Chapter 2 - Old Friends

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-<Tom's POV>-

I shoved Matt off of me, griping the harpoon in my hand tightly. This isn't Matt! Somethings wrong! I frantically scramble to get up, holding up my arms in case Matt attacked me again.

His piercing red eyes and snarling expression told me more than I needed to know. Vampire... he's a Vampire! I stared in disbelief at him, his fangs bore malice and demanded I stand down. But I wasn't gonna give up just because he was a Vampire.

Lowering my arms, I stared into his glowing crimson orbs with my dead black sockets. "Matt, it's me, Tom. You remember right?" I asked hopefully, watching as he tilted his head slightly, his face changing into confusion. This has gotta work...

-<Edd's POV>-

I groaned as I opened my eyes, seeing two figures in my room. One was Tom, obviously, but the other... there was something familiar about them, but they stood more in the shadows, making them harder to make out.

"Tom, what going on?" I asked tiredly, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Tom and the shadow turned to me, the shadow's eyes a vibrant crimson, like the color of blood. Tom's panicked look alarmed me, my blood turning to ice.

"Edd, get out of here!" Tom screeched, running at the other person with a harpoon, obviously. His tone was sharp and demanding, and the inhuman hiss that came from the shadowed figure was enough to frighten the daylights out of anyone. But something about that person was familiar...

Getting up, I ran over by Tom, who was having some trouble with the intruder. They had some sort of super strength, allowing them to easily deflect any strikes. But they obviously didn't expect me to come over and tackle them.

Whoa! He's really quite light! I didn't even run at him that hard! The only person I know that is that light is...

-<Matt's POV>-

"Matt?!" The brunette, 'Edd' asked, shock clear as day in his voice. Well, as clear as day could be, I could never go out. It burns my skin and makes me want to vomit.

I hissed again, trying to get the larger boy off me, arms pinned to my sides. Damn livestock! Get off! I tried kicking and screeching but nothing helped, outmatched 2 to 1. If only my arms were free, I could easily push him off.

Tom then spoke. "Matt, this isn't you! Snap out of it!" His voice was edged with desperation, and something in my mind clicked. I froze, remembering something. Friends... these are my... friends...

(425 words)

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