Chapter 1: New Start

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I had my senior year completed today. All my friends will chose a course and get along with it to a new future. Here , I am thinking on a course which I should take for a better future. I am sitting on my desk with my diary writing course preferences which I should select according to me. I don't like maths , science subjects , but I am more into Shakespeare, theatre, drama's and stories , novels , fantasies . So I went to the kitchen were my mom bakes a Vanilla butter cake again and tasting it


She turned to me with batter in her hands and the bowl filled with whipped cream.

"I like to join English Major."

Mom smiled.
"Your selection is grantees here!"

"Thanks Mom!"

I went to my room and opened the unlocked the phone. During my bachelor degree time I have no close friends they were just for the time period. But only one friend who texted me always. I opened her chat.

"Jane...what doing?"

She began typing.

"I am searching for colleges. My mom won't allow to stay in hostel which means not far away chilling and studying."

"Phew! Don't worry, try to convince her as much as you can maybe we can go together."

"Ok babe."

"Y/n, what are your plans?"

"I don't know Jane, I selected the course English major but which college, I always wanted to explore the world not our hometown."

"Then Y/n you should go to London where you will meet new culture and I heard there is a high scope for English and Literature Majors in London."

I was surprised and excited now. As my Jane's advice I interrogated with mom to agree for me to study in London. Dad was super excited to send me away by escaping out of my egg shell which is my home. I packed my luggage , I had two trolleys , and mom's snack packs in another backpack and my laptop. I heard a knock on the door and opened it.

"Are you excited sweety?"

"Yes dad!"

We both cheered up and he gave me the passport and he drove to the airport. I bid goodbyes to mom and dad. I saw their face with small tears streaming down. I hugged them and kissed them bidding goodbyes.

"Mom , Dad it's not a goodbye I will come back as a good girl as you dreamed and grown up little bit into a new matured girl after two years."

We hugged once again.

"Don't fight , both of you! Mom, I need you to video call me when you bake the cakes again."

They both giggled seeing my childishness.

"Of course baby."
Mom ruffled my hair and kissed me on forehead I hold my tears and waved them bye.The flight time approached and I get into the flight. The flight was huge not a normal one. I was getting so excited
to start a new life. I hope I will be able to survive the new city which I am going to hug every day in rain, dust, stress, assignments, deadlines. I sit on my seat put on my music into my ears and drifted off to sleep. There is more than 6hr journey to London. I know London will be cold enough to make me sick on first day itself.

The flight got arrived. With other passengers I picked up my luggage from the London airport. The airport was huge, with candlelights on table , I guess they are providing reservation on airport too. Floors are smooth enough for a kid to slide on. Only the problem is crowd. It was too crowd which made me not to enjoy much beauty of the airport and interiors. I dragged my luggage along with me to the cab parking lot.

"Hi sir. "

"Hi, Where would you like to go Madam?"

So humble to be a cab driver.I smiled at him.

"Will you take me to Liverpool University  ."

"Yes Ma'am get in."

So here my journey of another 2year college life is going to start. I don't know what to expect in it and what to be explored. I have to find myself in first semester itself.

As I rode through the bustling streets of London, the city's iconic landmarks zipped past, making me feel a thrilling mix of excitement and nervousness. The cab driver chatted amicably, giving me snippets of London life. I leaned back and let his words wash over me, taking in the vibrancy of the city.

When we arrived at Liverpool University, my breath caught at the sight of the grand, historic buildings mingling with modern structures. I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of my new home before paying the driver and grabbing my luggage.

Stepping into the university grounds, I felt a surge of anticipation. I quickly checked in at the main office, collected my dorm keys, and headed towards my new residence. The dormitory was a charming old building with ivy climbing the walls, adding a touch of timeless elegance.

Inside, I navigated through a maze of hallways until I found my room. As I unlocked the door and pushed it open, I saw two girls already settled in. They looked up, pausing their unpacking, and greeted me with warm smiles.

"Hi! You must be JiEul Y/N," one of them said, extending her hand. "I'm Kim Sarah, and this is Jeon Liz."

Sarah had curly brown hair and sparkling green eyes, radiating a friendly aura. Liz, on the other hand, had short blonde hair and a confident demeanor. I shook their hands, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Hi! Nice to meet you both," I replied, setting my bags down. "I just arrived from the airport. It's been a long journey."

"Welcome to Liverpool University!" Liz said cheerfully. "We're both English majors too. We're going to have so much fun together."

As we settled in, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Sarah loved Shakespeare and had a passion for acting, often participating in community theatre. Liz was an aspiring novelist, with a knack for crafting intricate fantasy worlds. We bonded over our shared love for literature, exchanging favorite books and authors.

Later that evening, the three of us decided to explore the campus. We wandered through the sprawling gardens, past the ancient library with its towering bookshelves, and into the bustling student center. Everywhere we went, there was a sense of excitement and possibility in the air.

That night, back in our dorm room, we stayed up late talking about our hopes and dreams. Sarah dreamed of performing on London's West End she also dances very well usually on Kpop and raps, while Liz a normal dominant girl and  a dancer. I shared my desire to immerse myself in the rich literary history of England and perhaps write my own stories someday.

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