My Brothers in Arms*

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Sheriff Skylar texted Shado that they were done and wanting to eat. Skylar told him where to meet as Shado let him know it would be about 30 minutes as he needed some shirts. Shado and Xael quickly walked to the clothing store that was located down the street from the station.  There, he found the shirts he wanted and left but not before he had to glare at a couple of the salesmen for staring at his Mate.

The two walked to the restaurant that was close by. Skylar had texted them when they were on the way there that they had a table and where it was at. 

Entering the restaurant, The Alpha felt eyes going straight to Xael.  Shado found the Elders and led Xael to the booth. She gave both of them hugs before she sat down. She took the bag Shado had and put it next to her against the wall so he wouldn't have to deal with it.

The waitress came and dropped off the appetizer her Grandma had ordered and took the newcomers drink and food order. As the four enjoyed the appetizer, Shado looked up to see 2 Alphas approaching the table.  Xael noticed them too.

"Oh my gosh!! Let me out! Let me out!" She practically shoved Shado out of his seat, food still in his hand.  Xael leapt into one of the Alphas arms and then the other. Others around them looking.

"Hey baby girl!" The one she was currently hugging, hugged her again, then she returned to the other one.

"Hey sissy-pup!"

"Oh my God, it's so good to see you guys!" Xael couldn't stop hugging them.  Shado cleared his throat. He was still standing wondering what was going on and who the Alphas were. When Xael turned around, everyone could see that she had tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away with her hand.

"Oh! Sorry. Everyone this is Chris Donovan and Eli Tall Tree. These are my brothers, from my unit."

Sheriff Skylar stood and Shado relaxed.

"Chris, Eli this is Sheriff Wes Skylar, my Grandmother Emma Red Wolf, and this is my Mate, Adam Shado."  Xael moved over to him and gently rubbed his back calming him down.

Chris and Eli shook the Males hands and nodded to her Grams. Eli turned back to Xael.

"So you found a Mate, huh sis?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Good! You take care of her Shado, you mistreat her, we'll come for you." Chris was serious, but Shado thought he was joking, so he chuckled.

"We're serious." Eli wanted to make sure he knew that. That stopped the chuckling.

"He takes good care of me guys, trust me."

The two from Xael's unit sat with them and talked for a bit before their food came. They learned that Skylar and Shado both served. The males all really hit it off, Xael wasn't surprised because Chris and Eli really were like her brothers. Chris worked in construction and Eli as an electrician for the same building company.  It amazed them that Skylar and Shado could let their hair grow out being officers. Skylar told them know that on Tribal land, things were different. Sheriff gave both males his card.  Xael got more hugs, as did her Grandma.  Ms Emma told them that if there were out by the town to stop by the diner for a meal.

The Males even exchanged numbers with each other, which shocked Xael, but she was glad as her makeshift family had joined with her real one now.  Shado let them know they had missed the pow wow and lodge that was held afterwards. The two expressed interest and wanted to know when the next lodge would be as they could really use a sweat. Skylar let them know he could do one for them this weekend if they were free. Shado would contact some of the guys from the police department to join also. So the next lodge was set as Xael grabbed more hugs before they left.

Before the food arrived, Xael went to the restroom real quick.  While she was gone, a group of young women came in and noticed the handsome Deputy with dark long hair. They thought the other two with him were his parents.  A couple of them decided to see how well they could get to know him. As Xael returned from the bathroom, she saw 2 of the young women approach the table and start flirting with him.

Xael silently, yet slowly approached them. She could hear the Deputy politely try to dismiss them, but they refused to take no for an answer. The three of them saw her walking up but didn't say anything.  Xael stood behind the two young women. They were oblivious to her as they focused on the handsome deputy. Others in the restaurant noticed the scene that was about to take place. She would have some fun with them.  Xael growled as she allowed her eyes to go red, but the women still ignored her. Other patrons around them quickly took notice.


Xael's voice was a low, deep growl as she didn't want to attract any more attention than she already was.

Their heads whipped around and their eyes were as big as saucers as they stared at the tall and imposing woman behind them.

"I told you he was taken ladies." Sheriff Skylar had a huge smirk on his face as Xael continued to glare at the younger women. They were too shocked to move. Xael snapped her fingers in their faces, and that did the trick as they scurried off like rabbits.

Shado stood up so Xael could take her seat. Skylar and her Grams were chuckling.  Shado kissed her on the head again, the terrified women taking notice.

Finally the food arrived. The men ordered deluxe burgers while her Grams had the chicken tenders and Xael got a mini pizza.

"So Shado, how did the visit with the ex-boss go?"

Xael choked on what she was eating as Shdao just rolled his eyes. The two older ones looked at each other.

"Let's see... I had to growl at one officer as soon as we got in the front door because he tried to touch her. Then I made it up to the office and the guys all went ape shit over her. Next thing I know, Strickland smacks her on the ass!"

"Ohhhh crap!!" Skylar and her grandmother burst out laughing, drawing attention from everyone in the restaurant.

"How bad did you hurt him Xael?" Her grandmother was trying to talk through all the laughing she was still doing.  Xael just shoved more food in her mouth.

"Hmm, let me see if I can remember.  She pinned him to the desk as he tried to fight to get away, then she hoisted up in the air by his throat and she told him, now what was it you said?"  Shado was being sarcastic and couldn't resist teasing her about the situation.  Xael just glared at him.

"Oh yeah, now I remember. 'Touch me again and I'll gut you like a rabbit' or something like that."

Skylar and her grandmother now had tears coming out of their eyes.  Xael was beyond embarrassed. "Oh, knock it off you two!"  Xael's voice was barely audible over all the laughter.

"Oh wait, there's more!"

"More? How can there be more?" Skylar was about to fall out of the booth and Ms. Emma was now slapping the table.  Xael had her head down, ignoring them as best she could.

"We get on the elevator and this sweeeeeet little old lady, fondles Xael's arm! Then she asked to see her eyes, then she asked her howl. I about lost it!"

The Sheriff and her grandmother howled right there in the restaurant, but not too loudly.

"Her husband even called us Skinwalkers and werewolves. Luckily there was another Alpha officer on the elevator and he corrected her. I tell ya... Xael's wearing a flippin' burka the next time we come to the city."

Xael glared at Shado, he kissed her forehead and continued to chuckle, unlike the two Elders who were enjoying all of it at the expense of Xael.

"Ok children! Knock it off, people are staring at you. Ya bunch of brats!"

"Sorry Pupkins." Skylar finally settled down. "You guys want to do anything else in the city?"

"No!"  Xael was quick to answer, hopefully for everyone. "Grams were you able to get everything from the apothecary shop?"

"Oh! Yes, I got everything on your list, I have cheesecloth at home. We can put the bundles together later this evening."

"Apothecary? What did you need from there?"  Shado was curious as she hadn't mentioned anything about it.

"I'll talk to you about it later."  Xael gave him a smile as the check arrived. Skylar took care of the bill and they were ready to head back home.  Xael was thankful for the safety of the vehicle. Once she got home, she would start on the medicine bundles. For now, she rested her head on Shado's shoulder, her arms wrapped around his. Her hair was getting on her nerves now, causing her to remember why she rarely wore it down. She moved away from him and wrapped it in a sloppy bun, returning to rest on his shoulder.

Shado, turned and nuzzled her hair. "Tired?"

"No, I'm fine."

Xael's grandmother looked back at her. "Xael hon, will you help me with dinner when we get back? Wes and Adam are staying another night, they are going to make sure the lodge area is cleaned up."

Xael looked up at Shado as he hadn't said anything about staying the night again. He kissed her on the forehead for the 50th time that day.

"Sure Grams."

Even though Xael said she wasn't tired, she was asleep within the next five minutes.  Shado was amazed at how she could lie down and curled up her tall frame next to him in the confines of the backseat. He gently stroked her hair for the rest of the ride home.

Once they made it back to town, Skylar stopped and checked on the officers filling in for them. They were doing just fine, one report of a lost kid. They found him after searching his house for 20-minutes; he was sleeping behind the couch.  Shado went up to his apartment and grabbed clothes and other things for another night away. Skylar was fine as he had packed extra clothes for the pow wow and lodge.  The ladies stayed in the jeep, Xael slept through everything, which concerned her Grandma as she seemed to be sleeping a lot lately.

Shado opened the door to get back in, which caused Xael to finally wake up.   She looked groggy and out of it. When Shado got in, she whimpered and pulled him into the seat to lay her head on him again. Now her Grandmother was really worried.

"Xael honey? Are you feeling alright?  Shado, see if she has a fever, she usually sleeps a lot if she does."

Shado placed his hand on her forehead and sure enough, she had a slight fever.

"Yeah, she does." He placed a protective hand on her shoulder and she curled up against him as much as she could. "Xael baby, you okay?"

"I don't feel so good." Her voice was trembling as she went back to sleep.

"Poor baby, ok, I'll give her something when we get home."

Skylar returned and wanted to know if there was anywhere else they needed to go. Emma let him know they needed to get home as Xael had a fever.

Driving home, the three chatted away as Xael slept again. Right before they reached the dirt road, Xael sat up.

"Pull over pull over pull over!!"

Skylar hit the brakes as Xael swung the back door open, sticking her head out just in time to throw up everything she ate at the restaurant. She sat for a few minutes, Shado rubbing her back.

"Uggh...bad pizza." She plopped back down onto Shado's lap. "I'm fine now."

"You sure hun?"

"Yes Grams, I just needed that out of my stomach."

They finally made it to the cabin, Xael hopped out of the jeep back to her normal self. She helped her Grams out, carrying all the bags she had, Xael headed to the door to let the pups out. They tore off through the woods. As they made it into the house everyone removed their shoes. Xael took all the bags to the kitchen table.  Shado went to her room to change for lodge cleanup and Skylar made his way to Ms. Emma's room to do the same.

"Oooo Grams, how about spaghetti for dinner?"

"How's your stomach hun?"

"Fine. I don't think all the cheese on the pizza was fresh."  Xael scrunched her face at her Grams and the two laughed. She went to the fridge to grab a pop to get rid of the vomit taste in her mouth. The guys walked in the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys fine with spaghetti for dinner?"


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