Answers #1

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Out the corner of their eyes, they could see wild wolves keeping their distance between the trees. Reaching another clearing, they were stopped by Taza and few of the other high ranking Alpha guards for the Spirit wolf pack. Despite the temperature, they were all wearing loin cloths. Standing in front of him, Adam was almost bigger than the Alpha and Taza was huge.   Xael felt it best to remain quiet and let the two males greet each other which they did with a simple nod.

"Hey little pup."

"Hi Uncle Taza."

"They are waiting for you two."

Adam nodded as did Taza and the two headed to a cave opening on the other side of the clearing. Sitting by a fire was Xael's wolf grandparents in their human form, their bodies covered in plain long linen gowns. Seeing her pups, Xael got on her knees as they ran over and greeted her. She couldn't help but get a little teary eyed at seeing her boys again. But this was not about Xael and her pups so she let them go and returned to Adam's side. Her Grandfather and Grandmother stood.

"Welcome. Great Alpha and Luna."

Adam froze as did Xael as the others bowed to them.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Adam wasn't sure he was hearing the Elder Alpha correctly and thought he was joking. Odd behavior for and Elder of such high status.

"You two heard me. You Adam, are a Great Alpha. I knew the moment I met you, how you didn't know is something you need to discuss with your parents." The Grandfather had a seat as Ja'an approached the couple. She kissed both of them on the forehead.

"You will need to return to your Great-Grandmother. She's just dying to tell you what you are needing and wanting to know along with answering your questions. But we wanted to be the ones to reveal your true status to you."

"So me using my 'I'm your Alpha healing energy' was all a joke?"

"No. I do not joke young Alpha. You tapping into the part of you that was dormant, brought you and Xael into your true states."

"I thought I was already in my true state Grandmother?"

"If Adam had been just a simple True Alpha, yes. Since he's a latent Great Alpha, no. Now, we need to leave for our winter hunting grounds. Return to your Great Grandmother, she has all the information you require." The Elder female Alpha kissed her granddaughter again and followed it up with a hug.

"Before you leave granddaughter, your boys have something for you." The Elder Alpha nodded to the two young pups.

Xael's boys came forward as did two female wolves. Each with a pup in it's jaws. They sat the squirming furballs at her feet. Xael looked at her boys with eyes full of tears again. Her pups let her know that the females were their mates and the pups were for her. One from each of them. She looked at her grandfather who smiled.

Her boys had found Mates a while ago, it was part of the reason they wanted to spend so much time outdoors with the wild ones. Xael grabbed her boys and hugged them. Gunner yelped at the unexpected and tight gesture. She was now full on crying, between sobs all you could hear was a heartfelt 'thank you'. Her boys knew their momma would take excellent care of their pups just as she had done with them so they weren't worried and neither were their Mates.

Xael also hugged their Mates, giving them plenty of thank you's and letting them know she would treat them like her own and protect them with her life.

With the emotional reunion over, the Alpha surprised everyone by hugging Adam. He thanked the Spirit Alpha and Luna respectfully with hugs as well.  Xael gave both of her Grandparents hugs which they were happy to return yet again. One more hug to her boys and she gently picked up the squirming bundles, holding them close, her tail helping to protect them from the chilly air. She let their mothers have one more nuzzle and told them they could see them whenever they wanted. Her home was now their home.

With a wave of his hand, the Alpha extinguished the fire and her grandparents returned to their wolf forms. They all gathered and headed deeper into the woods. Xael watched her boys leave until they were out of sight. She could see her Alpha's shoulders relax before he hugged her. "Let's go home babe."


Walking back to the cabin, their new pups were already settling in with their new momma. Both of them were snuggled in her arms, fast asleep.

Back inside the safety of their home, it was still early in the morning.  Adam put more wood on the fire as Xael laid down with the still sleeping pups. He knew all of the emotions she had felt earlier had worn her out. She curled up around the small furry bundles, her tail still protectively covering them up. Adam kissed her on the head as a soft whimper and soothing purr came from her. Stress and high states of emotions were just not something her body dealt with around and after her heats. She had no doubt passed right out once she was someplace safe.

Adam needed to have a seat also to digest everything. Sitting next to his Mate, he rested his back against the couch. Four words kept playing through his head.

'Great Alpha and Luna'

Great Alpha. How was that even possible. Nothing about him previously said Great Alpha. If his Great-Grams knew, then why didn't his dad and why had he never said anything. Adam looked around for his phone, it was on the couch cushion behind him.


"Adam. If you're calling me again, you must have talked to them?"


"Good. You two can come by anytime"

"As soon as Xael wakes. Can we bring some little guests with us?"

"Of course!"

"Thanks Grams."

"Mn. Breakfast will be ready when you get here."

Hanging up the phone, he pinched the space between his eyebrows. Xael felt her Mate's slight tension and woke up. Her senses were even more sensitive than usual.


"Hey babe." He leaned over and nuzzled her with a soft growl. "Get dressed as best you can, we're going back to my Grandmothers. You can bring the pups."


Xael left the pups with Adam as he played with them on the floor. He gave them a little water and a piece of sandwich meat and stood with them on the back deck for them potty. Surprisingly, the little ones stayed within eyesight as they romped and played in the yard. Another quick break for pottying then more play. This time Adam was the one that had strong arms snaking around him from behind. Xael rested her head on the back of his shoulder, her soft, warm ears tickling his skin. He relaxed against her as she was strong enough to support his weight.

"How you feeling babe?"

"Still tired and overwhelmed. I can't believe my boys have Mates and Pups. Not only that but, Adam? They gave me one of their pups!"

Turning around, tears were in her eyes again and she was pressed against him. Soft sobbing coming from her. The pups picked up on it immediately and stumbled up on the deck and ran over to their momma. One of the little ones grumbled, unhappy that she was crying. She knelt down and picked him up as Adam picked up the other one.

"I'm okay little one."

"Now we have to pick names for them.  And you two little stinkers need baths!"

"I know." 

It was Adam's turn to go change, leaving Xael on the deck with their pups. The two went back to playing and exploring and more pottying as Xael looked on like a proud wolf momma. She couldn't help but link her boys again. Sending them another heartfelt thank you and letting them know that she loved them dearly. They both acknowledged her in their own way. 

Watching the young ones play, she could tell by the size of their paws that they would grow into large and imposing wolves, just like their daddies.

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