Back at Grandma's House

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Everyone took deep breaths as the sage worked it's healing magic and calmed the situation down. It somewhat naturalized Adam and Xael's scents which was just getting the other males all worked up. Adam relaxed his shoulders as he could feel the atmosphere shift.

"Thanks Ms. Emma."

"Of course dear. Now that you Alphas have calmed down, we can have a conversation." She sat down in her chair and gave Skylar a peck to the cheek.

"So what all did Grams tell you son?"

"Let's see, Great Alpha and Luna, eye color permanent, Stronger, faster, better senses..." Adam felt it best not to even mention the possible immortal nonsense. "We're still trying to figure things out but I really need to focus on controlling my scent so Xael is out of heat"

"She's in heat? NOW?!" Ms. Emma was worried.

"Yeah, pretty much. But it's different now, otherwise you wouldn't even be in the house. That's why her ears and tail are out, when she's in heat they appear."

"This is a lot to digest." Skylar was just shaking his head and his empty beer bottle when he say Adam take notice of it. "Eh! You just sit there super speedy, I'll get it myself." Adam was finally able to crack a smile.

"So are the pups part natural wolf or Spirit Wolf?" Ms. Emma wanted to hold one of the little bundles but kept her distance.

"I don't really know, natural wolf I guess. But I agree with Skylar. They haven't been with the pack long enough to have pups by now."

"They could be abandoned females or their Mates have been killed, but I don't see that happening, not if they're with the Spirit wolves." Ms. Emma shook one of the stuffed toys at one of the little ones but he didn't dare leave his momma's side. "Well they have certainly bonded with you two and are very protective of Xael."

"Yeah, I noticed that. She said her boys were the same way. I'm sure they'll warm up to everyone soon enough."

"So what's with sleeping on the floor?"

"Oh Wes! You know how much Xael used to love to do that when she was little."

"Ha, I forgot all about that. Well Shado, just let me know when you're able to return to the station. I must say, to live to see a Great Alpha, it's a rare honor."

"You two better get ready for all the attention that's going to come your way."

"I know Ms. Emma. Until we get used to things, I think we're going to just stick to town and keep a low profile. It's not something I plan on broadcasting but I'm not hiding it either."

"Adam, have you told your mom any of this."

"No and I have no intention of telling her and would appreciate it if you didn't either."

"Trust me, if I don't have to talk or deal with her, it's fine by me."

"Thanks dad."

"If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. Seems I need to have a good 'ol sit down with Grams tomorrow."

"I second that Adam. If you two need anything, just say so."

"We will Skylar. Right now we're just trying to get used to everything and get back to somewhat normal."

"Well, you two come over for dinner and bring the little ones. The diner is closed tomorrow so we are going to enjoy it. Dentin and Kai left for a few weeks to take care of some things back home. Daven, you're welcomed to come by also."

"I'll take a raincheck."


"Thanks Ms. Emma, I don't think Xael feels like cooking today."

"Not if she's in heat she won't. Explains why both of your scents have changed so drastically."

"I'll say." Skylar was getting a little fidgety as was Adam's dad but that was only because the sage had burned out.

"Uh, you might want to make extra, seems my appetite has increased also."

"Ha ha ha, will do dear. I think we should go so you can both get some rest. Stop by when you want, we're eating at 6."

"Okay. I'll set my alarm." Adam showed them out as the pups stayed behind. Standing next to his son, the Elder Shado was impressed even more. He had to laugh at himself, his son a Great Alpha. Adam hugged them goodbye and returned to his Mate. While they had talked, the fire had died down a little and Xael was getting chilly again, especially with her Mate not next to her.

Xael was awake and looking around the cabin, half asleep.

"You're up?"

"You know how clingy I get when I'm in heat. The moment you leave I'm awake."

"Well you just missed Grams and the others?"


"Skylar and my dad."

"Ohhhh. Uhh, no offense but I didn't really want to see them just yet."

"Ha ha haha, it's okay. Your Grams invited us over dinner, do you want to go?"


"Hey come here?"

Xael walked over to him. "Your ears are gone."

"What?" Xael ran her fingers through her hair and breathed a sigh of relief. "One down, one to go." Xael's large furry tail whacked Adam on the leg.

"At least it's a start." The Alpha offered up a smile as Xael gave him a hug.

"Are we staying the night there?"

"Do you want to?"

"I don't care, it will give the pups a chance to bond with Grams and Skylar, wait my uncle and cousin are still there."

"No, Grams said they left for a few weeks."

"Oh. Well I'll let you decide."

"We can stay if she doesn't mind."

"Mn. I'll bring the boys a toy."

Standing in front of the dying fire, Adam nuzzled into her neck and inhaled deeply.

"God you smell wonderful." Adam's deep sexy voice was turning her on.

"Hey, knock it off Alpha, we're trying to get back to 'normal' remember?"

"Oh yeah, but first!"  He pulled her against him as she caught a glimmer in his beautiful golden eyes.

"...filthy beast."

Quick love fest followed by a couples shower, Xael's tail finally went away. Pups playing on their bed, they got dressed and packed a small bag of overnight clothes as Xael texted her Grams to see if they could stay the night. The Elder was happy to have them and also let her know that the bedding in her room had been changed.

"Grams is fine with us staying the night."

"Sounds good babe."

Xael looked at the pups sitting on the bed watching them. "Glad we gave you stinkers a bath, can't visit Grammy being all stinky."

Xael went to let the little ones out to potty before they left for dinner. As they played in the side yard, she was sure that their mothers would have visited before leaving for the hunting grounds. Xael tried to sense where they were and they were still in the area between the cabin and Grandma's house. Her Wolf Grandfather asked if she was okay and she replied that she was.

Gathering things for an overnight and two rambunctious puppies, they loaded up the pups in teh back seat of the jeep along with their toys and headed out. It was only four in the afternoon so it wasn't too early to show up at her Grams. Driving through town, things were still going strong for a Tuesday evening. She noticed the station was closed.

"Skylar let Beau go for the evening since it was so slow."

"Well well, reading my thoughts are we? I will have to fix that Alpha."

"What?! Never!"

They had put the pups in the back seat and Xael turned to check on them since they were being so quiet.

"How are they doing?"

"Sleeping again, they must be getting ready to have a growth spurt."

"Ah, it's still their first day from the pack."

"I think they're doing pretty good."

"That they are."

Driving along Cutlers Pass, the road to snaked through the protected forest preserve, Xael chuckled.

"What's so funny babe?"

"I'll never forget that night you drove up on me, shining that damn flashlight in my face."

"Ha haha. All I could think when I looked at you was, 'God she's beautiful'. And you were so damn hard to get to know!"

"Well it didn't take long for me to warm up to you."

"No it didn't, I have to admit, I was so happy that day your boys killed those rabbits."


"Because you invited me to dinner." Adam gave her a smirk.

"Well, you were sexy gutting and skinning that rabbit."

"Ooh gee thanks."

"Just so you know, Grams tried to get me to give you a chance that night."

"I know!"


"Love you beautiful."

"Love you handsome."

Sitting and enjoying the drive, Xael was still feeling strange even though her heat was over. Turning onto the bumpy dirt road, the jeep bounced and jostled around. Xael had Adam slow down so the pups didn't get car sick. Looking back on them, they were still asleep.

"Nevermind, the little goofballs are still sleeping."

"Yeah, they're getting ready to grow."

Pulling up to the house, it hit Xael that she had been missing the old home and her Grams. She was looking forward to staying the night and spending time with her Grams in front of the fire like she did when she was young.

Adam parked next to Skylar's truck while Xael turned to the back and woke the pups up to use the bathroom before taking them inside. The two spent more time playing around than anything. She picked them up and handed one to Adam so they could head inside.

"Knock knock!" Xael opened the front door. The pups squirmed to get down but not before getting their paws cleaned off. The towel she used to use for Moose and Gunner was still by the front door. Paws cleaned, they sat them down but the little pups stuck to them like glue.

"In the kitchen!"

Walking in, Xael peeked around the corner. "We brought visitors!"

"Ohhhh, is it the pups?!"

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"Of course of course. I want to see my grand puppies!"

The males just laughed. Xael picked each one of them up and touched foreheads with them, each getting the same message.

'They are Elder family members, this is your other set of grandparents.'

First, Ms. Emma wanted to make sure Xael was doing okay after she sat the pups down.

"Let me look at you dearheart."

Xael stood as her Grams held onto her arms and looked up at her. "Oh my, You have gotten taller!" Looking her up and down, Ms. Emma stepped back. "Why are your hips so...wide." Xael looked down, she hadn't noticed it but her Grams was right.

"Uh, part of the change I guess."

"Ah! Let me see those cute pups."

They had both relaxed as Ms. Emma kneeled down closer to their level. Both were still standing behind their momma, tails wagging.

"Come here!"

The pups almost bowled her over as Skylar got up from his chair to officially meet them also.

"Ooohhh!! They're so cute and soft!"

"Come here pups."

One went over to Skylar, sensing his Alpha status, the little one rolled over onto his back only to get a well deserved belly rub.

"What are their names?"

"They don't have one yet."

"Well this little dude is built like a tank! Look at these paws. These are going to be some huge wolves Xael."

"Yeah, I'll be able to keep them won't I?"

"Of course. Just say their hybrids and you won't have a problem but I'd take and at least get them their shots and rabies tags. There's a vet in the city you can use, there won't be an issue with them being hybrids."

"Thank Skylar, we had talked about that earlier." Adam had a seat as Xael got the pups some water, another dizzy spell hit her but it quickly faded and she was able to play it off without anyone noticing.

After playtime and a drink, Adam took them out back with Skylar and Xael helped her Grams with dinner.

"It's nice to be back out here with you Grams."

"Yes it is. Don't worry dear, Wes and I stay busy!"

The two shared a heartwarming laugh.

"Those eyes are going to take some getting used to dear."

"I know, everything is."

Dinner didn't take long to cook as it was just venison stew. While it cooked in the huge cast iron pot, Xael and her Grams went to the living where the Elder had her start a fire in the fireplace. Ms. Emma already had chairs in front of it for her and Wes.  Fire going, Wmma had a seat, Xael sat on the floor next to her and rested her head on her Grandmother's lap.

"How are you handling everything dear."

"Okay I guess, I've been getting dizzy but it doesn't last long."

"Ah, could be because of all the physical changes you're going through."

"I guess." Xael let out a huge yawn and looked up at her Grams. "You believe all this Grammy?"

"I have to with you looking at me with those golden eyes."

Xael smiled and went back to watching the fire. "Have you ever heard of wolves giving up their pups?"

"No, not when things are fine within the pack, but they're from you boys dear. They loved you very much. Could be they wanted to make sure you're well taken care of, those little pups are already protective of you."

"Yeah, but they're too adorable to be scary."

"Oh just give them time. They'll be man eaters before you know it!"

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