Chapter 4

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Kian was still feeling the pressure of working at Holby the following week. He was called on to see patients, either as a consultant or an observer.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon when Haley got the news. Her phone rang. It was a number she didn't recognize, but she answered it anyway.

"Hello?" Kian heard her say. "Uncle Rob?.....Why didn't he reach out? got my number from Ashley?...."

It was a strangled sob that made Kian jump out of his seat and run to her.

"Wh-when? you need me to come over?....I don't know....can you tell me anything?......I'll be okay....Please, just keep me updated." Haley hung up, a few tears running down her grief-stricken face.

"What happened?" Kian asked, knowing something was wrong.

" COVID....he....he died....last night in the ICU." Kian hugged her tight and led her back to the couch.

"Haley, I'm so sorry." He said, trying to comfort her.

"Why didn't he try to reach out? I just wish we could have made amends and cleared the air." Haley wailed. Her dad had neglected her emotionally after losing his wife, a time when she needed his love and support. Her mental health had been dealt a serious blow, and now it was hit with a gut punch.

Haley and Kian barely talked the rest of the night. She was in bed before he was, and he lay down beside her and held her close.

"You doing okay?" He asked lamely, not knowing what to say. He had dealt with grieving family members before as a surgeon, and it hurt. He knew what it was like to lose someone from all-to-real personal experience. But this felt different. He knew nothing he could say or do would be enough to fix her pain. He felt Haley shake her head "no".

"No, but I'll be okay. I just wish he hadn't died alone."
Kian's heart clenched. He had been there. He'd been in that situation. He rubbed her back and listened.

"Do you need anything?"

She didn't answer. They both didn't get much sleep that night. When they got up the next morning, Kian did his best to treat it like a normal morning, but Haley's blank stare had him concerned.

Haley spoke up.
"Hide my sleep aid."

Kian's stomach turned. Haley had overdosed on them during a low point. Was she afraid of hurting herself again?

"Haley...." Kian started.

"I....I.....just so afraid I might..." she cried, unable to finish. Kian put his arms around her, letting her sob into his chest.

"Shhh....look, there's a counselor on call all the time at the hospital. Come into work with me tomorrow. You'll get someone to talk to." Haley nodded wordlessly.

After the session was over the next afternoon, Kian took Haley home when he had a period of free time. She seemed better.

"If you need it, feel free to do the video chat counseling." Kian said, trying to be supportive.

"I think I'll do that." Haley said, getting her coat off. Kian was almost afraid of leaving her alone, but Haley assured him that everything was okay.

"Kian....thank you for being here for me." She said, hugging him before he left.

The funeral was held two weeks later. Haley seemed drained, but relieved that the worst was over. She got word that her father had left her some money, and she decided that she would use part of it to pay for her and Kian's wedding, whenever that would be.

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