Chapter One- Me

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Just so you know, the whole story is Keefe's POV.

My name is Keefe Sencen. It'd probably have been more realistic if I was named Mistake, though. I can't even laugh at that joke, because it only brings me down further.

Why'd I do it? Why did I join the Neverseen? Why didn't I listen to Sophie? I've broken her trust, everyone's trust, the caches were fake, I handed over Aluvettere, and I'm just as horrible as good ol' Dad said I was.

Anyone but me. I wish that. Anyone. Everyone else is fine. Look at Fitz, getting my Sophie, the girl of my dreams.

I sigh as I pace my bedroom. Sooner or later my mind would break with the guilt. I didn't care. Maybe I should just go kill myself now.

Sophie might've been able to lift my spirits, but every time I see her now, my spirits just get lower. Because I have no chance with her now. Beautiful, sweet, Sophie. Dating Fitz.

She never loved me. Still doesn't. Why did I have to manifest as an Empath? Now all I see is her love for Fitz, and her mere friendship towards me. We could've been more, but I never told her. It would've been a let down any way.

A knock on my door startles me, and I look up to see Dad. He's definitely not helping my problems. Neither is the remainder I'm the son of a Neverseen member. I was meant to be someone else, someone evil.

But I'm not.

"What do you want?" I say harshly.

"Sophie invited you over to Everglen. She's downstairs." Dad replied, just as coolly.

"Tell her I'm busy." I sighed. Dad raised his eyebrow.

"Doesn't look like it."

"I am. Go away. I'm not in the mood for you or her right now." Especially since Fitz would be at Everglen, and I couldn't handle them making dreamy eyes at eachother the entire time.

Dad gave me one of his oily smiles.

"Fine. Stay in here for the rest of your life, I don't care." He said, leaving.

"Well that's exactly what I'd like to do, now go!" I yelled after him, slamming the door behind him.

Then I went back into my pit of agony, which was soon interrupted again.

"Keefe?" It was Sophie. I wished I could yell at her, tell her to go away, the same I'd done with my dad, but I couldn't. All energy had worn away from me. There was nothing left to get angry, to make jokes, to be sad. I was just worn, and I didn't like it.

"I'm fine. You didn't have to come up here." I replied, facing away from her. I could feel emotions of worry and despair radiating off of her. It only fed my own emotions.

"But I did. Keefe, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Why don't you want to do anything anymore? Even your hair is dead." She said, reaching up to poke my limp hair, unstyled.

"I don't feel like it." I replied.

"Because you won't do it. You've forgotten what it's like to have fun. Besides, we need your help defeating the Neverseen." She said.

"I'm useless. I've already messed everything up, why should I again?" Sophie's worry radiated off in waves and waves, overwhelming me.

"But you didn't! Keefe! We're back on track. It isn't your fault. Look, Keefe, we need you! Why don't we go to Everglen? Fitz, Biana, and Dex are already there, we can play base quest!" Sophie started to pull me off the bed. I'd do anything to make her happy. And she certainly wasn't now.

"Fiiinnne..." I drawled out. Anything for you, Foster. I added in my mind.

Sophie's face broke into a smile, and now waves of happiness came off her. They filled me up, and for a moment I could believe it was me who was happy.

But as I trudged off, Sophie pulling me, gloominess settled back, pushing me into the hole of depression I'd forged for myself.

So, this is a pretty depressing chapter. It'll get better, I promise.

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