New Friend, Old Enemy

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In a dojo, a man with a mask and no sleeve ninja armor was sitting on legs and doing hand sign

as he continued another ninja wearing an all black ninja suit wielding a sword sneaking towards the masked ninja

The ninja goes to strike the mask ninja only to be stop him by catching the sword between his hands, the mask ninja gets up and knocks the ninja away while wielding his sword, then another ninja attacks the mask ninja with a sword only for him to miss and get his swords stuck in the floor. A third ninja jumps on the mask ninja with a dagger, the mask ninja grabs the ninja head and flips him over in front of him and punch him knocking him out, the second ninja unstuck his sword but got immediately got kick hard causing him to spin in the air. The mask ninja throw the ninja's sword and see the three ninja on the ground struggling to move, as the door behind him slides open he turn to see two men and he kneels to the man who has his back turned

???: Master Shredder.

Shredder: I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely.

???: I have assembled an army of ninjas. The foot clan awaits your orders.

Shredder: Excellent. Because I've discovered an old enemy in New York. (the second man threw a picture showing two man) Hamato Yoshi

???: Hamato Yoshi? Alive?

Shredder: And he is training ninjas of his own. Finally, I will finish what I started all those years ago. I want them all wiped out

???: I will not fail you, master.

Shredder: I know. But to be certain, you will work alongside Xever (the man know as Xever walks in front of the masked ninja spinning his butterfly knife

The mask ninja gets up

???: I don't need any help. Especially from this street rat.

Xever: Are you sure, rich boy?

???: (he gets close to Xever's face) Anytime you want to test me-

Shredder: (he turns his head to see the two) I am not interested in your petty rivalry! Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city. You will work together.

???: .....Don't worry master Shredder. We will find Splinter and his disciples and destroy them

Xever chuckled at the mask ninja, the mask ninja turn and walk away as a ninja he beaten was get up only to be kicked down and the mask ninja walk away

The five we're running from rooftop to rooftop showing their skills, then they came across a huge gap between the building

Donnie: Check it out! (he jumps up and rolls in the air and landing on the other side of the rooftop) Yehee!

Mikey: (he climbs up on a water and jumps off it, doing a front flip and landing on the other side of the rooftop and poses as Donnie claps for him, YLR came to a stop and seeing the gap) Top that, chumps! (Donnie gesture them to show what they got)

Leo: All right, guys. (he backs up) Check this out. (he does front flips then he jumps and rolls in the air landing on the other side and finishing it with an air cartwheel, Donnie and Mikey we're impressed)

Y/n: Not bad Leo, but bet you can't beat this. (he back up and takes a running start then rolls into a ball and launching himself then he opens up and does a cartwheel in the air, then landed on the other side while cartwheeling around the three as they clapped for his performance)

Raph: Cute kiddies. (he crack his neck then runs and jump off the roof and has his shoulder out first)

The four didn't realize quickly enough that Raph was going to crash into them as he did they all groan of pain except Raph who was laughing

Donnie: Hey, what was that? you didn't do any flips.

Raph Opps (sarcastic while he smiles)

The five heard creaking sound think that someone was spying on them, the five quickly hid behind a wall and ready their weapons, they charged ready to fight but what they didn't expect to see was a cute tiny black and white fur cat as it meows at them, Leo gave a shocked look see it was not a threat as the others stand down

Raph: Don't give up, Leo. You might actually win this fight.

Mikey: Aww! (he pushes Leo and Donnie out of his way to get closer the cat) It's a little kitty. (he grabs the cat and plays with it) And its name is-

???: Mittens!

Mikey: Good guess. Wait, who said that?

The five see a man on his window yelling out his cat's name.

Donnie: I think that's the owner. (Mikey starts walking towards where the man is) What are you doing?

Leo: Whoa, hey!

Raph: Mikey wait!

Y/n: Stop!

Mikey: What? I'm returning Mittens to her owner.

Raph: are you an idiot? Wait, let me rephrase that. Your a idiot!

Donnie: You can't show yourself to a human.

Mikey: Why not?

Donnie: Because they'll freak the heck out, that's why not.

Mikey: No they won't. I'm not so scary.

Raph: You're an ugly, green mutant armed with ninja weapons.

Y/n: Mikey, what makes you think that the guy is not gonna be freaked out when he sees you?

Mikey: Look, this guy's gonna see that I'm just a regular, cat-loving dude like him. Next thing you know, we'll be best buds. This is gonna be awesome (he jump down the building)

Leo: No!-

Raph: Don't!-

Y/n: Mikey!-

Donnie: Wait!

Man: Mittens!

Mikey: (he lands on the fire escape in front of the man) Hi. Here's your-

Man: (Screams and startled Mikey and Mittens) Ugly, green mutant freak!

Mikey: (he pulls Mittens back) But I got your cat!

Man: Help! he's got my cat!

Mikey: (he holds Mittens with one hand while has his other hand held out) Dude, chill! I'm just- (Mittens attacks Mikey's head as head try to shake it off he falls off the fire escape and land on some garbage, the four land in front of him and gets up) Someone want to help me with this? (he turs sideways to show the four that Mittens was scratching his shell and roaring like a leopard)


Y/n walks up to Mikey and looks at Mittens, it stops what it was doing to Mikey and looks at Y/n as he growls at it causing it to run away scared.

Mikey: Thanks, Y/n (he looks down)

Y/n: Mikey, you should know that humans will not understand us.

Raph: Better yet, humans will never understand you. Heck, we don't even understand you.

Mikey: (sighs) Yeah. (he looks up and gasps) But I bet that guy would!

Leo: Chris Bradford. The martial arts superstar. With a chain of dojos across the country. He's your soul mate?

Mikey: (he takes out his nunchuck, swinging it and puts it under his arm and does the same pose as Chris Bradford is doing) We've got so much in common.

Donnie: What if you stop standing like that?

Mikey: (he drops the pose he was doing) We'll have a little less in common, but still a lot. And look, he's in town for a martial arts expo. Maybe he'll show me his secret kata, the Death Dragon. And I'll show him my secret kata, the Secret Kata.

Donnie: (the four give him a deadpan look) Catchy.

Mikey: Check it out (I'm not gonna write the details of Mikey's secret kata because its to random) But don't tell anyone you saw that

Leo: No problem.

Y/n: Your secret safe.

Raph: Face it, Mikey, Chris Bradford is the last person on earth that would be friends with you. Well, tied for last, with everyone else on earth.

Y/n: Raph, that's going to far. You can't just say- (he was cutoff when he saw ninja coming down from above and surrounding them)

Donnie: Ninjas? In New York? Other than us?

The ninja brought out their weapons as well the five draw out theirs waiting for someone to attack, One of the ninjas threw a shuriken at Donnie, he blocks it with his staff and the ninjas charged at the five. Three ninja surrounded Raph as one of them attacks him with his sword, Raph uses his sais to block the blade then disarming him and kicking him away. The second ninja attacks Raph with his naginata, but Raph flips him over his back. The third ninja charge at Raph with his sword to strike down on him, but Raph kicks him away before the ninja had a chance to attack and got knock back into two other ninja, then another ninja tried to attack Raph, he dodges and elbows the ninja in the back, but a ninja manages to kick Raph in the kneecap causing him to grunt in pain, and another ninja uses his naginata and swings the wood part of his naginata at Raph's belly making him grunt in pain again, Raph gets kicked in the face knocking him into trash cans and garbage. The ninja brings his sword up to strike Raph down but got kicked away by Mikey, another ninja attacks Mikey, but Mikey uses his nunchuck and the ninja in the face knocking him out. Donnie facing one ninja with a sword blocking all of his attacks with his staff and swings at the ninja knocking him away. Y/n was up against three ninjas with swords, the three ninjas charged at him, before they could strike down on him he quickly jumped backwards as the three were close to each other Y/n took the chance to make his hands big and slam his hands down on them knocking them out. Leo swinging his sword at two ninjas weapons, disarming them and blocks an attack a ninja made using his naginata and Leo kicks him away knocking him into a couple of trash cans, now Leo and Raph back to back blocking the ninjas attack as Leo was smiling.

Raph: Why are you so happy?

Leo: It's just nice to finally be fighting people, instead of robots, or aliens, or weed monsters.

Leo and Raph kicked the ninjas away from them as the masked ninja dropped from the sky and joined the fight, the masked ninja attack Leo first punched him with great strength causing to slam against the wall and lying down in pain, Raph see the masked ninja was going to kick him so he quickly brings his arms up block his attack but got knock away towards YDM, the masked ninja attacks Donnie next but Donnie uses his staff to lift himself over the masked ninja to dodge, but the masked ninja grab Donnie's staff and swings Donnie slamming him against the wall sideways and crashes down on a trash can, the masked ninja charged at Y/n as he moved his arms up to block like how Raph did earlier and Y/n manage to stand his ground but the masked ninja sweep Y/n's legs and kicks him mid-air slamming him against a dumpster. Mikey brought his blade out of his nunchuck and throws it at the masked ninja but he grabs it and pulls Mikey and grabs his belt holding him close

???: What are you?

Mikey flips backwards using the masked ninja knee and the two are pulling each other using the nunchuck, Leo jumps up and strikes down on the chain of the nunchuck. The five ready their stance to continue the fight as sirens we're heard the ninjas gather up waiting for the orders the masked ninja to give but the masked ninja retreated to not deal with the police and the other ninja follow suit. The five lower their stance and retreated as well and headed back to the lair.


Leo was having a conversation with Splinter in the kitchen

Leo: Their leader was crazy good, by which I mean he was good and seem a little crazy. Besides, he had all these guys with him. It-- it wasn't a fair fight.

Splinter: what do you mean, "fair fight"?

Leo: A fair fight, you know, where either side could win?

Splinter: So a fair fight is a fight you could lose.

Leo: Well, yes, but-- well what I-- what I mean is--

Splinter: You don't want to assure your victory.

Leo: No, I do, but-- (Splinter used his jade cane to hit Leo's foot causing him to fall backwards) Ow! Hey! (Splinter pins down Leo using his cane)

Splinter: Was that fair?

Leo: No!

Splinter: Did I win?

Leo: ...I see your point.

Splinter: Seek victory, not fairness

Splinter gets up as Leo stays on the ground

Leo: Hai, sensei

Splinter offer his hand to Leo to help him up as he accepted it, Splinter left the kitchen leaving Leo thinking on what he said to him.

In the middle of the lair where Y/n, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and April were relaxing, Raph doing push-ups by using his sais instead of his hands, Donnie on his laptop staring at his picture of April eating pizza, April was sitting on the couch reading a comic book, Y/n was sitting in front of the T.V watching the news, and Mikey was on a beanbag reading a magazine of Chris Bradford

Mikey: Whoa, that's rad! Oh, I wish me and Chris Bradford were friends! (he gets too excited and comps on the magazine then leans back on the beanbag and moving his legs crazy while laughing)

April: (she closes the comic and chuckles at Mikey) Mikey, you already have a human friend. (Mikey looks at her confused) Me!

Mikey: (looks back on the magazine) April you don't count. We saved your life, you have to like us.

Raph: Too bad there's no place for freaks to meet people where no one can see how hideous they are. (Mikey looks at the magazine with a grump face)

April: wait, there is-- the Internet! Donnie can I see your laptop?

Donnie: Uh, y-- uh, sure! (he quickly got rid of the picture on his laptop) just a sec. (he smiles at April and give his laptop to her)

April: Check it out, it's a site where you can make friends with anybody online.

Mikey: (he goes next to April) Sweet! (he pushes April out of his way and used the laptop) (gasps) ohh, Chris Bradford's on here! He'll be my first friend!

Mikey sends Chris Bradford a friend request and lean closer to the laptop waiting for him to respond

April: Mikey, people don't always respond immed-- (the laptop beeps) but sometimes they do.

Mikey: (gasps) No way! Chris Bradford has accepted my friendship! I have a friend! Thanks, April! (he hugs April and shocks Donnie from Mikey hugging his crush then tossed the laptop in the air and walks away)

Donnie: Where are you going? Hey! (he jumps and catches his laptop)

Mikey: To hang out with my friend, Chris Bradford.

April: This guy's famous. He probably has thousands of "friends."

Mikey: (he stops at the entrance of the lair) And guess who's number 5,286?

April: You?

Mikey: Daniel Ramirez! And I'm right next to him. Later! (he runs out of the lair)

April: Well, this ought to be interesting.

Donnie: should we go after him?

Y/n: (he gets up) I'll go after him just in case.

Raph: You sure? I mean he's gotta learn somehow

Y/n: (he walks away from the three) True, but I got to make sure he doesn't do anything more stupid.

Y/n left the lair and caught up with Mikey as they are on the roof of a building that's next to Chris Bradford's dojo and they see Chris locking the door to his dojo and walking to an alley way where Mikey and Y/n dropped down behind him then Mikey giggled for getting a chance to meet Chris

Mikey: What up? Hey. (Chris turns and sees Mikey waving at him and Y/n standing next to Mikey) I'm (Chris started to throw shuriken's at Mikey and Y/n as they quickly dodges the shuriken's) We're being attack by Chris Bradford! (Chris throws another shuriken at Mikey but he just stares at it in awe) This is so cool! (Y/n quickly used his claws to deflect the shuriken that was close to Mikey's face, but Chris continues to throw more at the two as the kept dodging) No, wait! We're-- Whoa! Friends!

Chris: What?

Mikey: We're online friends (he and Y/n come out of the shadows revealing themselves) You accepted me, remember?

Chris: Oh. (he looks at them confused but smirks as he looks like he has an idea) Of course. (he hold his hand out towards Mikey as he looks at his hand) Nice to meet you. (Mikey gets excited and shakes Chris's hand with both of his hand while laughing then Chris pulls his hand back at disgust and looks at Y/n while he looks at Chris confused) And I guess your another online friend as well?

Y/n: No, (he points at Mikey) he's one of your online friends, he really wanted to meet you. I'm just here to keep an eye on him.

Chris: Oh. Won't you both come in?

Mikey: Sure!

Chris leaded them both back into the dojo but Y/n was having a bad feeling on Chris

Y/n thoughts: This guy is weird, he just accepted us just like that. I mean he did attack us, but when we revealed ourselves he didn't scream or freaked out that we're not humans, and why does he smell familiar?


The five we're on a roof of a building above the ally where they were attacked

Leo: They must of been watching us from here. The perfect place to stage an ambush.

Donnie: It wasn't very fair, was it?

Leo: It's not about fairness. It's about victory.

Donnie: Okay, I'm sorry.

Leo and Donnie can hear Mikey talking a lot about his new friend Chris Bradford to Y/n and Raph as they were getting annoyed by it

Mikey: And then-- and then Chris Bradford put on his hakama. Man, that guy can rock a hakama!

Y/n: Yes Mikey I know, I was there.

Raph: Yeah, maybe he'll wear it again when he takes you the prom.

Mikey: And then after that, he-

Raph: Oh, enough! You've been going on about this for three hours.

Mikey: Ooh, someone sounds jealous. You just can't admit that you were the "R" word. (the four looked at him confused) "Rong"?

YLD groan and Mikey for not knowing how to spell

Raph: (scoffed) I'm not wrong.

Mikey: Oh yeah? If you don't want to talk about my friend- (he jumps backwards and lands behind Donnie and Leo) I got two other brothers and (he points his toe at Y/n who was sitting next to Raph) Y/n who do.

Leo: Actually, I'd rather talk about anything else

Donnie: Like the concept of the silent "W," perhaps?

Y/n: And I had listen to you talked about Chris Bradford, when we on our way back to the lair.

Mikey: Fine. Heh, I'll go talk to a guy who likes to talk about Chris Bradford more than anyone ELSE.

Y/n: You know if you talk to yourself about Chris Bradford you'll be considered crazy.

Raph: I think he already is.

Mikey: Not me, I'm the second guy who like to about Chris Bradford.

Y/n: (sarcastic) Then who's the first?

Mikey: Chris Bradford. (he jumps off the roof and headed towards Chris Bradford's dojo)

In Chris Bradford's dojo he was alone practicing his ninjutsu on a punching bag

Mikey: There's my best buddy in the whole world!

Chris: (he looks behind him where Mikey enter the dojo without turning his head, and he groans that he as to act his friend, then turns to him with a fake smile) Michelangelo, Mikey, the big M. How you doing, buddy?

Mikey: I'm doing stupendous, Chris. Chrissy b- (he snaps his fingers and winks and Chris but puts a thinking look on his face) I gotta work on your nickname. Ooh-- Rad-Brad!

Chris: You know, I was just thinking how we're such close friends, and yet I know so little about you.

Mikey: You think we're close friends?

Chris: Of course! Now tell me everything about you.

Mikey: Well, where should I start? Ooh-- I named all six of my toes! (he lifts his right foot in front of Chris)

Chris: How interesti-- Ugh! (Mikey put his foot close to his face and he had a disgust face)

Mikey: There's Stubby and Joey nails--

Chris: (he rolls his eyes, then he put a fake smile and moves Mikey's foot away from his face) Oh, that's-- that-- That's fascinating. But I was thinking more of your impressive ninjutsu skills. You must have an incredible sensei.

Mikey: Oh, he is the best. Now meet the stinky triplets! (he does a handstand and puts his left foot to his face)

Chris: Ugh-- Okay (chuckling) Who's hungry?

Mikey: (he gets up from his handstand quickly) Me! I want pizza! Do you like pizza?

Chris: Yeah, sure.

Mikey: (he runs to Chris and hugs him while Chris gives Mikey a disgust look with nhim not noticing) Whoa. We have so much in common. (Chris gulps)


Mikey and Chris we're sitting on a billboard with Mikey eating pizza, in a different area of New York where the smell is bad and the sky is light green

Mikey: Isn't this great? Blue skies, pizza, couple of dudes just hangin'.

Chris: (he see a rat on his right side and it runs off the billboard) Yeah, great. (turns to Mikey and sees Mikey eating another slice of pizza) Since we've gotten so close, maybe you could tell me a little more about Y/n and your brothers.

Mikey: (with his mouth full) Oh-- Oh yeah, uh, they're good dudes. but sometimes, I don't think they respect me. (he takes a huge bit of his pizza while munching sloppily)

Chris: Uh, I can't imagine why.


Back at Chris's dojo Mikey looks through Chris's stuff and sees a sword on a mantle

Mikey: Cool. (gasps) Look at that katana! (he gets closer to the katana and touches it) That looks old.

Chris: Yes, yes, it's over 400 years old. (he had a irritated face for a moment then switches back to a fake smile) But getting back to your sensei--

Mikey: (he takes the sword) Look, rad-Brad, I'd love to tell you, but there's just something I have to keep secret.

Mikey unsheathes the sword and throws the scabbard away. Chris gasp and ran towards Mikey who was swinging it around as Chris was trying to grab it from him, He manages to grab Mikey's wrist before he could swing the sword again.

Chris: But we're friends. And friends share their secrets, (he takes the sword away from Mikey) don't they?

Mikey: Are you saying you're going to show me your secret kata, the Death Dragon?

Chris: (He puts the sword back on the mantle without it's scabbard) Tell you what. As a show of trust and friendship, I will teach you the Death Dragon.

Mikey: All Right!

Chris: But you have to swear not to show it to anyone.

Mikey: (he raise his right arm up and put his left hand over his heart) I promise I won't show a soul


Back at the lair, the five we're at the dojo and Mikey was showing them the Death Dragon

Mikey: And then he kicks, twists, and sweeps the leg-- Ha! The Death Dragon

Leo: That was amazing!

Y/n: Better than amazing, it was awesome!

Donnie: Yeah, It's devastatingly effective and complex.

Raph: And yet even Mikey could learn it.

Mikey: Thank you.... Hey! (Laptop beeping) It's rad-Brad! (he runs to the laptop that was in the dojo as well) That's my little name for him (he started to type on the laptop) He wants to get together for a little b-Ball. Can't wait to find out what the "B" stands for!

Y/n: Probably basketball

Mikey finish typing on the laptop and started to head out as the four looked at him

Leo: You're going now?

Mikey: Sorry, dudes, human friends stuff. you know how it is. (he left the dojo but then came back) Oh, wait. No, you don't (he walks away while chuckling)

Y/n: Did he forget that I was human once?

Donnie: Eh, he's just showing off cause he has another human friend, but we already have a human friend and that's April

Y/n: (smirks) Your girlfriend~.

Donnie gets mad while the others just laughed at him

At Chris's dojo, Xever one of Shredder's men grabbed the sword that was on the mantle and unsheathed it while Chris was on his laptop

Chris: The freak is on his way. The trap is set.

Xever: Pretty weapon for a tough guy. In prison, we made our own weapons.

Chris: (walking towards Xever) I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever stupid enough to wind up in prison

Xever gets angry at Chris and throw the sword down stab to the ground then walks away as Chris smiled proudly

Back at the lair where YLDR were in the dojo as Y/n and Raph are trying to do the Death Dragon and Y/n was the first to try it and Donnie and Leo we're watching them

Raph: (dodges the attacks) Not quite.

Y/n: Wait, I think I know how to do it right.

As they continued trying Splinter entered the room see Y/n and Raph sparring but as he see Y/n doing the Death Dragon perfect he is shocked and sees flashbacks of his fight with Oruku Saki doing the Death Dragon on him

Splinter: Where did you learn that?!

Leo: Mikey learned it from his new friend. (Y/n was helping up Raph)

Splinter: The man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder.

Donnie: Shredder?

The four looked shocked and looked at each other then back to sensei

Leo: You mean Bradford is one his students

Splinter: He must be

Y/n: I thought he smelled familiar, Chris must've been the masked ninja where we were ambushed

Leo: So Bradford's just pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you.

Raph: Ooh, what a relief! Everything makes sense again. (he took a moment to realize) Mikey's in trouble

At Chris's dojo Mikey arrived looking for Chris

Mikey: Rad-Brad? Hello? Hello? (he enters the dojo with the lights off) Raddie-Braddie? (unknown to him that there was a dark figure behind him) Did you plan me a surprise party?

The person behind him move closer to him with him hear the footsteps, Mikey turns behind him and gets startled for see the masked ninja that gave the five a hard time. Mikey slowly backs away from the ninja as he was walking slowly towards him, Mikey kept backing up until he bump into someone else he turn to see Xever behind him and gets startled again

Mikey: Tell me what you've done with Chris, or you guys are in serious-

Mikey didn't finish his sentence as the masked ninja and Xever attacked him

Mikey landed on all four groaning in pain as the masked ninja chuckles

???: We've already met face-to-face.

Mikey: No. It can't be. You're... The guy with the cat?

???: You fool.

The masked ninja takes off his mask and revealed himself to be Chris Bradford

Mikey: Rad-Brad? What? (Chris and Xever tied up Mikey laying on his belly unable to move or get up) I thought we were friends. I introduced you to all of my toes.

Chris: You actually think that someone like me could be friends with a freak like you? Pathetic! (Mikey makes a sad face)

Xever: I say we get rid of him. (looks at the sword on the mantle)

Chris: nothing would make me happier. (Mikey gulps but the two walked away from him) But we need him. All part of the trap.

Mikey: (struggles to get out of the ropes) Rad-Brad?

The four were running rooftop to rooftop until they reached the building where Chris's dojo is, Y/n used his sharp nail to claw a circle on the skylight and open it allowing them to enter the dojo. When they entered the dojo above they saw foot soldiers guarding Mikey. Leo, Raph, and Donnie climb down sneaky by using ropes but Y/n stretches down, then the four ran towards the foot soldiers and easily taking them down

Mikey: (shouting) Dudes! That was sporadic!

Y/n, Leo, and Raph shush him while Donnie facepalm

Donnie: (quietly) That's not what that means!

Leo takes out a dagger and cuts Mikey free from the ropes and rubs his head

The five left the dojo and started to head back to the sewers as they entered and closed the sewer lid they were being watch by Chris and Xever

Chris: (looking through binoculars) Perfect. (he put the binoculars down and Xever walks right next to him)

Xever: We've got them.

Foot soldiers started showing up behind them and Chris smirked for thinking their plan is working

Or so they thought

In the sewers Chris, Xever and a couple of foot soldiers walk around following the tracks the five left and one by one the foot soldiers we're being taken into the other sewer tunnels without Chris and Xever knowing, as they a bigger area in the sewers

Chris puts his hand on Xever shoulder now knowing that some of the foot soldiers are missing Chris looks around to see where the five could be and he sees one of the foot soldiers far from them got wrapped in rope and got pulled into the darkness, then the foot soldier behind them got pull into the darkness and then the last foot soldier far from them got pulled up by a giant hand. Xever pull out a flare and lights it up as the two see their men are hanging with ropes attached to they're waist

Xever: Show your faces!

Leo and Raph emerged from the water as Chris and Xever see the two with their weapons out, Mikey and Donnie come out of the shadows behind Chris and Xever, then they hear a growl from above them a they see a pair of glowing E/c eyes, it drops down landing in front of them revealing Y/n.

Xever: They trapped us!

Chris: Take them down!

Chris ran towards Leo and Raph while Xever throws the flare away and fights Mikey, Donnie, and Y/n. Chris attacks Raph as he dodges his attacks then Leo was going to attack Chris from behind But he grab Raph and hit Leo with Raph throwing them both near the water, Donnie uses his staff to attack Xever as he was hand standing and kicking Donnie's staff, Donnie swings his staff below Xever but he dodges by jumping off his hands landing on Donnie shoulders using his feet to grip his head and lifting him up by leaning backwards, Mikey ran towards them with his nunchuck to save Donnie but ended up getting kick away by Donnie while being lifted up, Xever landed on his hand and Y/n was run towards them then Xever spins Donnie and throws him at Y/n causing them to crash and landing on Mikey the three looked at Xever seeing him get back up with some break dancing looking moves and wipes his nose with his thumb. Y/n, Donnie, and Mikey see Raph get knock away by Chris, as Chris walk towards Raph, Leo ran behind and jumps striking down on Chris but Chris grab the swords with two fingers and thumbs on both hands then kicks Leo away, Raph quickly ran where Leo was going to land and trying to catch him only ended up crashing into each other. Leo and Raph see Donnie giving a signal and Raph give a thumbs up, Raph and Leo attack Chris as he dodges then the two ran to the middle of the sewers with him following them, Xever was corning Y/n, Donnie, and Mikey but they turn and ran on the wall backflipping and landing behind Xever as they run backwards with Xever chasing them. The five we're running backwards while Chris and Xever chasing them and when they met in the middle, the five switch with opponents so Leo and Raph we're up against Xever and Y/n, Donnie, and Mikey we're up against Chris. The three continued to run backwards with Chris catching up until a large pipe was in their way, they jumped up in time before Chris could punch them but he ended up punching the pipe, Y/n and Donnie landed on the other side of the pipe while Mikey landed on top of a thinner pipe, Chris try to punch Mikey but he dodges it and uses his nunchuck to grab Chris's wrist and pulling him a little, then Donnie uses his staff to knock Chris legs through the bottom of the larger pipe leave him hanging, he look through the gap between to pipes and gets punched in the face by Y/n and was on the ground. Xever kept on dodge the attacks Leo was making but Raph quickly ran behind Xever while he was on his hands, he kicks Xever off his hands and Leo kicks him away he slides down on the ground then quickly gets back then started to back up as Leo and Raph walking towards him, the same was happening to Chris as he was back away from Mikey and now Chris and Xever are back to back next to a giant sewer tunnel

Chris: They knew we were following them.

Mikey: That's right.

Chris attacks Mikey with a right punch but Mikey blocks it with his right arm, Chris attack again with his left arm but Mikey block it again then grabs his left arm pulling him close as Chris goes to attack with his right arm again Mikey grabs his arm and pushes it to Chris face, Mikey then let's go of Chris's left arm and punches him the face following up with a knee to the gut as well as a kick to the gut, Chris stumbled back then Mikey attacks him in the face with his right palm, punching him in the gut, grabbing his face and kneeing him in the face, elbowing his leg to keep him straight then grabbing his face, then kicking his ankle making a crack sound, pull him down and kneed his gut, sweep his leg and kick him away towards Xever as both were on the ground Mikey turn and looks at Y/n and Donnie who next to pipe that had a rotating dog lever

Mikey: Hit it!

Y/n and Donnie rotated the lever and sewer water was come from the tunnel that was next to Chris and Xever as it was aim for them they see it coming and screamed at it, they got hit by the water and were knock down to a sewer drain

Raph: Well, that didn't seem very fair.

Leo: (Y/n, Leo, and Donnie walk next to Raph and Mikey) No it wasn't

The five chuckled

Mikey: High three!

The five high three for their victory and returned back to the lair celebrating

Back at the lair in the living room Y/n, Leo, Raph, and Donnie grab a piece of pizza while Splinter was sitting on his knees stroking his beard thinking

Donnie: Um, sensei, aren't you hungry?

Splinter: I fear we are celebrating to soon.

Raph: (Splinter gets up and walks toward the four) Too soon? The bad guys were swept away in a river of raw sewage. By my watch, that makes it the perfect time.

Splinter: Shredder know I'm alive. And worse, he knows about all of you. It's my worst night mare come true.

Leo: So it's not over?

Splinter: Oh, no. It's just beginning.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie look down from hearing that

Y/n: Then we'll be ready, we'll keep training until We're ready to fight the Shredder and besides with the five us working together Shredder and his men won't stand a chances.

The four looked at Y/n with a smile, Y/n and Raph noticed that Mikey was still on the laptop looking at Chris Bradford's profile, the two walked towards Mikey and sit next to him.

Raph: How you doing, Mikey?

Mikey: This is all my fault. I should have never thought I could be friends with a human.

Y/n: eh, don't be so hard on yourself

Mikey: So it's not my fault?

Raph: Of course it's your fault.

Mikey sighs and Y/n hit Raph shoulder telling him "your not helping" Raph looks at them both

Raph: If you two tell the others, I'll beat the green and fur off you both, but... you're an awesome guy Mikey.

Mikey: Bradford didn't think so.

Raph: eh, he's a psychotic killing machine. You deserve way better friends than him.

Y/n: Beside, you may not have human friend, (he points to himself) but at least you got a mutant friend.

Mikey: You know what? You two are right. Thanks, guys

Y/n: No, problem. (he gets up and leaves Mikey)

Raph: Anytime. (he pats on Mikey's head and leaves him)

Mikey looks back at the laptop and presses a button that show the picture of Chris Bradford with the word unfriend across it.

Mikey: Unfriend. Ha-Ha! Revenge.

New Friend, Old Enemy Ended

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