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"Are you nervous?"

"No, not really." She looked over at him and the two shared a quick smile. Xael changed out of the hoody and into the cardigan, which is what she had planned on wearing to meet his dad.

"Xael, babe..."

"I'm not wearing a hoody to meet your dad! You'll just have to deal with my scent being detectable Adam, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Fine. You do not leave my side."

"I won't. Where are we going to eat?"

"Some Korean BBQ place. We're almost there."

They arrived at the restaurant which was busy with a line out the door. Shado called his dad to see if he was there and he was. He already had a table. Taking one look at the long line, Xael looked at her mate

"I am sticking to you like frickin' glue."

"Yes you are baby, let's go and get to the table."

Xael got out of the jeep and stood right by the door as she waited for Shado to get to her. She immediately clung to him, keeping her head slightly lowered so she wouldn't attract too much attention with her eyes. Luckily while at Target most didn't pay much attention to them or her. Nearing the entrance to the restaurant, Xael could feel the eyes on her. Shado confidently led her into the restaurant, bypassing the waiting line. One woman, grabbed Xael as she was upset that she walked in without waiting. Xael quickly turned and snarled at her. Shado turned and growled also, causing everyone to back up. He continued inside and quickly found his dad.


"Hey dad!" Xael was standing by him, head still lowered.

"Is this the Mate you were telling me about?"

"Dad, Xael Thunder Wolf." Xael looked up at him and smiled. The older Alpha froze seeing the beautiful creature before him. Xael was uncomfortable with the attention and looked over to her Mate.

"Sorry dear, I don't mean to stare, it's just. God your beautiful."

"Uh...Thanks." Xael quickly took a seat in the booth, her dog tags making their way out of her shirt, but she didn't pay it much attention. The staring from the Alpha made her a little uneasy.

{Adam he keeps staring at me}

"Uh dad, you're making her uncomfortable."

"I'm sorry Xael, it just...let's sit. The food will be here shortly."

"It's okay." Xael looked at him again and smiled.

"So are those eyes natural or contacts?"


"I see. So Adam, how did you meet this beauty."

"On the side of the road." Xael poked at him. Their waiter started to approach. Xael immediately growled and hid behind Shado's shoulder, her arms wrapping around his arm. It startled the two males she was sitting with.

{What's wrong baby?}

{The waiter's going into rut}

Shado almost choked on the water he was drinking.

"What's wrong Adam?" His dad was getting worried.

"I'll tell you later, she's fine."

"Hi, can I get you two something to drink other than water?" Shado knew from the incident in the diner that Xael wouldn't talk. Not only was she no longer talking, but she inadvertently growled again. The Elder Shado quickly took notice. He didn't say anything as he had his own suspicions about his son's new Mate.

"Just water is fine."

"Is she okay?" The waiter moved towards them. Xael growled another warning at him which caused him to stop and back away a little. Xael's behavior was indicative of a female Alpha. She sensed him picking up her scent as she heard him sniff.

{Make him go away!}

"I'm sorry, but I need you to leave. She senses you going into rut soon." Shado was blunt with the young waiter.

"There's no way she can know that!"

"Well she does. So unless you want her to Alpha out on you, find someone else to cover our table."

The waiter left, slightly pissed but Shado didn't care. Xael raised her head and quickly nuzzled her Mate's shoulder for his scent, then sat back up.


"Your fine dear. Those are some keen senses you got there." Xael smiled at him then looked off to the side. His dad returned his focus to his son. "So what's up with the hair Adam?"

"Oh, it needed to go. I cut it after we mated."

"I see. So do you two live together?"

"No, not yet. Soon though, we're looking at a place tomorrow in town."

"Good! So Xael, tell me about yourself. Adam tells me you're Native."

"I'm mixed. My dad was Native and my mom African American. My grandparents raised me."

"What happened to your parents?"

"They were killed."

"Oh my God! I'm sorry dear." Another smile to let him know it was okay.

"I noticed your dog tags. Did you serve?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh really? What branch?"

"Army Combat Medic."

"I see."

Xael needed to go to the bathroom. {I need the bathroom} Shado looked around and saw they were close by it.

"It's right there, I can see you." Shado let her out as she made her way to the restroom. Xael kept the cardigan wrapped tightly around her. Once the bathroom door shut, Shado's dad turned to him as they both had a watchful eye on her.

"So Adam. Xael isn't an Alpha, is she?"


"Relax son, I know what she is. Those eyes are a dead give away if you know about her kind. My grandmother told me about them. Never thought I'd see one and an Omega one at that."

Shado ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah, she's an Omega. Not many know her status and I kinda want it that way."

"Don't worry son. So she's your True Mate, huh?"

By then Xael was back to the table, she moved so quietly that neither of them heard her. "Yes, he's my True Mate."

His dad had to laugh at how stealth she could be. He couldn't help but stare at her. He always thought Thunder Wolves were a thing of legend. As she settled back into the booth next to her Mate, she relaxed. Xael just needed to get accustomed to her surroundings. She looked at his dad and held his gaze, her grey/blue eyes were absolutely captivating. Now she was the one making him uncomfortable. Her gaze was penetrating and intense.

{My dad knows what you are.}

"I know." She looked at Shado and smiled as she moved closer to him. She looked back over to his dad. "You can stop staring now."

"Can't help it dear."

Xael's body temperature was starting to even out and she was getting hot which caused her scent to become more pronounced. Still staying close to her Alpha, she took the cardigan off, exposing her muscled arms and scars.

"So, how were you able to serve in the military, young lady."

"I can pass as an Alpha. But you already know that."

"Nothing gets past you, does it."

"No sir."

"So Adam, how did you two find out you were Mates?"

"Ah. It was at the pow wow we had not too long ago. Xael had a PTSD episode, I was the one comforting her and she scented me."

"I see. How many tours did you do Xael?"


"Have you heard from your mom Adam?" Shado and Xael looked at each other as Xael tried to hide her laughter.

"I thought she moved away."

"So did I, but she moved back, why I don't know."

"We ran into her at Target. She had the nerve after all this time to act like she's been here being a mom. She even tried to fix me up with some chick I don't even know!"


"Xael was right there when she pulled her crap. Let's just say my baby doesn't take crap from anyone."

"Good. Food is here, let's enjoy it!" With the food finally there, the three of them enjoyed the meal as they talked. Mr. Shado learned of their plans on purchasing a cabin and offered to help them, but Adam refused. They sat and talked for a few hours, but Shado noticed Xael was getting tired even though it was only 4 in the afternoon. The older Shado paid for the meal then walked them to the jeep with Xael giving him a hug goodbye. He again had to let her know how amazed he was to see one of her kind and made sure that his son knew to take excellent care of his special Omega. Shado's dad promised to stop by and see the cabin after they were settled in and to visit the diner. One more hug goodbye and the couple started back towards home.

Xael was tired and just wanted to spend time alone with her Mate. As they headed back to town, Xael had put the hoody on over her sweater as her body temperature was dropping again.

"You want me to turn the heat on babe?"

"No, I'll be fine."

"I got you an electric blanket."

"Really! Oh Thank you!" Xael leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "You know, I really like your dad."

"Yeah, he's a lot different from my mom that's for sure."

"What does he do? I didn't even bother to ask him."

"He's a retired surgeon. He goes around to various medical schools and gives lectures."

"Oh wow! That's so awesome."

"Is there anything else you want to do this evening?"

"No, maybe watch a movie. I just want to spend time with you."

"Good. I could use a quiet evening alone with my Omega."

Xael chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that things seem to be moving pretty quick with us. That's all."

"Spirit knows what it's doing and it doesn't see the need to waste time getting it done."

"Okay, now you sound like my grandpa."

They drove the rest of the way in silence and got back to the apartment just as the sun was setting. Gathering all the bags from their shopping trip, the two made it up the stairs and into the apartment. Xael put all the clothes she bought in the washer and grabbed one of Shado's t-shirts to sleep in.

Ready for a nice hot soak in the tub, she headed to the bathroom while Shado put fresh sheets on the bed and the electric blanket for Xael. He only got a twin sized one just for her and turned it on low while she was getting the water going. Xael came out in a towel and took her Mate's hand.

"Take a bath with me. The water isn't that hot." Shado smiled at her and eagerly took her hand as she led him into the bathroom. Xael placed her towel on the rack she had set up earlier and got in the tub. Shado quickly undressed and got in behind her, pulling her into him. They both relaxed in the hot water.

"It's not too hot, is it?"

"No babe, this is perfect." Shado began to gently caress the side of her neck with his lips, letting out a low growl as his Omega increased her scent for him. Neither were interested in having sex, they just wanted to enjoy being close to each other after having spent the day around others.

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