Prepping the Lodge*

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Everyone surprisingly made it out to the cabin at the same time. The guys unloaded the stuff for the ladies from the jeep and took everything in the kitchen for them.  Grabbing something to drink, they headed to the lodge, Xael joined them just to see the area.  Her pups were busy chilling on the couch.  Shado walked next to her, but she still avoided his gaze and didn't really want to talk to him.  It's just how she was. 

Reaching the lodge area, Xael let out a little chuckle. It was a beautiful clearing where the sky could be seen clearly. The lodge was a decent size with canvas tarps draped over it.   Shado remained next to her with Skylar and Beau standing in front of them when the two reached the area. Skylar was going to speak when Xael raised her hand to stop him. She pointed into the tree line.

A huge doe and fawn was passing through the lodge area. "You're going to have a good lodge Sheriff!"  Xael finally spoke.

"Looks like it Pup! So your grandma tells me you're planning on dancing tomorrow at the pow wow?"

"Yes, just for a bit. You guys staying for dinner?"

"You cooking?" Beau was leaning on Shado's shoulder.

"Maybe..."  Xael turned and headed back towards the house.

"Hold on Xael, take Shado with you so he can bring back a thing of water for us."


Xael and the Deputy walked back towards the house.   Alone again, Shado thought it was the perfect time to try and get her to talk.

"So you grew up out here in all of this."

"Yeah, it was awesome.  There're all kinds of wildlife out here. You grow up on tribal land?"

Shado was shocked that she was actually engaging in a conversation and not single word responses. He looked over to her and smiled.

"You have a nice smile Deputy."

"So do you. To answer your question, not really. I spent most of my time in the city. My folks broke their Mate bond when I was young."

"What? Why would they do that?"

"They weren't True Mates, so it wasn't that bad."


"So will you dance at the pow wow to Deputy?"



They finally made it back to the house, Xael led him into the kitchen for the container of water to take back for them to drink while they cleaned the lodge area. Ms. Emma's face lit up seeing the two enter together.

"And what are you two doing?"

"Uh... Getting them some water."  Xael knew the two were up to something, it was just too obvious. "What are you two cooking up?"

"Oh, nothing dear!"

"Sure Grammy."  Xael gave Shado a glare, then a smirk. "So is she your wing man?"

Shado had a shocked look on his face as Xael held him in her stare.  Xael shook her head as she went to find the extra large water jug for the guys in the back room.

"So how's it going Deputy?" Ms. Emma sneaked over to him and whispered, she was rooting for him all the way.

"I think she's warming up to me!"

"I can hear you guys, you know that right?"

"Ohhhh! You and your damn crazy super senses!"   Her grandma leaned against the table with a pout on her face.

Xael came from the back room. Her pups were off to the side eating something. "What are they eating?"

"Oh! Deer bone."

"Spoiled brats!" Rolling her eyes, she rinsed and filled the jug. Finished, she handed it to the Deputy.


"Mn. I call you guys when dinner is ready if you're not done yet."

"Thanks Xael, See you Ms. Emma!"

Xael's grandma turned to her, her arms folded across her chest.

"So miss missy, dinner again for the Deputy?"

"It's for all of them Grams."


"Oh hush! He is cute though."  Xael made a silly face to her Grandma and the two burst out in laughter.

The guys had their work cut out for them. They helped pull the traps back around the bottom of the lodge so it could air out while they worked. Skylar had Shado clean the fire pit while Beau cleaned out and around the lodge. Skylar carefully uncovered the wood pile, thankful that there were no snakes or black widows to deal with. Someone, probably Ms. Emma, had placed natural pest repellents around and in the pile to keep them away. Skylar stacked wood for the lodge fire and checked out the outhouse.

Ms. Emma walked down the lodge path, "Wow, you guys got things done quick!" Skylar walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Yup, the guys do good work!"

Ms. Emma handed Skylar a sage bundle. Now that the area was ready, they could cleanse it. She unwrapped the bundle and called Shado and Beau over. She handed each of them a piece of the bundle as Skylar pulled a lighter from his back pocket.

"Each of you pick one of the cardinal directions, we'll smudge the lodge area and things will be ready for tomorrow."

With the four of them, it was perfect. Skylar lit the sage as Ms. Emma sang a blessing for the area.   Xael's grandmother felt everything should be cleansed and blessed before a ceremony was to take place.

"Wonderful!  Xael should have dinner ready. You can toss the sage you have left in the fire pit."

The Elders handed the young Alphas their piece of the bundle and walked back to the house together.  Xael had just finished cooking and had set the table. Feeling that the area around the house was free from deer and small woodland creatures, she let her pups out for the evening. They both ran around the house and found their 'grandma'.

"Hey boys!" They stopped for pets then pranced back to Beau and Shado.

"Hey pups!" Beau gave them each pets before they ran off into the woods.

Walking up the steps of the back deck, the men could already smell something delicious.  Xael was inside at the back door with towels for the guys. They would need showers before they had dinner. Taking off their shoes on the back deck, they followed Ms. Emma inside.

"You guys hop in the shower before dinner.  Xael?  Can Shado use your bathroom?"  Oh her Grandmother was relentless.

"Uhh... Sure. Follow me." After the guys picked up their clothes from the living room, Xael led the Deputy to her bathroom while Beau used the guest bedroom and Skylar took her grandmother's room.  Xael showed him where things were and left the room.  While they showered, she had time to make some tea and lemonade to go along with dinner.  Food was on the table and waiting for the guys when they came into the kitchen.

"Man Xael! Everything smells so good. What are we eating?" Beau's eyes were as big as saucers. He quickly had a seat right by the food.  She stood up to serve everyone, but Beau reached his hand out.  Xael growled at him.

"Elders first... You know that!"

"Well hurry! I'm starving!" Everyone laughed at the two. Ms. Emma had already taken a spirit plate out while they waited for the men to finish their showers.  Xael had fixed smothered pork chops, garlic green beans and roasted potatoes.

Xael fixed the older ones their plates, then Beau's and Shado's. Beau looked over at Shado's plate and frowned.

"Hey! You gave him more than me!"  The tall beauty looked over at him.

"What are you? 5? No I didn't and the food's right in front of you dork! You want more, get it!"

Shado tried to hide his laughter, but Xael saw him.

"Oh don't start!" She playfully poked him in the side with the end of her fork. Looking up, she caught Beau making a face at Shado.  Xael had enough and dropped her fork on the plate. Even the pups were at attention.

"Okay brats! Enough of the 'wing-man' for the Deputy!"  She gave Shado a glare, but wasn't going to let him off that easily as everyone at the table laughed.

"You are sooo bad." Xael had to admit that she was impressed that everyone had taken his side and was doing whatever they could to help him out.

"Hey! Can't blame an Alpha for trying." 

She had to chuckle at him, he was right.  "Well played Deputy Shado, but it would have been a lot easier if you would have just asked me out."  Xael grinned and made a shooting motion with her hand.

"She got ya there Shado!" Skylar finally chimed in on the playful joking. Everyone enjoyed the meal.  Xael made extra and boxed it up for the officers at the station for the Sheriff to drop off.

It was going to be a busy day tomorrow, so the guys headed out instead of hanging out to chat.  

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