Playing House #3

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Raph: Husband

Abbie: Wife

Mercedes: child

Alayssa: child

Anju: Raph's ex wife

Raph: Seriously? I have to go again?

Kayla: *shrugs* Not my dare

Alexi: This is going to be good. I can feel it!

Mercedes and Alayssa: *smirk evilly* *jumps on the back of Raph's shell*

Raph: Gah what are you-?!

Mercedes: Daddy have a tea party with us!

Raph: No! Get off of me!

Alayssa: Not until you play with us *crosses arms*

Raph: *groan* Abbie do something!

Abbie: But I also want you to join us for tea

Raph: Are you serious!?

Abbie: *smiles while nodding*

Raph: *sigh* Fine! I'll join your tea party

Mercedes and Alayssa: Yay!

Abbie: *giggle* Alright girls, get off your father and go get everything ready

Mercedes and Alayssa run into the kitchen

Raph: *cracks back* They get the demanding from you

Abbie: *kisses his cheek* And they get the stubbornness from you

Mikey and Larry: *scrunch nose* Gross

Emi: I think it's adorable

Mercedes: Hey dad guess who's here

Raph: *raises eye ridge* Who?

Anju: *walks in* Hey Raphie boy

Abbie: *growls*

Raph: Anju!? What are you doing here!?

Anju: Is it against the law to visit?

Raph: No but-

Anju: *chuckle* The girls invited me to their little tea party

Abbie: *glares* Girls!

Alayssa: It was Mercedes idea!

Mercedes: Was not!

Raph: *groan* It doesn't matter! Girls go get the stuff. And I hate this book so much

Olivia: We heard that

Raph: *rolls eyes* I'm going to help the girls *leaves*

Anju: *smirks* So Abbie...what have you and Raph been up to lately?

Abbie: *crosses arms* What's it to ya?

Anju: Just curious that's all

Abbie: Yea...sure *rolls eyes*

Anju: I'm sorry did I hear some sarcasm?

Abbie: Well you certainly didn't hear rainbows or unicorns

Genesis: I-

Bella: Don't even think about it Genesis

Leo: I think we're about to see a cat fight go down guys

Casey: Sweet

Anju: *rolls eyes* I don't think I like your attitude

Abbie: Well that's all your gonna get!

Mikey and Casey: Ooooh!

Siham: *face palm*

Sabrin: So mature

Anju: The gloves are coming off now princess! *tackles Abbie*

Donnie: Uh...should we-"

Nova: Nah they're just acting

Anju: Ow watch the hair!

Nova: least I think they are

Emily: Alright break it up!

Siham and Olivia separate the fight

Raph: *runs out* What the shell happened!?

Larry: You wife and ex into a fight

Casey: And it was such fun entertainment

Abbie: *hits Anju's arm*

Anju: Ow! What was that for!?

Abbie: We. Were. Suppose to. ACT! Not actually kill ourselves

Anju: I know...I was kinda in the moment...

Genesis: Ya think

Donnie: *rubs temples while groaning* We're all going to die

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