Baby 1-2-3 & W-F

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The rest of the week was uneventful. Adam suggested to Beau that he start next Monday but Beau wanted to get back in the swing of things since there was nothing for him to do at home. Beau got right to work as if he'd never left. Him, Max and Parker all got along awesomely which Adam knew they would. After work his first day back, he stopped by some of the shops in town to purchase more items for his apartment to make it feel more like a home, he also looked into properties that were available in town. He too wanted something out in the woods but close enough to drive to work.

Skylar was kept busy for the next few days helping Dentin and Kai replace the roof on their cabin.

The cabin wasn't anything big or fancy and was more than enough for the two of them as it had 3 bedrooms and two baths. Before they left the other night, Dentin let his sis and Skylar know that he was going to act as Kai's secretary for his lawn business. He could now sit with his feet up and relax while answering calls and scheduling appointments; his days of hard manual labor were over. Except for getting the cabin up to livable standards.

With just Xael and her Grams at home for most of the day, the two had plenty of time to talk. Xael was wondering if her and Adam would need to move that she was able to have Pups. Their current home was fine for now but if they decided on having more, they would need a bigger home. Grams agreed but also reminded Xael to just relax and take things one day at a time, for now she had the two Pups she was carrying to think about. There was still plenty of stuff to get for the babies like cribs, diapers and clothes. Since Beau was back, Xael would ask Adam if they could go into the city Friday to purchase some things. As far as diapers and clothes were concerned, Xael was going to get those in town. One of the stores specialized in hand sewn goods and the other was a thrift store. Xael saw no point in getting brand new clothes as the Pups would grow out of them quickly.

Xael took her phone and showed Grams some of the diapers Ms. Ton'bo made and sold online.

Ms. Emma was glad that her Granddaughter wanted to stay away from disposable diapers, even though they were convenient, they created a ton of waste. Xael wore cloth diapers when she was a baby so it was only fitting that her babies did also.

For the next couple of days, the two of them sat down and created a list of what all Xael would need for the babies. Surprisingly, Xael didn't have a crib when she was a baby, she slept with her parents. When she was old enough, she slept on a mattress on the floor as her dad was afraid she would fall out of a regular bed since she was such a wild little sleeper. Her mom had sewn large bolsters around the edge of the mattress to keep little Xael contained while she slept. Xael liked that idea and already knew that her babies would stay with her in their bed for a few months then they would need their own place to sleep. There was no point in getting two cribs, Grams let Xael know that Wolfen twins were generally inseparable when young so one crib would be enough.

Crib, XL diaper bag, baby wraps for carrying them, car seats, stroller (with a large question mark), plenty of cloth diapers, bottles, clothes and a breast pump since Xael had already planned on breastfeeding her Pups. Wolfen typically stayed away from store bought formula but would use it if needed. Seeing how there was now a waiting list for babysitting duties, whoever watched the babies would get a good supply of breastmilk bottles for the little ones. There were bibs and high chairs to think about along with other stuff which Xael found a little overwhelming.

Xael also didn't want a baby shower. If people wanted to get the babies something they could. There were plenty of uncles, aunties and grannies around that she knew without a doubt that the Pups would be provided for in abundance.

During the evenings, it was usually a full house with the guys from town coming out to Grandma's house for dinner. Xael was doing much better that she was able to help with meals. When they were alone, Adam and Xael discussed the upcoming births and future plans. Both agreed that if more Pups were planned, they would need a bigger home. Once the babies arrived, they would take the loft area as their bedroom and give the Pups their room once they were old enough for that.


Xael was doing much better and her hips had settled down for now. She already knew that next month she would go through the same thing again as the bones adjusted themselves for the growing Pups.

True to her word, she returned to the diner Thursday, much to the protest of her Alpha. Xael had promised to sit often and if things got to be too much she would call it a day but she was fine. Seeing how she would be off work for a few months, Xael took time to go over the more detailed aspects of the dinner. Even Grams joined them to fill in things that Xael missed. James felt confident that he could manage all the back of the house stuff for the dinner and Viciki and Ester had the front end of things under control. Grams did manage to talk Xael into letting her do the payroll while she was recovering and Xael was fine with that. Next step for the diner was to meet the new waitress who both Xael and Grams instantly liked. She had moved from a neighboring reservation to help out her uncle who had broken his leg. Xael was glad that she was older; from her past experience, teenagers only worked out for a short amount of time before they moved on. Xael needed someone who would stick around. Just like when she was a kid and Grams brought her to the diner while she worked, Xael would do the same with her Pups. She would have to talk to Chris and Eli about removing the front booth and making it a two and four legged Pup friendly spot.

Xael let James know that the kitchen was his and he could get as creative as he wanted. If Vicki and Ester had any ideas on the diner they were encouraged to go with it.

Thursday evening on the way to Grandma's, Xael asked Adam if they could go into the city Friday or Saturday. She wanted to purchase things for the babies so they wouldn't have to worry about it later. Adam was hesitant but as long as Xael felt physically capable, he was fine with it. Beau was needing Friday off so he let his Mate know that they would go early Saturday and see about taking Skylar's truck so there was enough room to bring stuff back.

Xael also asked if they could do lunch with her other Grandparents and his dad, she would see if Grams wanted to join them. Adam thought that was a great idea, especially since he had promised Charles and Ella that they would visit more. Since Xael was doing better, they decided to head back to their own home at some point on Sunday. Xael wanted to get things ready for their extended stay at Grandma's house.

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