Everyone knows

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The others started coming out to the house around 6ish. Houser even brought Ms. Ester which Xael was happy about as she was family also. The pups of course got tons of attention especially from Ted and James as the two humans were just thrilled about being able to play with actual wolf puppies. The two made sure to take plenty of selfies with the puppies but Adam warned them not to post them to social media.

All the men gathered outside around the fire pit. The two Elder Alphas checked in to see how the younger ones were doing. Houser particularly wanted to know how Max and Parker liked being Tribal officers and the two of them loved it. James loved working at the dinner and his side hustle was going well. Ted enjoyed working with Chris and Eli and the trio had plenty to keep them busy. Inside, the ladies fixed mashed potatoes and Xael was roasting some veggies that Ms. Ester had brought over. Grams had baked some pies earlier and they were cooling on the window sill over the sink.

Adam, still worried about his Mate, checked in with Xael often as he sat out there with the guys. She let him know that she was just tired and that the tea Grams gave her really helped with the nausea and cramps.

Meat ready, it was time to gather for dinner. The ladies already had the table set and ready for them with drinks poured. The pups were sitting at the food bowls as Adam gave them each a piece of lightly cooked meat. Their little tails were wagging so hard that they almost toppled themselves over while they ate their special treat.

Xael remained fairly quiet during dinner and didn't eat that much. Adam tried to get her to eat more but she just wasn't feeling it and didn't want to upset her stomach again. Main meal out of the way, Grams and Ester served up pie and coffee. Xael felt it was the time to let the others know of their good news. Afterwards, she was going to get some rest and was glad Adam suggested staying out at her Grams for the night because she was wiped out; physically, mentally and emotionally. Xael took a spoon and gently clinked Adam's coffee cup.

Adam already knew what that meant and gave Xael a quick kiss. "Can we all gather on the back deck for a bit?" His voice was enough alone to make everyone snap to, even the humans.

"Uhhh sure?" Ted was the first to give a curious look. Grams happily grabbed Ester's hand and led the way as the others followed. The pups, having stuffed their little tummies and having a potty break, were on the couch and not thinking about anything or anyone.

Once everyone was outside and gathered round, Adam pulled Xael in close for the impending ruckus. He would let her spill the beans.

"We're pregnant!!"

Again Grams went ballistic right along with Ms. Ester. Adam and Xael gave her a look as she already knew about the babies. Quickly Xael's hands went to her ears as the other Alpha's erupted into howls even startling Ted and James who just joined out of principle. There was plenty of hootin' and hollerin' and by now the puppies were fighting to get out of the house and join them. Adam took a step back and opened the door for them as they came barreling out of the house.

After answering the barrage of questions and getting hugs from two special Alphas; Chris and Eli. The only other males Adam would let hug Xael were Houser and the humans. The humans weren't a threat and Houser was like family. Max and Parker already knew not to get close and didn't take it personally. Adam's Mate was now pregnant and he would be protective of her as hell. Max and Parker were happy to hug Adam instead. Xael did let Ester feel her stomach and told her that she and Ms. Vicki were now 'Auntie Ester & Vicki'.

With the news out the way, Xael was now done and Adam could tell. Everyone understood and Adam took Xael to the bedroom. With her finally resting in bed, he put the pups up there with her to watch over her and changed into some sweats that Skylar loaned him. Giving his Omega a nuzzle, he returned to join the others.

"How is she dear?"

"Sleeping grams, I think today was a bit much for her and the twins were a little restless."


"Ah, I guess we left out that part."  Adam had to chuckle at everyone's reaction.

"Oh Adam dear, If Xael is having twins as her first birth, it could be a hard one."

"Yeah, we know Ms. Ester."

"Don't worry Es, they are staying here for her last month."

"Oh good!"

It was nice to have everyone together again. Adam was still a little upset that Beau hadn't made it out but understood. He had his own things to deal with.

Back in the bedroom Xael and the pups were all over the bed, limbs, paws and tails tangled in one big sleepy blob. Unfortunately her sleep was disturbed by the ringing cell phone that she had in her back pocket. Fumbling with the irritating device, even the pups were groaning at having their slumber interrupted.

"...hello...." Still half asleep and groggy, Xael didn't even look to see who was calling.

"Why the shell do you kept balling* me?!"      {*not a typo}

Xael, still out of it, looked at the phone to see who it was. It was Vivi.

"Vivi?! Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be? I'm-I'm calling to tell you.... to stop contacting me!" Vivi was slurring her words to the point that you couldn't understand her.

"Are you drunk?"

"Winner winner chicklen dilnner*!"       {*not a typo}

"Vivi. Stop. You're pregnant, you shouldn't be drinking!"

"Not anymore! I can do whatever the hell I want!"

"Vivi? What is going on with you? Where's Beau?"

"There's nothing wrong and Beau is just fine so don't call me, don't text me! Good Morning!" Vivi abruptly hung up the phone.

Xael went to shake her head when she noticed her back was killing her. The babies were getting bigger and her hips were struggling to accommodate them. Getting up, she put on her pants only to see Adam walking into the room.

"What's going on babe?"

"Nothing!" Xael was still pissed over her talk with Vivi and realized she snapped at her Mate. "Sorry, Vivi called drunker than drunk!"

"Shit. Does she not realize she's pregnant?"

"Not anymore she's not. I need a heating pad." Xael tried to walk past him but Adam stopped her.

"Stay here, I'll get it."

Adam returned a short bit later and shut the door behind him. He helped Xael get comfortable again in bed and plugged in the heating pad. She had him put it on #5.

"What's going on babe?"

"Vivi called, drunk, to tell me not to contact her anymore...she lost the baby." Resting on her back, Xael put her arm over her eyes to block out the bedroom light, the pups both rested their cute little faces on her leg. Another cramp hit her but this one was not as bad. "I'm not dealing with her now. Will you shut off the light?"

Adam heaved a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I'll be back in a bit, the others are leaving." Xael didn't reply and just turned on her side wrapping the heating pad around her waist.

Going back into the living room. Skylar knew something was wrong just by the look on the Alpha's face. Adam waved him off as they saw the others to their vehicles. More hugs and congratulations were given to the soon to be father. As the last car's tail lights disappeared down the road, the three of them returned to the house. Adam cleaned up the kitchen, Skylar tidied up the back deck and Ms. Emma relaxed at the kitchen table.

"Adam dear what's going on? You've been agitated all evening."

"It's Beau and Vivi. Vivi lost the baby."

"She did what?!" Skylar was coming in on the tail end of the conversation.

"Vivi lost the baby. Xael said she called her a little bit ago drunk off her ass and told her not to contact her anymore."

"Dammit Vivi!" Grams slammed her hand down on the kitchen table. "I thought she was doing so good when she came to the powwow."

"What's going on with her Em? You know her better than me." SKylar sat down with a cup of coffee.

"Vivi and Xael used to be like sisters growing up; always looking out for each other. Vivi got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Xael tried to talk to sense into her, even snuck out one night to bring her back to the house. That little shit walked all the way to town then 'borrowed' her cousin's motorcycle and beat feet to the city to get her. Xael ended up getting into a fist fight with Vivi's then boyfriend but Viv refused to come back with her. We found out that Vivi was addicted by then but eventually got clean. That's when the two of them got into dancing and healed their relationship."

"Not that Devon guy?"

"Yes, Wes. Devon Panettiere."

"Panettiere?" Adam tried to contain whatever look was coming forth as the last name rang an ominous bell. "Well, the call stressed Xael out. I'll call Beau when I get to the station in the morning."

"Bless his heart, he really cared for Vivi."

"You should get in there to your Mate young Alpha." Sklyar gave a rare 'dad' look to Adam.

"I'll see you two in the morning."

"Night dear."

Grams and Skylar stayed up for a bit longer to talk. Adam quietly walked into the bedroom and could tell that Xael was in a deep sleep which was good. Sliding in next to her, she whimpered but settled once Adam wrapped her in his arms from behind. Placing a hand on her stomach, he funneled energy to her and the unborn Pups.

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