Chapter 38

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Gif of my boy Shin being a fabulous lil babe <3

Anyways... On with the reading!

"What am I going to do with you Emi?" Madam A sighed as she leaned agaisnt her desk, face set into a frown. "You know what would've happened if you ended up killing Jiro, right?"

My gaze was locked on the floor, dry tears stained my cheeks as I refused to make eye contact with the woman in front of me.

Madam A smacked her lips in disapproval at my lack of response, not that I could do anything about it as a thick layer of ductape was pressed against my lips, sealing them together. The only thing I could do was glare at the concrete below me.

"When are you going to learn that it's not okay to throw a tantrum just because of a boy?"

I tried to block her mocking voice out of my head but the sound resonated through my eardrums like an endless melody and ripped my insides to shreds. Blood swam through my mouth as my teeth dug into my cheek in an attempt to distract myself.

"Attacking a member while the others are present isn't the smartest move. Just like you'd be willing to kill for Rei's sake, they'll have no problem doing it too, sweetie."

The sound of heels clicking against the floor reached my ears and in a matter of seconds her voice was right next to me, so taunting and evil it was suffocating.

"Did you like the recording?" She asked, the smirk on her face widening as she met my hard glare.

My arms painfully thrashed against the restraints as I fought the blazing urge to snap the woman's neck. I wanted nothing more than to jump at her and wrap my fingers around her throat, wiping that disgusting grin off her face, but unfortunately I couldn't move a single inch. My hands had been tied to a small chair, wrists bound at the armrests by a metal plate along with my ankles at the legs of the seat.

"Honey, struggling only makes them pierce deeper." She whispered in a dissaproving tone.

I growled as I hammered against the metal. It wasn't just any kind of plate. No, Madam A was too creative to bind me with a boring old plate. Instead I could feel the blazing pain of the needle-engraved scrap of metal as it tore through my skin, leaving a river of blood to flow down my limbs.

"This one-sided conversation is getting kind of boring." Madam A hummed to herself before snapping her fingers like she just had the greatest idea in the world. "I'll take the tape off if you promise to be a good girl, alright?"

My breath hitched, movements halting and eyes widening as I locked my gaze on the floor.

But, I am a good girl! Mama said I was!

My teeth gritted as a thin hand came up to grab the edge of the ductape on my lips. I braced myself, my face contorting in pain as the tape got mercilessly ripped off my skin, leaving a burning sensation all over my cheeks and mouth.

"There, all bett-"

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?" I wasted no time, my stare hard and determined but in truth I was trembling in my seat. The burning images of Mama's torture were forever etched into my brain, playing over and over again like a scratched record. The memory of Mama's big, blood-stained hands against my small frame made me shudder in my seat.

"Nothing specific really. I just want to talk about the boys." She answered, her body leaning against my side as she made the needles pierce deeper into my skin.

I gritted my teeth, my lips pursed to the point where I could feel them tearing off my face as the sharp needles penetrated my arms and legs.

She smiled, seemingly satisfied with my pain as before continuing. "There are a few things you should know about those boys, just a few heads up to make it easier for you." she said, bringing her hand up to my shoulder while I gritted my teeth at her disgusting touch.

"Ryuu's psychopathic tendencies are enhanced by his bipolar disorder. You have to be careful with that one, alright? He would've killed you had I not arrived when I did." Madam A tutted, long nails tracing imaginary lines across my bare arms. I tried to move away but immediately stopped as the shooting pain of needles shocked through my limbs.

"Now, one thing I can tell you about Jiro is that he's the most emotionally active one." She said, a surprisingly gentle smile gracing her features. "That's his forte and his downfall, and part of the reason why you always end up hurting him instead of the others."

My body tensed as my heart clenched. I had been so blinded by my own emotions that I was actually willing to kill my friend. I don't know how I'm going to face him after what I did, how am I going to face all of them, to be exact.

"Let's talk about Shin now. You actually managed to make him snap." She said, an impressed tone in her voice.

I couldn't help nodding, my eyes widening at the memories. "Yeah... I did..."

"That's not good, you know. Sadly, the elite group strongly relies on Shin's clear head to stay in one piece."

"They don't sound that elite to me. Just a couple of kids who aren't afraid to kill." I grumbled, my gaze lowering to my lap as I focused on a dirt stain.

"You mean like you?"

I remained silent. There was no use in disagreeing, after all. I was the normal one, Rei was the prodigy.

"You should know by now that every member of the group has a purpose." Madam A continued.

"I know that." I rolled my eyes. "Jiro works with guns, Shin with strategy and Ryuu is hand to hand combat. Did you forget I've been training with them?" I bit, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" She smirked, pushing my wrist further into the needles. My eyes clenched shut as I pursed my lips, trying to hold in my cry in pain as my hand completely froze against the sharp points. Breathing in deeply I tried to ignore the pain and put on my best poker face, I couldn't let Madam A know she was affecting me.

"For a group to work, you must have them balance each other out. As I said before, the team relies on Shin for decision making, keeping them cool and maintaining a clear head, since the other two are incapable of that. I'd go as far as saying Shin has the most important role in the group."

"However, Shin has no motivation whatsoever." She sighed, pursing her lips for a few seconds before speaking again. "That's were Jiro comes in."

"We can all agree that my baby's attitude and charisma are highly contagious, the way he somehow manages to lighten the mood with his mere presence is extraordinary. But you already know what his downfall is, right?"

I slowly nodded, my eyes coming up to meet hers for a split second. "He's too emotional."

"Exactly." Madam A nodded, a hand coming up to gently graze my cheek. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to lean as further away from her as possible.

"Now, this isn't always bad. Protecting his comrades is what fuels him. But most of the time it gets him in unnecessary situations. No matter how doomed you are he'll try to save you, even if it costs him his own life." She responded. "And that's why we have Ryuu."

My nose scrunched up at the sound of his name, an unsettling feeling arising in my stomach at the very thought of the lilac haired boy.

"Ryuu is impuslive and lacks caring for people other than himself, which balances out Jiro's superhero urges. I'd have to say, if I were to pair two members together I'd put Ryuu and Jiro in the same team. While Jiro covers long to mid-range combat, Ryuu has close-range, which is a beautiful combination if you ask me."

"I can't imagine those two working together, they're always arguing." I mumbled to myself. 

"Now, my purpose for creating the elite group was to make them form bonds." Madam A continued. "You see, the stronger the bond, the stronger the person will fight to keep it. You can take the bond between you and Rei for example." She said while walking over to stand in front of me once again, a hand gently resting on her hip.

"What would you do if I killed Rei?"

"I'd kill you." I replied almost instantaneously, a glare directed at her.

"Exactly. That's why my boys always have each other's backs. Jiro, although he might not admit it, holds deep respect and admiration for Ryuu, maybe because he can do things Jiro can only dream of doing. Now, Jiro's relationship with Shin is a bit stronger considering Shin was his first friend. Their bond is perhaps the strongest, as they treat each other like brothers."

"Now, Ryuu's relationship with Shin is a bit different." Madam A paused, a wide smirk decorating her face making her look ten times as troublesome. "They have a special kind of bond, to put it in simple words."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I whispered, my wrists slightly shifting against the needles on my skin, making me grit my teeth.

"In hopes that you understand how vital it is for you to form a bond with the boys. That's the only way for the group to work." She replied before continuing.

"Now do you understand your role in all this?" She asked.

I shook my head, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"It's quite simple, really. If you want to see Rei again, you'll have to find your fitting place inside the elites."


"Hey, um... Jiro?" I shyly called out, taking small steps inside the dormitory. My gaze searched for a trace of the blond, looking over the room only to realize he was not there.

"What do you want with him?" Another voice echoed through my ears, making me turn my head to where Ryuu laid on a mattress, hands behind his head as it rested on top of Shin's stomach. The other boy was staring into oblivion as usual, his relaxed breathing reaching my ears in soft puffs.

"None of your business." I mumbled, my eyes traveling to the floor. "I just want to talk to him."

"Listen to that, Shin." The lilac boy laughed, rolling over so his body was now sprawled over the coal haired boy's in a vague attempt to get his attention. "Emi thinks we're going to leave her alone with Jiro after she tried to kill him."

The words stung like alcohol in a fresh wound, making me grit my teeth at the reminder. Shin offered a simple glance at Ryuu, his gaze traveling to mine seconds after with an unreadable expression on his face aa he took in my appearance.

"What happened to your arms and legs?"

At the question we all stood silent,  Shin's intense stare boring into mine as it silently demanded an explanation. I was even more surprised when Ryuu showed genuine curiosity for my response.

"I was..." Trying to look for the right words I gave a short pause. "...talking to Madam A."

I opted for the safe route, because no way in hell was I going to tell them they were our main topic of conversation.

"That was one heck of a talk if your arms and legs are all bloody." Ryuu pipped in, his eyebrows furrowing in suspicion.

"Anyways, can you tell me where Jiro is?" I asked again.  

"Which brings us to our previous answer, what do you want with him?" Ryuu bluntly shot back.

"Look, I promise I'm not going to hurt him. I just want to talk." I whispered.

"Like we'd believe you." Ryuu interjected once more.

"Please," I insisted. "I'm only going to apologize for acting the way I did. I swear I won't try to pull something else."

The lilac boy opened his mouth, but before any words could leave it a deeper voice reached my ears.

"He's in the weapon room."

"Shin? What the hell!" Ryuu growled, sitting up immediately to glare at the stoic boy next to him.


"What do you mean 'what'? Why'd you tell her?" Ryuu exclaimed.

"Because," Shin gave a small shrug. "Jiro deserves an apology."

"Seriously? You literally just told her so she can hurt him sgain! Why the hell would you even let her-!" Before Ryuu could fume out the rest Shin grabbed his hand and pulled the boy forward, making his face plant into the mattress.

I stood with my eyes wide in surprise as Shin cracked a one in a million grin, laughing at the raging Ryuu before turning to me.

"You should leave while you have the chance."

"Y-yeah..." I sweatdropped, taking one last glance at the scene in front of me before turning on my heels and quickly exiting the room.

The walk towards the weapon room was quick as I forced my steps to be bigger with every passing second, eager to get to the room. It wasn't very long before I finally found myself in front of the medium sized door at the end of the hallway.

My hand rested on the on knob for a moment, Madam A's words resonating through my head. All I had to do was find my role inside the group and I'd be able to see Rei.

Part of me wanted to apologize now just to accelerate the process of getting to my only objective; to be reunited with the person I most care about. The other half knew I was doing it because, like it or not, Jiro had become a friend of mine.

Each one of the boys had slowly started growing on me. Jiro was the first one to actually befriend me when everyone else looked at me like I was some sort of monster. Shin was the one who silently stood at my side, making sure I was okay without using any words, and the one who helped me sleep at night. Ryuu was the most surprising, though. I had begun to notice those small changes in behaviour, the way he would constantly glance at my direction whenever we were on a mission, the way he indirectly tried to comfort me, the way he slowly opened up to me with each passing day.

Before I even realized I had let myself warm up to the boys, and that was certainly not good. It was obvious that I would leave them sooner or later to be with Rei, we all knew that.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I finally mustered up the courage to slightly open the door and take a peek inside. Moving my gaze around the weapon-filled room I soon noticed Jiro was nowhere in sight. Sighing deeply I pushed the door all the way and stepped inside, jumping over what seemed to be every single weapon in existence as I made my way towards the familiar door at the end of the room. I remembered it clearly, it was the room where I usually trained with him.

"Hey Jiro." I called softly, knocking once against the wooden door.

I finally found the boy crouching on the floor a few feet away from me, hands skillfully flying around the long object in his hand. He looked deep in concentration, beads of sweat lining his forehead as the tip of his tongue darted out once in a while to moisten his lips.

"Jiro." I called one more time, making him jump slightly at my presence and stand up abruptly. The break in concentration caused him to drop the weapon as it crashed into the floor, a few of it's parts snapping off. My eyes fell upon the now scattered parts of what I recognized as a sniper rifle.

"Emi? What are you doing here?" He questioned, a gentle smile on his face although I did manage to catch the slight twitch in his left eye.

I frowned.

Jiro didn't talk like that. Where was the usual cheerfulness in his speech? The one that made people fight the urge to smile, the one that seemed to irradiate eternal gleefulness?

"I came to talk to you." I answered, quietly making my way over to him. As I got closer my face contorted in a slight cringe, catching sight of his neck covered in bandages. 

"Yeah, sure." He shrugged, locking his gaze back on the sniper that laid on the floor.

"I wanted to apologize for acting the way I did." I cut to the chase, my eyes trying to find his as he seemed to be avoiding my stare. "I was upset because of the recording, but taking it out on you was a bit too much."

"It's okay," he replied. "No worries."

"Jiro," I sighed, my frown deepening as I stepped closer to him. Mentally cursing our huge height difference I grabbed his hands and pulled him down until he was kneeling in front of me. It was the only way we could be at eye level.

"Please look at me." I whispered, my small hands traveling up to his cheeks as I made his head face mine.

"I acted like a big meanie. You didn't deserve all that." One hand gently grazed the bandages on his neck, guilt dripping out my every pore. "I really am sorry."

"Hey, it's okay." He answered, a soft smile gracing his features and I could finally tell that it was real.

"I can't really blame you, I would've reacted the same way. Although I would appreciate if you tried to kill Ryuu instead of me next time." He chuckled, his smile finally breaking into a full on grin. My lips unconsciously curled to match his as a soft giggle escaped them.

"There won't be a next time." I said.

"I wouldn't hold my breath." He playfully rolled his eyes, but his smile immediately dropped as his hazel eyes landed on my body.

Through wide eyes he pushed me away, almost falling backwards as he backed as far away from me as possible.

"E-Emi, what the hell!"

"I, um... What?" I asked, oblivious to why he reacted like that until I remembered...

"You're scared of blood." I whispered.

"I-I'm not scared of blood! I just prefer to be away from it."

"But we're full of blood!"

Jiro's gaze fell to the floor as a pout formed on his lips. "Well I don't like blood."

"Anyways, what happened? Why hasn't Shin cleaned you up? He's the mother, he should be looking out for things like this!" Jiro ranted, a stern look on his face.

"Relax, it was just a little situation with Madam A," I explained. "I didn't have time to let him clean the wounds because I wanted to talk to you first."

"I feel important." He joked.

"You are, silly." I laughed, stopping mid way as a small yawn crawled up my throat. "Man, today's been a really long day."

"And it's going to be longer because you haven't told me what the hell Ma' did to you."

I covered my mouth as I exhaled deeply. "Can we talk about it tomorrow? I'd rather not think about it right now."

Again, no way in hell was I going to tell them our conversation was solely based on the three of them.

"Fine, fine." He rolled his eyes, standing up as he picked the scattered parts of the sniper off the floor. Walking over to the nearest table he grabbed a box, setting all the pieces inside and tucking it under his arm.

"Let's go yell at Shin for not taking care of my dear Emi."

He didn't even wait for my reply as he started walking towards the exit, keeping a safe distance from us as I was covered in blood. 

I laughed softly, trying to contain another yawn as it made it's way past my lips.

"Good luck Shin."


Hello guys! Long time since I updated! I'm so sorry it took so long and I personally hated this update. I couldn't get my creative juices flowing and I ended up writing this shit. School's been taking all my imagination away, I've been drowning in schoolwork lately and I've barely had any time for myself :"D

But anyways, I have a great idea (I hope you guys like it, although some of you may not) IT INVOLVES REI, contributing to the #BringReiBack campaign. I realized I can't bring him back just yet because I still have a few more details to give you guys. For example, Emi's first mission as an Elite.

So keep your eyes out for the next couple of updates and I hope you guys like them :"D

THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT THIS STORY IS GETTING! I would've never imagined I'd get this far and its all because of you guys c:

-Yolo xx

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