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Chapter 24

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“NO, FATHER! Please, you have to believe me!” My voice trembled as I slammed both hands onto the desk, desperation creeping into my tone. I couldn’t risk telling him about the Emperor’s betrayal, but at least I warned him about the looming threat—the monster heading for the kingdom.

His gaze softened, though a flicker of concern remained behind his tired eyes. “You’re just exhausted, my dear. You fainted during the celebration, and it’s clearly taking a toll on you.” He spoke in that calm, measured way, folding the documents in front of him with deliberate precision. The dark circles under his eyes betrayed more stress than he was willing to admit.

I let out a long sigh, the weight of his words heavy in my chest. Of course. He wasn’t going to listen. Why did I even hope otherwise? If he won’t act, then I have no choice but to handle this myself. Alone.

Straightening, I dipped into a formal bow, my movements sharp. “Then I shall take my leave, Your Grace,” I said, my voice hollow with resignation. Without waiting for his response, I turned on my heel, my steps swift as I made for the door.

“Where are you going?” His voice cut through the silence just as my hand hovered near the door handle. I froze mid-step, slowly turning to face him again. His brows knitted together in suspicion as he scrutinized me from head to toe, as if searching for some sign that I wasn’t quite myself.

“You seem fine now,” he continued, the unease in his voice barely masked. “We’ll visit the Emperor tomorrow morning. He has some matters to discuss with you.” His eyes drifted back to the documents, dismissing me as quickly as he had summoned me.

“Of course, Your Grace.” I forced the words out, turning away once more. This time, I opened the door, hoping to escape before he could question me further.

“Sleep well, my dear,” he added softly, just as I was about to close the door. I managed a small nod, accompanied by a faint, strained smile before shutting it behind me.

Once outside, I released the breath I had been holding, but it came out as a defeated sigh. I can’t ask Sebastian for help either. I clenched my fists. He’s the one tasked with killing me, after all.

The realization settled over me like a heavy cloak, suffocating and cold. I’m truly alone in this. I needed to rely on myself. I have to do this.

I reached my room and pushed the door open, stepping inside as I ran a hand over my face. “How foolish,” I muttered under my breath, giving my head a small slap. Why did I even think anyone else would help me? I had known from the start that no one was coming to my aid. Yet, for a fleeting moment, the thought had crossed my mind. Stupid.

“Are you alright, my lady?” Lilith asked, her brow furrowed in concern. She and Eleanor had rushed to greet me the moment I returned, their faces full of worry as they tried to comfort me in every way they could.

I forced a small smile. “Yes, Lilith, I’m fine.” I walked over to the sofa and sank into it, the cushions barely offering any relief to my tense muscles. “You can take your leave now. Get some rest, and don’t worry about me,” I added gently.

They exchanged glances, hesitated for a brief moment, and then bowed before quietly exiting the room. As soon as the door closed behind them, I let out a sharp breath and ran my hands through my hair, tugging at the strands in frustration. This is infuriating.

Just as I leaned back, trying to clear my mind, the air around me shimmered.

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The precious item from the Grand Duke’s heirloom chamber is now ready! 

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A glowing holographic window materialized before me, the familiar system interface flickering in front of my eyes. Oh right, I nearly forgot about this.

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Please wait for a moment, the item will be given in a few seconds! 

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As I finished reading, a strange, ethereal light began to swirl in the center of the room. It started as a faint glimmer, but quickly grew brighter, illuminating the space with a soft, magical glow. The air seemed to hum with energy as something began to materialize within the light.

I instinctively reached out, my fingers brushing against the forming object. Slowly, the light dimmed, and a solid shape emerged in my hands—a book. I held it carefully, my eyes narrowing in curiosity as I examined the cover.

The book was old, its green cover adorned with intricate golden ornaments, the kind of decoration that spoke of ancient craftsmanship. A musty smell wafted up from its pages, telling me it had been hidden away for quite some time.

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Congratulations! The novel entitled “The Knight’s Love” has been given to you! 

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I stared at the title, dumbfounded. A romance novel? This is the precious heirloom? My brow twitched in annoyance. Out of all the things it could have been, they give me this?

I sighed, flipping the book over in my hands. Useless. Completely useless. I had hoped for something that could offer a clue—some kind of hidden knowledge or artifact—but no, instead I got a dusty old romance novel.

I tossed the book onto the bed and leaped after it, landing with a soft thud. My head barely missed the headboard—thankfully, or that would’ve been painful.

Settling in, I picked up the book again, flipping it open. The title’s lettering had that old-fashioned elegance, a style that spoke of a long-lost era. A typical romance novel—that’s all the prologue suggested. A knight hopelessly in love with a girl. Nothing more, nothing less.

“The Knight’s Love by Eal,” I read aloud, rolling my eyes. Eal? Who on earth is that?

Curiosity got the better of me, and I turned to the next page. But when I scanned the list of characters, my heart nearly stopped.

I sat up so fast I almost fell off the bed.

“What the—” I muttered, covering my mouth in disbelief.

Lady Cecelia, Lady Athena, the Crown Prince, Zacharias, Darious, Arthemice, and… Sebastian.

My brows knitted in confusion as I continued reading their roles. Arthemice—the female lead? And the male lead...

“Sebastian?!” My voice broke as I gripped the book tighter, barely resisting the urge to tear the page out. Why is that man the male lead?! And how on earth did Arthemice go from villainess to heroine?

Before I could process any further, a sharp gust of wind blew through the room, flinging open the window to the veranda with a loud bang.

I gasped, my grip on the book tightening until my knuckles turned white. “Y-You...” My voice faltered as I saw the figure standing at the open window—Sebastian.

His dark blue hair was tousled by the wind, and his emerald eyes gleamed under the pale moonlight. His chest rose and fell as if he had been running, urgency etched across his features.

“How do you know that name?” he demanded, breathless, his gaze piercing. He looked like he’d just come from a fight, his presence both overwhelming and terrifying. Did he come because I said his name out loud? My mind raced. What the heck?!

“I... I didn’t...” My voice shook as I clutched the book tightly against my chest, my hands trembling. He’s going to kill me. The game... In the game, Arthemice said his real name, and he killed her. But this... this was too soon! Why can he hear me when he’s not even here?!

Sebastian took a step toward me, his face hidden behind the shadows of his unruly hair. The wind howled through the open window, sending chills crawling down my spine. I backed away instinctively, my eyes darting toward the daggers Cecelia had given me. They were too far, completely out of reach.

No choice. I readied myself, gripping the book like a weapon. If he moved any closer, I’d have to throw it straight at his head.

“My lady...” Sebastian muttered, stepping closer, his eyes gleaming with something unreadable. I tensed, ready to hurl the book at him, bracing for an attack.

But then—he slapped himself.


Not just once—again, and again, his palm hitting his face in quick succession. I stood there, frozen, watching in complete disbelief as he collapsed to the floor, covering his face with his hands.

What in the world is happening?!

“What... what are you doing?” I whispered, my voice barely a breath. I didn’t even realize I was gripping the book so tightly until I felt the edges dig into my palms.

“...My lady,” he called out again, his voice faint, fragile—nothing like the cold, ruthless assassin from the game. My heart raced in confusion. This scene... this isn’t supposed to happen. He despised Arthemice. He would never—never—act like this.

“I... I know your secret, Sir Kyle,” I stammered, still reeling from shock. His emerald eyes flicked up, glowing in the soft light of the moon, piercing through me with a depth I didn’t expect.

“And yet, you didn’t expose me,” he said, his tone soft, like he couldn’t believe it either.

“Because...” My throat tightened. What do I even say? This wasn’t part of any script I’d played through. How I wish there were choices to choose from right now.

“Because what?” His voice was edged with urgency now, but it wasn’t anger—more like desperation.

“Just because,” I replied, barely managing to keep my voice steady. I swallowed hard, trying to regain some composure. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” The words slipped out before I could stop them.

“No.” His answer was immediate, firm, and unexpected. “They are the ones who will kill you, Lady Arthemice.” His eyes glanced down at the book I was clutching to my chest. “Still holding onto your diary, I see.”

Diary? My mind struggled to process his words. This is a novel. What is he even talking about?

“I’m sorry,” he said suddenly, his voice cracking as if weighed down by guilt. He stepped closer, his hand trembling slightly as it lifted to cup my face. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt through me. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Themie... I swear. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

I stood there, completely dumbfounded. What is he talking about?! He loathed Arthemice—he would’ve killed her without hesitation. And now he was... crying? His head rested on my shoulder, and I felt the wetness of his tears soaking through my sleeve.

I couldn’t move.

This was wrong. So wrong. Nothing like the game.

“You... did well,” I managed to mumble, my hand awkwardly patting his head. What am I even saying? But I was too stunned to do anything else.

Sebastian—the man who, in the game, hated Arthemice more than anything—was now holding onto me like I was his only lifeline.

He remained still, his head resting on my shoulder, the weight of his words pressing down on me. I couldn’t shake the disbelief swirling inside. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. In the game, he would have killed me by now—mercilessly. Yet, here he was, vulnerable, acting nothing like the assassin who hated me more than his own life.

I didn’t know how to process it. My hands hovered awkwardly in the air, unsure if I should push him away or say something. But nothing came out. Why is this happening?

Then, the air around us shifted.

It was subtle at first—like the room suddenly grew denser, colder. My heart skipped a beat. Slowly, I pushed Sebastian away, and to my surprise, he stepped back willingly. His eyes shifted from guilt to sharp, alert awareness.

“Sebastian...” I whispered, eyes narrowing as an unnatural darkness seemed to creep into the corners of the room. “Did you feel that?”

His expression hardened in an instant, returning to the cold, lethal knight I knew from the game. “Stay behind me.”

A shiver ran down my spine as the temperature continued to drop. The wind outside howled louder, rattling the windows, but inside the room, an eerie stillness settled.

I wasn’t imagining it. Something was here.

Without another word, Sebastian reached for his sword, his hand steady, gaze scanning the room. Every muscle in his body was tense, like he was waiting for an ambush. My heart raced, pounding painfully in my chest.

Suddenly, a familiar holographic image blinked into view, this time flashing an alarming red instead of its usual color.

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Caution! Caution! A very strong person is approaching...

╚═════════ ◈ ═════════╝

The warning only confirmed my fear. My grip tightened on the book, and I glanced at Sebastian, whose eyes sharpened with even more intensity.

“What does it mean?” I whispered, my voice shaky. Who’s coming?

But before he could answer, the air grew impossibly thick, pressing down on us like an invisible force. The window rattled violently, and a low, sinister chuckle echoed around the room.

And then, a voice—a familiar voice, one that I hadn’t heard in a long time—cut through the silence, cold and accusing.

“Sebastian... you betrayed us.”

My blood turned to ice. That voice—I recognized it instantly. It was unmistakable, sending a shock of fear through me. My grip on the book tightened as I turned, eyes wide, searching for the source.

“Who... who said that?” I stammered, though I already knew the answer.

Sebastian stiffened, his grip on his sword tightening as he took a protective step in front of me. His entire demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “Show yourself,” he demanded, his voice steady despite the tension.

The shadows deepened, warping unnaturally around us, the room growing colder by the second. My breath fogged in the air. The sensation of being watched pressed down heavily, suffocating. The voice echoed again, venomous and haunting.

“And you shouldn’t have kept that book, Arthemice.”

My heart sank at those words. I held the book tighter, my fingers digging into its worn cover. Why does it feel like this book is more dangerous than I thought?

Sebastian’s jaw clenched, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement. I couldn’t breathe—this wasn’t part of the game. I was supposed to know everything, every twist, every danger. But this? This was new. And terrifying.

The voice, dripping with malice, cut through the air one final time. “You’ve made a grave mistake.”

Suddenly, the window shattered, glass spraying across the room. I duck behind Sebastian as he pulled his sword free, the sharp blade gleaming in the moonlight.

My heart pounded, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I clutched the book to my chest. Whatever was coming for us—it wasn’t just an enemy from the game.

It was something far worse.


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