Back with Her Alpha

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 Ms. Emma and Skylar had validated Xael's story as one of the officers talked to her. There was an Older Wolfen officer nearby that kept staring at Xael but she tried to avoid eye contact with him. Right now everyone wanted to get her out of there and back home. The sight of her in bloodied clothes was unsettling.

Houser would drive Skylar's truck back to town so he could drive Xale's jeep. Everything was taken care of and the officers had Xael's contact info for further questioning. With all the evidence, statements and surveillance video from a nearby store, it was chalked up to a case of self defense, especially since Trevor had a weapon and used it.

Max and the others let Houser know they would bring the last load to town so that they could take care of Xael.

Xael was needing to lay down so Skylar decided to drive his truck as his back seat was empty, Ted would drive the jeep back. Making it to Skylar's truck, she was in the back seat within seconds and already out. The entire situation and rush of adrenaline had drained her of all the energy she had. Even though she was out, Xael could still hear what was going on.

"Em, can you see how she's doing?" Before Grams could turn around, Xael was linking both of them.

'I'm okay, just exhausted. I'll be fine tomorrow.'

Skylar let out a deep sigh as he knew she wasn't 'fine'. Xael had just killed someone and no matter how you cut it, she was not fine.

Finally pulling into town, Adam was already outside the station waiting for them as we Chris and Eli. As Skylar got closer, both he and Emma could see that Adam's eyes were red as he held both pups with one arm. Before turning into a parking spot, Adam linked Skylar.

'No, don't pull in.'

"Chris, you and Eli good here alone?"

"Yeah, go to her, we'll call later to see how she's doing."

Adam nodded and swiftly jumped into the back of the truck, putting the pups down near the tailgate. Skylar took off towards the cabin. Adam could smell the blood of both his Mate and the other Alpha. Skylar tried not to slam on breaks as the truck barreled into the driveway. Emma was out and opening the door to the cabin, the pups knowing to follow her after Adam placed them on the ground. Inside, both the young wolves went right to their bed.

As soon as Adam opened the rear cab door and saw the state of his Mate, he snarled. Skylar came to help but Adam asked him to start a fire.  Adam carefully got her in his arms and Skylar shut the door.  Carrying an unconscious Xael into the house, Adam could tell that Grams already had a hot bath ready for her and there was sage smoldering on the hearth.

"Adam, you need anything else dear?"

"No, I got her." It was all he could do to not snarl at the Elder as he made his way to the bathroom. Emma took care of the pups, while Skylar tended to the fireplace.

Walking into the bathroom, the steam from the hot water had warmed up the entire room. Adam sat on the side of the tub and began removing Xael's clothes with one of his arms supporting her. With one of his razor sharp claws extended, he just sliced them off her as there was no way they were staying in the house. Xael woke with a start.

"Adam!" Xael was against him and crying uncontrollably.

"Hey, I got you baby, I got you now." Adam growled and nuzzled her to help calm her down and it worked almost instantly.

"Oh my god I was so scared. I don't know what happened, he stabbed me and I just blacked out. Oh God!!"

"Stop baby, just stop. It's over. It's over. You're safe now, I'm here."

Xael quieted down again and Adam finished removing her clothes and tossed them over by the door. Undressed, he gently placed her in the hot water. "Stay awake, I'll be right back okay?"

All Xael gave was a head shake as soft sniffles were heard. Adam gathered the bloody clothes and went back to the living room. By now he had calmed down considerably. Skylar was bringing the pups in and Emma was lighting more sage.

"Thank you guys, seriously." Adam walked over and hugged Grams followed by Skylar, keeping the soiled garments away from them.

"How's pup?"

"Emotionally she's a mess right now. She's soaking in the tub." Adam walked over to the fireplace and tossed the bloodied clothes into the fire after checking the pockets on the jeans and finding them empty. Adam rested his arm on the mantle, watching the bundle ignite.

"Adam, we need to get that load of stuff over to Houser's. We'll be back with something for you two to eat."

"Xael isn't going to eat anything. Soon as she's out the tub she'll be asleep."

"Adam's right Wes. I'll bring you something from town dear."

"Thanks grams." Adam hugged them again and they headed out.

'Babe? You still good?'

Adam sat up their 'den' in front of the fireplace again, making sure there was plenty of wood to get them through the night. The warmth of the fire would do her good. Tank and Dozer were back in their bed curled up together, patiently waiting for their momma. Adam sensed she was done and she was. Before getting halfway down the hall to the bathroom, Xael was walking out in her robe, her hair down. She rushed into Adam's arms again. He picked her up and carried her to their bed in front of the fire. Setting her down, she quickly wrapped herself in the blanket. Adam knelt down and nuzzled her as she let out a whimper and furry ears popped through the dark tresses. Kissing her on the head, the pups stumbled over to her and sandwiched Xael between them.

"Good boys. Stay with her." They both gave a little huff that they understood and weren't about to leave their momma's side. Adam leaned down again and whispered to her.


It had been awhile since he used his Alpha voice on her but the situation called for it. Adam put his Mate into a very deep and solid sleep. Once he showered and changed, he would join her.

** I have no idea how many chapters this story will be anymore, I'm just going to write until it ends.

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