Chapter 3

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You're back?" Jac asked, setting a box of things on the other empty desk.
"Yeah, they called me back because of the shortage of doctors." Kian replied, playing with his lanyard nervously.
"Same here. How's your fiancé?"
"Good; unemployed right now because the shop closed, but going with the flow."
"That's nice. I assume any wedding plans are on hold."
"That's just mean, Naylor." Kian jabbed back. Trying to cut the tense silence, Kian tried to ask the next question.
"How's Emma?"
"Alright. She's missing school and I'm paying her babysitter overtime. Don't know how we'll do visitation with her father."
"It'll work out." Kian said, hoping to cheer her up.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Kian couldn't wait to sign out and go home to Haley. He tried to push away thoughts of his situation at the hospital. It was a tough reminder that there were things he could not control.
He finally made it home just as Haley was finishing making dinner, a homemade stir-fry.
She stopped what she was doing long enough to hug him.
"How was your first day back?" She asked, kissing him on the jaw.
"Good. Saw a few old friends." He said. "It's been awhile, but I'm really glad I came back." Kian answered her, wrapping her in a hug.

They sat down and talked about their day, Kian told her how difficult meeting with Jac was. Haley tried her best to cheer him up, but couldn't help but dwell on the fact that she was unemployed. The two fell asleep early, both mentally worn out from the last few days.

They were both so happy that night, but both of them were unprepared for what happened next.

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