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Xael made it back home after her and Grams coordinated the last of the weekend plans. Everyone was going to meet at the diner for breakfast. Adam had agreed to keep the pups for the day while Xael was out and about. He was going to help Chris and Eli get the station ready for painting on Monday as he had to make sure all the confidential materials were locked up and secured.

After the guys got started on the station, Adam and Skylar were going to help Houser with getting the last of his things moved to town. Xael thought that maybe Skylar should keep his truck, she could take the back seat out of her jeep which would give them a ton more room to haul stuff but they would finalize things in the morning at the diner.

Now she had the pups all ready to head home for the day. Her Wolf Grandmother was right, the growing pups were taking a lot of her energy. She found it odd as she was barely a week along but Xael had to constantly remind herself that her pregnancy would only be 4 months and she was having twins so everything would be happening at twice the pace of a normal human/Wolfen pregnancy.

Home, she fed the pups and let them out to rip and run about. She kept them in eyesight but they were also doing the same to her. If they lost sight of her, they would quickly sniff the air and run to find her again.

Not really wanting to do much, Xael made sure the woodbins were stocked inside the cabin and wanted to go over her list again after bringing the little ones inside. As they played some more with their toys and each other, Xael reviewed the list. The first thing she needed was a box fan to pull the warm air to the back of the cabin and a thermal fan to set on top of the woodstove. As she continued, a cramp hit her causing her to stop.

"Okay you two! Calm down, calm down." Xael placed her hand on stomach and closed her eyes. She felt it was best that she rest instead of trying to be productive. Fireplace stocked with wood, she soon had a roaring fire to warm up the cabin. Sensing that their momma was tired, the pups settled down after begging to go out one more time for a potty break. Pups settled, Xael laid down to rest on the couch.

Not knowing how long she had been asleep, Xael heard low growling and felt a soft nose on her jawline. She didn't want to get up but knew her Alpha was finally home. Opening her eyes, she smiled at seeing Adam's golden eyes looking down at her.


"Hey kitten, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just a little tired. You home for good?"

"Yup, I brought a pizza home if you're hungry."

Food, the magical item that would perk her up.

"Oh yeah! Thank you hon, I don't really feel like cooking after taking a nap."

Dinner, shower and cuddle time, they set up their bed in the living room again. This time the pups joined them, each finding their own special snuggle spots. Tonight, Xael allowed her Alpha to place his hand on her abdomen so he could do his healing process. If he found out he found out but she didn't think he would be able to tell so soon. Her and the pups growing inside her would need all the help they could get.

Morning, both Adam and Xael woke up to the pups wrestling around between them. How the little furballs managed to separate the two of them, was an adorable mystery. After having her Alpha transfer energy to her throughout the night, she felt so much better.  Xael quickly linked Ja'an concerning the matter.

Her Grandmother let her know that Adam giving her energy is what both she and the unborn pups needed, plus it would establish an even stronger bond between her Alpha and his pups. Ja'an settled Xael with the fact that her Alpha wouldn't be able to detect the Pups for another 4-6 weeks and by that time, Xael would have already told him the wonderful news. Now, it was time to start their busy day.

Since it was the weekend and Ms. Emma had posted that the diner would be closed all weekend, Xael saw no problem with bringing the little ones with them, plus it would provide them with more time to bond with the rest of the family pack.

Dressed, pups fed and let out to run off steam and use the bathroom, Adam helped Xael take the back seat out of her jeep. They sat it on the front deck area and Xael cleaned the rest of the stuff out and loaded up more stuff for the canning session.

Driving into town, Grams and Skylar were already at the dinner. Opening the door the little furballs ran right over to Skylar who was enjoying his coffee and morning read of the newspaper in their usual booth. Both were jumping around for his attention which he was happy to give. Xael went to help her Grams fix up breakfast for the group as the others trailed in. Ms. Ethel, being human, was taken aback by Adam's eyes. He discretely told her it was a Wolfen thing and that was enough for her.

Chris and Eli weren't too far behind. The younger ones took one booth and the Elders another one as they enjoyed breakfast. Xael let Skylar know he could keep his truck for the day. The younger Alphas quickly ate then went over to the station so Adam could let them in and put some things away.

Xael and her Grams wanted to go to Costco first, then to the pet store for a crate and meat market in the city and the next town over. Houser, Skylar and Ester were going into the city where they would meet up with Max and the other guys.  Adam also needed to make a trip to the city but it would need to wait until Monday.  He needed to pick up uniforms for Max and Parker, plus there was a problem with his sizing so he wanted to get fitted for his new uniform. That meant a late night coming home but Grams and Skylar offered to take care of the little ones until they returned.

Now for the drive to the city. Xael was looking forward to it as she could spend some quality time with her Grams. Before they left, Xael had made her brothers and Adam some lunch for later on.

Making it to the city, it was busy, especially costco but they managed to get everything they wanted. Xael didn't even fool with a shopping cart and went for one of the trolley carts. Rice, flour, canned goods, snacks, coffee, sugar and other dry goods. Ms. Emma suggested they stop at a farm store to get some food grade buckets for the rice and flour. Butter was the only thing they got that needed refrigeration for now which is why Xael brought the cooler. Afterward, they hit the pet store for a cage for the pups. It was big enough that both of them could stay in and it was only temporary. Xael had a feeling that Adam would be taking them to work with him often which was fine with her.

Shopping done in the city, the ladies decided to grab some lunch. Ms. Emma contacted Skylar to see if they were still in the city and they were, they too were stopping for lunch and decided to meet up. They were on the last load of things for Houser and had all worked up an appetite.

"Xael dear, you going to be okay with Max and the group?"

"I should be fine, they're kinda like family so. Ha! Besides once they see Adam, cat's out the bag and running around."

"Ha ha haha true, true!"

They had to park a few blocks away from the restaurant and walk but it was pleasant out so they didn't mind. Xael thought it would be nice to see her other Grandparents since they were coming to the city on Monday. She would text them later once they returned home.

Almost to the restaurant, Xael could hear voices from the group and figured they were sitting outside on the patio area. Within eyesight of everyone else, someone yelled out a name.


It was Trevor, Xael's ex.

Turning to see who it was, her Grams saw Xael clench her jaw and fist.  Ms. Emma stopped only for Xael to move in front of her.

"What do you want Trevor?"

"Why you filthy bitch, I ougtta-"

Ms. Emma cut him off. "That's enough!"

Xael saw him getting ready to start in on her Grams and that was a big no no. Xael's eyes went red as she stepped towards him.

"Don't even think about it Trevor. Just turn around and leave."

"Oh I don't think so, You know how much money you cost me by bailing like that.  And no one leaves me."  Trevor's voice had gone deeper but Xael wasn't phased by it.  Once she was done with someone, she was done.

"Let's go Grams." Xael wasn't about to deal with him as she had the Elder walk in front of her, placing herself between them.  Emma had linked Skylar to get over to where they were immediately.

"Don't you turn your back on me!" Trevor's pride had been hurt as an Alpha and he was not wanting to let it go.

"Oh Jesus Christ just get over it.  Go find you an Omega or something."  Xael yelled at him over her shoulder. Since it was so bright out, she had on shades so he didn't get to see her eyes. Trevor was a weak Alpha who used his status to intimidate others to make up for what he was lacking. Skylar had finally reached them.

"Em, Xael? What's going on?"

"Nothing, he was just leaving."

"Oh no I'm not! You're going to talk to me dammit."

"Back off young Alpha." Skylar wasn't having it and Xael didn't want to cause any more of a scene than they already were.

"It's okay unc, let's just go."

Skylar went to turn and walk away when Trevor charged him. All the Elders heard was snarling and growls as Xael the Alpha were now entangled in a fight. The noise attracted the others but Emma and Skylar kept them back as it was too dangerous to intervene.

The fight was vicious and the ripping of flesh could be heard along with police sirens. Trevor yelled out in pain as Xael sank her canines into his shoulder. What Xael didn't know is that Trevor had a knife. As Xael tried to subdue him, he plunged the blade into her stomach causing her to release him with a painful yelp and stumble backwards.

Xael's instincts took over. 

The sounds were terrible as she tore into him to protect not only herself but her unborn Pups. Xael was just shy of shifting completely as she was in full Prime mode. The police knew better than to get involved and were busy keeping the bystanders back and out of the way.

Claws, fangs and immense power, Trevor was no match for Xael as she was now fighting to protect her babies.

Shado, sensing his Mate in danger, was calling Emma and Skylar but they didn't hear it over the fighting Wolfen.

Soon a sickening **snap** was heard as Trevor's body slumped to the ground.  Xael pulled the blade out of her stomach with another yelp as more sirens were heard when things went black for her.

The others rushed over to her while Max and Parker along with a couple of the Wolfen officers checked on Trevor.

"Xael? Xael baby wake up!" Ms. Emma was there when Xael bolted up.


"Oh thank god you're okay!"

Xael was covered in blood, the wounds that she received were starting to heal. That didn't stop her hand from going to her abdomen. Eyes closed she needed to concentrate in the middle of everything to make sure her babies were unharmed. The Pups were fine, the blade had just missed her uterus and the deep wound was healing. Her shoulders relaxed, knowing that her babies were safe.

"I'm-ow, I'm fine Grams." Ted and James were there to help her up. In the fight, her shades went flying.

"Your eyes..." Ted was just staring at her as Xael gave him a weak smile.

"I need to sit."

The humans helped Xael over to a window ledge where she rested against the window. She felt disgusting, looking down at herself; she had flashbacks of when her first Mate had been killed but she was able to keep it together.

"Grams, answer your phone."


"Your phone." Xael bent over to rest her head on her knees. The officers were talking to Skylar and Houser as other officers were securing the scene and covering Trevor's body and until the ambulance showed up.

Ms. Emma answered the phone. She too was in a heightened state.


"Grams, what the hell is going on? Where's Xael?!" Adam was practically snarling into the phone. Ted gently took the phone from her.

"Shado it's Ted, Before you freak out any further...Xael is okay now. She was attacked."


Ted walked off to the side away from the others. "Adam, she killed him. She tried to just walk away but he just wouldn't give up. He charged at Sheriff Skylar and that's when she attacked him. Hold on."

One of the officers was coming over to get a statement from him. Back at the station Adam was on edge and Chris and Eli tried to find out what was going on. Adam could only tell them that Xael was attacked.

Xael refused medical attention and now she was just wanting to get to her Alpha.

'Xael? Baby what the fuck is going on?'
'He found me, Trevor found me, oh god I killed him Adam!'
'Xael, calm down. It's okay, it was self defense, just breathe babe. I'm here.'

Adam continued to talk her down through their link, Xael never taking her hand from her stomach. Adam was right, she needed to calm down. She didn't want to stress herself out too much as it could affect her babies.

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