Tender Loving Care

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All the way to Grandma's house, Adam never took his hand off of his Mate. Knowing how easy it was for her to become chilled, Adam covered Xael with a blanket that Skylar kept in the back seat for emergencies before driving off.

Driving home, all Adam could think about was how grateful he was for his father and extended family. As far as the woman was concerned; he felt nothing towards her even though she was the one that helped bring him into this world. In fact, he was relieved to be done with her and all the drama, pain and chaos that  came with her.

He drove onto the reservation later than planned but that was fine. Right now he just wanted to get Xael and himself out of the bloody clothes they had on and her to bed. Seeing how his hoodie Xael was wearing was destroyed, he needed his other one that he kept at the station. That was going to be a shit show; showing up to the police station with blood all over him. It was the last hoodie he had left and he knew it was already heavily scented; it would help Xael rest peacefully with him not being next to her.

Now to just get through the night. The items they got he would just take home as dealing with the stuff was last on his list.

Pulling up to the station Adam said a silent prayer of thanks that the guys were out on a call since the station was empty but things were left on. Quickly grabbing the dark hoodie from the coat rack, Adam hurried out the door and into Skylar's truck. Xael hadn't even moved during the short time that he was gone. Now he just had to deal with Skylar and Ms. Emma.

Adam tried to go slow down the bumpy dirt road that led to the house so as not to jostle Xael around. Backing the truck in next to the large front deck, Adam was able to get the passenger side close to the steps. The large Alpha was careful as he took his Mate from the truck, unfastening the seat belt and picking her up. Xael was completely out and limp like a doll. Even though she was carrying twins and as tall as Adam, she weighed almost nothing in his arms. Carrying her bridal style up the steps of the front porch, everyone was at the door. Since they were getting back so late the Elders were a little worried. Ms. Emma fought back a scream at the sight of the young bloodstained couple.

"I need to get her to bed."

That is all Adam said as Grams and Skylar moved to help. The pups stayed by the doorway while the Wolfen moved about the bedroom. Grandma pulled the covers back, Skylar felt it best that he left and went to put some coffee on and take care of Tank and Dozer. Grams helped Adam get Xael undressed and under the covers. With her finally in the bed and comfortable, he placed his hoodie over her and called for the pups to get on the bed which they could now do by themselves.

"She moves, get Grams or Uncle." Both pups huffed at Adam letting him know they understood and quickly laid down on the bed, their heads resting on their momma. "Thanks Grams, I'll be out in a bit, I need to shower."

"Mn." Grams went to join Skylar in the kitchen. Sitting next to him at the table, She gave him a smile.

"Explains why they're so late, he say anything?"

"No, he's taking a shower."

They didn't have long to wait before Adam was standing in the kitchen doorway, wet hair loosely wrapped in a sloppy bun

"Grams, will you and Skylar keep an eye on Xael?  I'll explain everything when I get back, I'm still a little on edge right now."

"Sure dear."

Adam did walk into the kitchen to throw their bloody clothes in the trash. Knowing that Xael was now safe and resting, he needed to take a few minutes and decompress. Adam left through the back door and was headed to their cabin to unload everything so Skylar could have his truck back, and so he could have some time alone. He still couldn't get over the woman he used to call his mother; how she could be so self absorbed and downright rude not to mention disrespectful. For her to allow his Mate to be touched and assaulted like that was unforgivable; there were basic rules that ALL Wolfen followed.  If he was honest with himself, he was glad to be done with her and had meant every word he said to her. If she put his Mate's life in danger again, either directly or indirectly, there would be no hesitation in him holding her responsible.

For now it was done and over with. Get home, quickly unload everything and get back to his Mate.

Driving down the secluded road to his cabin, the grass needed to be cut but that would have to wait. He pulled the truck right up to the front porch and carried all the bags and boxes inside. Sitting stuff in the living room near the back patio doors, he made sure the drapes were closed; not that anyone would go snooping around their cabin but it made him feel better. Adam grabbed more comfortable clothes for both him and Xael and headed back to Grandma's house, filling up Skylar's truck at the small gas station in town before it closed.

Adam quietly opened the front door, both of the Elders were still in the kitchen and since they already knew who it was, they didn't bother to get up. Plus Adam could smell something cooking so he knew they were busy. Duffel bag placed in their bedroom, he reluctantly went into the kitchen. Grams was standing at the sink so Adam just gave her a quick hug from behind. Skylar, sensing the young Alpha was return, was coming back to the table with coffee for both of them.

"Thanks you two." Both Elders just smiled at him, they would wait till he was ready to tell them what happened and they didn't have long to wait. Sitting down, the young Alpha cradled the coffee cup in his hands, staring into the dark, caffeinated abyss. "Xael got attacked."


"How bad was she hurt? Are the Pups okay?" Grams was trying not to rip Wes's arm off from the death grip she had on it.

"She was hurt but healed up pretty quickly. The babies are fine."

"So what happened?"  Grams calmed down and Wes quickly took his arm back.

Adam relayed everything that took place after they had left the restaurant and how disgustingly rude the woman had been. Adam also told them what he told the woman before he left, that if she ever hurt or came near Xael again, he'd kill her, and he meant it. Wes and Emma gave each other pained and nervous looks. For Wolfen to discard a family member like that was a HUGE deal.

"Oh my god."

"You told your mother that Adam?!"

"Yes, yes I did and as far as I'm concerned, she is not my mother.  She left when I was 16 and I've gotten over the pain and her shitty attitude. She might have had a chance had she not threaten to spread our status around. It's bad enough that humans were recording some of it."

"Shit...well the cops are pretty good about nixing any of that getting out and if it is, it's quickly taken down."

"I hope so, that's the last thing I need right now."

"So any word on what will happen to the Alpha?"

"Oh Em, he is three shades past screwed. With Xael being pregnant, that will just compound the charges."

"Yeah Grams, Skylar is right. All Xael did, after the woman went after both Grandmothers, was to ask her to just leave. She didn't touch her, she wasn't rude and she didn't put hands on her but she did stand up to her which was fine. That asshole went and shoved Xael, and he shoved her pretty damn hard according to some of the witnesses but she didn't fall. It was only after that that she attacked. But I'm about 90% sure word is already spreading pretty quickly about our status now."

"Why is that?"

"That woman said so after she knocked my shades off and saw my eyes. All the Wolfen around kneeled but they didn't so Xael snarled at them and that prompted them to do so. So yeah...people know."

"They might not go spreading it around Adam. If they were respectful enough to kneel, then they are probably respectful enough to keep quiet."

"I hope s-"

Everyone heard Xael whimper and Adam was up and halfway to the bedroom before she could finish. Carefully sitting on the bed, he saw her ears were out and the pups hadn't budge so things were as fine as they could be.

"I'll lite some sage, we could all use some."

"Thanks Grams." Adam gave Xael a soft kiss to her temple and left the room.

The three sat and talked for another three hours eventually getting around to the actual shopping trip. 

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