Chapter 2: Girls date

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We were talking and blabbering about our future and jobs, Sarah interrupted in between.
"Does anyone fall in love?"
That question hooked me like something stuck at my throat. I took a glance at Liz she was fiddling with her earphone which is twisted and twirled in between. Not at all bothered with the question.
I answered.
"No Sarah, why?"
Her eyes become big as she was in a shock hearing my answer. Isn't it nice to be single? I thought.
"Why are you in shock Sarah does it matter s to be ina relationship in our young ages?"

"Yes why not! Once in a lifetime you have to experience it!"
Liz exclaimed.

"I am not into that I want to live peacefully I heard falling in love is toxic."

"You are wrong girl! Falling in love is a pure fantasy between two persons, having a person who shares anything with us is great."
Liz said.

Sarah was silent now.
"What is your opinion on that Sarah?"

"I just asked only if you had been in relationship I am curious, for me I have fall in love with a guy in my bachelor's degree time."

"Wow!" I and Liz shouted.

"But it's just one sided."
Sarah sighed taking a packet of potatoes fries.

"Do you need?"
She asked.

"No... not hungry."
I said.


"I need some..."
Liz put hee hands in the packet and began grabbing so much and took it outside and began chewing.

"Is it good?"
Sarah asked putting some more fries in her mouth and licking sideways of her lips.

"Yes Sarah."

"Why can't we go on a trip as we are in a new city, I heard East London had many tourist places and shops , museums.."
Liz said.

"Yes that's quiet an idea, can we go tomorrow morning!"
I said questioningly.

They both cheered.

"Well where we will go?"
I asked.

"Liz, you know a quiet places here right as you visited here before."
Sarah said making me envy of her.

"Why Liz Sarah knows lot about you."
I read them while they contemplate in minds.

"Should we disclose it?"
Sarah said glancing at Liz.

"Of course."

"Our fathers are family friends and business shareholders so obviously, we are related and close friends but from now on you will be ours too."
Sarah replied.

So fancy yet. I felt preserved to myself with them like outdated. Liz and Sarah names are different I thought they were related in blood. I nodded to them not shown my disinterest in joining their business talks on beds I wrapped mt self in blanket after brushing. The room was dull, curtains are bright highlighted throughout the walls painted in pink. As it is girls dorm and un London everything was aesthetic. My thoughts went into the relationship and love status of mine. I have been single till this moment. The amusement of being in a relationship excited me. Having my desires filling up each second in my dreams made me only jump to higher expectation on first relationship. Everything will be my first when I start the dating. I haven't been on dates when my school friends told stories of dating days and phone calls they had in between.

I sighed mentally. Tomorrow is our girls trip hope we will get along Liz and Sarah. I looked up from my bed to see them already under blankets.


Yawning I looked up on time. Oh My God!
It is 10Am in morning. I urgently put my legs down and quickly shakes those two who were sleeping beauties.
"Guys we are late wakeup!"

I cried out.

"What is the time?"

Both yearned for the answer.

"It's 10."
I said brushing.

"So we have no food today from here."
Liz said.

"Yes so get ready for the day!"
Sarah call out in excitement.

I said .

Morning breakfast was nothing for us. We are living our own, nothing to control only our parents. I don't know about them , but I guess their life is different from mine. I puffed my hair on forehead , and my bangs fell to the forehead . I curled my hairs temporarily and put some blush without any base of makeup. Adding some lipstick I dressed up in shorts and pink top. I put on my shoes and waited for others. Sarah came to me saying.

"You are pretty good in shorts and cute in pink top."

"Thanks for compliment."

I saw some jealousy eyes poking at me piercing through my skin. Why , why should Liz face became calm and quiet hearing the comment. I shrugged off.

"Liz are you okay?" I asked concerned .

She nodded and out on her nude shade.

"Let's go!"
Sarah interrupted in the silence and we booked the cab for the trip. First we booked to see the amazing London museum which was given and elegant architectural scriptures, statues of royal inheritors.

"So Y/n you will see my brother today."
I got snapped out from my thoughts of museum to her statement.

"You have brother?"
I yelped
Sarah said.
"Yes girls we were two for our parents , he recently got a job in Japan and he is indulged in my family business along with his personal job."

"That's nice. So How is he here?"
I asked.

"His coming purpose is just to see us, and he likes to see our nee friend, and he already new Liz. So we are going to introduce to him of you."

I giggled.
"That's so nice of you Sarah!"

"Welcome Y/n, I know you are a single child how is your life you haven't shared anything about your personal life and family."

"We only know you are single."
Liz laughed mockingly.


Sarah shouted making her quiet.
"If you start showing this behavior to her I will smack you."

Liz mumbled something and looked outside.

"Guys I will share every thing by the time now let's enjoy the trip and don't waste by fighting."

Saying I patted Sarah. Car ride became silent , bustling city of East London and the river alongside was a mesmerizing sight. Blue sky looked upon us sun smiling. The trucks and two step buses run along with the people passing by on the golden pathways which is sighted by golden street lights and lanterns hanging on ropes on upper part of road and in between blue sky . The cold London was over the summer season covered us knowing it will be little hot.

I don't believe London will be hot I heard it will be minus degree celcius when it become winter season or rainy season.
I unknowingly admired the nature and beauty of the city falling beneath the blue sky. City architectures, golden buildings painted asymmetrically. Masked people walked in line by line, women walked elegantly in long coats and blonde golden hairs the up. Men were hot to be admired as long possible.
The sight of London city than my own city of New York.

Finally it's our metro station and arrived at waiting panel. Everything was alright the weather and atmosphere. It's not crowded. The metros passed infront of us finally ours reached by the women announcement.

"Finally we are going to the museum!"
Sarah exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yay! I can't wait to click photos and share it with mom."
I said joining in excitement.

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