Chapter 3: Tae

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"Phew that was close! Right? Liz!"
I asked persistently in an imitating tone of my mom who always intimidated with us 'Phew' and 'sighs'.

I miss mom dearly . I should call her.
The ring kept ringing in my ears finally mom's voice echoed.
"Hello sweetheart, how is your day?"

"Fine mom we are going to see a museum and finally we are all set to get along. In conclusion this is a bonding trip."

"Wow, amazing dear girl your dad is annoying me for calling you every second and I rocked him with my facts of you will be busy on first days. But you called anyway I will give to him."

"Okay mom let me hear him. I miss you you both."
Tears began welling up. I need to clear my mind as soon we get to museum.

"We miss you too sweetheart, it's me."

"Dad how are you don't annoy mom I told you at airport about fighting on me."

" Look darling we are just nice and calm here, your room is safe with all empty cupboards when I see that I thought of pestering your continuous to call you but she wont anyway I heard your voice."

"Love you dad!"
I cried out.

"Sounds fun have a great trip and don't forget to send pictures."

"Of course dad, bye metro has arrived in stop."

"Okay dear bye.

I cut the call and exhaled my breath. Sarah and Liz were bickering so much about the place and nature.

"What's your discussion girls?"
I asked.

"It was nothing we were talking about the passing places."
Liz said.

"I am pretty sure now our station is near."
Sarah said glancing at her watch.

"Yes you're right!"
I adjoined.

Tr ain stopped and the passengers get off from train to the platform which was crowded now. There are tourist passing by us we could only glance at them with jealousy.

"Wish we were them right?"
Liz asked.

"Yes, totally, because they get all freedom and access to pubs, we are students and it will be limited to us."
Sarah said.

By the time we called the cab to the museum and the ride was all along beautiful with melodious chirps of birds and rain chattering.

My thoughts got interrupted by the ring of Sarah.
"Hi, Kim..."

Here voice sounds cute and funny.

"Yes we will be arriving just in a minute."

There was a minute pause and I could feel her excitement.

"Yes Tae, I will text you."

"Opps who is that?"
I shouted.

She cut the call and looked at me with a hush.

"It was the person we said yesterday and my twin brother."

"Woah, Kim Sarah and Kim Tae?
I said.

Liz laughed as Sarah poked her with her elbow to shut up.
"No Tae, it's Kim Taehyung, I call him Tae."

"Wow cute both of you."

The cab pulled up in front of the museum, and we stepped out into the fresh, rain-kissed air. The building was grand, with towering columns and intricate carvings that hinted at the treasures within.

“Come on, let’s get inside,” Liz said, breaking the momentary spell.

As we entered the museum, Sarah checked her phone again. "Tae said he's already inside, near the ancient artifacts section."

"Lead the way," I said, eager to meet Sarah's brother.

We wound our way through the bustling crowds, past exhibits of gleaming armor and delicate porcelain, until we finally reached a room filled with ancient statues and relics. A tall, handsome young man was waiting by a display case, looking around as if searching for someone.

“Tae!” Sarah called out, waving enthusiastically.

He turned and broke into a wide smile, waving back. "Sarah! Over here!"

We hurried over, and Sarah wrapped her brother in a big hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

“You too, sis. And these must be your friends?” he said, turning his attention to us.

“Yep, this is Liz, and this is—”

“I’m Kim,” I said, cutting her off with a grin. “Nice to meet you, Tae.”

“Nice to meet you all. Sarah’s told me a lot about you,” Tae said, shaking our hands.

We spent the next few hours exploring the museum together. Tae was not only charming but also incredibly knowledgeable about the exhibits. He explained the history behind the artifacts with such enthusiasm that even Liz, who usually found museums boring, was captivated.

As we moved from one exhibit to another, I noticed how close Sarah and Tae were. They joked and teased each other, but there was a deep bond between them that was heartwarming to see. It made me miss my family even more, but I was glad to be surrounded by friends.

Eventually, we found ourselves in a quiet corner of the museum, sitting on a bench and chatting. Sarah and Tae were reminiscing about their childhood, sharing funny stories that had us all laughing.

“Remember the time we tried to build a treehouse?” Tae said, grinning.

Sarah laughed. “How could I forget? We fell out of the tree and ended up with matching broken arms.”

“Sounds like you two were quite the troublemakers,” Liz said.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Sarah replied, giggling.

As the day drew to a close, we decided to head to a nearby café for a late lunch. The rain had stopped, and the sun was peeking through the clouds, casting a warm glow over everything.

At the café, we settled into a cozy booth and ordered our food. The conversation flowed easily, and I felt a sense of contentment. Despite being far from home, I was surrounded by people who cared about me, and that made all the difference.

“Thanks for inviting me along,” Tae said, raising his glass. “I had a great time today.”

“Us too,” I said, clinking my glass against his. “Here’s to new friends and unforgettable adventures.”

We all raised our glasses, smiling at each other. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day, and I couldn’t wait to see what other adventures awaited us on this trip.

After finishing our meal, we stepped out of the café, feeling satisfied and ready to head back. We hailed a cab, and soon we were all piled into the back seat, with Taehyung sitting in the middle between Liz and me.

The cab began to move, and the city lights flickered past the windows. Taehyung, always the charmer, started a conversation that had us all laughing.

“So, Liz, Y/n, what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you on this trip so far?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

“Oh, I’ve got one!” Liz said immediately, her eyes lighting up. “Remember that street performer we saw yesterday? The one doing magic tricks?”

Taehyung and I nodded, curious.

“Well, I volunteered to help with one of his tricks. He handed me a deck of cards and asked me to pick one. But I was so nervous that I dropped the entire deck! Cards went everywhere, and I was scrambling to pick them up while everyone was watching and laughing.”

We all burst into laughter at the image of Liz frantically picking up cards.

“That’s nothing,” Taehyung said, still chuckling. “When I first moved here for school, I got lost trying to find my dorm. I ended up wandering into a chemistry lab, and the professor thought I was a new student in his class. I didn’t want to admit I was lost, so I sat through the entire lecture!”

Liz and I were in stitches, and I could barely catch my breath from laughing so hard. “Did you learn anything useful?” I managed to ask.

“Not really,” Taehyung said with a grin. “I was too busy trying to figure out how to sneak out without getting caught.”

Just then, my phone buzzed with a message from Sarah, who had taken a different cab to visit a friend. "How's the ride going?" she texted.

I quickly typed back, "We're having a blast!"

As the cab continued through the city, Taehyung kept the mood light with more anecdotes and jokes. He told us about the time he accidentally wore mismatched shoes to a formal event and the time he got stuck in an elevator with a bunch of enthusiastic football fans singing their team anthem.

“I thought I was going to lose my hearing!” he said, laughing. “But by the end, I was singing along with them.”

The cab ride flew by in a blur of laughter and shared stories. By the time we reached our destination, I felt like I had known Taehyung for years instead of just a few hours.

As we got out of the cab, Liz turned to Taehyung. “You’ve got to join us for more of our adventures while you’re here. You’re officially part of the group now.”

Taehyung smiled warmly. “I’d love that. Today’s been a lot of fun.”

We waved goodbye to the cab and headed into our university, still laughing and talking about the day’s events.

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