The Birds, The Bees & Omegas #1*

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Spaghetti wouldn't take that long, but Xael wanted to have homemade bread for the garlic bread. But first she wanted to get the medicine bundles done.  As the guys headed out to the lodge, she called the pups in to eat, letting them back out after they had quickly finished their meal. She went to change into sweats as her Grams talked to Ms. Vicki and Ester on the phone while seated at the kitchen table.  Xael had returned to the kitchen and was searching the cabinets and drawers.  Ms. Emma sat and enjoyed a nice hot cup of coffee.

"What are you looking for dear?"

"The cheese cloth."

"Oh, it's in the back room, I'll get it while you get the stuff ready."

Xael removed the items from the apothecary bag and set the neatly packaged bundles on the table. There were enough ingredients to make 6 bundles, she thought 4 would be enough but wanted extra just in case. The bundles were for medicine baths to help pull toxins from her body and heal after mating. Her mom had left her a very old and worn book that detailed all kinds of information concerning Omegas.  The majority of Omegas needed at least 2-3 weeks to completely heal and recover after mating.  

The books weren't secretive or anything, there were other copies and you could purchase them, but her copy was special. Her mom and the Elder she received the book from had inserted extra pages with handwritten notes and 'secrets'.  Xael's copy contained information on the traditional ways for Omegas to mate and the special aftercare that was needed for a quick recovery. With the medicinal baths, she could cut her time down by just  a few days to a week. The special edition also discussed what new couples needed to do to help strengthen their initial Mate Bond and herbal soups that would aid in healing as well.

The Elder and Xael's mom also included things to expect when mating with different Alphas. Normal Alphas and True Alphas.  Xael knew what to expect and would prepare everything she would need ahead of time.

Her grandmother returned with cheesecloth, twine and scissors.

"So hun, I see you are preparing your aftercare for mating in the traditional way. Have you talked to Adam about what he needs to do for you afterwards?"

"No, not yet.  I think that's why my eyes are like this. I have a feeling that me spending so much time with him; his scent is sorta putting me into heat."


"I know Grams. I think it has to do with him scenting me, that's the only thing I can think of."

"Has he said anything about you two mating?"

"No. I wanted to talk to him tonight about it."

"Good! I've always said that couples should connect with each other before they mate and talk. If they can follow the traditional ways even better, that will strengthen your bond even more."

"Like mom and dad and you and papa?"


After a few seconds of silence, Xael sat in a chair and looked at her grandmother. "Grams?  Why aren't you and Sheriff Skylar together?  You two get along so well, you're around the same age, and he seems to really enjoy your company!"

Her grandmother suddenly got this huge smile on her face and leaned over the table.

"I'll let you in on a little secret my dear...we are!"

"WHAT?!?"  Xael squealed with delight at hearing such good news. "When did this happen?"

Both women were now grinning from ear to ear.

"It's been happening for a while. We talked a lot last night after lodge and that kind of sealed the deal."

"Grandma, I'm so happy for you!"

Xael gave her Grams a huge hug as the back door opened and in walked the guys.  Xael was so excited that she rushed and gave Skylar a hug too. He stood there confused that he had missed something.

"Xael knows."  Her Grams walked over to him and put her arm around his waist.

"Good! I've been waiting to kiss you again all day." Skylar bent down and gave her a kiss.  Xael returned to the table. Her Grandmother got started on making dinner, Skylar offered to help after he had a shower.  Shado was curious about what Xael was doing. He walked over to her, sweaty and dirty from the cleanup as Skylar had let him do most of the work. The Elder considered it a good way to learn. She moved away from him and frowned her face.

"Shower! Then I need you to help me with this since you're here." He smiled at her and rushed to her room to shower.   With the males gone once again, her Grandmother turned to her.

"It's good to have him help you with everything, okay dear?"

"Okay. You know, I totally forgot about making the bread Grams."

"It's all right dear. You focus on having Adam help you with the aftercare items." Her Grandmother was so thrilled that the two of them would work on it together.  Xael would make sure she was properly cared for and Shado would learn how to care for his Mate.

Xael sat at the kitchen table and waited for Shado to return. Skylar was the first one to come out. He walked over to Emma and hugged her from behind.

"What can I help you with Em?"

"Fry up and season the ground beef." He kissed her on the head and moved to find the frying pan. He glanced back at the table and saw Xael sitting there, watching them with her intense eyes.

"What you making Pupkins?"

"Medicine bundles."  Xael went to the living room to grab a piece of sage and something small to burn it in. Returning to the kitchen, she sat down at the table and rested her head on her arms. Both of the Elders noticed. Her Grandma shrugged her shoulders as she wasn't sure what was going on with her granddaughter.

"Xael?" Skylar only called her by her first name when he was being serious.

"Yes sir."  Xael sat up.

"Are you still tired?"


"Are you always this tired?"

"No." She laid her head back down on the table.

Skylar turned to Emma and whispered to her. "We need to talk to Shado. I think I know what's wrong with her. Watch what she does when he comes into the kitchen."

Five minutes later, Shado walked in the kitchen, his semi-wet hair tied back. He had on sweats, t-shirt and a hoody. He sat next to Xael and she immediately latched onto him, her head on his shoulder. After a few seconds, she gave him a quick nuzzle and stood as if she was all right.

Skylar chuckled to himself.

"What's all this?"  Shado was still curious.

"Medicine bundles, I want you to help me make them."

"Sure, what are they for?"

"For after we mate."

"What!?" It was a good thing he didn't have anything in his mouth, if he did, he would have choked on it or spit it out.

"Oh please Adam, you've had a Mate before."

"Yeah, but she never did anything like this."

"Ahh, she must have been an Alpha then."

"Hmn...I keep forgetting you're an Omega."  Xael looked at him and smiled. "So what are these for?"

"Aftercare from mating."

"What?"  Shado had a frown on his face since he was clueless concerning Omegas.  Xael chuckled at him and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'll explain more to you later tonight."

"Wait, what? We're mating tonight?!?"

"NO!"  Xael flicked him on the forehead as the older ones laughed at him.

"Just help me with this, I'll explain stuff later."

"I didn't know Omegas needed so much for Mating."

"It's better to mate in the traditional way, that way your Mate bond is stronger, and you can help Xael recover faster." Skylar was suddenly a wealth of Omega knowledge.  Xael smiled at him as she lit the sage.

"Recover? How do you know so much for an Alpha?"

"Because Shado, my first Mate was an Omega." Skylar returned his attention to the sizzling skillet of meat.

"Mating takes a lot out of Omegas, sometimes their Alpha can get too rough and hurt them unintentionally."  Xael had a serious look on her face as she organized everything in neat little piles.  The smoke from the sage wafting around them both.

"Well, that won't happen babe, I have no intention of hurting you."  Shado was upset that she would even think that he could hurt her.

"I know, but you don't know what will happen once you're exposed to my scent, hell I don't even know what will happen to you."

"Xael? You mean to tell me, you've never released your scent? I thought you had a Mate before?" Skylar had never heard of an Omega not knowing what effect their scent would have on an Alpha.

"I did, but I scented him, I didn't allow him to do it to me because it wasn't safe. I've never fully released my scent, I was always told not to."

Her grandmother touched Skylar's arm, asking him to let the issue go, which he did.

"Ready to make some bundles?"  Xael was done talking about her scent to someone that wasn't her Mate and her Grandmother could tell.

"What do I do?"

Xael patiently explained to him that each herb had a special healing property. A little from each pile went into the bundle, then it needed to be tied with twine. After mating, she would need hot soaks in the bath to help pull toxins out from her heat, ease her muscles and help her relax so she could heal any injuries. The bath water needs to be hot and then a bundle is placed in the water.   Xael let him know that taking 4 baths would probably be enough, but extra couldn't hurt. She also told him that it normally takes 2 weeks for Omega's to fully heal and recover from mating, but with the baths, she should only need a week.

If he could stay with her while she soaked, it would make things easier for her.  Shado let her know that whatever she needed him to do he would, she just needed to tell him.  Xael said she would talk to him about it tonight and in the next few days. When he felt he had a good understanding of what to expect with her, they could decide when they wanted to mate.

The Elders had been listening intently and proudly to the new couple. Most couples just went straight to the sex part as soon as they recognized each other as Mates. It was uncommon for new Mates to take time to discuss things and what they expected of their Mate or they skipped the bonding process all together. They let the two know that whatever time they needed off, they would get, it wasn't a big deal.

The two finished all the bundles.  Xael wrapped them in a piece of red cloth so they formed a tight package. She also let Shado know that sage needed to burn also during the baths, that was for both of them. Positive energy needed to be maintained at all times during the bonding period.

With bundle making finished, Shado cleaned up the table as Xael placed the package on the dresser in her bedroom. She also let the pups in. As they walked up the steps, she could tell her boys had ran hard and were now exhausted. Just what she wanted. That meant they would get somewhere and stay there.

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