Chapter 65

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Ayo! This quick little update is a gift for hisokasdreamgirl. I hope you get better soon, love. And thank you so much for reading my story <3

[Previous trivia]: Who can sing out of the elites?

Answer: Ryuu.

I mentioned in his backstory that his mother made him sing until his vocal chords bled, and that she called him her 'little song bird'. So yes, he can sing but he honestly hates doing it.

Shin can sing too, although not as sweet and melodic as Ryuu. He just basically knows where to keep his pitch.

Jiro can't sing for shit, alright? XD he's my baby, but he sounds like a dying walrus when he sings, just like me XD

The puddle of urine at his feet had gone cold. Muffled pleas slipped passed the makeshift gag that squeezed his mouth, delighting my ears as I paced slowly, from side to side, like a cheetah watching an injured gazelle trying to find their way to safety.

Because that was exactly what was happening.

"Let him go." I mumbled, just loud enough for Jiro to hear. The blond sighed, walking over to the shaking man. At his approach he started screaming, although the sound didn't quite reach my ears thanks to the gag.

I could see it in his eyes, however, and it was a hundred times more exhilarating. He was screaming with his entire body, making mine tingle at the sight.

The sound of chains clanging against the wall make me dart my eyes back to the man, who had immediately tumbled to the ground in a mess of urine, blood and tears.

The same impatient blond stomped across the room, throwing the door to the only exit open.

The man's movements halted. Jiro crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me like a child about to throw a tantrum.

I smiled.

He flashed me the middle finger.

Soon I saw the silhouette of the man shakily get up, his movements sluggish as he raced across the room toward the open exit. He did not stumble once, an action I greatly admired as I followed him with my gaze.

His foot was halfway out the door when I finally flicked my wrist up. Not a sound or movement emmited by the trinity reaper but the sound of sure death in its purest form: quiet, ephemeral but everlasting.

Everything within a five feet radious got showered in blood as the man's head exploded in a million tiny pieces. The walls, floor, even Ryuu's face as it peeked through the doorway at the most inopportune moment.

"Collateral!" Jiro cheered, jumping in front of the frozen boy who all but understood what the hell was going on.

I smiled at the weapon wrapped around my wrist. Out of all Jiro's creations, this one had to be my favorite.

"You have five seconds before I snap your neck." Ryuu muttered but Jiro remained completely unaffected by the threat. Instead he moved over to inspect the beautiful writing on the walls from a safe distance, making sure not to touch the liquid as it ran down.

"This." He whispered to himself, trailing his eyes across the sea of red. "This is what you call art."

"This is what you call my foot up your-" I interrupted Ryuu's rage with a laugh.

"Ryuu, come check this out!" I motioned him over, having him sigh in frustration before brushing past Jiro with enough force to send him stumbling forward. Jiro remained unnafected, too immersed in admiring the crimson splattered across the grimy walls.

His hazel gaze shone with a fire a hundred times brighter than the sun. It had been his creation, after all.

"What?" I heard a clear, soft voice reach my ears and I turned to Ryuu just in time to catch him wiping the last bits of blood off his face. His face was contorted in an annoyed expression, probably not enjoying being sprayed in blood out of the blue.

"You need to see this." I stuck out my wrist, allowing full view of the small contraption wrapped around my hand. His lilac gaze examined the object, curiosity spiking across his vision.

"Is that why we have some random person spattered on our walls?" He wondered, to which I immediately nodded.

"It's awesome! Check this out." I bounced on the balls of my feet, aiming a quick hand at the teenage boy who didn't even have enough time to turn his horrified eyes away from me. In a matter of a split second his brains were scattered across the wall behind him, blood still spraying from his veins as the lifeless body slumped, held slightly up because of the chains.

Immediately a delighted squeal rang through the room as Jiro raced toward the fresh scene.

"What is that?" Ryuu asked, trying to keep his tone flat but I could see the wide appearance of his eyes.

"The trinity reaper." I grinned. "Jiro made it soundless and without a single trace of recoil. Its like a liquid that becomes solid in the air, and once it rips through the skin it makes your head explode."

The lilac haired boy blinked, undoubtedly amazed by the information.


"I'm not really sure. Jiro's gonna teach me how to make the liquid bullets later today. What I do know is that the liquid has some kind of explosive reaction around RC cells, and that's why it goes boom."

"Whoa..." Ryuu muttered, nodding slightly. "That's a hell of a weapon."

"I know." I grinned, directing my gaze toward the maker, a proud blond who was currently squealing at the blood-splattered walls.

"Jiro really is something else."

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately..."

His knees were shaking, void of any strength to keep himself up, not even the strength to fight back. It had all been drained out of him.

"...But I like it."

Big Madam grinned down at him, and only then did he allow a weak, accomplished smile to stretch on his lips.

"This is the Rei Suzuya I raised. I've missed you, darling. Welcome back." The huge woman pinched his cheeks, perhaps with a bit more force than necessary, but Rei didn't even notice as happiness swelled inside him.

"M-Mama." He smiled shakily, his limbs finally giving up on him as he tumbled down. "I-I've been a good boy?"

"You've been more than that, sweetie. You've been a wonderful boy." Big Madam cooed sweetly at his trashed figure. Blood seeped out a few cuts, trailing over the infinite amount of bruises that littered his porcelain skin. His limbs were shaking from exhaustion, chest heaving up and down at a desperate rate, and when she saw the smile on his face there was only one thing running through her mind.

The sight had never been more beautiful.

"Good boy points?" He wondered weakly, making the woman smile in return.

"Yes, Rei. Lots and lots of good boy points."

At the obviousness that the boy didn't have any strength to move, Big Madam took it upon herself to bring the boy back to his cell.

"Come now, you need to rest. Only a couple of days until the scrapping ceremony." She sang, pulling the boy up and into her grasp.

His blood, sweat and tears (SORRY ARMY I HAD TO XD) clung to the huge woman's body. She all but minded the contact. It was a sign that her darling pet had regained who he once was.

She made her way across the training yard, stepping over an unhealthy amount of human bodies that laid scattered and completely destroyed on the floor. This time it had been eight hundred armed ones, all against a boy who only carried one weapon, the knife he'd been given by a girl he once knew.

"You've been such a good boy, Rei. It's time for your reward."

TRIVIA: Who's most likely to fight over food?

A. Jiro
B. Shin
C. Ryuu
D. Me (just kidding XD)

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