Chapter 37

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Alright guys so here's another update! I know we only have 26 votes, but I'm the author and I do what I want >:) *thug life*

Me: Jiro, set the mood.

Jiro: I won't do anything until you bring my Emi back!

Me: tf?


Me: geez, alright alright. Now set the mood.

Jiro: Emi better be back by the time I'm done.

*setting mood in 3... 2...1...*


"Emi!" Jiro burst through the closed door of the dormitory on the main building, eyes desperately scanning the room for a sign of the little girl he'd been desperately trying to find.

A couple of minutes ago a sleepy Shin had barged into his weapon room, almost earning a bullet through the head in the process, saying Emi was back from her training with Ryuu. The news was enough for Jiro to drop whatever he was doing and race to the first place that crossed his mind; the dormitory.

Jiro's hazel eyes finally landed on the familiar figure he'd been yearning to see. Wasting no time he immediately lunged at her, tackling her in a bone crushing hug.

"Emi! You're back!" He yelled. "I've missed you so much! Did Ryuu do anything to you? If he did I swear I'll tear him to shreds-" his rambling had started happy but slowly began morphing into a sneer at some point. Luckly his words were cut short.

"Relax Jiro." Emi giggled, subtly trying to pry the blond off her. "I'm okay. Stronger than ever!"

"Sorry, I tried to stop him." A third presence entered the room, being none other than Shin. "He took off running and I wasn't gonna waste my energy on him." The coal haired boy shrugged, a yawn escaping his lips.

"What energy?" Emi grumbled. "All you do is sleep, why would you need to reserve energy?"

"Because." Shin answered, walking over and flicking her forehead. "Talking to all of you drains me out, you dumbasses."

The girl's eyes widened, a grin tugging at her lips before leaning towards Jiro's ear. "He said a bad word!" She giggled, making the blond glare daggers at the other boy.

"Shin! Don't swear around Emi!"

"I don't know what you're whining about," A fourth voice cut in, revealing a familiar lilac haired boy leaning against the door frame. "You swear all the time."

"I can do it because I'm the oldest!" Jiro said matter-of-factly.

Shin furrowed his eyebrows, directing a confused look at the blond. "No you're not."

"Shut up." Jiro pouted, immediately turning his gaze towards Emi. "Did Ryuu do anything to you?" He asked, his frantic tone appearing once again.

"As I said, I'm okay." Emi playfully rolled her eyes.

"You don't just go training with Ryuu and come back unharmed." Jiro squinted his eyes, a stern look washing over him. "Let me see."

With a sigh in defeat Emi rolled her shirt up just enough for them to see her scraped and tattered body, the majority of the skin held deep scratches and cuts while only some parts, very few, remained unharmed.

"That's why you have a long sleeved shirt?" Jiro growled, his eyes flickering towards Ryuu in a murderous glare before turning back to Emi. "Take it off."

"I'm okay, really." Emi let out a nervous laugh, averting her gaze from him.

"Alright, if you really are then showing me your arms wouldn't be a problem." Jiro smiled, catching Emi red handed. "Off it goes."

The girl begrudgingly pulled the shirt above her head, exposing the rest of her upper body. A nervous grin made it's way to her face as she looked at the three boys.

Shin's mouth was slightly agape, a low whistle escaping his lips as his face contorted in a light cringe. Ryuu slid his eyes shut in defeat as he repeatedly banged his head against the wall, a groan leaving his lips. Jiro stood frozen in place, his expression unreadable as his eyes skimmed through the countless splotches of absurd colors lining the girl.

Emi's arms were covered with huge bruises, the majority of her skin holding a purplish tint as there were barely any spaces that were unharmed. Some were unhealthily darker than others, varying from dark blue and purple to even a greenish gray color. It looked more like her skin was being eaten by some sort of parasite, making the boys wonder what kind of training did the girl take on.

Jiro's head slowly craned to the side, eyes locking with Ryuu's. "What's this?"

"She had a habit of blocking too much." Ryuu weakly grinned.

The blond took a deep breath, getting up from in front of Emi and walking over to him.

"Jiro." Emi warned.

"I'm not gonna do anything to him." He said, a sickly sweet venom dripping from his voice.

"Yeah, he sure as hell won't do anything to me." Ryuu smirked at his answer.

"Wanna try me motherf-?"

"So Emi." Shin interrupted, leaving the other two bickering behind them. "Madam A told us a couple of days after you left that she had something for you.

"What is it?" Emi inquired, earning a shrug from the boy.

"Better check it out."

"M'kay." She nodded. "At the office?"


Emi gently stood up from her place in the mattress, sliding her shirt back on and giving a quick hug to the coal haired boy before he could even react. "I missed you, ya know." She giggled, letting go of the now flushed Shin and heading towards the door.

Her way toward Madam A's office was short, but to her it felt like an eternity which she did not want to escape from. She dreaded the moment of seeing that woman's face. With a steady hold she knocked twice on the big doors of the office, hearing a familiar 'come in' from inside.

Slowly pushing the door open Emi was met by none other than the witch herself. Madam A sat behind her desk, chin propped on the back of her hands as she curiously eyed the girl.

"Emi." She greeted in her disgustingly sweet tone. "I see you're back from training."

The girl nodded once, clearly indicating she was not up for a talk with the older female.

"I take it Shin passed on my message?"

Another nod.

"Sweetie, use your words. I can't handle the mute ones." Madam A said in an exasperated tone.

Emi cleared her throat before speaking. "He did. Something you have for me?" She cut to the chase.

Madam A slowly nodded, a smile tugging at her lips as she eyed the unreadable girl in front of her. A few feet away Emi's fists were balled up behind her back, teeth painfully digging into her tongue to keep from lashing out at the woman. Her stomach began to fill with the familiar fire of impatience as she subtly tapped her foot against the floor.

"Look what I have here." She causally raised a fine hand, revealing a small box between her thin fingers. "Do you know what it is?"

Emi shook her head, biting the inside of her cheek now as she waited for the obnoxious woman to continue.

"It's a voice recorder." Madam A answered, head tilting slightly to the side. "And guess who's voice is recorded here." She chuckled.

Emi's breathing came to a halt, her body freezing as she gulped loudly. The fire inside her stomach erupted through every single vein as she felt her heartbeat increasing. Before she could even begin to form a coherent sentence, Madam A's voice rang through her ears.

"It's Rei's."

The girl couldn't help gritting her teeth. Rei's name sounded so disgusting, so tainted coming from that woman's mouth. How dare Madam A think she was worthy of saying his name?

"Are you gonna glare at me all day or are you going to take it?" Madam A rolled her eyes.

Emi immediately stepped forward, holding a steady hand out to snatch the recorder away. She was careful not to drop it, holding it tightly between her fingers as she eyed the foreign object.

"Jiro should know how to work with it." Madam A said, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I hope you like your little present."

"This is too easy." Emi whispered, a hard stare directed at the woman in front of her. "What's the catch?"

"Sweetie." Madam A tutted. "There's no catch. I made a promise to you, and here's my part of the deal. You wanted to hear his voice again, didn't you?"

Emi gulped, something in her chest inflating as her breathing quickened. A piece of Rei was laced inside the voice recorder in her hands, and she could not wait any longer to hear it. She was desperate for another reminder of him, of his sweet gentle voice that could put even the most delicate angel to shame.

Without asking for permission Emi spun around towards the door, not looking back as she exited the room. The pressure on her chest was swelling up even more as she sped down the hall, a wide grin making its way to her face.

"Guys!" She slammed the door to the dormitory open, catching the boys in quite a funny scene.

Ryuu was casually sitting on the floor, bored eyes staring into blazing hazel ones as Jiro flailed his limbs like a possessed being, trying to wiggle out from under Shin who was currently sitting on top of him.

"Uh..." Emi trailed, eyeing the scene carefully. "What's going on?"

"Jiro's overreacting again." The lilac boy rolled his eyes as he sprawled himself on the floor.

"Let me go Shin!" The blond growled. "I'm going to kill him!"

A defeated sigh came from Shin's lips as he turned to Emi. "It's better if you don't ask."

"Alright..." Emi, furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but suddenly remembered why she ran here in the first place.

"That's right!" She exclaimed, a wide grin taking over her face. "Guys! Look! It's a voice recorder!"

Emi waited a few seconds, taking in everyone's confused faces as a sign to explain. "It's from Rei."

Their eyes flashed in recognition, Shin standing up to free the now calm Jiro and take a seat next to him.

"He's the one you talk about all the time, right?" Jiro asked, beckoning her over to sit between him and Shin. She jumped excitedly towards them with a short giggle. "Yes!"

"This better be good." Ryuu grumbled as he scooted closer to the bed, his hands resting at the edge of the mattress.

"It is. He has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard-!"

"Is she insulting us?" Shin cut the girl off, a playful pout on his face.

"Shut up." She punched his side before handing the small box to Jiro. "Madam A said you knew how to work with it."

"What would the world do without Jiro." The blond grinned playfully as he took the box, fumbling with it for a few seconds before it emmited a loud beeping sound. "It's on. Ready?"

Emi nodded, not trusting her words to come out straight. Her body was slightly shaking in excitement, the wide grin she held felt like it would rip through her cheeks at any second as the fire in her stomach grew, spreading a wave of happiness through her. It was so strong that even the boys started to feel it, although they would never admit it.

Jiro nodded once, gently clicking the button on the side of the recorder. Immediately a wave of static was heard, the three boys' gazes shifting between them as they waited for Rei's voice to come.

"I think I'm going to pee myself!" Emi squeaked, a shaky hand shooting out to interlace with Shin's, keeping herself from running out of the room.

Suddenly the static began clearing, leaving only a soft muttering sound that echoed through Emi's ears as she waited for Rei's voice.

Gradually the muttering got louder and louder, her heart rate increasing with each passing second as another sound reached her ears. This one was different, though, and unfortunately she didn't realize what was going on until it was too late. As the recording got louder and louder the only thing resonating through her ears were Rei's screams.

Like a shockwave the sound pierced through her body, shooting up and pinching her every nerve, making her body freeze on the spot. The horrifying sound pounded against her head like the most evil curse as Emi's throat constricted. The grip on Shin's hand got painfully tighter as she took in the sound she had all but just forgotten, the familiar voice of the person she most cared about crying in agony.

The boys were all frozen in place, eyes wide in horror. As Emi's grin slowly faded, so did their eagerness to hear the tape. Despite the scarring sounds resonating through their ears, everyone was too frozen to stop the recording.

No matter how much they tried to block the sounds, the screams penetrated through the deepest parts of their beings. So much pain, so much agony laced within them, it almost seemed impossible for a human to be making that sound.

That wasn't the worst part. What really shook them was the voice that overheard his screams. Like a cackling hyena it repeated, almost tauntingly over his voice, the words Emi secretly knew but was not prepared to hear.

"This is all her fault." Big Madam said, no one needed to see her face to know there was a grin on it.

"All your suffering, it's all because of her."

At this point there was no trace of air in Emi's lungs, for it had all gotten knocked out of her since the beggining of the recording, but not even her lightheadedness could prevent her from hearing the tape. The sound bounced off the walls in a haunting tune, seeping into her every being, slicing her like the sharpest knife.

"And you know what happens to bad girls, right?" Her disgustingly playful voice was heard once again.

The screaming slowly diminished, being replaced by quiet sobs and begging for the woman to stop. Emi knew big madam too well, though. The woman never stopped.

As the question got repeated one more time, a broken, pain-filled voice echoed through the room.

"T-They need to be killed."

Once those words slipped, a horrifying, blood-curdling scream was heard over the woman's haunting laugh, and at that moment the recording stopped.

Three stiff heads shot towards where the voice recorder previously laid, noticing it was now gone.

"I think that's enough." Ryuu whispered, revealing the object in his hands. "There's no need to hear the rest."

It looked like he was doing it for Emi's sake, but deep down he couldn't erase the image of his own brothers saying those same words, their last breaths being used in a pain-filled scream.

The room was silent, the only thing heard was everyone's ragged breathing as all eyes turned to the girl who had yet to react. She was petrified, the only thing announcing her torment was a single tear that slipped down her cheek.

"Emi?" Jiro's voice came. "Are you okay?"

The girl had yet to move, to give them some sort of sign of her mental state, to show them what was going through her mind.

Shin gulped, his hand between hers holding an unhealthy red color thanks to Emi's tight grip. He tried to loosen it, but the girl did not seem to get the message in her shocked state and could only stare at the wall, her face constricted in pain.

"Emi?" Jiro tried again, reaching out a hand to her.

That's when she snapped.

Like a bullet her hand shot out and grabbed the blond's arm, twisting it until a familiar popping sound emitted from it. She didn't wait to hear Jiro's squeak in pain as she jumped from the bed and away from the three.

"E-Emi?" Jiro asked, eyes wide in fear as he pulled his injured hand to his chest. He was definitely sure the hand was either broken or dislocated, really hoping it was the latter.

The girl turned to face him, a weak smile tugging at her lips in an attempt to hide her agony but the tears streaming down her face clearly gave her away.

"L-Leave me alone. I'm fine." She said, a quivering laugh escaping her lips.

"Sit back down Emi." Ryuu said, his tone strong as he stood up to face her.

"I said leave me alone!" She growled, backing away from the three surprised boys.

"Let's talk this out." Shin's soft voice came as he stood up beside Ryuu.

"I told you I'm fine!" She responded as she clutched her head, nails unconsciously digging into her face.

"Please stop it." Jiro begged. "You're hurting yourself!"

Through shaky movements Emi slid her nails along her face, being the only body part that was exposed because of her long sleeved shirt. A laugh made it's way up her throat as blood started seeping from the trails she left.

"It won't get out." She whispered. "His screams won't get out!"

"Just breathe-"

"Shut up!" She yelled, her back knocking against the wall. "Leave me alone!"

"You need to calm down." Shin whispered as he daringly took a step towards her.

"Come closer and I swear I'll snap your neck." She seethed, freezing the boy in his tracks. His eyes shot towards the other two, sharing hesitant glances as neither knew what to do.

"It's all my fault." She laughed weakly, black dots starting to form across her vision as she squeezed her head even tighter, praying that she could somehow snap it in half. "He's suffering, and it's all my-"

"That's enough." Ryuu cut her off. "I didn't think you were stupid enough to blame yourself for things you can't control."

The words were far from an insult, and it was more like Ryuu trying to comfort the girl in the only way he knew how to.

"What Ryuu meant to say was that you shouldn't beat yourself up because of this." Shin tried to correct, but Emi was already glaring at both of them, her teeth bared as hot tears slid into her mouth.

"How the hell do you want me to react, huh?" She growled, tugging painfully hard at her hair. "She's hurting him-!"

"Stop it!" Ryuu growled back, gaze as fierce as Emi's. "I'm sick of you acting like that kid's your damn lifeline!-"

"Ryuu." Shin grabbed his shoulder lightly but the lilac haired boy shook it off.

"Stop acting like he's the sole reason for your existence." Ryuu seethed. "It's pathetic."

"Dude, shut up." Jiro warned. "Can't you see she's hurting?"

"So?" The lilac one retorted. "How long has it been, a year? Two? Look, neither you or that kid have died. The world won't fall apart just because you got separated! You're not the first who had to go through that, and you certainly won't be the last."

"S-Stop it." Emi whispered, eyes clenching in an attempt to clear her vision. "Just shut up!"

"Can't handle the truth?" Ryuu spat out.

"Dude, what's gotten into you?" Shin whispered as his hand shot out to grab Ryuu's forearm. "Just relax."

"You have no idea," Emi began in a shaky voice. "Of who Rei is and how much he means to me." She said through quivering lips.

"What makes you think you can speak as though you know him? You don't know an ounce of what he's going through!"

Before Ryuu could open his mouth again Shin quickly wrapped a hand over it and pulled the struggling boy away. Muffled yelling could be heard, the fierce gaze the lilac haired boy held was one he had not used in a long time. He was mad, blazing mad, but the urge to kill was not running through his veins. Instead he was outraged, hurt that she could only care about Rei and nobody else.

"Take your hands off your face Emi." Jiro spoke, stepping closer to her despite all the red flags rising up in front of him. "Please."

"Go away." She whispered, attempting to step away but her back knocked against the wall once again. Through blurry eyes she managed to see a blond silhouette slowly approaching.

"Jiro." The girl warned, making the blond hesitate for a split second. Her head was down, hair shielding her face from view and making it impossible for Jiro to read her. "I'm not responsible for anything that happens if you come any closer."

A blood-chilling laugh zoomed past the girl's lips, making the hair at the back of Jiro's neck stand up.

"Calm down." He whispered, although he wasn't sure if the words were meant for Emi or for himself, his heart pounding against his chest as he dared to take one more step towards the girl.

"Are you deaf?" Emi spoke again. "I thought I told you-"

"I heard you." Jiro interrupted, surprising even himself with his courageous words.

"But I don't care. We're an elite team and we look out for each other." He said, playfully adding afterwards in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Even if we're trying to kill each other most of the time."

"I thought you were smarter than this." Came Emi's voice before her head slowly started rising, a sinister smile painted on her face. Before the blond could react she lunged at him, bloody nails digging into his neck as the two tumbled to the ground.

Jiro gave a loud cough, attempting to pry the suffocating grip off him as he squirmed under her body, struggling against the surprising amount of strength the girl had.

"Are we a team now?" Emi growled, hands squeezing Jiro's neck tighter with each passing second, her knee jabbing itself against his stomach to keep him in place. "Are we?!"

"C-Can't... b-breathe." The blond managed to choke out, mentally cursing at himself for being so weak.

"Guess what," the girl giggled, her insane smile sending shivers down his spine as his lungs screamed for air. "I never asked to be in this damn team! Because of it I was taken away from him!"

The veins on Jiro's neck pulsated against Emi's hands, urging the girl to press on them tighter and tighter until the blond's face was visibly red. Her mind rattled with the urge to slide a sharp blade across his neck, begging to see how the beautiful crimson slowly seeped out of his body until he could struggle no more.

"Shin!" Ryuu yelled, trying to break free of the coal haired boy's grasp. "She's gonna kill him you idiot!"

"Wh-?" Shin's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned to face the girl, breath leaving his lungs as he caught sight of what she was doing.

"What the hell?!"

In a split second he was beside her, without even thinking it twice he swung a kick at the girl's side. The impact sent Emi flying across the room, crashing against the concrete wall. Ryuu, who'd been right behind Shin, wasted no time and as soon as her body collided against the concrete he had her pinned against the wall, his elbow rammed against her throat.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" The lilac boy screamed, not able to contain his boiling rage. "You act like the God damn victim all the time! Rei this, Rei that! Mama's hurting Rei and I can't do anything about it!" He mocked the girl, any kind of filter he once carried in his tongue was now gone.

Emi coughed desperately, tears slipping freely down her face as she struggled to catch her breath. She kicked blindly, a sneer laced on her face directed at the boy who was holding her down.

"You know what? You're no better than her! We agree to help you so you can see a guy we don't even like, we train you and welcome you into the damn team," He seethed, his own body shaking with pure rage. "And for what?! As soon as we turn our backs you don't even hesitate to stab them!"

Ryuu's elbow pressed harder against Emi's throat, heart pounding hard against his chest as he violently shook, red spots swarming across his vision.

It was back, the voice was back and clearer than ever. Like a haunting tune it pounded against his ears, deafening and alluring at the same time.

Kill her...

His elbow pressed harder against the girl's throat, absolutely shutting down any kind of oxygen passing to her lungs, a small smile slowly etching across his face.

That's right, my little songbird, end her life. You know well that she deserves it.

"She does." Ryuu mumbled. "She deserves to die."

"R-R...y-uu..." Emi managed to choke out, her vision almost completely blurred thanks to lack of oxygen as her head spun, a wave of dizziness overwhelming her.

"What's wrong? Did little Emi lose her strength?" The boy cooed, pressing against her throat as hard as he could. The tingling feeling of the girl's Adam's apple bobbing against his arm sent waves of pleasure down his body.

"Isn't Emi selfish?" He mocked a pout, teeth gritted inside his mouth. "She bares so much hatred for Big Madam, yet she's exactly the same, isn't she?"

"D-Don't you...ever...c-compare me to-"

"Why not?" He questioned, ramming his knee against the girl's stomach, making her immediately cease her struggling. "Weren't you trying to hurt Jiro just now? Isn't that exactly the same as Big Madam hurting that kid?" He mumbled, a devious laugh escaping his lips.

"The only difference is that while you can only dream about killing the one who hurt your precious Rei..." He slowly leaned forward, warm breath fanning the girl's ear as he finished the sentence.

"If you so much as lay a finger on one of us again, the other two won't even hesitate to kill you."

Hey guys! Here's another chapter. Sorry it took so long, but I hope I made up for it with the length of this one XD

So are you enjoying the occasional 3rd pov chapters? Or do you guys prefer Emi's POV?

Let's keep this A/N short ;) thank you all so much for the amount of support this story is getting! My family is going through a tough time and you guys really brighten up my day, so thank you!


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