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This is an entry for the Nerds for Nerds Fanfiction Short Story Contest, which can be found at:❛-short-story-contests-❜-fanfiction-short-story. The fandom is Keeper of the Lost Cities, and is from Keefe Sencen's point of view. Please critique or vote, feedback really helps! It's relatively short, but I hope you enjoy and don't think it's too boring!


All characters and places belong to the wonderful Shannon Messenger, author of Keeper of the Lost Cities. The plot line is mine, but all credit to the characters goes to her!

Edit: AHHHHHH IT WON THIRD PLACE IN THE CONTEST! YAY YAY YAY THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! And, this has 200 reads! It may seem like a small number, but that's the most any of my stories has ever gotten!

Another edit: Currently I'm editing this, so there may be some changes. Nothing big, but I'll probably extend the storyline a bit more, and let it flow a little more naturally. 

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