I think his name is Baxter Stockman

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In the lair Splinter is meditating in the dojo in total silence being one with the universe

Mikey: Guys, guys, get in your spot!

Splinter shot his eyes open, turning his head and glaring at the direction where the noise was coming from

Raph: All right, Mikey, but this is the last time!

Donnie: But don't flip me this time.

Leo: I ate too much cheese.

In the living room of the lair is a giant mess of pizza crust, pizza boxes, and soda cans. Leo, Raph, and Donnie we're lying on the ground in front of a giant ramp and Mikey was on top of the ramp with his skateboard while Y/n was at the side of the ramp moving it in the direction Mikey tells him to, though he's getting annoyed from him making move to many times

Mikey: Ok Y/n, move it a little bit to the left. (Y/n moves the ramp) No, too much, a little bit to the right. (Y/n moves the ramp with an annoyed face) Nope, It's still not right, move it a little to the right. (Y/n moves the ramp but with an angry face this time) ...You know what, we'll move it next to the tire swing.

Y/n: (with a tick mark) MIKEY!!!

Mikey: (scared) Ok, it's fine like this. (he lifts his skateboard with his foot and narrates himself) And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!

Raph: I can't believe he talked us into this.

Mikey: (he goes down the ramp) Ya! Booyakasha!

Splinter: What is going on in here?!

Leo: (he, Raph and Donnie got up) Sensei!

They turned to see Mikey screaming at them as they screamed as well, as Mikey was coming in fast and crash into the three and the four now lying on the floor groaning in pain

Splinter: How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?

Mikey: None, sensei.

Splinter: I shouldn't have to tell you!

The four got up and Y/n walked right next to Donnie

Leo: You're right, sensei. We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. (the five had their heads down then he opened his right eye to look at Splinter) Eh, some.

Splinter: (he walks towards Leo while he strokes his beard and lean close to his face as Leo backed up a little) And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?

Leo looked at the four expecting to get help but didn't as Raph pulled a comic and reads its, Mikey puts his finger on his chin and looking away from Leo, having a thinking look face, Donnie looked up while whistling, and Y/n grabbed a pizza and eats it while avoiding eye contact, then Leo looked back at Splinter while rubbing his neck

Leo: Well uh, we--we should... clean up our mess? (Splinter crossed his arms glaring at them) And then... think about what we did.

DM: Yeah.

Raph: Sound about right.

Y/n: Seems a good punishment.

Mikey: We were wrong.

Raph: Wouldn't want to do too much.

Mikey: No worries.

Splinter: What about being grounded for a week?

Leo: (YRDM gave a worried look for wishing not having that punishment) Oh, I'm not sure that's-

Mikey: I'm cool with the thinking.

Donnie: Really, that's not necessary.

Y/n: The cleaning and thinking is more than enough.

Raph: Maybe next time.

Splinter: You're grounded for a week! And that includes you as well Y/n!

Y/n (the five groan and slouches down) Yes, sensei (not even going to try talk out of this as he doesn't want to face the wrath of Splinter)

The ramp behind them falls down and makes a loud crash sound, starling them making them stand up straight


In the living room of the lair now cleaned, Y/n was lying on the floor like a dog daydreaming, Leo and Mikey we're sitting on the couch, Leo leaning on his hand with a bored look and Mikey lying back and reading his comic, and Raph walking back and forth groaning

Raph: Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!

Donnie: (comes out running from his lab) Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?

Raph: This is how bored I am. Yes, Donnie. I do

Donnie: Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?


Donnie: Well I found an incredibly advanced A.I. Microchip, made from-- (chuckles) get this! Self-assembled chain-Linked copolymers!

Mikey: That's my favorite kind of copolymer! (he goes back to reading his comic)

Donnie: Mine too! And I used it to make this.

(Enjoy seeing this face in your nightmares)

The most advanced music player in the world.

YLRM: (they gathered around the device) Whoa.

Donnie: So who wants to try it?

Mikey: I do! toss me the Tpod

Donnie: The Tpod?

Mikey: Turtle. Pod. Tpod. (chuckles) I am so good at naming stuff.

Donnie hands over the Tpod to Mikey who puts the earphones in his ears and Y/n, Leo, and Raph moved closer to Donnie and looking at Mikey

Raph: You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain?

Donnie: It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?

Mikey slowly moves the Tpod closer to his face with his finger up ready to press the play button, he press the button and music starts to play but Mikey stared to scream

Donnie (worried) What?! What's wrong?!

Mikey: It's polka! (falls on his knees) Make it stop! Make it stop! (Donnie walks up to Mikey and presses the button to change the music and walks away with a sad look on his face from Mikey ruining his genius moment) Thanks.

The music changed to hip hop and Mikey was enjoying it as he started dancing


(0:13-0:29) I couldn't find the original, but this one is better

Leo: Where are you going? We're grounded.

Leo follows Raph but Y/n and Donnie continued to look at Mikey dancing

Raph: I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts! (he kicks up his skateboard making spin fast in the air and catches it) Let's find a skate spot!

Mikey: Skate Spot?! I'm totally in! (he continues to dance to the music)

Leo: But what's Splinter gonna say?

Raph: (imitating Splinter) "I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep."

Leo: Heh. Real mature. But I'm your leader. and as your leader, I say nobody's going.

Raph: Well as your followers, (Y/n, Donnie, and Mikey walk next to Raph and stand in front of Leo) We're going anyway.

Leo: Well as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you. Away from...bad stuff.

Mikey started to scream again and the four gathered around him

Leo: what's wrong?

Mikey: It's back to polka! We've got to get some more tunes on this!


(YLRD) we're running on rooftops with their skateboards on they're backs while Mikey was riding on his skateboard doing trick and listening to rock music from the Tpod

Mikey: Hey, Donnie! Thanks for all the new songs!

Donnie: Wait, what new songs?

Leo: (whispers) keep it down, you guys!

Donnie jumps backwards and land on Mikey's shoulders while being upside down looking at the Tpod

Donnie: What the...? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second!

Raph: (landing next to Mikey's right side) So?

Donnie: So I didn't program that.

Y/n: (landing in front of the three while running backwards) Then how is doing that?

Donnie: (jumped off Mikey's shoulder and landing next to Mikey's left side) It's reconfiguring somehow. (gasps) It's that chip!

Mikey: (the three move forward faster than him) Whatever it is, (he boosted himself to go faster and uses the skylight to launch himself in the air) It's awesome!

Leo: Guys! (he looks up the building next to him where the four were) We're ninjas, remember? We move swiftly and-- Here's the important part-- (whispers) silently.

Leo then falls of the edge of the building from not looking where he was going and the four stop on the edge of the building on they're on and seeing Leo falling and about to land on top of a greenhouse, Leo broke through the roof of the greenhouse and landed on a tables while failing around and moving forward,

Leo: Beehive!

Leo crashes to the beehive fast as he broke through the exit and he falls of the building with the beehive with him as falling down on the fire escape hurting self down the stairs and pushing himself off the rails, he makes it to the bottom only to land on a bunch of garbage and groans in pain, the four looked down on Leo.

Raph: That wasn't very silent, Leo.

The return of the Timeskip-- With a Vengeance

The five landed on a roof as they arrive in an area with a bunch of railings for them to skate on

Raph: Check that out

Mikey: Let's grind it

The five we're about to head down until Donnie heard heavy foot steps

Donnie: Who the heck is that guy?

The five look down in the streets and see a guy wearing robotic part

Raph: I don't know. But he needs a beat down.

Leo: Hold on, Raph, we don't know that he's gonna do anything wrong. He--He could be on his way to... Church.

Raph: wearing powered battle armor? What kind of church is that?

Mikey: A really awesome one.

Leo facepalm and Raph lowered his head down over Mikey being himself

Leo: Look, It's my call. I decide who gets a beat down.

The man in the suit walk to an alley and stop in front of a storage door and bring up his wrist towards the lock and uses his blowtorch to burn the lock

Leo: That guy needs a beat down.

The five jump down the building, The man continued to use his blowtorch on the lock but it stopped working

???: Are you kidding me? (he hits the torch a few times) Awww, come on...

He looks back at the storage door and kicks it to open but doesn't work, then he tried to lift it open managing to bend the bottom up but still remains unopened. The five landed behind him with him knowing

Donnie: (whispers) It's just kind of sad.

Mikey: Yeah, I don't know if we should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone

Y/n: Well we should just rough him up just a bit, just so he can learn his lesson

Leo: (he pulls his sword out and does his hero voice) Halt, villian!

The man looked behind him seeing us as Leo was doing a pose and the four we're looking at Leo confused

Raph: Halt, villian? When did we start talking like that?

Leo: We're heroes. That--That's how heroes talk.

Y/n: Dude, you watch too much superhero shows. And we're not even heroes, we're ninjas.

He turn towards them as they know what he looks like now

???: You will feel the fury of my powered Battle-- Holy cow! You guys are turtles! (he looks at Y/n) And your a wolf!

Leo: (hero voices) That's right. We're the turtles of justice!

Raph: Wow. I mean, just--wow.

Y/n: (muttered) I'm glad he didn't make a name for me.

The man charged at the five with a battle cry as (YLDR) charged in as well ready their weapons

Mikey: Wait!

Everyone stopped and looked at Mikey confused

(Imagine Y/n behind Leo)

Mikey takes out his earphones and wraps it around the Tpod and put it back in his belt while he was humming, then he takes out his nunchuck.

Mikey: Okay. Hyah!

Mikey jumps towards the man and swings his nunchuck down on his head and landing on a dumpster, Donnie jumps on the man shoulders and uses his staff to unplug three wires connected to his helmet and jumps off him riding his skateboard away from him, Raph riding his skateboard towards him and jumps with his skateboard and uses his sais to cut the wires connected to the battery on his back, Y/n running towards him on all four legs and quickly snatches the battery off his back and threw it away, Leo riding his skateboard towards the man as he tried to grab Leo, but Leo duck and went threw his legs and uses his swords to cut off pieces of his armor causing him to stumble backwards and elbows on a window as an alarm was triggered. The five freaked out as the alarm was triggered knowing they had to leave quick, they looked at the man as tried to regain his balance, Raph got the four's attention and opens the dumpster as they nodded knowing what to do. The five jumped towards the man and lifted him above them as he was squirming around and they threw him in the dumpster

???: You're not the first to ever throw me in the trash, but I swear you will be the las--

Raph cuts him off by closing the dumpster, the five see the red and blue color and quickly climbed up the building making to the top unspotted and then headed back to the lair.

In the Lair

The five entered in the lair by swimming threw the water under the dojo and quietly gets out as Y/n shakes off the water like a dog

Raph: All right. We made it home!

Leo: Shh! It's 2:00 a.m.

Mikey: And Splinter's still asleep. This is epic.

Leo: It's not epic. It was a really bad idea.

Raph: No, it wasn't. (he frontflips and landed on a beanbag) We got out there and stomped a sleazeball. So what's the problem?

Y/n: The problem is that Splinter would've probably caught us sneaking out.

Raph: But he didn't, so stop worrying.

Mikey turn around and looks through his belt looking for the Tpod but only to know that its gone and he looked at the four worrying that he will get in trouble.

Back in the Alley

The man trying to get out of the dumpster but the lid kept falling on him, he managed to get out of it but land on his belly but see the Tpod in front of him, he grabs it and stands up inspecting it as he found a plug and plugs it in his helmet causing the Tpod to turn the color red and started to upgrade his suit as it stared to light up the entire suit in red as well.

This story is brought to by another Timeskip

In the dojo, Splinter was under the tree watching the five train. Raph was roll up into a ball and was rolling around, Leo was walking all wobbly and he went to handstand as his arms were struggling to hold him

Splinter: Knees higher, Leonardo! (Leo arms gave up and he landed on his head then fell on his back and took a nap, Mikey jumped over Leo and landed on his back) Extend, Michelangelo! ( Mikey used his arms to launch himself away from Leo, Raph still rolling around pasting by Splinter) Raphael, you call that a koho tenkai? Because I do not! ( Y/n and Donnie doing hand to hand combat while being tired as Donnie does a slow punch, Y/n grabs his fist and yawns then he grabs Donnie's arm and launches him as he screams then lands in front of Splinter) Ya-me!(The five we're on one-knee facing towards Splinter) Hmm. Is there something you want to tell me?

Mikey: Something we wanna tell you? (chuckles) Nope.

Splinter: You all seem tired.

The five went wide-eyed see Splinter is getting suspicious and they put a fake smile

Leo: We're not.

Y/n: What makes you think that?

Donnie: Wide awake.

Raph: Fresh as daisies.

The five kept smiling at him until Mikey yawned and fell on his face

Splinter: So you would not object to a little randori.

Splinter pulls out a wooden sword and the five have worry faces

Mikey: (gulps) Well...

Splinter swings the sword at the fives head and they all we're lying on the floor groaning in pain

Splinter: I hope you have learned, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts.

The five were done with their training and were in the living room relaxing, Raph reading his comic book, Y/n playing the pinball machine with Mikey and Donnie watching him, And Leo watch his favorite T.V show Space heroes


(Didn't feel like writing the Space heroes part)

Raph: Seen this enough times there, chief?

Leo: Would you--shh! This is the best part.

The T.V suddenly changed to the news channel

Reporter: We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news.

Leo: Oh!

Reporter: We've received shocking footage of an assault on the TCRI office complex in Brooklyn.

The news showed the man that the five threw in the dumpster but with a different suit and is wrecking the office

???: (robot voice) At last... I will have my revenge!

Employ: Who--who are you?

???: (robot voice) You'll never know. I'm the thing that haunts your nightmares! I'm the nameless shadow who-

Employ: Baxter?

Baxter: (normal voice) No.

Employ: Baxter Stockman?

Baxter: No!

Employ: (he comes out of hide under his desk and smiles then points at Baxter with his thumb) Hey, everybody! It's Baxter Stockman!

The five we're watching the news

Raph: I think his name is Baxter Stockman

Back on the T.V

Boss: Is this because I fired you?

Baxter: (normal voice) That copy machine was already broken when I--I mean... (robot voice) I don't know what you're talking about!

Leo: How did he upgrade his armor so fast?

Y/n: Better question is how did he even upgrade his armor? When we fought him his gear wasn't working right so he can't be that smart to improve his armor like that.

Baxter sees the camera and he destroys it but the camera freezes the T.V showing Baxter chest piece of his armor

Mikey went wide-eyed as YLRD we're shocked to see Baxter Stockman has the Tpod and looked at Mikey angry

Donnie: He has the Tpod?

Mikey: Oh, um... (chuckles) I might of dropped that during the fight.

Donnie: You dropped it during the fight?! Nice going Mikey!

Mikey: It's your fault!

Donnie: How is it my fault?

Mikey: You know I can't be trusted with nice things!

Leo: So the A.I. Chip is upgrading his armor the same way it upgraded the Tpod?

Donnie: And if it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful he'll get.

Leo: This has gone way too far. We have to tell Splinter about this.

Raph: What? That we turned some nutjob into a super villian? Do you know what he'll do to us for that? I mean, he pounded us to the ground just for being sleepy!

Donnie: Look, we beat Stockman once, we can beat him again. We track him down, grab the Tpod, and get here before Splinter knows anything.

Mikey: (on the bean bag and reading his comic book)If my opinion counts for anything, Donnie's right.

Donnie: Hey, thanks, Mikey. But it doesn't

Mikey: Didn't think so.


The five we're able to find the signal the Tpod was giving and track it down to an abandon building and in it was Baxter Stockman, talking to himself

(Just so you know what the full armor body looks like)

Baxter: I'm not Baxter Stockman. I am (robot voice) the Baxman! (normal voice) No, no, I am... (robot voice) I am the Suitinator! (normal voice) Aw, that's terrible! (robot voice) Captain...punch you hard! (normal voice) Gah! Why is this so difficult

Baxter looked down not knowing that the five surrounded him

Mikey: (whispered) I kinda liked "the Suitinator."

Y/n: (whisper) I think the two names are unoriginal, there from a comic book and a movie

Leo, Raph, and Donnie shush Mikey and Y/n but Baxter heard them

Baxter: You guys again?

Leo: All right, Stockman. Nobody wants to hurt you.

Raph: We don't? Did I miss a meeting?

Leo: We just want the Tpod.

Baxter: Give up my source of power? Why? So you can laugh at me again? (robot voice) Throw me in a dumpster?

The five looked at him wide-eyed

Raph: Sounds good to me.

Raph charged at Baxter first and jumped at him readying his sais to attack but Stockman saw it coming and pulled his claw fist back and spins it superfast then punches Raph straight in the gut and making him spin like a propeller and slamming the wall leaving a giant crack on it as he landed on the ground with some wall pieces fall on top of him, The four charged at him from front and back and side to side but Baxter stretches his arms and grabs Mikey and Donnie and slam them both to the wall, Leo charging in front of Baxter as he swing his right arm at him, but Leo dodges his attack and runs on his arm then cuts it off, then Baxter sees Y/n running towards him from the back as he quickly turn to swing his left arm at Y/n only for him grab it and using his claws to cut it off. both of the robot hands landed behind Leo and Y/n but their attacks did nothing as Baxter laugh when the armor makes two hands as if nothing has happened to it, but the hands that the two cut off form a little robot head and crawled towards the two without them knowing and they jump at the two as one landed on Leo's head and the other one landing on Y/n fist, Leo was running around and flailing his arm and screaming "Get it off" over and over, Y/n trying to get to robot claw off fist by pulling it and punching it but was unable to not even leaving a dent as Baxter Stockman has his hands on his hips and was laughing, Raph and Donnie come out of the rubble that we're on them as the robot claw on Leo's head turn and see's the two and fires lasers at them, they dodged it by jumping in the air and landing behind Leo but when two landed and turn towards Leo the robot claw shot it's laser at their weapons

Donnie: Lasers!

The robot claw shocks Leo and Y/n causing them pain and Leo started to run toward Raph and Donnie as the robot claw was shooting at them and they we're running away from him.

Y/n looked at the robot claw on his fist with an angry face and tick mark on his head and the robot claw just beeped and leaking a little oil

Mikey: (pops out of the rubble he was in) Hey Stockman!

Mikey jumps up and bounces off his shell and landing in front of Baxter Stockman doing some nunchuck skills as well does martial arts cries then pulls out a blade on his nunchuck and throw the other end of the nunchuck at Baxter wrapping him in chains and pulls on it making Baxter unable to use his arms but Baxter using his strength manage to pull Mikey up and spins him around by only spinning his top robot body

Raph and Donnie still running away from Leo and the robot claw his head shooting laser at them, but they manage to get behind cover

Raph: What now, genius?

Donnie sees a giant window on the ground and gets an idea, the two grab the window and lifts it over the cover and a laser his the window and goes in different directions, hitting off a pipe, a light, a vent, and the laser hit the robot claw on Leo causing it to split in half Leo turn towards Raph and Donnie with his mask backwards but turn it back around and thanks them, then the three see a busted up robot claw in a form of a ball rolling to their feet see Y/n walking towards them cracking his knuckles. The four hear screaming and turn to see Baxter Stockman spinning Mikey with the chain and started to spin Mikey around as he was a nunchuck while he was making martial arts cries, Leo, Raph, and Donnie grabbed their weapons and charged at Baxter. Baxter swing Mikey and throws him at Raph causing Raph and Mikey knocked back as Y/n managed to catch both of them and Leo cuts off the chain connect to Mikey, Donnie jumps in front of Baxter and his staff pulls out a blade as he swings hit down on Baxter but he grabs the staff and immediately breaks it

Donnie: Hey!

Donnie jumps backwards and tosses away the part of the staff he had as the other four dashed next to Donnie readying their weapon and the five charged at Baxter with a battle cry as Baxter charged at them and screams a battle cry as well

(Y/n is under Leo and has both his claws in front of him)

Their attacks cause a big explosion making the windows glow red light

Baxter:(robot voice) Ha-Ha! Oh yeah! (he burst through the wall while holding the five in a ball shape and walks towards a Dumpster then slams them in it) (evil laugh) Foolish turtles and wolf! Did you really think you could defeat me?

Mikey: (having a bowl on top of his head) Well, yeah.

Baxter: All my life, people have laughed at me. The other kids in school, my co-Workers, the woman who fixes the copy machine! How was I supposed to know you don't pour Toner in the top? But when they behold the power of this suit, they won't be laughing anymore! They'll tremble in terror!


(Y/n is between Raph and Mikey) 

The five we're running away screaming with Baxter Stockman chasing after them with his new upgraded suit

Mikey: The Stockmanpod's right on top of us!

Raph: Stop calling him that! That's a stupid name!

Y/n: Then why not call him the B.S.Pod!

Raph: What?! That's even stupider, what does the B.S. even stand for?

Y/n: Baxter Stockman, duh!

Leo: Split up! He can't follow us all!

Mikey: No way! He's gonna follow me!

Leo: Why would he follow you?!

Mikey: They always follow me!

Leo: Stop being paranoid and just do it!

Y/n, Leo, Raph, and Donnie split of from the street while Mikey kept running straight with Baxter following him

Mikey: Aah! I told you he was gonna follow me!

Mikey was jumping on sides of building to move faster but Baxter was able to keep up with Mikey, then Mikey came across a wall and jumps over it hoping it would stop Baxter but he breaks through it and continues to chase Mikey, They through an alley and Mikey see a pizza delivery guy on his bike with four pizza on the back

Mikey: Pizza? All right!

Mikey jumps towards the pizza and grabs the four without the pizza guy knowing, Mikey landed and faced towards Baxter as he was still running at Mikey

Baxter: I got you now!

Mikey: Oh yeah? Well, I've got... (he threw the pizza's at Baxter) Hot cheese!

The pizza's land on Baxter's face as he almost lost balance the pizza's fell off his face except one piece of pizza and he removes it 

Baxter: Is that the best you've... (he looks around to see that Mikey disappeared from his sight)

In the lair

The five we're sneaking in the dark while whispering to each other saying "stop making noises. Be quiet. Don't tell me to be quiet" but then lights turned on and showing the five that we're a bruised all up

(Y/n is behind Leo and Raph climbing over the turnstiles and has scratches and bruises)

Leo: Aah! Sensei

They see Splinter in a spot light stroking his beard

Splinter: And where have you been?

Raph: Nowhere.

Splinter: How did you get so hurt?

Leo: Oh! (he quickly puts his broken swords behind his back) That! Um, well, we were--Um...

Raph: Hit-- (he covers his left eye)

Y/n: By a--

Mikey: Bus?

Splinter raised his eyebrow at Mikey as he tried to smile at Splinter but some of his teeth fell out his mouth and Splinter raised his eyebrow more after that and YLRD look at Mikey thinking that was stupid to say bus

Donnie: Hit by a bus?

Mikey: Well, what was I supposed to say? Meteor? Cow? Flying building? (the two glared at each other)

Splinter: (he slams his cane down) Enough! (the five standing up straight) Tell me what happened.

In the dojo the five we're sitting on their knees and was explaining to Splinter what happened

Mikey: And then I threw hot cheese in his face and ran away.

Splinter: Very resourceful, Michelangelo. But I'm still highly disappointed in you all. The first rule of being a ninja is "Do no harm." Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm.

Leo: You're right, sensei. I guess we did make a mess of things.

Splinter: So...what do you think would be a fitting punishment?

Leo: ...We need to clean up our mess.

Splinter: Yes. You must stop this...Stockmanpod.

Donnie: But, sensei, that guy's already kicked our butts. And now he's even more powerful. How are we supposed to stop him?

Raph: I know! I'll hit him really hard!

Y/n: Raph that's not going to work, I'm way stronger than you and I know I wouldn't even make a dent on that armor

Splinter: Y/n is right, brute force is not the answer. You will need to rely on your ninja training.

Mikey: Excuse me, sensei, but ninjas never had to go up against guys in armor.

Splinter looked at Mikey while squinting his eyes as Mikey just nervously smiles at him and looks behind Splinter to see the art show ninja fight against samurai's

Mikey: Oh. I mean ninjas always had to go up against guys in armor.

Raph: Nice save.

Leo: Sensei, what was their secret?

Splinter: They understood that you do not fight the armor. You fight the man inside.

YLRD looked at each other as Mikey look at them

Mikey: Why are we all looking at each other?

They looked down from Mikey not knowing the idea


YLRD we're on the waiting for Baxter Stockman

Donnie: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Leo: Like sensei said. Don't fight the armor. Fight the guy inside. And one thing weknow about bad guys, They love chasing Mikey.

Y/n: I'm still wondering why they always go for Mikey

Raph: They probably think he's an easy target.

Mikey: Guys! Stockmanpod's got (lands in front of the four) Missiles!

The four moved out of the way as Mikey ran up a water tower and jumps off it as the missiles blew it up and Mikey uses his nunchuck hang of a wire and Baxter below Mikey without him knowing he's above him and Leo, Raph, and Donnie ran around Baxter with them spinning chains then they threw the chains at Baxter Stockman making unable to move around or use his arms and Mikey comes down from the wire in front of Leo and Y/n landing on top of Baxter's robot head and makes his way to face 

Mikey: Now who's trembling in terror? Whoa!

Baxter breaks of the chain and Y/n lose his balance and falls off Baxter's head landing behind him, Baxter grabs Mikey's face and swings him towards through a building

Donnie: Mikey!

Raph: That's it. Your going down!

The four charged at Baxter with battle cries as Baxter does the same, Donnie uses his staff to lift himself up and kick Baxter a couple of times and knocks him back, Leo swing his swords on Baxter's side and started swinging straight at him causing Baxter to stumble backwards, Raph using his sais to strike at the armors mouth and lifting himself above Baxter Stockman and hitting on the top of his head. Baxter swings his arm above him to strike Raph but he dodges in time landing away from him, Y/n run towards Baxter and stretches his fist to be big and started to punch Baxter really fast causing him move back getting close to the edge of the building but Baxter grabbed Y/n right fist and started to pull him, as Y/n was struggling to pull back then Raph grabs onto Y/n and tries to pull Y/n back but Baxter used all his strength to pull Y/n and Raph close to him then punches both of them away landing on another building

Leo: Raph! Y/n!

Leo and Donnie jumped at Baxter but he grabs both of them and slam them into each other then spins the two around and throws them off the building but Raph and Y/n quickly caught and pulled them back up, but Baxter was now in front of them cornering them

Baxter: Any last words?

Leo: Just one. Bees!

Baxter: Bees?

Mikey: (he is zip lining while holding a bee hive) Beeees!

Mikey lets go of the wire and climbed up on Baxter Stockman then slams the bee hive in his face as the bees were swarming on his face he tries to get the hive out of his face but had trouble reaching it and he was leaving the Tpod exposed

Leo: The Tpod!

Baxter manage to get the hive out but bees was still around his face the five took this chance to take Baxter down so they charged at him, Mikey strikes first with his nunchuck and swings up causing Baxter to move back, Donnie uses the end of his staff and strikes at him as he continued to move back, Leo and Raph striking together as Baxter was getting close to the edge of the building, And Y/n stretches both his arm and double punch Baxter off the building.

The five went to the edge of the building to see Baxter landing on another building but have trouble getting up, Leo jumping off the building and landed on Baxter's armor then points his sword at his face making Baxter think he's going to strike him down but Leo moves his sword down towards the Tpod and stabs it out of the armor suit causing a beam of light. Baxter exits his armor while his face had a bunch of bee stings, he see the rest jumping down off the building and landing behind Leo

Baxter: So...we'll call it a tie?

Leo: Wanna call it a tie, Raph?

Raph: (cracks his fingers) Not yet/ (The five went down an alley and throws Baxter into another dumpster) Now it's a tie. (he closes the dumpster)

The five started to celebrating their victory and headed back to the lair.

In the Dojo

The five we're on their knees and Splinter standing in front of them.

Splinter: You all showed wisdom and great skill in defeating the Stockmanpod. I am proud of you all.

Leo: Does this mean we're not grounded anymore?

Splinter: (strokes his beard and smiles) Yes. (the five smiled at him but he put a serious look) But first...Randori!

Splinter pulls out a wooden sword and the five ran away screaming

(Y/n is above Donnie and has both of his hands on Leo's and Raph's head and you can imagine what funny face Y/n's making)

I think his name is Baxter Stockman Ended

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