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Dinner was simple yet delicious and Adam's appetite had indeed grown as he finished off what was left in the pot. The pups even got a special treat of deer meat that Grams had sat aside for them from the stew. Xael would have to mix them up something to eat tomorrow. Now that she had shifted back to normal, she could return to work. But tomorrow was Wednesday and that meant a day off because the diner was closed. While Adam and Skylar were outside talking, Adam asked if Skylar would mind staying an extra day at the station. There were some things he needed to get done around the cabin and he wanted Chris and Eli to get started on the windows. Skylar was fine with it as he had been wanting to talk to Beau one on one.

Ms. Emma was going to spend the day with Xael out at their cabin helping them get ready for winter. Xael knew most of what needed to be done, but was always open to and welcomed advice from her Grams.

Kitchen cleaned, the guys brought in wood to fill up the wood bin and put more on the small covered section of the back porch so it was easier to get to. Ms. Emma put a pot of coffee on and Xael got their room ready, she had Adam take the pups out one last time for the night. The little ones would sleep in the bed with them while they were still little and needing their bonding time.  While Xael was back in the bedroom, she was hit with another dizzy spell that was followed by a stomach cramp. Not wanting to worry those in the house, she linked her Wolf Grandmother, hoping they were still in the area.

She was. The pack had stopped for the night in the woods near the sweat lodge. Xael asked if it was okay for her to come there as she wanted to talk to her. Ja'an would link her when she was able to get some private time. Xael thanked her and returned to the living room.

Everyone gathered by the fire, the Elders in their chairs and the young couple on the floor with the pups. They sat and talked for another two hours with the pups, who now had warmed up to the Elders, sitting in each of their laps enjoying pets. But it was getting late and there was a lot to do tomorrow so it was time to call it a night. The fire was still going as the night was chilly and it was the only source of heat other than the electric space heaters which Ms. Emma didn't like to use.

The pups were positioned in between them which probably wasn't such a good idea. Once the little ones got comfortable and fell asleep, they sprawled all over the place. At one point Adam even ended up with a paw dangerously close to one of his eyes, but they didn't care. Skylar was worried that they would whine and cry during the night for their natural mothers but they didn't.

Xael was just about to fall into a deep sleep when her other Grandmother linked her that she was free. Xael adjusted her scent to make sure Adam and the pups didn't wake.  Another plus of being an Omega. Out of the bed, Xael crept to the bathroom to change out of her clothes and put on one of the bath robes. Walking into the main portion of the large cabin, Skylar was up tending to the fire.

"You okay Puppers?"

"Yeah, going for a quick run, I'll be right back, don't lock me out."

"You be careful out there."

"I will."

Skylar went back to tending the fire as Xael made it quietly outside on the back deck. Robe placed on the railing, She shifted but stumbled when another cramp hit her out of nowhere. Shaking it off, she flashed her Grandmother to locate her and took off into the crisp night. Even though Xael's wolf was massive, she hardly made a sound as she ran into the dense forest. She surprised a couple of bunnies but they were not her main focus.

Soon she was stopped by the pack's Alpha guards. Xael approached them with her head lowered as a sign of respect and trotted right up to Taza who was also in his wolf form. The two shared a tender nuzzle then he allowed her to pass. The glow of a warm fire came into view as did her Grandparents. Sitting by the fire in human form, there was a robe waiting for Xael. She shifted and wrapped the garment around her and joined them in front of the fire. Xael looked around to see if her boys were nearby but they weren't.

"They are off doing their patrols dear."

"I see." She smiled at her grandfather who stood up.

"I'll leave you two alone." He smiled and gently caressed Xael on the head before leaving.  Alone, the two could now talk.

"What's going on with me Grandma?"

"Your Alpha is extremely powerful dear, I sensed that in him the moment I met him."


Her Grandmother moved closer and placed an arm around her shoulders. "You're pregnant my dear."

Xael couldn't move. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't do anything but sit there transfixed by the four words she had just heard her Grandmother speak.

"T-t-t-that not possible. That's not possible." Xael went to get up to run away but her Grandmother gently held her in place; the Elder knew it was a shock for the young Omega.

"It is possible and you are."

Xael felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach. After all this time, the tears, the regrets. She was now carrying a pup within her.  Xael began to laugh but it soon turned into sobs of happiness.

"Now, now my child, you'll be okay."

Xael quickly composed herself as she could tell that her Grandmother was using her scent on her to calm the fury of emotions she was feeling in that moment.

"I'm pregnant...oh my god, I'm really pregnant?"

"Yes you are my dear. Your Alpha has been working very hard to harness his healing abilities. So much so that it's thrust both of you into your current states. Now, I can't talk long because you need to get back before he awakens. This next month is very crucial for you as a Hybrid Omega. You must take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. Your gestation will only last 4 months and you will start to show soon. That is why you are experiencing the dizziness and cramps. I won't lie to you, since this is your first birth, it will be hard on you as your body is not used to how fast the fetuses will grow."

"Whoa whoa, fetuses? I'm having twins!!"

"Well of course, you're a hybrid!" Ja'an had to laugh at her granddaughters shock. "Did the Elder not tell you all of this?"


"Ooohhh, my sweet little pup. Female hybrids only carry their young for 4 months. It's nature's way of speeding things along because being pregnant leaves you too vulnerable. Since this is your first pregnancy, you want to give them every chance you can for them to survive their first month of development. Your Alpha will become extremely protective of you so don't be surprised. You will also need to rest more than normal so your body can better handle the next four months. Once you are in the final weeks, you will pretty much be bedridden as your body will begin to conserve its energy for the babies and delivery. You must make sure your Alpha is with you when you deliver, you will need him there to help with the pain. The Old One will know what needs to be done at that time. Other than that me dearest, congratulations! I have no doubt that you will make a fine mother to all of your pups. Both two and four legged."

Xael could only hug her Grandmother as everything sunk in.

"Don't worry little pup, I will be there to help when the time comes. I wouldn't miss this for the world! Your parents are so very very proud of you dear! They can see what a fine woman you have become."

"I hope so."

"Trust me, they can. You'll see them again one day but that is a very very long way away. Now, know that you can keep this a secret but not for long because soon you will start to show! You've got two strong pups just waiting to be born!"

Xael smiled and laughed through her tears but Ja'an was right, Xael needed to get back to her Mate. She didn't want him to wake and find her not there next to him. She hugged her Grandmother again and shifted back as she could move faster through the forest in her wolf form. Running back to the house, she cried tears of happiness the entire way there.

Running up to the house, Adam was already standing on the back porch and was not happy as his large muscled arms were folded across his chest.  Xael quickly shifted back and walked up to him only for him to wrap her in the robe she had on the back deck.

"Out with it Omega."

"I went for a run."


"You already know the and part Alpha so don't go giving me that look!"

"You are something else." He put his strong arms around her for a hug. "Hey, since we're out here, let run together."


"Yeah I'm being serious! The pups are dead asleep, come on."

"Mn!" Xael couldn't be happier to run with her Alpha on such a beautiful night. Why they didn't do it more often she didn't know. "Hey! This is your first time shifting since we've changed!"

Xael was excited to see his new and improved wolf self and she had every reason to be. As he shifted he was magnificent and larger than her. His gold eyes standing out against his fur. Not wanting to waste any time, they took off towards the front of the house and down the dirt road. Xael only wanted to go as far as the paved road and that would give them a nice little run.

The pair trotted back to the house and around the back where they had left their clothes and robe. Back inside, Adam added more wood to the fire and the two took a quick shower. When they came out the pups were up and playing in the bed, almost tumbling out of it as they wrestled with each other. Having completely lost track of time, Adam looked at the small digital clock on the nightstand.

"Babe, it's almost 5:30."

"What is with the time around here?"

"You noticed that too?"

"Yeah, it's like we keep going through these time slips."

"Well I better take these two out to use the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll get started on something for breakfast."

"Mn." A kiss and Adam was walking through the house with pups playing around his feet.

Alone again, Xael placed her hands on her stomach and smiled, fighting back the tears. "You two grow strong and healthy, you hear?"

Finally!!  The chapter has come that most have been waiting for.  Hope you enjoyed it!

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