Holy Sh!t, Wait, What?

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The ride home was a quiet one with the little pups sleeping away until Xael's stomach growled.

"How are you still hungry?"

"Because I am. Can we get a pizza?"

"Sure, I swear you are like a bottomless pit sometimes."

"Oh you should talk, Alpha! Uggh...you two little furballs stink."

"Yeah they do, I'm gonna stop in the city at the pet store and get them some flea shampoo and chewy toys."

"Good idea. Last thing we need when shutting up the cabin for winter is a flea infestation. Speaking of which, I need to wash the bedding they were laying on."

"I thought about that. I haven't seen any fleas on them but that doesn't mean anything. I'll heat some water up and wash them outside on the deck, it's not that chilly out yet."

"Okay, they can share Moose's old bed since they're so little."

"Are you going to take them to the vet?"

"Ohhhh, I don't think that's a good idea, showing up to a vet with a pair of wolf cubs. Even if we are Wolfen, it might not be such a good idea unless we can find a tribal Wolfen vet. They seem pretty healthy."

"Crap, good point."

"God your voice is just sexy as hell!"

Adam growled for her to add to the sexy.

"Your mom is going to have a litter of kittens when she sees you!"

The couple looked at each other and burst out laughing, not even phasing the slumbering furballs.

Arriving in the city, Xael looked up a pet store and got the directions on the gps. There, Xael waited in the car while Adam went in to purchase what the pups needed. He put the shades back on as he still didn't feel comfortable displaying his eyes out in public just yet. It didn't take long before they were on their way home and the pups first bath. Driving up in elevation to their small town, it was getting chillier than Adam felt comfortable with bathing the little ones outdoors.

Almost to the town, Adam had Xael order an extra large pizza, he was getting hungry to.

"Shit, I forgot puppy food."

"It's okay hon, I'm not feeding them commercial dog food. I'll mix something up for them tomorrow. I have a feeling they won't eat much today and will probably sleep through the night after their bath."

"Okay, speaking of tomorrow, I'll try to get my hormones under control."

"Good, we both need to get back to work and the cabin needs repairs done before it gets too cold."

"I know, we should make a list tomorrow of what all needs to be done before the first snow."

"Okay." Xael let out a huge yawn. Adam knew her being in her current state was wearing her out but there was nothing that could be done about it.

Finally back to town, Adam stopped to pick up the pizza. The diner was open and customers were enjoying lunch but they didn't stop. Home was their only focus at that moment. Back inside the safety of the cabin, Xael wrangled a pup and the large pizza box. Pup on the floor she put the pizza in the oven to stay warm. The little stinkers needed tending to first. Adam agreed to bathe the pups while she washed the bedding and vacuumed.

The Alpha had his hands full with two playful little wolf cubs. He only had to growl at them once to get them to mind. Xael vacuumed both of the dog beds. They had the cubs' fathers scents so maybe that would help calm them on their first night away from the pack. Sheets and futon cover in the washer with soapy, hot water, Xael went out to gather wood to fill the wood bin for the day and hopefully into the night. Outside, was indeed chilly as fall approached much faster than she remembered. Bending down to pick up the first armful, a sudden wave of dizziness hit her and she had to grab the side of the wood shed for a second. After a few deep breaths it went away.

"That was weird."

Third and final bundle of wood dropped in the bin, Xael heard the patter of little paws coming towards her.


Adam's yelling frightened the little pup as it ran to Xael for safety. Adam's voice was definitely something to take notice of. Xael scooped the dripping wet mass of fur up and held it out from her as she hurried to the bathroom.

"Lose something?!"

"It's like having an actual kid!"

"Ha ha haha! Yes it is, but you'll do just fine, big sexy daddy."

Adam growled and winked at her as he tried to towel dry to the two squirming wet balls of fur. Xael returned to the main living area and put the sheets in the dryer. Digging in the bag from the pet store, Adam had gotten them each a stuffed toy and a chewy bone, which was going to do nothing but make a mess. He had also gotten them teething nyla bones, she put their stuffed toy and nyla bone in each of their beds. Xael opened a small jar of home canned fish her Grams had given her and split it between the two bowls on the floor.

Soon there was a herd of elephants running down the hallway.

"Release the hounds!!" Adam yelled from the back as the pups tore through the house all nice and clean. They fell over each other after smelling the fish that was put down for them and quickly gobbled it up along with some water. Adam came into view in a new set of clothes.

Xael just had to stare at him as he was indeed sexy. "Will you take them out?"

"Sure babe." Adam gave her a kiss and nuzzle. "Let's go pups, and don't roll in the dirt!"

Running along the back deck, they tumbled right off the edge of it. While they were out, Xael started a fire in the fireplace as she was getting a little chilly. She wondered why Skylar had a fireplace and woodstove. Fire going, she plated up some of the pizza and poured them something to drink. The patio door opened and in ran the pups, still wrestling about until they saw their new toys and beds. Both plopped down and went to town chewing on the fake bones.

"Pizza is ready hon."

"Good, I'm starving." And he was. Adam ate almost the entire pizza.

With lunch out of the way, Adam put the towels from bathing the pups in the washer and Xael returned to make their den again. This time with fresh warm sheets and blankets. Fully belly, Xael was getting sleepy and Adam wanted to call and check in at the station. He also needed to follow up with Max and Parker.

Kitchen cleaned, Xael put some more logs on the fire and made sure the fire screen was in place and latched for safety. There were little ones about now so safety had to be a priority. They both sat down in the 'family den'. By now they pups were dozing off as they enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Like Xael had thought, they were both in the same bed, curled up together. Xael cozied up to Adam as they shared some tender kisses and nuzzles. She was over with being in heat, but Adam was still trying to adjust his pheromones to return her to normal. For now they would enjoy some cuddles. After about an hour of being lovey dovey, Xael laid down, her exhaustion finally hitting her. It didn't take long for the pups to notice and both were up and making their way over to her slowly. They both looked up at Adam.

"Awww, you wanna lay with momma? Go on pups, you don't have to ask." The tan one wasted no time in curling up to her. The other one carefully but clumsily stepped over her and onto Adams lap, his paws now on his shoulders, Adam gave him a nuzzle and growl. Walking on Xael, the little one snuggled up to his brother as Xael's large tail went over both of them and they instantly settled down. Her furry ears pivoting at the slightest sound. Adam leaned over and gave her a kiss and nuzzled into her the crook of her neck. Her scent was absolutely heavenly. Adam pulled the blanket over her but not the pups as they were already protected by her tail. The Omega's purr was not far behind, as the soft and soothing sounds were soon heard.

First order of business was to call Max and Parker. They would just have to get over the change in his voice and they were indeed taken aback by it. They had two more weeks then they were free from the city and ready to start their new lives as Tribal Officers. Max let Adam know that most of the guys had already been transferred. Once they got back, him, Parker, Ted and James all turned their notice in and Strickland couldn't have been happier. He couldn't wait for them to get out so that he could bring 'his boys' in to fill the vacancies. Houser already had his office cleared out and that weekend they were all gathering to help him move out to town.

That was the easy phone call, now for the one he was dredding for some reason. Adam dialed Skylar's number.

"Hey Shado."

"Hey Skylar you busy?"

"Jesus, that voice of yours is something else! No, Beau has the station since it's so quiet today. I'm sitting at the diner with Em and your dad."

"Crap, I forgot he was coming up today."

"You find anything out."

"I don't even know where or how to start. Will you guys just come by?"

"Yeah, let me send Beau home and we'll be up. You guys are okay?"

"We're fine, just be quiet when you enter, Xael's asleep."

"K, see you in a bit."

Adam got up and moved some chairs from the dining table over near the fireplace but far enough away from Xael. He wasn't worried about them seeing her in this state as they already had. Xael's purr would hopefully keep the pups lulled to sleep. Adam waited for as long as he could for everyone to arrive but nature was calling and his bladder needed emptied.

Mid stream, he heard the front door open.

Before Adam could reach the living room, he heard snarling and growling. Coming into view, the little pups were protecting their sleeping momma. Each of them standing beside her with their hackles up and tiny sharp canines bared.

"That's enough, go lay down, good boys." Adam's voice was booming through the wooden structure. The elders just stood there transfixed at the sight before them. Adam was even bigger than the other day and that voice.

"Holy shit..."

"Hey dad. You guys should have a seat."

"...y-y-yeah....holy shit!"

Adam smiled and watched the pups snuggle back into their spots, Xael's tail covering them up again but not before hitting one of them in the face.

"Is that a tail? Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Take a number and stand in line, we're just as clueless as you." Skylar had a seat after making sure that Emma, who had been silent the entire time, was comfortable.

"We're gonna need a beer for this." As Adam walked to the fridge, the Elders never took their eyes off of him. Adam's dad sniffed the air at having picked up Xael's scent. The black furry pup hopped up and growled at him, alerting the other one.

"That's enough." Skylar thought because he was an Alpha, that the young ones would mind him but they didn't.

"Sorry Skylar, they won't respond to you."

"Boys." Adam got them back under control as he handed out the beers. Setting down by Xael, they could see his muscles flexing and the scent of a powerful Alpha hit them. Emma growled but it was an instinctive reaction.

"Sorry Ms. Emma. I'm still trying to get a handle on things."

"It's okay dear, just unexpected."

"Tell me those are contacts son and you've just been hitting the gym really hard?"

"Wish I could dad, wish I could."

"So did you have that talk with the Old One." Skylar was getting impatient with waiting for answers.

"I'll say. Dad, Grams wanted me to ask you about the rumors concerning Great Uncle Wa'hazka."

"What? That's just some made up sh. . .Holy fuck. . . Holy fuck me...Jesus Christ running. You're a damned Great Alpha." Adam's dad stood up then literally fell back into his chair. Emma and Sklyar looked at the Elder Shado. The beer bottle slipped from Emma's hand but Adam caught it before it hit the floor. Standing above her, Emma was at a loss for words, they all were.

"You still want your beer grams?"

She just nodded her head and took the bottle back. Adam returned to Xael's side.

"Winner winner chicken dinner dad. Great Grams knows all about it."

"It's true!" Skylar yelled which caused Xael's ears to pin to her head.

"Yes sir. And Xael is a Great Luna."

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. You. Adam Tantanka Shado, you, my son, a Great Alpha?"

"Yes dad, what more proof do you need?"

Adam's dad tossed the bottle up and downed the cold brew. "Another beer, that's wha-." Before his dad could finish his sentence, Adam was standing in front of him with another ice cold beer from the fridge. They all jumped.

"Shit...how is this even possible? So now you're the flippin' Flash!?"

Adam went back to his seat. "Remember that day I got lost in the woods Skylar?"

"Yeah? Xael had to go and get you."

"I ran into Ja'an."

"Who's Ja'an?" Adam's dad was almost done with his second beer.

"That's Xael wolf grandmother. She told me to focus on using my energy to heal her, so I did. Turns out the Spirit Wolves knew all along what I was. Great Grams said that most Great Alphas are dormant until they start to tap into their abilities."

"Ah! Xael told me you were trying to heal her while she slept, but she was just going to let you do what you felt you needed to."

"Well, that is what has led to this." Adam gestured to his body. "We thought it was just a temporary thing as we woke up with the gold eyes one morning. It's just been progressing ever since."

"So this is permanent?" Skylar had only heard bits and pieces of the Great Alpha myth, but seeing how there was one right in front of him; it was no longer a myth but reality.

"Yup. This is the permanent color of my eyes, the tell tale sign of a Great Alpha."

"I still can't believe this. I remember hearing stories about Great Uncle Wa'hakza. He was rarely seen and when he did come around others he always wore a hat that, wow, that covered his eyes."

"What happened to him?" Ms. Emma wanted answers as she sat her bottle on the floor between her feet.

"No one knows, he just disappeared, at least that's what the stories about him say."

"So what's up with the unruly cubs?" Skylar was still a little pissed that they didn't listen to him.

"Oh those two. We went to see Xael's other Grandparents early this morning. They're the ones that spilled the beans initially. Each of Xael's boys had found Mates and already had pups."

"Stop! I'm no zoologist but it takes longer than what she's been here for pups to gestate." Skylar was right.

"True, but we're talking about Xael Skylar. Nothing about her makes sense or follows the rules of nature."

"He has a point dear." Ms Emma was shaking her finger at him.

"This all sounds like one of those weird ass internet fan stories. You're a mythical Paul Bunyan sized Great Alpha, Xael is laying in the floor sprouting ears and tail like some loony cosplay anime character and you now have two wild wolf cubs as pets because you visited Spirit Wolves in the forest and Grams is in on all of this.  Since we're sitting here in a house made of wood are the three little pigs on their way? I swear if some blond bimbo in a red cloak skips across the back deck..."

"Dad, If you know about Great Uncle, then why are you freaking the hell out?!   You've already seen Xael like this when she healed Taza!"

"I know what we need!" Ms. Emma had had enough of the pheromone filled everything.  She took her bag, walked behind the couch and over to the fireplace. She pulled out a bundle of sage and took a few sprigs out of it. The curious little pups cautiously stood and tried to see what she was doing. "Come here, I won't hurt you little ones."  She held her hand out to them.

The cubs looked back at Adam who nodded. The little brothers approached and sat down. Ears up, they paid close attention to what the Elder was doing. Ms. Emma began to hum a song which triggered Xael to purr a little louder.

"I used to sing this song when your momma was little. Whenever she became upset, I would light some sage and sing to her, the Great Spirit song." Ms. Emma was talking to the pups like they were children. Placing a small twig of sage into the flame, it ignited and was soon smoking. She held it out for the pups to inspect. The black one yelped, tuck tail and ran back to Xael, who was now snarling in her sleep at hearing one of them in distress. The tan pup, sniffed at the smoldering twig and tried to back away from it, falling over in the process. Both sought her out for safety. Adam growled calming all three of them down. Xael, still pretty much asleep and reacting off of instinct, pulled the cubs close.  Shielding them with her large tail, her purring started up again.

"Sorry Ms. Emma, she's pretty out of it."

"Ha ha ha, Oh don't worry, I'm used to her. She didn't even open her eyes."

As the smoke filled the cabin, everyone began to settle down. It was Adam's overpowering pheromones that had the Alphas all riled up. Emma knew it was strong to help mask Xael's scent. The smoke from the sage would help calm everyone and bring a peaceful atmosphere back to the cabin.

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