Answers #2

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Hearing footsteps behind her, Adam was chuckling. He just noticed that Xael had on a pair of his sweatpants.

"Don't laugh! It's the only thing that fits with this tail!"

"You still can't retract them?"

"No, believe me I've been trying all morning."

"Well let's finally get some damn answers. I'm tired of this air of mystery bullshit."

"You and me both!" Xael turned to the little pups. "Come on boys!"

Galloping towards the deck, one tackled the other causing them both to go tumbling. Xael laughed and shook her head, they were just like their daddies. The both yelped as she scooped them up. Adam reached out for one of them as they were both squirming while still trying to play with each other.

"You two little rug farts!" Adam nuzzled into the pup's soft fur with a growl. All that did was cause the one he was holding to lick his face.

Walking to the Jeep, they each kept a pup in their lap. Adam moved the seat back a little as the pup he was holding was getting shoved into the steering wheel. Plus he needed room for his longer than normal legs. They must have ran themselves ragged as the little ones settled into their laps and fell asleep soon as the vehicle went down the road.

"They are so like their fathers." Xael was looking down at the one in her lap with a huge smile on her face. Adam rubbed her shoulder.

Driving into their small town, it was so early that Emma and Skylar hadn't made it to the dinner yet. Xael looked at the clock on the radio, 5:30am.

"Hold up wait a minute! This ain't right! How is it only 5:30 in the morning?!"

"What?!" Adam looked also, he could have sworn the time was going on at least 8 am.  It was daylight when they got up and it had taken them some time to reach the others.  Everything seemed like one big time slip.  "Okay, we are getting answers this time, I don't care what anyone says."

"Agreed, but can we stop and get something to eat?"

"Grandma is cooking us breakfast."

"Oh! Okay, I'll just wait then."

"Mn, you might as well get comfortable, it's going to take awhile to get there."

"I know, I'm sure I'll fall asleep at some point."

But she didn't. Xael stayed awake for the entire ride out to the Elder's home. This time when the vehicle pulled up, no one was waiting on the front deck. Getting out, they let the pups run around to let off steam and use the bathroom after the long ride. Finished, the pups hurried back to their sides. Xael didn't want them running all over the Elder's house so they picked them up as Adam knocked on the door. Xael totally forgot about her ears when the door swung open. The delicious aroma of food hitting both of them.

"Come on in! Foods ready. Awwwww. Who are these two little cuties?!"

"They don't have names yet. My boys gave them to me."

The Elder looked at her and Adam alternately. No wolf would willing give their own pups away nor would a female wolf allow that.

"They are her boy's pups Grandma. They each gave her one."

"Unbelievable. Ah! Come, we have much to discuss."

The Elder's other dogs came trotting up to sniff out the newcomers. Xael sat the one in her arms down and Adam did the same. The little ones just sat there, letting the older dogs inspect them. Not sensing that they would do the puppies any harm, they headed to the dining room. The pups began playing with the older dogs who were quick to make them behave which was fine with Xael.

With breakfast now over, Xael and Adam offered to clean up while his Grams put on a pot of coffee. They all met in the living room where they had a seat on the couch with the elder sitting in her chair. She too had a fire going and all of the dogs were now laying down in front of it. Adam took the pups out since they had just finished playing but returned shortly.

"Grandson, hand me that book off the mantle."

"Yes ma'am." Adam's voice was booming and deep.

With the book in hand, the Elder opened it towards the back.

"Now you two. I shall tell you what I know. This book has been in my family for ages. My Great- Great Grandmother is the one that started it. You see. I am the last of the historians for our kind, at least that I know of. This book contains a majority of the knowledge about Wolfen, wolves and the like. Now to get to the part concerning the two of you." She turned the pages with great care. "Yes, the mighty Great Alpha."

"Grams, how can I be a Great Alpha and NOT know? That's like being Wolfen and not knowing your Wolfen! Dad never said anything and neither did my mom."

"Because Great Alpha's take time to present themselves as such. Why that is, no one knows. But since you are, then somewhere, one of our ancestors must have been one as well."

"Maybe it's on my mother's side of the family?"

"Ha! Trust me, if that was the case that woman would be broadcasting it every chance she got. There was a rumor that my Great Uncle may have been one. If he was, he kept it well hidden.  But I was just a wee little thing so I don't remember much about him as I rarely saw him."

"Why would he keep it hidden?" Xael had snuggled up to her Alpha after the heavy meal she had just eaten. Her tail coming out to wrap around her to help keep herself warm.

"You want a blanket babe?"

"No, I'll get too warm and fall asleep."

"It was kept hidden because other Alpha's would try to challenge them for bragging rights. It all came with more headache than they wanted to deal with. After the settlers arrived, a lot of the stronger, more dominant Alphas were killed off. It took a tremendous amount of effort to do so, but they did it. They needed to weaken the tribes to make them easier to control but we all know how that went. It was the same with the slaves. Take out the strongest links and the chain falls apart. But that was then, now it's extremely rare to have Great Alphas or Hybrids. They do exist nowadays, but for some reason they still try to remain secretive, which is impossible and why I don't know. One should be proud of such status. A Great Alpha's most distinguishing characteristic are their golden eyes."

"You mean this is my permanent eye color?!"

"Yes, it is. It's also yours too Xael, since you are his Mate. All Great Alphas remain dormant until they begin to use their abilities."

"Wow, so that's why your Grandmother wanted me to practice healing you babe?"

"Yes! They visited me again right after I returned from the BBQ. The Spirit Alpha sensed it within you.  By actively using your abilities, it brought out your true nature. I wanted to tell you yesterday but the Alpha and Luna wanted to present you to the others first. Let's get to the good stuff!" The elder sat the book aside.

"Great Alphas have golden eyes once they present. Their body goes through physical changes during the sleep state as it's less painful. As you already know and can feel Adam, you are stronger, more dominant and taller. You no longer need to use your 'Alpha voice' as it doesn't exist anymore in your current state. Your current voice is enough to command others on it's own. You have heightened senses, you are faster and your reflexes can not be matched. Now for you Xael. Your Alpha is the one causing your partial shift but only because he wanted you in heat. Anytime he desires you like that, a simple shift in his hormones will do it."

"So he's more dominant than me?"

"Yes, to a degree even though you are part Spirit Wolf. But you have mated and your wolf recognizes Adam as your Alpha so it will allow itself to submissive. That is why your ears and tail are present, it's your wolf's way of letting your Alpha know that you are receptive to him."

"But why won't they go back?"

"Adam is still getting the hang of controlling his pheromones which are much stronger now. You my dear, are still very much in heat!"

Xael gave Adam a dirty look and poked him in the side. "Thanks a lot, Alpha!"

"It's another special ability that a Great Alpha has over his Omega. If you were a true Alpha Xael, then you wouldn't be able to present like that. It's only an Omega thing dear, no matter how powerful you are. Plus you love each other dearly and he has proven himself as a worthy mate so your wolf doesn't mind being submissive where your Alpha is concerned. The more you two are used to your new states, the better control you will have over things. Once your Alpha is satisfied with you sexually, he will move you out of your heat state."

Xael looked at him again as Adam smirked at her. "You horny beast! Wait? Every time I'm in heat now, I'll present like this?!"

Adam couldn't help but laugh at her and their new situation. "Sorry babe, I have no control over things just yet."

"Yes! But don't worry, I say enjoy it! The sex will be even more passionate and your Alpha will keep you away from others my dear! He knows you are vulnerable in this state. The only ones he'll allow near you are immediate family and even they have to stay at a distance."

Xael didn't embarrass easily but that did it as the Elder clapped happily.

"Grams? Can we get off the topic of our sex life?"

"Eh! There's nothing to be embarrassed about! It's a natural part of life, grandson. How do you think you got here!?"

Adam shook his head.

"Well you two, that's about it. You may experience periods where you are easily triggered and Adam, don't be surprised if you get highly protective of her. During this transition period, you may fall into periods of deep sleep. It's needed as it will be how your wolves will communicate with you and how your bodies adjust to its new physical properties, especially you Xael. On some level our wolves already know what we need. Listen to them, they will help you on your new journey." Again the elder clapped her hands happily.

"Ohh thank you two. I am so blessed to have lived long enough to see a Great Alpha and his Luna. And my own great-grandson no doubt! Ahhhh, life is good! You know, it was once rumored that Great Alphas were somewhat immortal, but that was just a silly rumor!"

"Okay Grandma, now you sound like some weirdo fantasy novel! As if being Wolfen wasn't already beyond belief."

"Hey! It may be true. They never found my Great Uncle's body and the only sign of age he showed was white hair. He remained handsome up until he was gone. Since Xael is a hybrid, there's no telling how long you two will live."

"I'll just stick with the new state and save the whole immortality for later!"

"Don't you sass me boy! Ask your dad, he heard the stories of Great uncle Wa'hakza. Just ask him!"

They sat and talked to the Elder for another 3 hours. She let Xael know that after she passes away, the Great Book would go to her for safe keeping. Now it was time for her beauty nap. Adam's dad was coming by tomorrow to replace her stove so she wanted to bake later on and needed to rest up before that. Hugs were given and the Elder lingered to stare into their golden eyes. She told them both to be proud of what they were and to not hide it, it was a way to honor those before them that had to.

Adam picked up the pups and they all gathered on the front deck while the little ones went to potty before the ride home.   

*** Ugghh... I hope this chapter made sense.  This is all just stuff I made up as it sounded fitting for the two of them.

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