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Chapter 23

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I TRACED THE edge of the rare gemstone in my palm, watching as it caught the light, casting soft red glimmers across the room.

Good thing I brought this gemstone with me, otherwise I’d have to return to the Ducal Palace again. What a hassle that would’ve been.

Before I could lose myself in my thoughts, the door creaked open behind me.

“You’re not planning to walk around the capital in that, are you?” The Crown Prince’s voice was smooth, laced with a hint of amusement. I turned to see him leaning casually against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

I glanced down at my simple chemise gown, still far from the elaborate dresses I wore at the banquet. “What’s wrong with this?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s comfortable.”

The Crown Prince Lumine’s lips quirked into a small smirk as he pushed off from the door. “Comfortable, yes. But you’re stepping out into the middle of the festival. You’ll stand out like a sore thumb.” He moved closer, his black eyes holding mine with that familiar authority. “You should dress... appropriately.”

I narrowed my eyes slightly, picking up on the subtle command in his voice. “Appropriately?” I repeated, mocking his tone.

Before I could continue, he motioned to the open door behind him. “I’ve had my servants prepare something more fitting for the occasion. After all, I can’t have the Grand Duke’s daughter wandering the streets in that.”

I blinked, surprised by the gesture. “You... had a dress prepared?”

I was so surprised. I just asked him to escort me outside, not to get dressed.

He raised an eyebrow, his expression calm but with the unmistakable air of royalty. “Naturally. It’s expected.”

“And what exactly did your royal tastes choose for me?” I asked, mockingly.

Without missing a beat, the Crown Prince stepped aside, revealing a small group of royal servants behind him, holding a beautifully crafted dress.

The gown was a deep emerald green, its fabric shimmering in the light, with intricate silver embroidery running along the bodice and sleeves. It was elegant, yet not overly extravagant—perfect for blending into the lively crowd without attracting too much attention, yet still befitting someone of noble status.

Well, for a moment I thought he would prepare a ridiculous dress just like Darious, but luckily he didn’t.

I crossed my arms, still a bit reluctant but knowing there was no point in arguing. “Fine,” I muttered, trying to hide the small grin tugging at my lips. “But if this dress is too tight, you’re the one to blame.”

The Crown Prince chuckled softly, waving me off as his servants entered the room to help me change. “I’ll take full responsibility,” he said, turning to leave. “I’ll be waiting.”

It didn’t take long for the servants to dress me in the gown. The fabric was light and comfortable, the emerald color contrasting perfectly with the silver trimmings. The dress flowed gracefully as I moved, and it felt strangely... empowering. As much as I hated taking advice from the Crown Prince, I had to admit, it was far better suited for walking through the bustling capital than the chemise I had been wearing.

Once I was dressed, I looked in the mirror. The red gemstone in my hand still caught the light, glimmering against the rich green of the dress. I tucked the stone into a small pocket sewn into the fabric and made my way out to where Lumine waited.

The Crown Prince gave me a once-over, his sharp eyes appraising the result. He nodded, satisfied. “Much better.”

“Happy now?” I shot back, though I couldn’t help but smirk a little. The gown fit perfectly, and though I’d never admit it to him, it felt good to look the part.

“As much as I can be,” he said with a faint smile, offering me his arm. “Shall we?”

I hesitated for a moment, then took his arm, feeling the weight of his authority settle around us as we stepped out into the room.

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The capital was alive with celebration. The streets were packed with people, all dressed in their finest, their faces lit with joy and excitement. Music filled the air, lively tunes played by street musicians while dancers spun in the open squares. Colorful banners fluttered overhead, and every corner of the city seemed to buzz with the energy of the festival. The aroma of roasted meats, sweet cakes, and spiced drinks wafted through the air, making my stomach rumble despite the meal I had just eaten.

Beside me, Lumine walked with the effortless grace of royalty, his mere presence commanding attention from everyone we passed. People bowed as we moved through the lively streets, though most kept a respectful distance, clearly intimidated. I, on the other hand, felt a mix of curiosity and suspicion directed my way—no doubt due to my less-than-stellar reputation. Tsk.

“So this is what it feels like to walk beside royalty,” I muttered, glancing up at the Crown Prince. “People either bow or stare.”

“They stare at you, my lady,” he responded smoothly, his tone light but teasing. “Perhaps they can sense the villainess in you.”

I shot him a sharp look, but he merely chuckled, clearly enjoying my discomfort. Typical. He always had to have the upper hand.

We continued in silence, the guards trailing a few steps behind. The capital was as lively as ever, and curious gazes followed us—particularly the Crown Prince. I could feel the weight of every noble and commoner’s stare, but as usual, Lumine remained unfazed, his attention focused on the path ahead. Ah, the perks of being the future ruler.

“Are you always this popular, Your Highness?” I teased, casually inspecting the rare red gemstone in my palm as it sparkled under the sunlight, catching my eye with every step.

He glanced at me, raising a brow. “It’s the crown, not me. I’m simply a man in royal attire,” he replied with a smirk, his tone carrying just enough amusement to keep it from sounding too arrogant.

I chuckled under my breath, rolling the gemstone between my fingers. “Sure, it has nothing to do with the man behind the title.”

Lumine’s smirk widened just slightly, but he said nothing, letting the conversation settle into a comfortable silence as we continued through the bustling streets. The capital was still immersed in the five-day celebration, and everywhere we turned, people were celebrating, their laughter and joy echoing through the air. The city had never seemed so alive.

Finally, we arrived at the craftsman’s shop, its entrance marked by a grand archway adorned with intricate carvings. Despite the noise of the festival outside, the clinking of metal against metal echoed from within, the sound of a skilled craftsman hard at work. As we stepped inside, the air grew cooler, and the flickering light of forge fires cast shadows across the room.

The craftsman looked up from his work, his eyes widening when he recognized the Crown Prince. “Greetings to the little sun of the Empire, Your Royal Highness, the Crown Prince,” he greeted with a deep bow, his voice trembling slightly. “Lady Arthemice.”

Before Lumine could respond, I stepped forward, pulling the red gemstone from my pocket and holding it out for the craftsman to see. “I want this made into a ring,” I said, my voice firm but polite. “Something elegant, but simple.”

The craftsman’s eyes widened as he inspected the stone. His hands trembled slightly as he took it from me, carefully turning it over in his fingers. “This… this is a rare gemstone, my lady. I’ve never seen one quite like it before.”

“Of course it is. Do you think I’d come to you with a common stone?” I raised a brow, keeping my expression firm but amused. The craftsman swallowed nervously, his hands shaking slightly as he set the stone down on his workbench.

Lumine chuckled softly from behind me. “Be gentle, Lady Arthemice. We don’t want him running off before he finishes the job.”

I shot him a side glance, smirking. “I’m simply ensuring the task is done properly, Your Highness. Isn’t that why we came to the finest craftsman in the capital?”

The craftsman nodded quickly, eager to please. “Of course, my lady, I’ll have it done with the utmost care.”

After inspecting the stone, the craftsman quickly sketched out a few designs on parchment, his hands moving with surprising speed despite his nervousness. I leaned over the counter, my eyes scanning the designs until one caught my eye—a simple, silver band that would allow the gemstone to be the focal point, elegant yet understated.

“This one,” I said, “it’ll do.”

The craftsman nodded eagerly, his voice shaky. “It will take a day or two, but I assure you it will be done with the utmost care.”

“Good,” I replied. “I expect perfection.”

With that, Lumine and I turned to leave the shop. As we stepped back out into the bustling streets, I glanced at the Crown Prince. “You know,” I said, slipping my hands behind my back, “I might have expected a bit more fanfare for royalty visiting the capital’s finest.”

He gave me a side glance, his lips curving into a subtle smile. “You do enough for the both of us, Lady Arthemice.”

I stifled a laugh, shaking my head. At least he didn’t try to lecture me about etiquette.

Lumine also chuckled softly as we continued through the crowded streets, the lively energy of the festival swirling around us.

We were just about to take another step when the bright day was abruptly swallowed by darkness. I froze, my foot hovering mid-air, and instinctively looked up at the sky. What the heck? Is that an eclipse?

The lively chatter around us fell into stunned silence. People who were once full of joy now stood motionless, their gazes fixated upward. The sun, which had been shining brightly just moments ago, was now almost entirely obscured by the moon. Shadows stretched across the cobblestone streets, and the air seemed to thicken with an ominous weight.

A cold shiver crept down my spine as dread washed over me. I’ve recognize this scene. The omen before disaster. The people thought it was just a blessing from the gods to honor the heroes, but I knew better. But in truth, this was the first warning—a sign that this kingdom was on the verge of collapse. Reynald... The Emperor is making his move.

“Your Highness, I believe I should go home now,” I muttered softly, tugging at the hem of his cloak. His gaze remained fixed on the sky, his usual composed expression faltering, momentarily lost in the spectacle above. He didn’t even notice me.

The Crown Prince opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, I cut him off. “M-My head... it hurts,” I stammered, clutching my forehead, feigning weakness. I stumbled slightly, letting out a small gasp as if I might collapse.

If he insists on keeping me here, I’ll be caught in the middle of something I want no part of. I needed to go to the manor. Prepare. I wasn’t the protagonist—I was expendable. I can be killed or injured just as easily as anyone else.

I felt my pulse quicken with frustration. The attempt on Arthemice’s life... It’s closing in.

“My lady!” The Crown Prince's eyes widened, his face shifting into genuine concern. His usual regal demeanor cracked, just for a moment. Well, at least my acting is working.

He quickly summoned a knight, instructing him to escort me to the royal carriage. I allowed myself to be led away.

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A predicament will arrive in 24 hours!

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The system’s holographic image flashed before my eyes, displaying its announcement. Huh. Wonderful.


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