Mom & The Guys

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{Xael we are leaving. Now!}

She turned down one of the bedding aisles and saw him talking to two women, one older and one younger. Whatever conversation they were having was not going well as Xael could feel her Mates anger rising.

"Mom, that's enough!"

Xael was walking up behind him when the younger woman walked up to her and confronted her.

"Excuse me, we're having a private conversation." She was an Alpha and trying to intimidate.   Xael was not having it.

"Not anymore you're not." Xael glared at the young woman causing her to back away from her. She assumed the older woman was his mom. Xael stood just behind her Mate with the shopping basket in one hand while her other one rested on his back.

"Adam, do you know this person?"

"This mom, is my Mate. Xael. Now if you don't mind, we are leaving."

"Mate? Oh dear you can't be serious?"

"He is serious, and we are leaving." She maintained her confident composure and made sure both women understood.

"Adam, Tracy here is a much better choice than her." Now Xael was done with both of them. Before Shado could stop her, Xael got in his mom's face.

"Oh really, is that because she's blond haired, blue eyed with a perfect sculpted nose and D sized implants? Or because she's already knocked up with another Alpha's pup?"

Adam looked at the other woman as the color drained from her face. Xael wasn't finished with them. "I am his Mate and I don't need your approval for shit!" By now her eyes had gone red.

"We're leaving, now! And don't you ever pull this crap with me again. Mother." Shado took his Mate's hand and left towards the checkout area.

"Baby, I'm so sorry about that."

"Hey, don't you dare apologize for her. It takes more than those two to get to me."

Shado gave her a kiss right in the middle of the store. The two went to the self checkout. Xael took an open one, but then Shado started to protest.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, checking out what does it look like?"

"No. No no no. Let me pay for that."

"No, I can pay for my own clothes, you get the stuff you got!"

"No, I'm your Mate, let me pay." The two were playfully bickering at the checkouts as an older African American couple looked on with smiles on their faces. The older lady approached Xael.

"Honey if he want's to pay, let him!"

"See! Listen to your Elders!" Shado smirked at her as Xael scrunched her face at him. He quickly slid his credit card into the reader.

"You are such a brat!"

"Yup! And your Mate."

"Mate yes. Sugar daddy no!"

Shado turned to the older woman. "Thank you!"

She laughed at the young couple. "Anytime dear!" Xael shook her head and chuckled as the older woman approached her. "You are absolutely beautiful my dear."

"Why thank you!"

"Mmhmm, and let that Alpha spoil you rotten!"

Xael burst out laughing. "Yes ma'am!"

The older couple waved goodbye, laughing as they left the store. Xael just gave her Mate a look as he blew her a kiss. All checked out, the two headed towards the jeep. Once inside, Xael gave him a kiss.

"Thank you handsome."

"Anytime beautiful. Where to now?"

"Cigar shop!"

Headed to the cigar store, Shado turned to his Mate. "Xael?"


"How did you know she was pregnant?"

"Oh, I could smell her."

"And I guess you could smell her plastic surgery also?" Now Shado was just being sarcastic.

"Even Barbie doesn't have a nose that perfect and natural boobs hang, not jut out like hers. So there!"

"Speaking of smell, you know your scent is detectable?"

"Yeah... You're with me, no one will bother me."



"Does it matter that people stare at us for being a mixed couple?"

"No. Your parents were an interracial couple so you should be used to the stares."

"Yeah but Natives are treated differently than black people."

Xael was trying not to laugh at him. "You must have spent more time with your mom out in public?"

"Why do say that?"

"Because prejudice is prejudice Adam. You might not have encountered it as much because you can pass as white if you wanted. I've heard the same bigoted remarks towards Natives just as I have other people of color. Once you turn your back, that smile on the other person's face gets wiped off with a quickness. You'll get put down just like the next non white face."

"Wow...I never really looked at it like that. Maybe that's why my mom never really let me stay with my dad much."

"Were your parents True Mates?"

"No. I'm not really sure why my mom and dad were even together. My mom is more concerned about how others see her. I never really cared for her side of the family. They all seemed so...fake."

"Maybe she was more interested in the idea of it than the actual reality of it."

"Yeah, I guess that's a good way to put it. Glad that's not me. I think you're absolutely gorgeous. Dark skin and all." Xael looked over at him and gave him her kissy face.

"Hey? If your mom raised you how d'you learn to dance?"

Shado smirked at her again, if he wasn't focused on driving he would have poked her in the side. "Silly Omega, I told you my dad raised me after my mom left. He taught me to dance."

"Oh!"  She gave a cute little chuckle but then grew somber. "I wish I could give you at least one pup." Xael was silently fighting back tears as she looked out the window, not wanting him to see the pain in her eyes.

"Hey babe, don't. I have you Xael, that's all I ever wanted. If we're meant to be parents, Spirit will make it happen. For now I just want to enjoy us being Mates. Plus we already have two furry four legged pups!"

Xael knew he was trying to cheer her up and get her mind off of the subject.

"Thank you Adam. I'm glad you're my Mate." Shado could still hear the tears in her voice.

"Love you babe." The Alpha reached over and held his Omega's hand for the rest of the ride.

Before they got to the cigar shop, Xael changed out of the hoody and into the cardigan she had brought. Shado was a little leary of his Omega's scent being detectable.

"Xael, maybe you should mask your scent babe?"

"I can't, it's too soon after Mating. I'll stay close to you, I promise."

"Fine." Shado growled as he was not happy about it but had to deal with it.

Finding the cigar shop, the two entered. All the Alphas that were there immediately focused on the Omega. But she stayed close to her Mate as she had promised. She quickly picked out a Seattle Seahawks case and an assortment of imported cigars for the chief and they headed to the counter to pay and leave. This time Xael insisted on paying. Shado stood behind her but one Alpha got too close, causing Shado to growl a warning for him to back off. Xael wasn't too worried as she knew he wouldn't let anyone near her. Having paid, they quickly left.

Back to the jeep, Xael handed him the hoody she had on earlier.

"Will you scent this for me?"

"Good idea baby." Shado put the hoody on and released his pheromones while he drove to his old precinct. Once there, she put it on after taking the cardigan off and zipped it up. She grabbed the gift bag and the hoody she picked out for Max and exited the vehicle.

Shado came right over to her and gently took her hand and led her into the station.

"Hi Gary!" Xael remembered the handsome officer from the last time. "You know, you look like that handsome Idris Elba!"

"Why thank you my beautiful mixed Native American! Now with some freaky ass eyes! Nice hair cut Shado."

"Thanks and just for clarification Gary, she's MY beautiful mixed Native American." Xael shook her head at the two of them as the males smiled at each other. Shado was on guard with his Mate's scent being present and quickly made his way to the elevators. Luckily it was empty for a Friday. They made it to the floor and into the offices. Everyone was shocked to see Shado with short hair. Xael shook loose Shado's hand and lunged at Max, hugging him.


He was shocked by the hug, but Shado expected it. He relaxed with the guys as she was used to them by now. Plus the ones that weren't at lodge were out on assignments.

"Here. I got you a new hoody, my scent ruined your other one. Sorry."

"Oh wow! Thanks!" Xael went around and gave hugs to Parker, Ted and James. The Alphas were a little uneasy with the hugs cause they knew she was newly mated. Max and Parker both looked at Shado.

"It's okay, not like I'm gonna stop her. You guys are 'family' now according to Ms Emma."

Strickland was nowhere to be seen. Shado learned he transferred out of the department. Houser heard all the noise and came out of his office. Xael immediately picked up his scent.

"Chief!" The Omega lunged at him as he caught her in a hug.

"Hey Xael! I see you're doing good! Nice set of eyes there, Pup." Now Houser was calling her Pup but she didn't care one bit, she considered him a distant distant non-related distant Uncle.

"Thank you so much for helping us!" Shado walked over to them and extended his hand to his old Chief.

"Yeah, thanks again Chief!" The Chief pulled him in for a hug, shocking the other guys. Xael handed him the gift bag.

"What's this?"

"A 'Thank You' gift from the both of us." Shado pulled Xael in close as he noticed the other Alphas getting close to her due to her scent. Even with the scented hoody on, they were able to pick it up.

"Well holy shit! Thanks guys!"

"What is it Chief?" Ted was the nosy one of the group.

"Cigars! My favorite kind too!"

Everyone sat and chatted for over an hour, the couple again extended an invitation for them all to come back out and visit whenever they wanted. While they chatted, Xael stayed close to her Mate and didn't take the hoody off, even though she was getting warm.

{It's almost time to meet your dad}

Xael linked Shado to let him know they needed to go. The two said their goodbyes as Xael gave the guys another hug and headed to the elevator. This time there was no one there to fondle her or ask inappropriate questions, just a couple of human officers. The elevator reached the third floor and stopped. The older African American couple from Target got on.

"Hello again." Xael smiled at them as did Shado.

"Well hello you two! What are you doing here."

"I used to work here, just visiting some friends." Shado replied as Xael looked on.

"I see."

The elevator reached the ground floor and the two couples walked out together. Shado was curious as to why they were on the third floor as that's where the homicides detectives were. "I'm sorry, but why were you on the third floor?"

"They finally had information our daughter's death."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to get the answers you need." Xael was sympathetic to the couple.

"Thank you dear. You two enjoy your day." The couples parted ways as Xael and her Mate headed towards the restaurant to meet his dad.  

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