Danetta LeTray Montgomery

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Everyone was glad that the week was over. Friday, Beau needed to head to the city to spend time with his Mate; the two of them had so much to discuss and do that he would be gone for most of the weekend. By Friday, Minh and his current partner had completely separated. It was a friendly separation at first but things were getting ugly and Beau wanted to be there with Minh. Beau was helping his Mate move into a temporary apartment; there was still his job to deal with plus he was finishing up schooling. Minh was studying to be a Physician's Assistant and had planned on working with his dad, a doctor, at his family practice, now things would have to change.

Saturday morning, Xael was up and headed to the kitchen to start on breakfast. She wanted to do just a simple breakfast casserole and biscuits long with a fruit salad. Saturdays at the diner were their slowest days since it was the weekend and most people wanted to sleep in so they had all decided to close it for the weekend and have it open M-F. Throughout the week, Adam would stop by their cabin to check on things and bring boxes of food over so they weren't eating all of Grams/Skylar food; not that they cared but Xael and Adam did.

With her being up so early, the pups were fed and lounging in the middle of the kitchen floor, enjoying space to sprawl out. Xael waited to get the coffee on cause she knew as soon as she did the entire house would wake up. Biscuits and casserole in the oven, Xael made herself a cup of hot herbal tea and went out on the back deck, taking the groggy pups with her. Soon as the morning air hit their faces, the two furballs woke up and started wrestling about in the yard, keeping their momma within eyesight. Sitting on the steps, Xael noticed the two of them were getting bigger. Closing her eyes, she lifted her head and took a deep breath of fresh, crisp air. Before she could open them, strong arms were wrapping around her as Adam sat down behind her. With his Mate sitting between his legs, he brought his massive hands around to cradle her growing stomach.

"Morning pretty momma."

"Morning handsome Alpha."

Adam growled at being called Alpha; Xael knew calling him that always got to him.

"You sure you're able to go into the city?"

"Yes, got my list already and know the stores I want to go to."

"Okay, I texted my dad and he and Great Grams are going to meet us for lunch, plus I need to make an office supply run. We need a new printer that can scan stuff."


The two of them sat outside for a bit, Adam continuing to gently caress his Mates stomach and nuzzle the side of her head. Hearing noises in the kitchen, they figured the others were up and they were. Xael gathered her family and they all went inside where Grams was fixing a pot of coffee. Xael walked over to her and hugged her.

"Morning Grammy."

"Morning dear, thanks for making breakfast!"

"Of course! You still going with us into the city?"

"No, I'll pass. I'm gonna stay and fix the guys lunch, they're still working on Dentin's cabin today, but I need you to stop by the apothecary and pick up my order and take the money on the tv stand!"

"Yes ma'am." Xael went to get dressed as Adam had a seat at the table; he was already dressed. Him and Wes talked about the work he was doing on the cabin.

It didn't take long for Xael to get dressed and she grabbed the list her Grams had left for her; there was no way she was going to take her money. Whatever her Grams needed, she would pay for.

Walking over to her Mate, Xael had brought Adam's hoodie to wear.

"Babe it's too hot for that."

"But I'm chilly."

Grams rushed over to her and slapped the back of her hand against Xael's forehead to check for fever but there was none.

"I'm not sick Grams."

Grams just shook her finger at her. "Did you get my list AND the money?"

"Yes ma'am. Ready hon?"

"Mn. See you guys later today."

"Tell the others we said hello!"

"We will!"

Soon as Xael shut the passenger to Skylar's truck door, she could hear Grams cursing at the money she had left behind on purpose. Adam chuckled.

"You left the money?"


"Good. So where are we going first?"

"Little Tykes. I want to get a crib, breast pump, bottles, teething beads and car seats."

"Wow, okay. I want to get the car seats that change as the baby grows. I don't want to have to buy one every 6-8 months."

"That's what I have down."

"What about a walker and diapers?"

"Tank and Dozer are the baby walkers and I'm doing cloth diapers. Ms. Ton'bo makes and sells them in town. Also getting second hand clothes."

"Nice! Since we're getting to town so early lets do the errands first then meet everyone for lunch?"

"Sounds good hon."

"How you feeling?"


"Are you still hurting?"

"No, that salt bath really helped so we should probably stop and get some more Epsom salt."


Pulling into the Little Tykes store and finding a spot near the front, Adam got out to not only help Xael but make sure the snap cover was off the bed of the Skylar's truck. List in hand, Xael grabbed a cart once they got inside the door. Adam's phone was going off. It was his dad and Great Grams wanted to go to the Chinese buffet which was fine and Xael let her grandparents know. Everyone was going to meet around 1pm.

Xael got everything on her list plus sheets, mattress, mattress protector and the cutest little mobile that she absolutely had to have to hang over the crib. When it came to the baby slings, Adam groaned when Xael made him try one on. For some reason, neither of them wanted any kind of stroller; maybe one day they would but while their Pups were babies, Xael wanted them close to her and in her arms.

Checking out the clerk just gave them a strange look as did another couple in line behind them. It suddenly hit Xael.

'Hon? We don't have our shades.'

'It's fine babe. We'll stop and get some before the next store.'

Xael smiled and waited for the clerk to finish ringing things up. Xael went to pay but Adam actually growled at her in public; loudly, causing her to give her Alpha a look.

"Don't even..." Adam gave her a quick flash of his red eyes but she tried not to laugh. He was really loving this Great Alpha thing.

Xael left him to pay while she put the bags in the cart. Items paid for, they headed for the truck, other's still giving them both looks. Adam at least let Xael put the lighter bags into the back of the truck cab while he put the rest in the bed of the truck. Next stop was the apothecary to pick up Grams order, which was almost $300 but Xael didn't mind. While she was there she purchased 6 large bags of epsom salt and Xael already knew she would use every crystal of that salt taking baths to help with her soreness and pain.

Baby stuff was purchased and Adam wanted to get to the office supply store before it got too busy out since that was the last bit of shopping they needed to do. Stepping into the office store, all eyes were on the striking couple. Xael gave a soft small while Adam scowled at everybody causing them to keep their distance; even with shades on now, people were annoying him.

Not wanting to walk all over the store, Adam stopped a store associate and was led to what he wanted. The Alpha picked out the first printer/scanner he saw and wanted out of the store; he didn't like Xael being the center of attention. Back to the safety of the truck, Adam relaxed. It was almost one so he quickly headed towards the buffet after Xael looked up the directions for it. Relaying them to Adam, they reached the buffet right at 1pm. Adam's dad was waiting at the entrance for them as they had already gotten a table.

"Now who's a beautiful momma? Those twins are getting big!"

"Yes, yes they are. Hi dad." Xael surprised Adam and his dad by calling the Elder Shado dad as she gave him a hug.


"Hey dad." When those around Adam heard his voice, they turned to look but quickly returned to what they were doing.

Xael walked ahead of the two Alphas to greet her grandparents and the Elder with hugs, this time she went easy on the amount of hug she gave. Great Grams burst out in laughter and rubbed Xael's belly as if she was a walking good luck Buddha.

"Oh! These twins are going to be some big ones!"

"Oh gee thanks." Xael's sarcasm did not go unnoticed as she raised the dark shades to the top of head, revealing her gorgeous and bright golden eyes. Making it back to the table, no one sat around for the wait staff and went straight to the buffet where everyone dug in. Adam kept an eye on his Mate making sure she actually ate like a wolf and not a tiny little bird.

Xael ended up eating more than her Alpha.

Everyone sat for almost an hour to digest and chat. Xael had zipped the hoodie closed, pulled the hood up and snuggled into Adam's side as they sat in the booth; normal behavior for a pregnant Omega when out in public. She remained fairly quiet after eating which didn't surprise Adam any as she usually did that around others. Even if they were family. Arm around her, he gently rubbed her shoulder. Xael sat and listened when she felt something tapping her arm, looking over, it was a small girl of about 7 with newly braided cornrows. Xael smiled at her and sat up to talk to her.

"Well hello."

The little girl could only stare at Xael's eyes; her shyness evident all over her cute little human face. Xael had seen the little girl earlier as her dad helped her get dessert from the buffet.

"Why are your eyes like that?" The little one had the softest voice that Xael had to lean towards her a little.

"Because I'm a Wolf." At the mention of the word 'Wolf', the little girl's face lit up.

"You are?!"

"Of course! Here!" Xael picked the little girl up with one arm as she weighed nothing and sat her on her lap. Removing her hood, the little girl could see Xael's face clearly.

"Is he a Wolf too?" Her little finger pointed towards Adam.

"Yes, he's my Mate." The girl's look had gone from shyness to curiousness.

"What's a Mate?"

"It's what we call our husbands and wives. He's my husband. That's my Grandma and Grandpa, then my father in-law and Great Grandmother."

"But they're not all black."

"I'm mixed. My mom was African American and my dad Native American.  My husband is Native American so..."

"Were your parents wolves too?"

"Yes, we all are."

"Woooooow!! People Wolves can be black too?! I thought wolves were all white and lived in big fancy houses!"

That caused everyone at the table to burst out laughing.

"No sweetie, Wolves come in all colors and live in all kinds of houses." Grandma Ella spoke to her while the others just smiled at her. It was uncommon for a human to allow their children to approach Wolfen but it happened. Xael looked around and saw the little girl's dad keeping an eye on her. Xael smiled at him and he nodded to her.

"How come their eyes aren't like yours?"  Danetta couldn't see Adam's eyes because he still had his shades on.

"Because she is what we call a Queen!" Great Grams butted in to make sure the little girl knew the facts.

"You're a Queen!!"

Xael quickly gave Great Grammy a look then simply nodded.

"Woooo!! So you're better than Elsa?"

"Way better than Elsa!" All the females spoke to her but the Alphas didn't which is how it usually went most times. Male Alphas could be a little scary to small kids, but not to this little girl.

"So what's your name?" Since she had gotten comfortable on her lap, Xael asked the little girl her name.

"Danetta LeTray Montgomery! I'm 7!"

"Nice to meet you Danetta LeTray Montgomery. My name is Xael ThunderWolf." The others introduced themselves as well, the Alpha's finally speaking to her.

Danetta patted Xael's stomach. "How come you're so fat? Did you eat a lot of crab legs like my daddy?!"

Adam's dad choked on his water he had been drinking.

"I'm not fat. I'm pregnant."

"Really?! So's my mommy! So do you have teeth like a wolf?"


"Oh...do you eat people?"

"No! We do NOT eat people, we eat the same food as you."

"Good! Do you have ears like a wolf?" Xael put the hood back up and took the little girl's hand and placed it under the fabric covering. Out popped her ears.

"Ooo, they're so soft. Okay I have to go, I have to potty!" Xael stood and carried the little girl over to her dad. Nearing the table she wiggled to get down and ran the rest of the way.

"Daddy she's a Wolf and pregnant like mommy and she has soft ears and she's a real live Queen!!"

Thanks to little Danetta, the entire restaurant now knew and that was Adam's que that it was time to go. Xael introduced herself to Danetta's parents and bid the little girl goodbye as Adam was now linking her that they were ready to leave. Danetta's parents thanked Xael for talking to their daughter and Xael waved at the little girl before rejoining her Alpha.

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