Getting Settled

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Pulling up to the grocery store, Xael made a quick mental list. She would get stuff for breakfast, sandwiches and dinner to finish out the week. She was planning on opening the diner up on Monday. Adam let her know he would wait in the truck since it was full of stuff. If they were in town, it would be fine to leave it but since they were in the city, he didn't feel comfortable with that.  Xael wouldn't be gone long. She figured french toast, hash browns and bacon and eggs would be easy. She also picked up turkey, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes along with chips and fruit for lunch. She could always switch it up. For dinner she got chicken and a large pot roast. They could have roast then pulled BBQ after that. Xael couldn't forget dessert. She would bake a pound cake and cookies. Her pups had plenty of dog food, plus she wouldn't be surprised if they killed something while out and about.

{You want anything special hon?}

{Nope, I'll eat whatever you cook babe.}

Xael checked out and made it back to the truck to unload the groceries. By now she was ready to get back home and rest. On the way back, Adam let Xael know that Wednesday was their half day so he'd be home after lunch to work on the grill, patio furniture and fire pit. She thought of riding with him into town in the morning.

"You know hon, I think I'll ride in with you this week, there's a lot I want to work on for the diner. I don't think we have wi-fi out at the cabin."

"You know what...that never even crossed my mind. Do you want internet out there?"

"No, no I don't. I want that to be like our sanctuary. We can always download movies in town to watch when we get home."


Half way to town, Chris was calling her.

"Hey Chris I got you on speaker phone."

"I got you on speaker phone too! Me and Eli just finished up with the estimates. The windows are pretty standard size, the framing is still good so those will be $375. The exterior doors are fine, the patio door has some minor rot at the bottom but the actual door is still good. To take the door out and replace/seal the bottom is another $375. The big thing is the patio for the diner. Since the cement is in good shape we can just use cement footings. You don't get strong winds or anything so it will be stable enough."

It was Eli's turn to give his assessment. "As far as roofing goes sis, I would only do half of it. There's a polycarbonate material that would be perfect for that. If we do that, then 3 small ceiling fans would be enough to circulate air. I don't want to use anything too big because of weight."

"Sounds good, how much."

"You're looking at almost $6k."

"What about the station?"

"That's pretty easy, there's not much to patch so you're looking at $600 to paint and $100 for the benches with planters."

"When can you start?"

"Monday!" Both Chris and Eli were in sync again. "We'll start on the windows first, then the planter benches and painting as that won't take long. Then we'll get going on the deck."

"Monday it is fellas! Hey BBQ out at the cabin on Sunday. If you can bring everything then, you two can crash at my place."  Adam had to admit that Xael was right about holding on the apartment a little bit longer. 

"Oh wow! Thanks guys, seriously. We'll drop off the trailer at the diner, We can open the gates and back it into the empty patio area. That way we can lock stuff up."

"Sounds good, I just wouldn't leave tools in the truck, not that anyone would steal it but still." The police side of Adam would feel comfortable with no valuables left just sitting on the street.

Adam and Xael were both excited. "Grams is going to flip when she learns about the patio going in. She's always talked about but it never got any further than that. I also need to look into getting signage for the front."


Xael realized she never mentioned that she was changing the name. "The diner is going to be called Emma's"

"Nice, that's really thoughtful Xael. Grams is going to love it."

They made it into town and stopped at the apartment. First Adam helped Xael take the plants over to the diner and she helped him carry the ones he got for the station. Adam also checked on the guys since he was there. They said some of the ladies brought them lunch. Adam let them know they could head out.

With that done, Xael rearranged stuff in the back seat to make room for her pups while Adam closed up the station. Finished, he headed upstairs to the apartment to find Xael packing clothes into her pack.  Adam grabbed a duffle bag and joined her.

Clothes and toiletries and a clean set of towels, they all headed downstairs, the pups happy to be going somewhere.

Pulling up to the cabin her boys were itching to get out and run through the woods.   Doors open the pups took off.  Adam and Xael began unloading. Adam set the outside stuff on the deck to deal with tomorrow while Xael put the groceries away. Food put up, Xael placed the new dog beds by the couch. She helped him carry the beds and mattresses up to the loft area.  Adam got to work putting them together while she went to the kitchen to start on dinner. She decided on sandwiches since they were quick to make. Xael took the food upstairs where they ate.  They spent the rest of the early evening putting things in their place, hanging up clothes and taking stock of what all they had.

"We totally forgot to get a tv?"

Adam burst out laughing. "Yeah we did!"

Xael went to her Alpha for a hug. He could tell she was still stressed from attacking Strickland. She gave him a quick kiss then left to call in the pups for the night. They stopped at the door and she cleaned their paws, Xael also brushed them out really well. Leading them into the living room, she showed them their new beds, both wasted no time in getting comfortable.

Everything was pretty much done for the evening.  Adam was up in the loft finishing with the beds so Xael went to shower and call it a night. She realized she had forgotten window coverings also.  After the hot shower had relaxed her, she was ready for sleep.

Adam noticed the house had grown quiet. He walked downstairs to see the pups fast asleep then headed to the bedroom. Sure enough, his Mate was asleep as well. He showered, put on a pair of boxers and joined her. It was only a little after 8, so he was surprised that she had gone to bed so early.  Relaxing next to her, the new mattress felt amazing and extremely comfortable.  Checking his phone, he saw that the volume was turned down and had missed a call from Houser.  Adam figured he was calling to see how Xael was doing after her run in with Strickland.

He was right. Houser had been a little worried about her and Adam let him know she was asleep and seemed relatively okay. With the night wearing on, Adam curled up to his Mate, and went to sleep.

The Alpha woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. Walking into the kitchen, Xael was already dressed and ready to get her day started. She was excited for all the new improvements she had planned for the diner.  Adam leaned against the counter as Xael immediately went into his arms, nuzzling his jawline again.

"Morning hon."

"Morning. Where are the pups?"

"Outside running around."

"Mn. You want to go back into the city? Today is the only day I can go since it's just a half day."

"Yes, if you don't mind driving."

"I don't mind."

The two shared a tender kiss then Xael finished breakfast. She had cooked extra for Beau and fixed him a plate. They both wolfed down their food.  Adam went to get dressed for work while Xael packed up her bag to work at the diner. Laptop, charger, notepad; she was all set to be productive. Walking into the livingroom,  Xael couldn't help but stare at him.  Adam did look sexy in his uniform. He handed her some clothes he could change into after work and she placed them in her pack. Calling the pups inside, they went right to their beds.

Driving into town, Adam couldn't get over how well the truck was driving. They were glad they had the work done on it.  Being early in the morning, the town was fairly quiet. Getting near the diner, they saw her Jeep in front of it.

"What! Those two dunderheads are supposed to be bonding, not working, the stinkin' brats!"

Adam pulled up next to the Jeep as Xael hopped out and gave the two inside a dirty look and pointed her finger at them.

"I thought you two were supposed to be bonding all week!?"

"Oh dear, we're done with all that!" Xael didn't argue as she went to give her Grams a hug but stopped and sniffed to make sure it was okay to get close to her. It was, so she gave her a nice long hug.

"So how were things?" Skylar was curious. Both Xael and Adam sat with them in the both as they relayed all that had and would be going on.  Adam let Skylar know that he was fixing up the station a little with paint and benches outside. He also told him that he had talked to the Council and they were deciding on letting him hire two officers instead of one. When Skylar asked who he had in mind Adam let him know it was Max and Parker. Skylar was thrilled with the choices and would put in a good word for them. Xael informed her Grams of the tourist rush and that she thought it would be a good idea to have them visit town regularly. 

Xael was excited as she explained her plans on updating the patio area and adding plants. She also let her Grams know that she possibly had a new cook, James, but he needed to think about it.

The Elders were impressed that the two had taken so much initiative to get things rolling and improve on what was there. Ms. Emma thought the tourists thing was an excellent idea, especially after Xael told her how much the diner had made.

{Hey let's go show Unc his 'new' truck!}  Adam lightly poked Xael in the side.

Both of their faces lit up. "Hey Skylar we need to show you your truck real quick."

Skylar was worried that it had broken down on them while using it. Him and Ms. Emma followed them outside. Skylar instantly picked up on the new tires.

"Are those new tires!?!"

"New tires, brakes, radiator, oil change and they threw in a free alignment!" Adam was proud as he filled Skylar in on his updated wheels.

"You little brats!! Thank you!"

"Oh Xael!! You two are something else!" Ms. Emma, who was standing behind them, whacked both of them on the butt. They all broke out in laughter, Skylar bear hugging them both.

"You deserve it for all the help you've given us and Grams I have something for you too, wait here." Xael went inside to grab her laptop, she returned with a computer model of the front of the diner. It had beautiful planters out front, it showed a mockup of the patio and most important of all the new sign; 


Grams started crying, but they were happy tears. "Oh dearheart!" Ms. Emma hugged her. "Your parents would be so proud of you!"

"Thanks Grams. So I take it you're okay with your new diner?"

"With OUR new diner?   Yes! So who's going to do the work?" Xael and Adam exchanged mischievous glances.

"Chris and Eli!"

"Let's go inside and talk, there's a lot that's gone on since you two were mating!"

Back inside, Xael let them know that Chris and Eli quit their jobs and were in the process of starting their own construction/handyman business. Ms. Emma inquired about the cost for everything but Xael refused to tell her.  Xael had suggested they market to the communities in the area and Skylar let them know that was a great idea. Skylar wanted to know why Max and Parker would leave the force, that's when Adam told him about the fiasco that was going on at the station. Skylar could not believe it. He promised to talk to the council and also push for two additional officers, especially if the tourist traffic would be increasing.

Adam also let them know that they were planning on having a cookout to celebrate their new home and to give thanks for everything they were receiving. Since the Elders had finished early with their bonding, Grams suggested they get started now on canning stuff for winter. Xael told her that they were headed into town to stock up on dry/pantry goods and they were welcomed to go.

"Oh is that why you got all those jars?"

Skylar noticed them this morning when they headed into town.

"Oh! You got them already? Good, good!" One less thing they had to do Ms. Emma thought. They all sat and planned out the rest of the day. After Adam was done with work and changed, they would take the truck into the city and go to Costco for dry goods, the Native Market for veggies and Hilgers for the side of beef that was ready for pickup. Skylar already had two large coolers in the back of the jeep to keep the meat in. Plans in place, Skylar followed Adam to the station and Ms. Emma stayed to help Xael with the diner.

Xael hung the plants she had gotten, using the existing plant hooks and Ms. Emma loved them. After that Xael took her out to the patio to further explain what she wanted done. Ms. Emma agreed that the decking needed to be level with the doorway and loved the idea of the planters and ceiling fans. Ms Emma had some ideas of her own. There was no need to keep the patio gated off. Since it was getting a beautiful make over, she wanted others on the street to enjoy it.

"Oooo Grams that's a sensuous idea! Maybe...I think we should have a ramp instead of steps, so it's easier to get into."

"Yes! Oh, can that be added to the plans?"

"You can add whatever you want Grams!"

"Exciting! Thank you so much dear, your Grandpa always wanted this to be the center of town. I just never had the funds to do it."

"You don't worry about any of that Grams! You and Papa have given me so much, this is the least I can do to say 'Thank you',  I just wish he was here to enjoy it."

"I'm sure his spirit is taking it all in dearheart." 

And add she did, Ms. Emma wanted built in benches around the perimeter of the patio and more flower boxes. She also wanted the bathrooms redone.

"Ah! I never even thought of that! So what were you thinking?"

"The four bathrooms are enough, they just need updated vanities, sinks and toilets." She also wanted new tile floors and paint.

"Let's call Chris and Eli!"

Taking a seat in the booth, Xael called her brothers.

"Hey sis!"

"Hey Eli, you're on speaker, Grams wants to talk to you two about the diner."

Eli was a little worried as he called Chris over.

"Morning boys!"

"Morning Grams, what's up?"

"So Xael filled me in on the patio upgrade but I was wondering if..." She let them know about the changes she wanted done to the patio and the upgrades to the bathrooms. Now Grammy was on a roll.  Along with the bathroom she wanted the back doors replaced, a new garbage area built to keep out the critters and new shelving in the stockroom.

Chris and Eli were speechless out the outpouring of support they were suddenly getting.


"W-w-we're still here! It's two don't know how much it means to have your support."

"Well, you're family dear, it's what families do."

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