Pow Wow ~ Arrival*

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**NOTE: I do not own any of the pictures. They are included to give a visual of the characters regalia/dress. Different styles/dances from different tribal regions are mixed in during the pow wow chapters. {..and yes I've been to pow wows many times so I have a little experience with them.}

The day of the pow wow was finally here.  Xael was up at her usual hour so she had let the pups out to run, this time, till they were ready to go. That way they would find a spot and rest instead of being full of energy.  Xael decided to bring them as being around huge crowds poked at her PTSD. She made sure their service vests were ready and put on the neon 'Service Dog' patches so people wouldn't try to pet them.

Xael had set her outfit out the night before. It was beautiful.  Off white buckskin dress with fringes that her uncle had made for her, and it still fit. Her regalia and shawl are what made it stand out. The designs were both Native and African, tying her two cultures together. Her long thick hair was braided into side braids and the tails of the braids were wrapped and adorned, she would add the feathers to her hair once they got there.  Her eagle feather fan, along with other regalia, she would keep in it's case until they arrived as well.

Walking out into the living room, her grandmother's face glowed with happiness at seeing her granddaughter dressed for the pow wow.

"Oh Xael! You don't know how happy I am to see you in your dress. Can't wait to see you dance!  Oh, guess what?  Viviene is coming!"

"Oh my gosh!! Maybe we can dance together like we used to. Now that would be awesome."

"Xael hun, help me with my hair."

"Sure Grams!"  Xael loved her grandmother's hair. It was long and thick like hers but beautifully salt and peppered.  When she was a little kid, she would spend hours just brushing her grams hair.

Today she braided it in a french braid down the middle and put the adornments on that her Grams had laid out. The Elder woman dressed simply.  

{Ms. Emma Red Wolf, all set for the pow wow}

She wanted her granddaughter to enjoy the day and most importantly, dance.  The two beautiful women headed out for a day at the powwow with pups in tow, but not before checking the roasting pans for later.  Xael had the pups in the back of the jeep and helped her Grams in, both ladies careful of their dresses.

They arrived just in time as the parking area was quickly filling up.  As soon as Xael stepped out of the jeep people were staring at her.  Her dark skin contrasted beautifully with the off white buckskin. Her adornments were blue, red, orange, yellow and white. The beaded banding her Grandmother had done were African designs.  Xael was tall and regal in her finery and she wore it proudly.  

Xael added the finishing pieces, she left the breast plate piece in the case since she knew she would be dancing.  The women grabbed their shawls which they carried on their left arms and fans as the opening ceremony would start soon.  Xael's pups knew to stay right by her side.  After getting their service vests on, they sandwiched her between them. The three of them accompanied her Grams to the cook area where the Elder ladies would do the fry bread and Indian tacos. Just then the ladies heard friendly voices. They both turned.

It was Sheriff, Beau and Shado. The men were getting dressed and had on their base layers of pants and shirts and lower adornments.  Xael's eyes went to a certain Deputy who was dressed in white also. Sheriff waved and called Xael over.  Xael handed her Grams her shawl and fan then made her way to the men. She had her pups follow her.

The powwow was open to everyone.  As Xael tried to make it over to them, people stopped her numerous times for photos, the majority of which she politely refused, but if it was for a kid, she was glad to stop and take a photo with them. She was almost to them when someone grabbed her arm.

Loud excited screaming was heard. It was her dear friend Viviene.



They both embraced, laughing happily.

"God, you look so beautiful!"

"So do you! I missed you Vivi!"

"I missed you to Xaely!"

Viviene looked towards the men. "Hey! Come on, I want you to meet someone!"

Before Xael could respond she was being dragged behind the beautiful woman in blue, her pups trotting along.

"Hey guys! Adam!!" Viviene jumped into Shado's arms.

"Hey Vivi!" Adam sat her down as his attention went to the beautiful woman behind her.

"Wow Xael! You look beautiful."

"Thanks! You look great also!"

Xael hugged Skylar and Beau.   Viviene turned to Xael and Adam as they stood next to each other.

"Oh my God!! You two look like Mates! You're so beautiful together and your outfits kinda match!"

"She's right Shado, you two look good together!"   Sheriff Skylar was amazed as the two stood next to each other, both Xael and Shado blushed with uneasiness.

"Hey Xael! Would you ladies braid our hair for us?"


"Sure!" Viviene spoke up for the two of them as Xael gave her a look. "Well Xael, I would introduce you to my cousin but you guys already know each other."

"Cousin!?"  Xael looked at Shado as he gave her a cheesy smile.

"Fine, let's braid your hair."  Xael wanted to get it over with. Since she was next to Shado, she offered to do his hair for him and Vivi did Beau's.  Skylar was pretty much ready.   Xael vaguely remembered seeing Skylar in regalia from when she was younger.  

"Glad your dancing to Sheriff."

"Yeah Pup...time to get some straight dancing in!  Plus Emma made me this new ribbon shirt!" 

{Sheriff Skylar in full regalia}

As the two walked over to Adam's chair, a group of older people from the city stopped them for pictures. Before Xael could refuse, Deputy Shado agreed.  Xael growled at him, causing him to look at her surprised. 

"Thank you so much!  You and your wife are just stunning!"  

Xael about fell out at the older woman referring to them as husband and wife.  They quickly posed for pictures as the others remarked how good they looked together and what a beautiful mixed couple they made.  Xael was over it and her pups could tell as they barked at the people.  Xael gently grabbed Shado's arm and made her way to the chair he was using, turning her back on the 'tourist'.

"How do you want your hair Deputy?"

"Please, call me Adam, I'm off duty."

"How do you want your hair?"

He shook his head at her stubbornness. "Two side braids.  It will make it easier for me to put the roach on."

Xael walked behind him as she had her pups sit in front of him. Her boys formed a protective barrier for the two of them.

"Can I pet them?"


Shado slowly reached down. Both pups turned to look at him. He held his hand still so they could sniff him and get used to his scent. His hands caressed their soft fur,  both licking his hand. He had gotten so used to seeing them, he really didn't pay attention to the service vest they had on.

"They like you."  Xael had a smile on her face. "Where's your comb?"

Shado handed it to her from his bag that was sitting under his chair. Gently, she untied the wrapping that held his hair in a tight bundle. She handed it to him, which he placed in his bag. Long tresses flowed down his back. She was careful not to pull his hair too tightly as she combed it out.

"You're very gentle Xael."

"When I need to be." He chuckled at her. "Are you wrapping the braids with anything."

"Yeah." He handed her what he wanted his braids done in. She placed them on his shoulder for later. Some outsiders were walking by and had stopped, one of the women took her phone out and was starting to video tape them when Xael turned to her.

"Don't." She had a stern look on her face when she said it. Her pups also sat up at attention and glared at the woman.

"Oh sorry!"

She quickly walked off.

"Thanks."  Shado had his eyes closed enjoying the feeling of her hands in his hair that he hadn't noticed them.


His hair was swiftly braided in no time, the wrappings done with care.  Xael placed her hands on his shoulders, "All done Adam." Her voice was tender for a change and he wished she'd talk like that more often. Now she needed to get back to her Grams and see if she needed help.

"I need to go, I'll look for you when you dance."

"Thanks Xael."


Xael turned to the others and said her goodbyes and told Viviene that they needed to dance together which the other woman happily agreed to.  Xael's pups were by her side as she made her way back to the cook area. A handsome pair of eyes following her.

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