Chapter 66

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PREVIOUS TRIVIA: Who would most likely fight over food.

Answer: me of course XD

But out of the elites, I'd say Jiro does fight over food. And Ryuu would fight if it's something he really likes, or if its something somebody else likes and he just wants to have it for the fun of it.


"You're such a pretty little doll, aren't you?"

The man's voice was gruff, sounding like it had been picked up from the deepest trench hell had to offer. It lingered in the young boy's ear drums, pounding against his skull like a sick tune he just couldn't get rid of.

The man's dirty hands were curiously exploring his small body, fingers brushing against the crease of his neck, up to his earlobe and finishing against the curve of his thin, pale lips, only for the cycle to start all over again.

The boy stood straight, rigid enough to show his discomfort while still looking elegant enough to please Big Madam who was standing just a few feet away. A delicate, light blue dress hung over his shoulders, covering his pale figure.

"Such soft skin. Its mesmerizing." The man continued, kneeling to be at the same level to a pair of blood red eyes.

Rei inspired innocence in its most purest form. With beautiful snow white hair that cascaded down his back like a soft sheet and wide, bright eyes that seemed to capture anyone who looked his way. A petite body figure gifted with the ability to recuperate its glow even after a thousand and one beatings.

If someone were to describe Rei Juuzou in one word, without a doubt it would be alluring.

Rei himself, however, could think of a million words to describe himself, but alluring was not even close to them.

Broken was too heavy of a word for him. Scratched, perhaps made him a bit more justice.

"How did you ever find a pretty little girl like this?" The man questioned, his unholy eyes leaving the boy's body to direct his attention to Big Madam.

"Details like that don't matter, do they?" The huge woman smirked, her thick golden glasses rising with her thick cheeks.

"Name a price." The man continued, his gaze settling back to Rei as his dirty fingers fixed a course across his small chest, gently grazing his stomach as he waited for the woman's response.

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but my darling Rei is not for sale."

There was a dark glint in Big Madam's eyes as she watched the man's hand travel across Rei's thigh.

"Nonesense. Everyone has a price-" it was when the man's fingers slid inside Rei's dress that everything suddenly stopped.

"I told you, my Rei isn't for sale." Big Madam responded darkly, her kagune already lodged inside the man's throat.

Next thing Rei knew, he was standing in a puddle of blood, although this time he hadn't been the cause of it. Light drops of crimson dotted his dress and Big Madam sighed.

"Come darling. Time to leave." She extended a huge hand toward his direction. Rei slowly slid his little hand into hers, walking side by side as the puddle of blood grew bigger behind them.

The unfamiliar sting of the man's hand left a tingling feeling against his thigh. It reminded him of that day.

It had been dark. But not the pitch-black kind of dark. It had been an asphyxiating, nowhere to hide and no use in running kind of dark. The kind that wrapped around your throat, constricting you until it felt like every drop of oxygen had decided to abandon you, just like everyone else did.

Rei hated that type of dark.

He'd thought he was going to spend the day just like any other, rotting away in his own waste and waiting for death's hands to squeeze him until he popped.

But death had been selfish with him, because no matter how many times he'd begged for relief, his lungs still fought for air. Death had abandoned him as well.

And there he remained, forgotten by everyone except the woman who was both his savior and nightmare. The only company he had was in the form of a knife, which was as sharp as ever despite the amount of use it had been put to. Not even a single trace of rust was found. Something about that knife sparked a deep, strange feeling of longing inside him, although he couldn't quite remember what it was.

The cell door had remained closed for a long time, or as long as Rei's patience could handle. It could've been a day, or maybe a week.

But on that day the door had opened, and in stepped Big Madam. Her thick figure had been as graceless as ever, a golden smile on her lips as she closed the door behind her.

This is the part where the image had begun to get blurry. He could only remember specks of it, flashes of images forever imbeded into his memory. He remembered small talk. He remembered silence.

He remembered blood flowing like endless waterfalls down his legs, and an inhuman scream ripping through his eardrums.

Not much happened before everything had suddenly stopped and the memory came to abrupt darkness.

Later, when he regained consciousness and found himself surrounded by a sea of red, he would realize the blood-curdling scream had been his.

The second thing he would notice, as his head spun and the bile crawled up his throat, was that Big Madam's dream had finally come true.

"Rei Suzuya," she'd said, just before a heavy feeling made his eyes slip shut.

"From this day forward, you are a girl."

Don't hate me! This is actually canon. Big Madam did castrate our little boy :"(

I hope everyone enjoyed the chap! We're in the final chapters.

Trivia: Who would cry while watching "The notebook"?

A. Shin
B. Ryuu
C. Jiro

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