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Adam felt something furry under his chin. He already knew it was Xael so he just tried to relax. Curled into a fetal position, the pups were resting in the crook of her knees, her large black tail draped over them to keep them warm.  Adam went to move which caused Xael to whimper.  Rubbing his lips against her forehead, Xael didn't even wake up. He thought about waking her but decided to let her sleep. Sitting up, he looked for his phone on the nightstand.

"Thank god it's Sunday." Adam stood up and stretched before heading to the bathroom. Going back into the bedroom, he left the sleeping bodies and made his way to the kitchen after getting dressed. The Elders were already at the table enjoying a cup of coffee. How he hadn't smelled it, he didn't know.

Adam sat by Grams, his large muscled arm going around her shoulders. Adam's hair was getting longer as as it casscaded over his shoulders and down his back. It was rare for him to have it down; he usually wore it tied back just to keep it out the way.

"How'd you sleep?" Skylar was reading the Sunday paper that Kai had dropped off earlier. Adam was so tired that he didn't even notice that either.

"Like a ton of bricks buried 6 feet deep."

"Xael still sleeping?"

"Yes Grams."

"Did she wake up at all?"

"Nope. Pups are wiped out also. I think she's hurting cause her tail is out along with her ears."

"Hmm...could be because of all the adrenaline from the attack."

"Is there anything to help her with that?"

"Afraid not dear, not with her being pregnant."

"You being close to her is pretty much all she needs. That and salt baths to help draw out ANY soreness."


While they were sitting at the table talking, three dazed and confused bodies came bumbling into the kitchen. The pups plopped down at their food bowls and Xael, not caring that her ears and tails were out, crawled up in Adam's lap. He almost spilled hot coffee on her but luckily his reflexes were quick and he was able to put the cup down. Sitting in his lap, her legs dangled off to the side as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, her ears pinned to her head.

With a sigh, Adam held onto her and gave a soft growl while she whimpered.

"Adam dear, I don't think she's going to be able to do much of anything this week."

"I got that feeling too. That's fine, I'll talk to her about it when she wakes up...all the way. Are Omega's usually this clingy when they're pregnant?"

"Yup!" Both Skylar and Grams answered at the same time with huge smiles on their faces.

Adam let Xael sit on his lap until his legs started falling asleep. Before that Skylar had fed and taken the pups out.

"Adam, wake her up and I'll get a salt bath going for her."

Everyone thought Xael was asleep but she wasn't, she just wanted to snuggle up to her Alpha some more.

'I don't want a bath. Can I have some broth?'

Adam chuckled at her. "Grams, she just wants some broth."

"Ah, okay. Sneaky little toad!"

Since she was awake, Adam needed his legs back. "Babe, you're putting my legs to sleep." Xael reluctantly moved to the chair next to him but still rested her head on his shoulders. Since she was up, Grams started on breakfast. The broth was already made, it just needed to be heated up.

Xael's tail wrapped over her legs; all she had on was a large tshirt and undies but the thsirt was almost to her knees. Without saying anything, Xael got up and went back to bed.


'I need to rest more.'

'You still want the broth?'

'Yes, thank you.'


"She's fine Grams, just going to rest, I'll take the broth to her."


Skylar and Adam talked some more when Adam's phone began ringing. He rushed to the bedroom to get it.

"Hey bro! How's it going?" Not wanting to bother Xael, Adam took his hoody that was on the floor and gently closed the bedroom door. While in the living room talking on the phone, he quickly scented the hoody for her.

The call didn't last long and Adam went to take the hot cup of broth to his Mate. Xael downed the hot liquid in no time and laid back down, Adam put his hoody over her and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Grams, Beau and Minh want to know if they can stop by for breakfast?"

"Sure! Oh, will Xael be okay with that?"

"She's out again. Downed the broth and zonked right out. I'll be back in a bit, I'm going to go and lay with her. I think when he kicked her off while fighting, he might have hurt her more than she thought."

"Okay dear."

Back in the bedroom, Adam undressed down to his boxers and crawled into bed. Xael didn't move so Adam was the one that had to snuggle up to her. His hands on her stomach, he closed his eyes to work on giving his Omega healing energy.

'Thank you Adam'

'How you feeling babe?'

'Like shit, not gonna lie.'

'I figured as much since your ears and tail are out. Where's it hurting the most?'


Placing his hands on her hip, something felt off.

"Babe, I need you to stand up, something's not right."

Xael was slow to move and winced when she stood in front of Adam between his legs, placing his hands on her hips, he furrowed his brows.

"Turn facing the bathroom."

With her back now to him, Adam placed his hand between her shoulder blades and firmly pressed, dragging his hand down her back. Midway, Xael yelped loudly in pain, her back was out again.


"What is it?"

"Your back is screwed up, um...just stand there. This might hurt."


Taking his thumbs, Adam massaged deep into the muscle and tissue on either side of her spine. Instead of hurting, it actually felt good to the point that she started to purr.   That was until he reached her lower back and with another yelp, her knees buckled but he was able to catch her.

More firm massaging and her spine and hips were back in alignment, Xael relaxed as Adam quickly helped ease her discomfort.  He placed her back in bed and made sure she was comfortable.

"Rest, I'll wake you up for lunch. Are you going to want real food?"

"No. I don't want cooked food."

"You want me to hunt something for you?"

"No, maybe some more broth later on."

"Okay." A kiss to the head and exited the room, gently closing the door behind him.

Back out amongst the others, Adam relaxed at the kitchen. "Her back was out again. Must have happened in the fight."

"Yeah, Pup is going to be out of commission for the rest of the pregnancy."  Skylar winked at him.

Adam just smiled because that was fine with him. It meant he didn't have to worry about her trying to do too much and she could focus on taking care of herself and their Pups.

They didn't have long to wait before there was a knock at the front door. Grams squealed and rushed to the front of the house followed by Adam and Skylar.  The door flew open and whoever was standing there was captured in a huge hug with lots of kisses.

"Grams you're freaking him out!" Beau tried to rescue his Mate but Ms. Emma wasn't having it.

"Oh shut up! Let me look at you dear!" Minh didn't know what to do or say. Skylar and Adam were facing back into the house trying not to laugh out loud. Grams pushed Minh out to arms length. "Welcome dear! Welcome!"

"Thank you! I was not expecting such a loving welcome!"

"Well Beau is like a second son so you are instant family! Come, come!"

Entering, Minh came face to face with Adam and froze. Adam offered up a kind smile. Minh lowered his head and went to kneel when Adam was quick to stop him. Lowering his head was enough but the kneeling, especially by someone that was family, made him uncomfortable. Minh gave Beau a very nervous and panicked look.

"Uhh sorry hon, guess I should have told you about him."

"I...I don't really know what to say."

"Just consider me part of the family, Minh."

"A Great Alpha...part of my family." Minh was still giving Beau a look when Skylar broke the tension.

"Let's have a seat."

Skylar led them to the living room and motioned for them to have a seat on the couch. Grams went to get them something to drink. Minh, still mad that Beau didn't tell him that he was meeting a Great Alpha elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ow!! What was that for?!"

"You know!"

Adam laughed. "You got your hands full there bro!"

"I know!!" Beau gave a cheesy grin when a large paw pulled the door to the bedroom open and out came two bumbling puppies.

"Oh my god!! Are those real wolf pups?!"

That was nowhere near shocking as to what walked out the bedroom next. Xael, with ears straight up, large bushy tail and pregnant belly made a beeline straight for Minh.

"Babe? ....Xael?" Adam tried to get her attention but with her eyes still closed, he knew she was pretty much sleep walking.

"What is that?!"  Minh tried to move as far into the back of the couch as he could with Xael getting close to him.

"That's my Mate." 

Adam, thinking Xael was irritated by Beau and Minh's scent was coming to curl up in his lap but she surprised him and everyone else by curling up in Minh's lap. Even though Minh was an Omega, he was not the small delicate type. He was as tall and muscled like Beau; who at 6'3 was impressive in his own right.

"Well this is different..." Adam just looked.

Arms wrapped around herself, Xael snuggled up to Minh. Her face in the crook of his neck, the large black tail whipped around to encircle both of them. Beau wasn't used to seeing Wolfen like this either; even though it was his second time seeing Xael in this form. The pups on the other hand, plopped in the middle of the floor. Minh was terrified to move because for one, Xael was pregnant and he knew first hand how their Alphas could be. Second, no one had ever done this to him before and he had been around many pregnant humans and Omegas.  Third, she had ears and a tail, nothing their kind could do.

Minh could only sit there with his hands out to his sides.  "Uhhh...."

Skylar burst out laughing as Emma returned to the living room.

"Ohhh, my poor baby. Adam you need to contact James and tell him Xael is pretty much done at the diner for now."

"Enough about James, what about me!?!" Minh wanted Xael off of him as she was making him highly uncomfortable.

"Sorry Minh." Adam stood to lift Xael off him when she involuntarily snarled at him. Adam snarled back, freaking out Minh even more. Xael submitted with a whimper and Adam carried her back to the bedroom only to find the hoody he put over her on the floor. This time he put it on her and she settled right down.

"Well Minh I'd say you're going to fit in just fine!"  Skylar was loving all of this.

"What was that?!"

"That was Xael, our Great Luna."

Minh, totally out of his comfort zone, smacked Beau on the arm, hard.  "A Great Luna AND Alpha?!?"  Minh was trying really hard not to yell, the last thing he wanted was Xael back in his lap again.

"Beau?  Did you not tell Minh anything before bringing him over?" Grams was totally on Minh's side now and he was under the dog house in trouble.

"Hey! To me, you guys are family. Once I got over the whole Great Alpha/Luna thing, I didn't think much about it. Now the ears and tail still freak me out but that's just Xael."

Adam returned to his spot on the couch, leaving the bedroom door open this time. Looking down on the floor, the puppies were exhausted from guarding their momma so Adam just let them stay out in the livingroom. If Xael needed anything, he would sense it.

"Sorry Minh. Xael isn't feeling good."

"Adam's right dear. You are the only other Omega in the house at the moment. If she doesn't have her Alpha's scent around her, she'll seek out your calming Omega scent which is kinda strong."

"Sorry, it's always been like that."

"That's why he makes such a good baby nurse." Beau, who was able to return to his Mate's side, had his arm around him to help calm Minh's nerves.

"Is she not handling the pregnancy well?" Nurse Minh to the rescue.

"This is her first and she's having twins. She'll be fine if she would just relax." Adam offered up another warm smile.

"Wait...only other Omega? You mean Xael is an Omega and built like that?"

"It's a long story." Adam wasn't about to explain all the details at least not just yet.

"Twins for a first pregnancy are very rare, but then again so are Great Lunas. I'm afraid there's nothing that can help her other than keeping her Alpha's scent close to her. Are you giving her daily massages Adam?"



Grams smiled at seeing Minh finally relax. After breakfast, they talked for hours and after the first chaotic hour, Minh fit right in like Beau knew he would. Since Xael was sleeping, Adam let her rest and would wake her later to eat. With not much going on for the day, Grams invited Beau and Minh to stay for lunch, which Minh was happy to do. Once the puppies ate and went outside, they were wide awake and Minh was just loving all over them. Even though he was Wolfen, it was his first time seeing actual wolves let alone petting them.

Sitting out talking, they heard the shower going indicating Xael was actually awake. Adam got up to check on her. She was doing much better and wanting to be out and around everyone else.

Coming out, Minh was amazed at how beautiful Xael was. Nothing about her said Omega, she was just as tall and impressive looking as Adam and muscular. Xael greeted him with a hug and apologized for freaking him out earlier and took to him instantly.

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