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 "Our company is getting ready to leave, hold on baby."  Grandma headed back to the living room after getting another hug from Xael.  Adam had been fairly quiet since entering their house but that was his thing now. Quiet and intimidating. As the voices got louder, Adam sensed others coming closer and instinctively pulled Xael over to him. Grandad saw him and gave a soft chuckle at how protective the young Alpha was over his Granddaughter.

"Everyone, this is my granddaughter, Xael and her Mate Ada-"

"Oh my God!!"

Before her Grams could even finish the sentence, one of the older women in the group immediately recognized what they were from their shimmering gold eyes. They all did. Getting themselves together, the Elders gave the young couple a slight bow.  Adam finally spoke up as he approached them. His voice alone garnered attention.

"Elders do not bow, please." Adam gently raised the woman up in front of him, giving her a kind smile. Tears began running down her cheeks.

"Oh, please don't cry!"   Xael was now there, another gentle hand on the woman's arm.

"I can't believe I have lived long enough to see a Great Alpha and Luna of color in my lifetime."

"Ella? Charles?  This is a very big deal! You two didn't say a word!"

"A black Great Luna and a Native Great Alpha? I don't think you two know what this means! Young Wolfen of color everywhere can hold their heads high and proud. You always see Great Alphas depicted with all this blonde hair and blue eyes."  One of the older men was also getting exciting.

"Truly a blessing!"

"Okay everyone, that's enough. They're still our granddaughter and grandson, not some sideshow." Charles was getting uncomfortable for both of them.

"We will talk about this later." The oldest of the group shook her finger at Charles and gave Adam a brief hug before walking towards the door, the others right behind her.

Finally alone, the grandparents burst out laughing. "Oh you done did it now you two! Come on in and have a seat." Xael and Adam followed Grams into the living room and sat on the loveseat.  It was still warm from their previous guests.

"Y'all want something to drink?"

"No sir."

Her Grandparents took what were their usual seats as the recliners were right next to each other.

"Now what brings you two out from the reservation?"

"Just in the city and thought we would stop by and visit for a bit." Adam now had a huge cheesy grin on his face as Xael took a deep breath.

"Grandma, Grandad, I'm pregnant."

"I know your pretty dear."

Adam tried to keep from laughing and played it off like he was coughing.  He was pretty sure Xael didn't mumble what she had just said.

"No Grandma. I'm pregnant; with babies."


Grandma was up on her feet and dancing her best Sunday dance. Grandad just patted Adam on the arm and pulled him up for a hug.

"Congratulations you two! Congratulations!!"

"Oh my baby, come here!" Xael was wrapped in a tight hug. "Your parents would be so proud of you. Both of you. Get over here and give me a hug. You aint that great you can't give your grandma some sugar!" Adam was wrapped in a tight Grandma as well.

Hugging out the way everyone took a seat.

"Grandma, I want to ask if you will help me deliver them? I want both of you to be there."

"Oh baby, that's a big deal to have someone at the birth of your Pups."

"I know. I want both of my grandmas there and Adam's great grandma."

"I'll be there in a heartbeat! Just let me know when."

"Yes, we will both be there."

"Thank you. It will be in about 3 months."

"Ah! Yes, yes. Just keep in touch little Pup."

"We already have a place for you to stay so you don't have to worry about that." Adam finally spoke, sometimes his voice was a bit much even for him.

They sat around and talked for another thirty minutes until Xael sensed the little ones in the jeep starting to wake up, plus they had one more person to visit.  The Grandparents followed them out to the jeep. Xael let the pups out who didn't want to leave their momma's side but Adam wanted them to use the bathroom before the next part of their journey.  He took them over to a nearby tree to pee then back in the jeep they went. More hugs, then it was off to the last house then back home for dinner at Grams.

"How you holding up babe?"

"I'll be fine Adam. I can always rest on the way home." Driving out of the city, Xael tried to message Vivi again but there was no reply. Xael just let it go for today. "I'm thinking of hiring another waitress for the diner."


"Yeah.  I figure if I'm going to be on bed-rest the last month, plus time afterwards, I don't want Grams there working. I'll see if Ester or Ms. Vicki will handle the register and get someone new to wait tables."

"That a good idea babe. I don't want you trying to do too much before or after the Pups get here."

"Trust me hon, I won't have the energy to."

Adam made pretty good time in getting to Great Grandma's. His dad's vehicle was already there and she had the front door opened. The glass storm door illuminated by the lights from inside. Jeep in park, Xael let the pups out to potty before going inside. Hearing the doors shut, Grams was already at the door, her dogs coming out to check out the pups. The little ones acted like they already knew them and the older dogs played with them gently but firmly.

"Well get on in here you two!" With the door opened, they could already smell the sage burning.

Walking onto the front deck, Xael gave the Elder a hug followed by Adam.

"Hey Grammy!"

"Grandson, and what do I owe for the pleasure of a visit?"

"Another hug."

His Grams laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist again. Xael motioned for her pups and they all went inside. Grammy took her seat and his dad was there beaming like a lighthouse.  Xael didn't see any point in wasting time springing the surprise.



"I'm pregnant!"


Great Grams grabbed her drum that was leaning against the side of her chair and started drumming away as she pranced around the young couple singing a Native song. Adam's dad, who was still worked up from before, joined in as well.

'Now this is a reaction.'
'I'm almost afraid to move.'

Adam linked Xael as the two of them just stood there. Even the pups were jumping around and the older dogs wagging their tails. When the drum stopped the howling started.

Xael was too busy laughing to stop them.

"Okay, okay!"  Adam was trying to settle them back down again.

"I'm gonna be a Great-great- Granda!!"

"And I'm gonna be a Grandad!"

Adam's dad and his Grandma were playing patty cake like little kids as they laughed and cheered at the wonderful news.  By then, Adam and Xael had taken a seat on the couch to allow them to calm back down. Finally taken their seats, Grams gave one more howl.

"So when will my twins be here?!"

"In about three months."

"Ohhhh. That's not a lot of time dear."

"I know, that's part of the reason we're here. I want to ask if you would help deliver them?"

"Well hell yeah!!"

Xael laughed at how happy her Grandparents were at the news.

"I'll be there a month before hand. You being a hybrid dear, you'll will need plenty of rest and since these are your first, things maybe a little difficult for you."

"I know. The last month we're going to stay out with my other Grandma since I'll be on bed rest pretty much."

"I see, so you know what to expect?"

"For the most part."

"Good, good. I will start preparing for the birth and afterwards."

"Thank you Grammy Shado." Xael gave her another hug and a little extra as healing energy flowed between the two.

"Ohhh! You little scoundrel! I'll have your dad bring me out to the reservation next week and we can talk dear. There are certain things that need to be done before hand."

"Okay, I will have my other Grandparents there also."

"Good, good! This will be a home birth yes?"

"Yes ma'am."


They sat and talked for a little bit then Grandma Shado had Adam take his Mate home. She could tell that the day was wearing on her. Hugs and the young soon to be parents were headed to Grandma's house for dinner.

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