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Everyone loaded up in the jeep, they headed down the dirt road. Adam's dad was going to stay the night and have dinner with his Grandma for a change. Before the tires had a chance to hit pavement, Xael and the Pups were snoozing. Adam slowed the jeep to a halt and put it in park. He carefully reached over and leaned his Mate's seat back so she would be comfortable. He could tell she was tired because she didn't even wake up when the seat reclined. At least she was getting some much needed rest.

The drive back to the reservation was a quiet one and gave Adam time to think about things. He would put in for time off tomorrow. Now that he had Max and Parker, he could relax knowing that things at the station would be taken care of. Adam wanted to be there for Xael's last month of pregnancy and at least a month afterwards so that he could bond with his Pups. Then there was the problem of where to put the Pups once they got older. So many things to think about and none of it was going to get solved today.

Pulling into town it was almost 5pm and things were settling down for the evening. Adam felt it best to wake Xael as he turned onto Cutler's Pass.


"Hm!" Adam's booming voice woke her up with just one word. Looking around Xael was a little out of it. Returning her seat to its upright position, she yawned and went to stretch but stopped when a cramp hit her.



"I'm okay, I'm okay, just a baby cramp." She chuckled at the phrase baby cramp. Adam, not satisfied with the reason, gently placed his hand on her stomach.

"Settle down you two." Xael placed her hands over his and smiled at him. He was going to be such a wonderful father and Alpha to their Pups. No matter how much pain she had to go through, it would all be worth it. Unfortunately she got just that as another massive cramp hit her causing her to double over in her seat. This time Adam stopped and pulled along the side of the road.


"Crap that really hurt." She put her head down and took some deep breaths as Adam rubbed her back. The little ones picked up on their momma's distress and were whimpering from the back seat. Just then the passenger door flew open as Xael stuck her head out and vomited. Doing better, she rested back in her seat. "I'm fine now Adam."

"Well you don't look fine. Let's get you to Grams, we'll stay the night just to be safe."


Xael pulled the lever to let her seat back again and continued to breathe as Adam started up the Pass. The entire way to the house he rested his hand on her stomach, helping calm not only her but the Pups she now carried as well. Three months left and the babies would be growing like weeds and her pains were only going to get worse. Adam's calming touch worked a little too well as Xael was asleep again. Pulling up to the house, he used his link with Skylar to ask for him to help.

Jeep in park, Skylar was already on the porch and coming down the steps. Adam was out of the jeep in seconds.

"Adam what's going on?"

"She's out, she's started cramping on the way up here. Will you take care of the pups? I'm going to put her to bed."

Skylar opened the back door as Adam took Xael out of the jeep. When the fresh air hit her, she started to wake again.

"Why are you carrying me Adam?"

"Because you're not doing well Xael so don't argue." Adam growled to show that he was serious. Xael wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. Skylar was walking behind them with his hands full of squirming furballs anxious to get to their momma. Walking in the front door, Grams was there in seconds after seeing Xael in Adam's arms. "She's not feeling well."

Getting her inside the bedroom, Xael jumped out of Adam's arms and rushed to the bathroom where they found her hugging the porcelain bowl.

"Xael dear whats wrong?"

After spitting to get rid of the taste left behind, she reached out for Adam to help her up.

"Morning sickness."

Grams was trying hard not to laugh. "Ohhh I have just the thing for that! Adam, bring her to the kitchen."

"Let's go you two!" Skylar was leading the puppies out to the back yard to potty even though they didn't want to go.

Adam went to carry Xael again but this time she strongly refused. Sitting at the table, she rested her head on it and Adam rubbed her lower back. Grams was busy getting some tea ready for her.

"You want something to drink Adam?"

"No ma'am."

"Ah! Pup will be fine, just all part of being pregnant dear."

Once Tank and Dozer were let back into the house they ran over to their momma and laid down at her feet. Skylar went back to the deck to start the grill up. They figured it would be better to grill some meat than Ms. Emma cooking for so many Alphas. Adam wasn't about to leave Xael's side until she felt better.

Hot tea in front of her, Xael raised her head and began to sip it without question.

"Mmmm! This is good, what is it Grammy?"

"It's a secret! I'll give you some to take with you. One cup in the morning will last you the entire day."

"Thank you!"

Adam could see that Xael was perking up again. She gave him a kiss to the cheek and shooed him outside to help Skylar. Grandma came and had a seat at the table.

"So how did the visits go dear?"

"Good! The Elder is coming to the res next week to talk to me about things and let me know what I will need. Can we meet here?"

"I was just going to suggest that!"

"Thanks Grams, I'll let my other Grandma know. She agreed to help deliver the twins also."

"Wonderful! Any news from Vivi?"

"No, I'm getting worried about her Grams. It's not like her to NOT respond to me at all."

"That's true. Something seemed off with her during the powwow but I didn't think anything of it."

"Hmmm, maybe she's just busy with her pregnancy too."

"Come, help me peel and chop potatoes!"


"So dear, have you thought about names?"

"Yes, I'm going to name them after my dad and Grandpa. Tanis and Chrissin."

"Ohh Xael dear! They would be so proud of you."

Both of them were getting teary eyed, but it was worth it.

"Thanks Grams. For my next one, I'll name them after my mom."

"Next one? Ooooo Yes! Have as many babies as you want dear and I will spoil them 24/7!"

"I expect nothing less Grammy."

They two sat and chatted about birth, babies and life while they readied the spuds for cooking.

Adam and Skylar were on the deck getting the grill ready. With the charcoal going, the two had a seat around the unlit fire pit.

"I talked to Beau."

"How's he doing?"

"Not good Skylar, not good at all."

"Shit, I had a feeling something was up. What's going on with him?"

"A lot, I'm hoping he comes out to dinner tonight but I don't think he will. I guess Vivi has done a complete 180 on him. She's not taking care of herself or the Pup. Now she's wanting him to move to Texas and to top it all off he found his actual Mate Mate."

"Oh boy..." Skylar was rubbing the back of his neck to help ease the sudden tension."

"They were supposed to go to the doctor I think today or tomorrow to check on the baby. He thinks she's going to lose he doesn't think it's his."

"Jesus! I knew Vivi had issues when she was younger but to neglect a Pup? Has Xael talked to her?"

"No and I don't think she ever will. Beau said Vivi wants nothing to do with the res, dance, ceremony, Xael or anything else."

"Then why did she even agree to a Mate bond then?"

"I don't know Skylar. I'm just really worried about him, I told Beau if he wanted to, he could come back to the station. Xael being with Pups now, I could really use him. Xael's a little worried about how hard the pregnancy will be and how long she'll need to recover. She's even going to hire an extra waitress at the diner, she doesn't want her Grams trying to cover at the diner and helping her out at the same time."

"Good, cause Emma is going to be all about grand babies and helping Xael.  An Omega's first birth can be kinda hard and that's just with one Pup; Xael's having twins."

"Yeah, my great Grams said the same thing pretty much."

"Wait a minute Adam, you got your phone?"

"No, I left it in the jeep, why?"

"It sounds like Vivi has been mated before and hasn't broken that bond. I've heard of it happening before."

"Why would someone do that? Did her previous Mate die not that long ago?"

"I don't know. Hadn't seen her since her and Xael were teenagers. She seemed happy and fine at the powwow."

"Wow, okay. If Beau doesn't come out tonight, I'll call him again tomorrow and see how things are going. I'll ask him about the previous Mate thing."

"Keep me posted."

The men went back inside to get the meat ready to cook up.  

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