Adam is Done

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Adam escorted Xael up to the front to pay, he was paying for everyone and the Elders let him. Shades back on, Xael followed Adam out the door, staying close to him due to the amount of people. Ella and Charles and Great Grams had items for Xael and the babies in their cars. While the women sat in a shady spot outside near a fountain, the men went to the parking area to transfer things from vehicle to vehicle.

The buffet was located in a busy, upscale shopping center so the ladies enjoyed chatting, people watching and the lovely weather. Little Danetta even ran up to Xael when she and her family walked past to say goodbye and talk to the babies. The little girl was so cute as she cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered to them as she got close to Xael's belly. Great Grams asked her what she had said but Danetta let the Elder know it was a secret.

Xael thanked her Grammys for getting stuff for the babies and she grilled them both on how to deal with the issues she was having, especially Great Grams. Unfortunately, there wasn't much that Xael could do and they both suggested that she have Adam continue to do his nightly healing, massages and for her to keep taking the salt baths and not do too much. Grandma Ella asked if Xael was going to see a traditional doctor at all and she told her 'no', only if things were life threatening. Grandma Ella smiled and patted Xael's arm, glad that she was trusting her Alpha to take care of her during the pregnancy. As the ladies sat and talked, Great Grams suddenly spat on the ground and cursed loudly in her Native language. Xael jumped slightly and thought a bug had flown into the Elder's mouth but that was not the case.

It was Adam's mother.

Adam's mom was with a very large and cocky Alpha who Xael assumed was the woman's current partner. There were others with them also but they were further back, all dressed in their high end fashion.

"Who let your crazy old ass out?"

Xael about came unglued at how Adam's mom had addressed a revered Wolfen Old One.  As a Wolfen herself, she should have had more respect, whether she liked the older woman or not.

Xael hoped that if they ignored her, she would just leave so she gently held the arms of both her Grammys because she could feel them getting ready to lay into Adam's mom. Xael felt it best to link them.

'Just let her go.'

Great Grams spit again, almost hitting the woman's black leather Prada shoe; along with more cursing. Grandma Ella voiced her displeasure also. Neither of them wanted to 'just let her go'.

"Someone needs to learn to respect their Elders!"

"Look here you old b-" The woman never got the chance to finish her sentence as Xael was now in her face.

"Don't. Just walk away."  Xael still had her shades on, so the woman had no idea who she was dealing with.

"Don't threaten her, you bitch!" Adam's mom's partner came up to Xael and forcefully shoved her back. Even though Xael was surprised by the Alpha's actions, she was able to keep her footing and not fall or crash into either Elder.

Xael, not having her Mate close by, being with Pups and now threatened and forcibly touched by an unknown Alpha; was taken over by her natural instincts again and lunged at him.

The area suddenly erupted into chaos as Xael snarled, bearing her canines and claws, she had unknowingly shifted partially after picking up the Alpha's True Alpha state. The hoodie she had on ripped to shreds as her muscles burst through the fabric. The Grannies and Adam's mom yelled as Xael pinned the Alpha to the ground, knocking those behind him down as well. Her shades went flying but her eyes were now red with the Alpha trying to slash at her with his claws.  Xael maintained dominance by snapping at his face and the fact that she was stronger than him.  Even being pregnant, Xael was nothing to mess with and it just heightened her ferociousness.

Adam was there in seconds along with his dad and Grandpa Charles; just in time to catch Xael as the Alpha managed to kick her off of him. In one swift motion, Adam had Xael in his arms and handed her off to his dad and advanced on the Alpha himself.

Adam was a terrifying sight as screams could be heard to call the police, humans and Wolfen alike running from the immediate area. Adam grabbed the Alpha by his throat and lifted him off the ground. Others that were with his mom were running towards the two to stop it but Xael broke free from the Elder Shado's grasp to protect her Mate. Xael, tapping into her true power, only had to snarl and flash her golden eyes for the others to back down.   Grandpa Charles had also rushed over to help, even though he was an Elder, he was still a formidable Alpha.  Xael was just as terrifying as Adam, both of them covered in blood. Adam's dad rushed over to break it up before things got worse.

"Adam! Let him go, he's not worth it son, take care of your Mate, she's been injured." Knowing that Xael was hurt snapped the Alpha out of it, Charles backed down and placed a hand on Xael's shoulder. Adam released his grip and the Alpha fell to the ground, stepping over him, Adam stopped and looked down to speak to him. Xael sensing things were under control, quickly sought out her Alpha, rushing into his arms. With a whimper she buried her face into his shoulder.  Adam took time to give her comforting growl, calming her down but returned his attention to the Alpha beneath him as he tried to catch his breath.

Clenching his jaw, it accentuated his chiseled features even more.  You could hear his teeth grinding together as he breathed through his anger.   Glaring at the Alpha, it was taking a lot for Adam not to end his life. "You threaten, touch or come near my Mate again... I'll snap your neck."  All Adam had to do was speak and the Alpha submitted instantly; violently shaking his head that he understood. Adam's mom who had been ready to attack as well if she needed to was not so impressed by her son or Xael.

"Is that a threat! Are you threatening my partner?!"

"No, it's a fucking promise." Adam turned his back on the woman to check on his mate again, her shirt was bloodied from the fight and so was his from her being against him.

"How dare you turn your back on me!!" Adam's mom walked up to him and slapped him as he turned to face her, still shielding Xael behind him. He didn't even respond to her as his shades went flying off to the side, a pair of ominous gold eyes glared at her.

".....oh my god... you're a Great Alpha." The words rolled off her tongue as if said with her dying breath. The amount of disbelief they held was palpable.

Any Wolfen within earshot of her voice, turned towards the group only to see Adam standing proudly and definitely to anyone that would challenge him. His Great Luna held against him, the power and fierceness the two of them had displayed earlier explained everything. Other Wolfen silently gathered to kneel in reverence of the two. A few of the humans had their phones out of course, attempting to stream the entire incident; the Elder Alphas near them, snarled and they stopped. Adam stared down at his mom and her boyfriend who were still standing. Xael turned and took a step towards them while the others were still kneeling.  Snarling, she viciously snapped at them for their glaring level of mutual disrespect, causing them to immediately take a knee.

Xael, having calmed down now from her adrenaline rush, moved from her Alpha and knelt down in front of his mom. Claws still extended and muscles bulging, Xael took hold of the woman's chin and lifted her face up to look at her. No one dared to intervene or say anything, not even the officers that had now arrived on scene. Xael's eyes were still red so she closed them and took a deep breath, further calming herself. Opening her eyes, the woman was faced with fiery golden orbs.

"Don't you ever... come near me or my family again." Xael stood, towering over the two before her. Her tattered and bloodied shirt hiding her pregnant belly but not the muscular form she had now shifted into. Xael returned to her Mate and the police forced the crowd to disperse. Adam had Xael go over to the Grandparents where Grandma Ella screamed at seeing the blood. Xael let them know that she's fine.

The boyfriend, feeling a renewed sense of confidence and entitlement with the police officers there, made another remark. Grandpa Charles, who had remained silent, warned the arrogant Alpha that Adam still had every right to kill him for harming his pregnant Mate.  Police present or not.

That her son's Mate was pregnant and she hadn't been told just drove the knife of contempt in deeper for his mom. Great Alpha or not, she was livid and pissed among other feelings.

"When were you going to tell me that she was pregnant?  Or that you're now a Great Alpha?!"

"I wasn't and if you come near her again, I will make you regret it."

After talking to some of the bystanders and Elders, the police took the woman's partner away. Him putting hands on Xael was an attack and Xael had every right to defend herself; even more so since she was pregnant and Adam had every right to attack if not kill him.

By now, Adam's mom was furious. Her own eyes had gone red as she stood there and clenched her fist; she was not done yet and even laid into the cops. Yelling and belittling them about how she was a council woman and would have their badges, then onto Adam's dad for not telling her about the pregnancy and says she's going to let everyone know about the Great Alpha and Luna pair.

Adam was done; permanently and on all levels. The Great Alpha made sure his Mate was safe and walked up to the woman known as his mother. His massive body blocked out the sun as he approached. Getting uncomfortably close to the woman, his golden eyes turned fiery red. The cops were helpless to do anything because of Adam's status. His voice alone was now terrifying and filled with rage.

"You threaten my Mate, dad or family again and I will not hesitate to kill you. You come within 10 feet of my Mate; I will kill you and if I see you again...I will kill you."  Adam leaned down to emphasize the point that he was serious and that the woman should take what he said as gospel.

All emotion and color drained from his mothers face as Adam turned to leave. He left the woman just standing there, lost and confused as to what to say or how to respond. Adam felt no remorse at all. His 16 year old self had shed more than enough tears at the fact that his mother didn't want a son but an object to parade around and make herself seem more significant. Even though he and his dad had a strained relationship when he was younger, his dad never turned his back on him.   Even when his parents broke their bond, his dad made it a point to be in his life.

The woman quickly snapped out of it as Adam and the others were walking away, the police had nothing further for them and they were all free to go.

"I'm still your mother!!"

Adam didn't respond at all, his focus was solely on his pregnant Mate.  Adam's dad approached his ex-Mate, the look of disgust he had on his face couldn't be spoken in words. She was just as selfish now as she was when she walked out on their son. Looking her squarely in the eyes and with a calm tone, the Elder Shado spoke to her in a clear and steady voice meaning every word he said.

"You no longer have the right to use the word 'mother'."  With that, he left to join his son and the rest of his family.

Back at the truck, Grandma Ella and Great Grams tried to check on Xael but she showed them that her injuries were already healed and the blood was just residual. Grandma Ella was especially concerned about the Alpha kicking Xael off him but Xael let her know that the Alpha put his feet on her legs and not her midsection; her babies were safe, just agitated from the amount of adrenaline they had gotten.

Everyone hugged and made sure the young couple was fine. Adam's dad let him know that he would call later to check on them and that he and his Great Grammy were headed over to Charle's and Ella's for coffee and to talk some more. Great Grams was going to stay with him for the night as it was too late to take her back home.

At some point, Xael had left and was already in the truck asleep, the door left open so she could get some fresh air. Adam looked over to her and heaved a heavy sigh. His dad could see the tension and worry still hanging onto his son and it was all understandable given how dangerous and deadly the situation could have been earlier. Xael could have very well lost the babies during the attack. While Grandpa Charles helped the older women into the vehicles, Adam's dad went over to talk to his son before he left.


"Thanks for your help dad. I think us enjoying time in the city is over with. Unless it's to visit family or get needed supplies, I'm done with it. Xael is going to have to convenience me pretty damn hard to bring her back here."

"You can't keep her locked up in a cabin son. I know losing your first Mate was rough but Xael's different. You two just need to focus on those Pups you're about to bring into the world. The rest will work itself out. Mn?"

"Thanks dad. Love you." Adam gave his dad a much needed hug as he had overhead what he said to the woman.

"Love you too son. Now, get your Mate home and take care of her, she's been put through the ringer."

"Yes sir, that's my plan."


Back in the truck and next to his Mate who was safe, alive and well, Adam smiled and placed a hand carefully on her stomach. There was a soft whimper coming from his Omega but soon a soft purring was heard; Adam already knew she would sleep till morning.  As he drove back to the res, if he never set foot in the city again, it wouldn't bother him one bit. He was done with it and would be damned if the city dared to take another Mate from him.

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