The Work of Spirit

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"Hey Xael, are you okay with stopping by the station after we pick up the truck?"

"Sure, I don't mind. It will be good to see the guys again!"

"Yeah. I'm trying to get Max and Parker on at the station."

Xael was jumping around and squealing more than the little kid. "Oh my gosh! That's so awesome!!!!"

Xael stopped dead in her tracks and had a look like the all life was about to drain out of her.

"Whoooooooa...what if Spirit is doing all of this?!"

"Earth to Xael. Earth to X-....Holy shit...I didn't even think about any of that!"

"We need to have a welcoming party to give thanks for all that's happening!"

"Okay now you sound like you're Grams, but your right."

"What about Ted and James?"

"I think Ted is going back to Montana and James, I'm not sure what he's going to do. Houser said he's over being a cop."

"Wow, I'm gonna miss those two."

"Yeah, their good guys."

"Crap!" Xael threw her hands up.


"We need to hire someone for the dinner to replace Grams and to help me cook and stuff. God I can't believe I didn't even think of that!"

Adam walked up to her and gently held her face in his hands, he didn't care that others were watching them. "Relax babe, we don't have to do everything in a day. Baby steps."

"What about the guy that helped out before?"

"Oh hell no! I'd rather hire Strickland!"

"Come on dork butt!"

Reaching the auto shop it was packed, Xael was glad they got there first thing in the morning. Adam was surprised also. They both walked up to the counter. Thankfully the truck was finished with over $1400 worth of work. Xael and Adam split the cost. Now they could start their day.

Driving towards Adam's old station, the truck was driving smoothly.

"How's the truck driving?"

"Great! Skylar is going to like it."

"Yeah, I'm glad we got new brakes and tires, especially since he's going to be driving that Pass."

"No kidding. How did you guys manage that in the winter?"

"When we got more than 3 inches of snow, we didn't go anywhere, the town pretty much shuts down for winter. That's why I think it would be good to have regular tour groups. That way the store owners can save up a 'cushion' for the months that we're closed. Sometime in the fall I need to take my jeep in to get it serviced and new tires on it. We can drive that into town once the snow starts."

"Okay, man this truck drives so much better. Feels like they did an alignment on it also."

"Let me check." Xael looked over the receipt. Alignment was included as part of a special since they got new brakes and tires. "Oooo they did the alignment for free since we did tires and brakes."

"Good! I'll have to bring the bronco up here also. I know there's a shop in town but they only do light work and tires."

"Yeah. Why are we stopping by the station?"

"Oh, I want to talk to Max and Parker before they get jobs someplace else."

"Ah! Good idea!"

Pulling up to the station it was busy with activity. "Stay close babe."

"I will."

Getting out of the truck, Xael waited for him to come over to her side of the vehicle. He took her by the hand and they went up the stairs and inside. Xael noticed that Gary wasn't at the front desk anymore. She pulled Adam up to the desk.

"Where's Gary?"

"He's up on the second floor now."

"Ohhh." Xael took the visitor's badge and thanked the officer and followed Adam to the elevator.

{What's the second floor?}

{Specialized units, like cyber security and stuff}


They made it to Adam's floor and into the offices. Xael stayed behind Adam as they went through the door.

"Hey Stranger!"

"Hey guys!" They all came over and shook his hand.

"Max!" He missed that voice.

"Hey Xael!"

She moved to give all the guys she was familiar with a hug. The others, she just waved to them.

"I need to talk to you guys for a minute. Can we go someplace private?"

"Sure..." They all knew something was up from the serious look on Adam's face. Max took everyone to an empty office down the hall.

"So I talked to Houser yesterday. Strickland is seriously the Super now?"

"Ohhhh Don't even get me fucking started!" Ted was red with anger.

"Yeah. If you talked to Houser then you know we all turned in our notices. That's why it's so quiet in the office." Max was just as upset as Ted.

"So what are you guys going to do?"

"I need to go back home to Montana for a bit. My folks are moving to a new farm and I said I would help them. " Xael walked over and gave him a hug, surprising him.

"Awww...I'm gonna miss guys are my favorite humans." She gave Ted and James a cute pouty face. Parker was feeling left out.

"What about me!?"

"You're not human, nimrod!" Max flicked him on the head causing Parker to give him a growl, but everyone knew he wasn't serious.

"What are you going to do James?"

"Dude! I'm already done with Strickland and his shit. I think I want to go back to cooking."

"What!?" Now he had gotten Xael's attention.

"Yeah, I used to be a chef back home, I miss that. All I had to do was deal with food."

Adam could see her eyes light up like a child on christmas eve. "Oh boy..."

"You want to work at the diner?"

"Are you serious?!"

"Of course I'm serious. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have asked." Now she was frowning.

"Wow, uhhh. Can I think about it?"

"Sure! Grams retired from the diner so we're down a person. I'll need a cook to help me out with the place now since i'm going to be handling the front."


"Really Really."

"Huh! I was just going to load up my RV and travel places getting cooking gigs where I found them."

"Well I can't pay benefits yet, but I have a feeling the diner is about to get busy. We're also putting in a nice patio area."

"Wow. Yeah let me think about and get back with you! Thanks Xael!"

Xael clapped happily that things were continuing to fall in place. Ted and James had to leave as they had to close out a case they had been working on. Now that it was just Max and Parker, Adam wasted no time in talking to them.

"What about you two?"

"I put in for a job in homicide, I don't think I'll get it though." Parker looked off to the side, dejected before he was even rejected.

"I don't know yet what I'm going to do. Wait...why are you even here?" Now Max could smell that Adam was up to something.

"Well, Skylar's retiring. He promoted me to Sheriff."

"Hot damn!! Lookity you!" Parker was now back to his cheerful self.

"Yeah, yeah. We have an opening now. I talked to the Tribal council this morning about hiring two instead of one. I find out at the end of this week if it gets accepted. If it does, I want you two to work with me."

Parker and Max looked at each other dumbfounded.

"You mean, we get to be deputy's on actual Tribal Land?"

"Yeah. But you'd have to be interviewed by the council first. Since your Native Max and Parker you're half Native, and you're both experienced officers. I don't really see an issue."

Neither of them could say anything as they were still very much in shock. But Max started getting suspicious.

"Did Houser put you up to this?"

"No... Are you two interested or not!?"

"Hell yeah!" Both sounded off in tandem as Xael laughed.

"Good. Now don't say anything to anyone!"

"Don't worry, we won't."

"Wait? Where would we live?" Parker was always the worrier.

"Don't worry about it, we'll get it figured out." Xael tried to calm the nervous Alpha.

"Why are you doing this Adam?"

"You two are like family ya dick! Besides, you guys deserve a good place to work. You all do."

"Thanks man, seriously. Thanks."

"No problem. As soon as I found out I'll let you know. What's up with the other guys?"

"Oh! Some are going over to homicide and the rest are going to the security division. Strickland's getting all new guys."

"I see. We'll that's all I wanted. I wanted to talk to you guys before you got hired on elsewhere."

"Glad you did! I just hope the council approves."

Out of now where Xael smacked Adam on the arm. "OW!!"

"Hey why not let them move into your apartment!?" It's right next to the station. It's small but furnished, you would just have to get another bed. It would work until you found your own places."

"You know...that's not a bad idea. I'll call you guys as soon as I get an answer."

"Sweet!!" Max, Parker and Adam all did some stupid little handshake thing. Xael just shook her head, she figured it was an Alpha thing.

"Oh! I don't have James' number!"

"I got it babe, don't worry."

Another kissy face from his Omega, and the couple headed out to finish their day. As they waited for the elevator, Strickland walked past with a couple of his new guys. Adam and Xael were both going to ignore him.

Man he is such an ass...

Trying to impress the other officers, who were also familiar with Shado, Strickland walked up to him and hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey loser, guess who's the new Super!" The other officers laughed. Xael, reacting out of instinct, whipped around and snarled at him; warning him to back off. Strickland thought that now since he was management, that gave him the right to do and say what he wanted. The other two officers backed up a little.

Xael turned back around as the elevator door opened. Houser and some other senior officers were inside as Strickland pushed his luck too far.

"Tame your bitch Shado!"

All hell broke loose as Xael was now on Strickland snarling and choking him. She was a Prime therefore she could move much faster than her Alpha could react. Adam, Houser and two other Alphas that were with him, quickly tried to pull Xael off of him.

"Get this black bitch offa me!"

That just caused Xael to snap dangerously close to his face. The four Alphas couldn't get her off. Houser yelled for Max, Parker and Stevens; another Alpha in their unit. They all came running, neither having time to be shocked as they jumped in to pull Xael off of Strickland before she killed him.

It took 7 Alphas, but they managed to finally pull her away from him as Max and Parker held her back. Adam was now in his face, red eyes, canines showing and pissed.


Adam had used his Alpha voice on a human and Strickland immediately cowered. Adam turned to Max and Parker.

"Let her go." They both released her. Xael hated that she had to reveal herself like that but Strickland left her no choice. Houser was equally pissed.

"Adam, take Pup and get her out of here."

"Yes sir."

"Strickland my office...NOW!" Houser marched into the office, almost breaking the door as he violently swung it open. Strickland still tried to put on his cocky attitude.

Once in the elevator, Xael went right into her Alpha's arms to calm down. Adam helped her by rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry."

"Do not apologize!" Adam nuzzled into her and growled, settling her down further. Having quickly settled down, Xael purred briefly then pulled away from him.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Mn. Just need some fresh air."

As the two stepped off the elevator, Xael hurried to the exit. Once back inside the truck, she was back to her normal self.


"What?" Adam looked at her a little worried.

"All that made me hungry again..."

"Let's go."

First stop of the shopping trip was Ikea. Adam picked up stackable twin beds that he wanted to use as a couch and beds for guests along with the mattresses. Xael picked out the linens for it along with a couple of rugs and pillows for the upstairs loft/office area. Adam went a little crazy on the shopping and also got work desks for them.

Ikea done, Adam wanted to get the rest of the items at Lowe's. Xael didn't think they would have enough room in the truck, but Adam let her know they would be fine. Luckily the fire pit and patio furniture came in boxes. Xael found dog beds which she could put in the back seat. Walking towards the BBQ grills, she also saw some lovely pothos ivy plants she wanted to hang in the windows at the diner.

Everything on their list was in their cart with a few extra items, mostly plants. It took them awhile to organize everything so that it fit in the bed of the truck. The back floor boards they filled with plants as Adam picked up a couple for the Station. Seeing how it was getting a little late and they still needed groceries, Xael asked him to stop at the Meijers at the edge of the city. By the time they made it to town, the small store would be closed. She didn't want to get that much as they would be making a special trip for food, they still needed to get pantry supplies.

Seeing how it was only Tuesday, she would have to make another trip into the city with Grams to stock up on dry goods. That would require a visit to Costco. Now she wanted to get back to town.

"Man, that was a lot of shopping and we'll have to do it again!"

"I know but after that we'll be done."

"True, true. We're staying at the cabin tonight right?"

"Yup, we'll stop to pick up the pups and clothing and stuff and head out there to unload."

"Sounds good."

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