Things Change

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Cleaned and refreshed, the couple put on robes and returned to the living room. Xael returned to the kitchen to finish making dinner as Adam started a fire and put fresh sheets down for their den.   Xael saw him being all Martha Stewart like and smiled.

"You like sleeping in front of the fire now, huh?"

"That, and other things."

"Filthy beast."

"Sexy Omega."

Fireplace den freshened and pillows fluffed, food was ready. It was just sandwiches and chips with tea for the beverage. Eating at the kitchen counter, Adam was still gazing at her.

"You're still staring at me Adam."

"Cause you're so stinking cute with those fluffy ears and tail!"

"Oh hush goldie."

"Your eyes are like mine too so you hush!"

Xael just scrunched her nose at him but soon let out a deep sigh.


"Ja'an and the others will be back in the morning."

"Thank god!"

"I don't know, I kinda like your changes. Makes you all sexy and Alpha!"

"Oh so I wasn't before?"

"Now you're just being silly. You'll always be my sexy Alpha!"

"Oh really?"


"Okay, sexy Omega."

Meal finished and dishes in the sink, Adam went to add more wood to the fire. It was chillier than the other night; fall was definitely coming quick. That's when it hit Xael.  She had forgotten all about her brothers. Searching for her phone she immediately called Eli.

"Hey! Sissaroo!"

"Hey Eli, I'm so sorry! I totally spaced off that you guys were moving here today. Did you get settled? Do you need anything?"

"Relax sis, Grams and Skylar got us all squared away. We were keeping our distance since you're...."

"Oh, ha ha ha! Yeah, I'll get the hang of this one day."

"No worries sis. We're good. Call us when we can come out to the cabin, we picked up the windows and patio door."

"Oh hold on let m-"

"I heard them babe." Adam was loving his heightened senses.

"Okay Eli, talk to you guys soon. Love ya."

"Love you too sis."

"Yeah babe, I spaced that off also with all that's going on."


Adam had moved their sleeping area closer to the couch and he was using it as a back rest. Before sitting down, Xael removed her robe. She still had some lovin' she wanted to partake in with a particularly sexy Alpha and he was all too willing to oblige her.

Final romp of the night over, she was exhausted as she curled up to him after a quick bathroom break.  With her tail wrapping around to shield her face, she slipped off to sleep.  Adam kissed and nuzzled her, soft purring coming from the half shifted Omega under the blankets. With his Mate sleeping peacefully next to him and safe in their cabin, he decided to call Skylar and Emma to fill them in on the non-visit from earlier in the day. He would also call his dad to see if perhaps Great-Grandmother had told him anything usual about his and Xael's 'condition'.

"Hey Skylar."

"Hey Adam, hold on let me put you on speaker. Okay, so how did the visit go?"

"It didn't. My Grandmother was standing on her front deck before we even pulled up. She said the others told her it wasn't time to tell us anything."

"What?! That doesn't make any damn sense!"

"I know Ms. Emma, but that's what she told us. Luckily Xael's other Grandmother finally got back with her. They were out somewhere else but will be back in the morning."

"Oh thank goodness! Hopefully you can get some answers from her. How's Xael?"


"She still got those ears and tail going?" That's what Skylar really wanted to know as it was still all too strange to him how Xael could partially shift like that.

"Yeah and our eyes are still wonky."

"Well what did your Great-Grams say when she saw how you two have changed?"

"Nothing, she just smiled."

"This is just all too wei- did your voice change!?"

"Yes ma'am."

"What the hell Shado? Are you going through puberty again?!"

"God I hope not, but it feels like it."

"Well, crap I don't really know what to say about any of this. Let us know if we can help with anything?"

"I will, thanks so much you two."

"No problem dear. Have a good night."

"Night." Adam looked down at Xael sleeping peacefully by his side. Stroking her hair, she whimpered softly only to move as close as she could to him. Adam scrolled through his phone to find his dad's number.

"Hey son!"

"Hey dad, are you still out at Grandma's?"

"No, made it ba- Adam? What's up with your voice?  It's deep as hell!"

"I don't know. Did Grandma tell you anything?"


"About me and Xael?"

"No? Adam what's going on?"

"I'm not sure, we were at her house to talk to her when she told us that she couldn't tell us anything."

"Well she didn't tell me anything. For the second time, what's going on son?"

"I don't know dad. I'm, I'm changing."


"Changing. My eyes have changed color, my voice, I'm taller, stronger."

"Wait, wait, wait. None of this is making any sense!  We just don't go around changing after settling into adult phase."

"I know dad."

After a somewhat uncomfortable silence his dad spoke again.   "Well how is Xael?"

"Sleeping, she's been in heat today."

"You two go all out don't you? You're changing and Xael's in heat. Son, I don't have anything to tell you other than talk to your Great Grams."

"Yeah. Xael's wolf Grandmother is coming back tomorrow, hopefully she'll give us some answers."

"Let me know if she does. I'm coming out there tomorrow, I'll call when I get into town."

"Okay dad."

"Just breathe son, things will be okay."

"Thanks dad, love you."

"Love you too son."

Adam decided to call it a night and laid down next to his Mate.

Xael was slow to get up. The fire had burned down to coals and the warmth of her Alpha was too comforting to leave.  After another 30 minutes, she forced herself up, a bushy tail wrapped around herself to keep her warm until she reached for the bathrobe. Looking down at her Alpha, he was sleeping peacefully. She put two more logs on the embers and the took right away. Returning to her Mate, he wrapped her in his arms, her purr vibrating his chest.

"Why are you up so early babe?"

"Fire went out."

"You having trouble keeping your body temp up again after your heat?"

"Just a little, it's not as bad as last time though."

"Okay. Let me know if I need to put more wood on."

"I'll be fine hon."

"Oka-" Adam stopped mid sentence. He was getting linked by Xael's Wolf Grandfather but Xael was also being linked by Ja'an.

"Adam their back."

"I know, the Alpha linked me." He kissed her on the forehead and set up. "Let's go get some answers babe."


"You going to be alright in just the robe?"

"Yeah, I can't really do much with this tail. I'll just wrap it around me to stay warm."

Adam took her hand and led her to the patio door after they had put on shoes. They didn't really have to but he didn't want Xael getting sick due to her body temp issues. The morning was indeed chilly stepping out onto the back deck, but he was fine with just his sweat pants on. He looked at her to make sure she would be alright and she gave him a smile. With that, they headed deep into the woods. The two walked past the clearing where they enjoyed each other yesterday. Adam led the way as if he knew where he was going.  After a thirty minute walk, they both picked up the scents of wolves.

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