Surprise Dad!

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 Getting off the phone, Adam rubbed his neck.

'Adam? You okay?'

'I'm fine babe, we'll talk after a bit.'


Xael finished up the desserts and the order was picked up before the lunch Rush. For lunch, Xael quickly took the guys at the station their food. Max and Parker still couldn't get over how good they had it being Tribal officers. No one shooting at them, cussing them out or trying to spit on them and no asshole boss to deal with. Free, delicious meals while on duty and there were puppies in the office.

Chris, Eli and Ted were busy with construction jobs. While Chris and Eli worked on the covered patio for the diner, Ted was busy working on renovation work. A lot of the store owners wanted the space above their businesses turned into apartments. Most already had them, they were just old and outdated and hadn't been lived in for years. The trio wanted to get as much work done as they could before winter came and shut them down.

With the day at the diner winding down, Xael checked with James to make sure he was coming out for dinner tomorrow . He told her that he wasn't about to miss a home cooked meal. The two sat and chatted for a bit. Xael wanted to make sure he had everything he needed and he did. Working at the diner part time had allowed him to really grow his side business so he was set financially.

Diner closed up for the day, Xael took Max and Parker more leftovers for their dinner. The two more than grateful for the kind gesture. Adam had some paperwork to finish up so Xael took the pups out behind the diner to play and use the bathroom. She took a plastic bag to clean up after them.

Paperwork done, Pups all played out, they were ready to head into the city. Adam let the guys know to call if anything came up. Ready to go, Adam didn't even bother changing out of his uniform. The call from Beau was still bothering him.

"Adam? What's wrong? You've been upset since this morning?"

"Yeah. I'd rather talk about it when we get home."

"Is everything okay."

"Things will be fine Xael." Adam held her hand the entire way into the city.

Finally in the city, Adam stopped at a nearby park so Xael could let the pups run around while he called his dad. Being in an unfamiliar place, the Pups stuck close to their momma as they wrestled around in the grass.

"Hi dad!"

"Whoa, hey son, I still can't get used to that voice of yours!"

"Ha hahaaa. Are you busy?"

"Nope, just doing some paperwork. What's up?"

"Me and Xael are in the city and wanted to stop by to see you."

"Feel free to stop by, I'm at the office on campus."

"Okay. Is it alright if we bring the Pups?"

"Sure, but be prepared to get stopped so folks can pet them."

"That's fine. See you soon."

Adam walked over to Xael who was sitting on a bench as the little ones played a few feet from her, ignoring the squirrels that were nearby.

"Ready babe?"


"How you feeling?"

"Fine, just a little tired."

"We get home, you're resting."

"No, you're going to tell me what's going on."

"Then you rest."


Pups loaded back up, Adam drove to the college campus where his dad was a Professor part-time. Finding the guest parking lot, Adam realized that neither of them had shades to hide their eyes.



"Forgot the damn shades."

"It's okay Adam, we can't wear them for the rest of our life."

"Let's go, stay close."

Each of them carried one of the Pups as they left the parking lot. The two were an impressive sight and the adorable wolf Pups just added to it. Adam, being an Alpha with a pregnant Mate, was even more protective now that they were around strangers. Humans were whispering, staring and some even pointed at them. If Adam caught someone trying to take a photo all he had to do was look at them and that quickly changed their minds.

Even the younger Wolfen were taken by the couple and were the only ones brave enough to approach them. One young lady in particular.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes." Adam's voice alone caused people to stop and turn around. It was a cross between Jason Momoa and God.

"Are those really wolf pups?"


"Wow, I've never seen a real wolf before. Can I pet one of them?"

Adam was reluctant to give permission but Xael didn't mind. The Pups needed to get used to being around others.

"Sure!" Xael sat Tank on the ground but he stuck right by his momma. Adam put Dozer down as well and that was all it took for other young Wolfen to come up to them. "Just hold your hand out, he'll come to you."

Sure enough after a couple of seconds the young female was getting puppy kisses left and right. Others asked permission before petting them. One young Alpha came up to Adam and tapped him on the shoulder. He was so young Xael figured he was a freshman.

"Are you a Great Alpha?"

That did it.

All the young Wolfen stopped what they were doing and stood up. Xael and Adam picked the pups back up.

"Why would you ask that?" Adam was trying to soften his voice and not glare at the young Alpha.

"Because of your eyes." Adam smiled as Xael came up to him, the young Alpha's attention now on her. "Whoa..."


Seeing how they were in the presence of a real live Great Alpha and his Luna, the young Wolfen started to bow when Xael quickly stopped them. They were attracting enough attention as it was. Since they couldn't bow, the young ones howled. Even the Pups joined in.


'Well this escalated quickly.'

'No shit.'

Adam needed to put a stop to it so he just gave a growl and they stopped.

"Thank you." Adam and Xael gave a light head nod then left. They could hear all the chatter from the young Wolfen behind them. Xael could tell that Adam was getting uncomfortable with the attention they were getting.

"That was sweet of them hon. It's good that there are still young ones that know how to show respect."

"Yeah, I guess."

Finally reaching his dad's building, the Elder Shado was already standing outside. Xael put Tank down, the Pup took off for the Elder Alpha and Adam did the same with Dozer.

"Hey!! What a greeting. Hey sweet boys." Both the pups displayed submissive postures as they greeted him and he was happy to give them pets and belly rubs. "So what was with all the how...Oohhhh. I see some of the younger ones recognized you two."

"Yeah, I totally forgot to make sure we had shades in the jeep before we left."

"Hey son, don't you dare hide what you are. Your Granny would kick your ass!"

Adam just shook his head as the pups were now playing around his feet.

"There's a sitting area right over here, let's go have a seat so the pups can enjoy the fresh air." The little ones stayed right next to them as they walked over to a lovely shaded area with benches. "So what brings you two out my way today?"

Adam took his dad by the shoulders and gently pushed him down to sit on one of the benches as he and Xael stood in front of him. Once Adam was back at her side, Xael sprang the surprise on him.

"I'm pregnant!"

The Elder Shado just looked, not sure what to say or do. Everyone seemed to be having the same response when told the news.

"Dad?" Adam waved his hand in front of his dad's face as the pups cocked their heads and looked at the older Alpha.

Soon it was heard throughout the entire college campus. A strong and powerful howl of excitement and joy. Tank and Dozer joining in again, their little lungs getting quite the workout.


"Yes." Xael was smiling at his excitement.

Adam's dad was spinning Xael around followed by Adam, who he only managed to barely lift off the ground. All of that was followed by another howl.


He started jumping around and hollering all over the place. The pups bouncing around with him. It was a miracle neither of them got stepped on. After about 3 minutes, he finally calmed down and the crowd that had gathered to watch him dispersed.

"Congratulations, you two!"

"Thanks dad. The twins will be here in a few months."


He went to jump around some more but had second thoughts and sat down instead. "I need to have a seat. Twins. I'm gonna be a Grandad to twins. Twins, real live twins."

"That you are dad and you're gonna make a damn good Grandad." Father and son shared another hug and he gave Xael another one as well. "We're gonna tell Xael's Grandparents and Great Grams today also."

"Oh Adam, Grandma is gonna be over the moon! You know what? I'm done with classes and was about to head out. I'll meet you at Grandma's, I wanna see her reaction."

"Ha haha. Okay dad. We'll meet you there soon." More hugs and Xael and Adam left. Walking back to the jeep, word had already spread around campus that a Great Alpha and Luna were on the grounds. As other young Wolfen passed them, they bowed out of respect. Their human friends were lost as to what they were doing. Leaving one group, Xael could hear the conversation.

[Student 3] "Why are you guys bowing to them?"

[Student 2] "Because that's a Great Alpha and Luna you idiot!"

[Student 3] "What's that?"

[Student 2] "Oh jesus Jeff. They're the King and Queen of wolves! Read a book for Christ's sake!"

[Student 1 ]"Yeah Jeff, why do you think they have wolf cubs with them? They are the top of the food chain man!"

Xael and Adam just chuckled at all the chaos they were causing. Safely back to the jeep and pups in the back seat, they crashed out from all the excitement.

"Get used to it hon. We got three more sets of folks to spring the news on."

"I know but this is family so it won't be that bad."

It finally hit Xael that she would give anything for her parents to be alive so she could tell them news. She closed her eyes and pictured them in her mind's eye. Adam sensed her sadness and took her hand again.

"They would be just as happy as everyone else babe."

"I know." Even though she was able to stop the tears, she wasn't able to hide them in her voice.

It didn't take them long before they reached Xael's Grandparents house. With the pups knocked out in the backseat, they decided to leave them in the jeep and left the windows cracked. If they woke, they would be able to tell. Xael quickly grabbed Adam's hand.

"Dude it's an Indian cop!"

Two young boys on bikes rode past them and one of them glimpsed the tribal patch on Adam's sleeve. By now the two of them had quickly gotten used to the attention they were attracting.

Walking up to the porch, they heard voices and laughter inside. The visit was unexpected so Xael figured they had company over. She gently knocked on the door. It was her Grandad Charles.

"Hi Grandad!"

"Xael! Adam! Get in here! What brings you two out to the city?"

"We wanted to visit you, sorry for just dropping in." By now her Grandmother was coming towards the front door.

"Don't you dare apologize for visiting!" She gave both of them a hug, almost disappearing in Adam's huge arms. 

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