Getting Settled #2

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With the additions done to the reno work, Xael and her Grams got busy on making a list for Costco. Xael also suggested they get the bathroom vanity, sink and other items from Ikea. Ms. Emma also wanted to see what all Costco had for the diner to since they were there.  Xael contacted the market and Hilgers to let them know that they would pick up their orders shortly.  By the time they had finished all of that, the guys were heading back over. Ms. Emma was happy to get the day started as the two of them went to greet their Alphas.

"Wait a minute Grams, how come you two are done bonding already?"

"When you're older dear, there's no need to go at it like rabbits."

"Ohhh!" Xael did a silly little dance as the males walked in.

"What are you doing!?"

"Nothing..." Xael gave Adam a look that said 'mind your damn business'.

"We ready to go?" Skylar was eager to drive his truck to see how it handled.

"Yes, but there's a slight change of plans, I need to go to Ikea! The diner is getting new bathrooms!" Grams was giddy like a little kid.  Adam just looked at Xael a little confused.

{She wants to update the bathrooms.}

{Ohhh I see}

The repeat trip to the city went well. Grams picked out the items she wanted from ikea. Chris and Eli had told her earlier to pick what she wanted and have it shipped to them. Four new vanities, sinks, mirrors and toilets later,  Xael insisted on paying for everything as she also got new food containers for her Grams also. Again Ms. Emma shed a little tear.  Next stop was Costco.  Instead of getting a cart, Xael got one of the dollies.  They got plenty of rice, flour, beans and other dry goods along with toilet paper and other items to split between them.  Xael was going to  pay for it but Grams put her foot down and Xael allowed her to pay for half of it.

The Native Market was a quick and easy stop as everything was ready for them. Xael had paid for everything ahead of time, which upset Grams, but only a little. Last stop was Hilgers for the side of beef. Adam surprised both Elders for paying for it as it was not cheap. They both were grateful, Adam and Xael let them know is was just another thank you and to show their appreciation.

That was enough for the day as they had bought a lot. Before the guys left the station, Adam; after getting permission from the council, had set up for two more officers from the next town to fill in for them till Monday. Xael was surprised that he had done that and that he was even able to. Skylar let her know that they did it all the time.  He also suggested that since the two of them now had the rest of the week off, to just stay out at the house since they had so much to do. The women could start on all the canning and setting up the pantry while he and Adam went hunting for a deer.  Xael was fine with that after she learned the Elders had 'aired' the house out.

Heading back to town, Xael and Adam chatted in the back while Skylar and Grams chatted up front.

"Hey do you think your Great-Grams will come to the cookout?"

"I'll ask her, she'll probably bring her pups over."

"That's fine! Since they're part of the pack my boys won't care."

"Okay, I'll have dad pick her up! She'll love to meet everyone!"

"Nice, I'm going to invite my other Grandparents also, I want them to meet everyone too!"

"Skylar? How's the truck handing?"

"Like a top! I can't thank you two enough for getting her fixed for me. I just never took the time to do it."

Reaching town, Skylar dropped Xael and Adam off at their Jeep and they went to get the pups, their new beds and clothes. Driving out to Grams, Xael rolled the back window's down for the pups.

"You okay with staying out at Grams for a few days?"

"Of course, I love it out there!"

"Good! I know you wanted to get stuff done at home."

"It will be there when we get back."

"True. Are you and Unc taking the boys out hunting with you?"

Adam glanced in the back seat. "I don't think so, I think he wants to focus on teaching me."

"Ahhh, I see. Well, don't be surprised if you run into the wild ones out there."

"You really think they'll show up?"

"They might, everything within the treeline at Grams is her's, the rest belongs to them."

"Wow..I'll keep that in mind."

Pulling up to the house, Skylar had to take the bumpy road slow. But they were used to it. Parking, the first thing Xael did was let her boys run. She wanted them tired when they came in for the evening. Ms. Emma already had a sage bundle hanging outside the door and smudged everyone before they entered. Skylar decided to back his truck down the side of the house so they could unload onto the back deck and be closer to the kitchen.   Adam helped guide him back as Xael took their stuff to her room and helped her grams get ready in the kitchen. It didn't take them long to clear space for all the food they had gotten.

The men unloaded the truck as the women took it inside, Xael taking in the heavy stuff. The guys had to carry the coolers as they were heavy. Everything inside. Xael and Adam brought in some of the jars from her jeep.   All that work, everyone was hungry.   Xael put a sheet pan of bacon in the oven for BLT's.  With that going, Ms. Emma and Xael started clearing out the pantry/store room. Non food items were organized on the back shelf.  As they filled and organized containers with dry goods, Skylar took Adam into the living room to talk about their upcoming hunt.

Even though Adam was Wolfen, he'd never hunted before. He saw no need for it living in the city and his time was limited with his dad that he wasn't able to take him when he was younger. Skylar realized that they would need to be able to link each other while they were shifted. Hunting as wolves was much easier. To do that, they needed Xael's help. Skylar at least knew Xael was capable of helping others establish a link between them. She had done it for him and Ms. Emma when she was younger. Skylar went to the kitchen to get her.

"Hey, Pupkins?"

"Yes sir."

"Will you come into the living room for a minute?"


Xael followed him in as Adam smiled at her.

"I need to be able to link Adam while we're shifted and hunting."

"Ahh...Okay. Sit next to each other."

"You can do that?" Adam had no clue Xael could do something like that.

"Yeah, now stop talking I need to focus."

As the two Alpha's sat next to each other, Xael stood in front of them. She gently placed a hand on each of their heads and instructed them to close their eyes. After taking some deep breaths, Adam and Skylar felt her hands heat up. Both of them were getting a little woozy from the energy Xael was sending through them.

"Open your eyes."

Xael's eyes had gone white. All the Alphas could hear were their heart beats and eventually that faded into silence.

{Can you hear me?}


{Now try to link each other}

{Whoa....this is weird}

Xael needed to end it as it was starting to weaken her. She quickly withdrew her hands. "You two are done."

Adam immediately sensed something not right with her when he opened his eyes. Xael smiled to reassure him she was fine.


{I'm fine, doing that just wears me out a little. Don't worry.}

{are you sure?}


Xael gave him a quick kiss and returned to the kitchen.

Now that the Alphas could link each other, Skylar wanted to take Adam out for a quick run in the area they were going to hunt in. They both went to their rooms to get ready. Walking into the kitchen, they had on robes.

"We'll be back, going for a run."

Xael and Grams smiled, before heading out Adam kissed Xael on the side of her head. She wasn't too worried as she knew that Adam and Skylar were connected to the other wolves through her. Walking out back, Adam couldn't wait to run again. Robes placed on a chair, the Alphas took off, heavy paws thudding on the wooden deck.

Back inside, Xael and her Grams work on getting the pantry together. Half of the dry goods from costco were for Ms. Emma so they got all of that into the storage containers. Xael took the bacon out and placed it on paper towels to drain. Wrapping it up in foil, she set it back in the oven to stay warm. She would make the sandwiches when the Alphas returned. Thirty minutes later, Grams was linked by Skylar.

{Adam I got separated...}

{Okay, I'll send Xael, she'll be able to find him}

"Xael dear, Adam got separated from Wes. He's is having trouble finding him."

"Okay..." Xael looked outside, it was getting dark out and she didn't want him wandering onto the road. "I'll bring him back."

"Okay dear, I'll have food ready when you get back."

Xael went to her bedroom to change. She too walked out in a robe. Just as the back door opened, Fric n Frac trotted inside. Xael saw Skylar and quickly went back inside as he still needed to shift back into human form. The door opened.

"Sorry Pup. I don't know how we got separated."

"It's okay Unc."

"Can you link him?"

"uhh..I'll just look for him." Xael didn't want to tell him that what she did earlier had weakened her; shifting was going to take even more of her energy plus she already had an idea of what was going on. Placing her robe on the chair with Adam's, she transformed and sniffed the air for her Mate's scent. Picking it up with no problem, she took off into the darkening woods. 

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