

Leo: *smiles and hugs her*

Bella: You know you couldv'e just asked. And not acted like William Shakespeare

Leo: I was trying to act like Prince Charming

Bella: *giggle* I think you need more practice

Mikey: *whispers to Casey* Yea he really does

FROM: @Leobear16

DARE: I dare Mikey to kiss Mercedes

Mercedes: *blushes*

Donnie: No! Don't corrupt Mikey's head with that stuff!

Emily: Dude, it's just a kiss

Abbie: Yea, Mikey's not going to be a little kid forever ya know

Leo: We know but he's still too...young

Mikey: I am not!

Raph: Yes you are!

Mikey: *crosses arms* I can kiss whenever I want!

Kayla: 0.0 that sounded very weird

Anju: Your telling me

Donnie: Mikey, do you even know what kissing is?

Mikey: Yes!

Mikey goes over to Mercedes, twrils her around and dips her into a kiss

Everyone but Mikey and Mercedes: O.O

Mercedes: *blushes* Wow...

Mikey: I told ya!

Raph: Where did you learn that?

Mikey: I saw Casey do that to April

Donnie: WHAT!?

Bella: Well, that's one way to find out...

Leo: You tought our little brother to kiss!?

Casey: No! Mikey, you were spying on me and April!?

Mikey: Was that a bad thing?

Donnie: *runs into his lab and slmas the door*

Alyssa: Wow...

Abbie: You did it now, Jones!

Casey: Whatever *crosses arms* he'll get over it

FROM: tmnt-fan15

DARE: I dare Raph to say who is prettier, Anju or Abbie?

Raph: *glares and Anju* Isn't that YOUR username?

Anju: Pffft what? No, of course not...

Emily: Your such a bad liar

Anju: Shut up!

Kayla: What's your answer Raphie boy?

Raph: *blushes* Uh...I-I don't know...they're both...pretty attractive...I guess

Casey: If your not going to pick I will-

Everone but Casey: NO!

Bella: You already ruined Donnie!

Casey: *puts hands up in surrender* Hey, she liked it!

Kayla: *sighs* Okay I think this is a good place to leave off. Keep daring and leaving truths, and don't forget to include our two new players. See ya next chapter! ;)


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