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Shado was the first one up. Glancing at his phone it was only 7 am and his Mate was still asleep. He was excited to spring his surprise on her and couldn't wait any longer. Shado gently started to shake her to get her to wake up. After a long stretch, Xael began to move and woke up, looking around the apartment. Her ears and tail had retracted during the night.

"What time is it?"

"7 in the morning."

Xael moved over and rubbed her nose on his shoulder. She scrunched her face after she noticed he was already dressed. She quickly got up and went to the bag of clothes she brought the other day and picked out something nice to wear. Not only was she meeting his dad again but an Old One so she was super excited. She showered and dressed in no time. Her hair braided in a french braid ponytail. She came out in black pants and a grey button up shirt.

"You look nice babe!"

"Thanks!" The two came together for a tender kiss. Xael staring into her Alpha's eyes. "I'm ready."

"Good, first I have a place to stop at, okay?"


As the couple walked out into the early morning sunlight, they both inhaled deeply. Xael gave a quick glance around the street, seeing most of the town was still asleep. "Where are we going so early?"

"You'll see!" Shado opened the jeep door for her. Once they were both inside they started down the road towards their new home.  Xael sat and enjoyed the view, not saying anything until the jeep turned down the driveway.

"Are we supposed to meet Skylar and Grams?"

Putting the Jeep in park, Shado ignored her question as he exited the vehicle.  Walking around the front to her side and opening the door for her to get out,  Xael looked around then back at her Mate with a questioning look. Shado gently took her hand and led her to the front door. The door was left unlocked so they just walked in.  Xael stood next to Shado, unsure of what was going on. The Alpha turned to his Mate and wrapped her in a hug.


He slowly pulled back, his eyes locked onto hers, he gave her another tender kiss.

"Welcome home Xael."

Xael just stared at him for about a minute, she wasn't sure she'd heard him correctly. "What - What did you just say?"

"I said welcome home. It's ours."

Xael screamed and jumped up to wrap her arms around Shado's neck. He spun her around, the two laughing out of their excitement.

"Are you serious? We just looked at it yesterday!"

"I know! After we left my dad, he got a hold of Skylar. He got it for us as a gift."

Xael was speechless as tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know what to do or say. "Seriously?"


She embraced him again, this time crying out of sheer happiness. The two embraced and looked around the cabin again. Opening every door, cabinet and drawer. They looked in every nook and cranny. Xael could not be any happier. She had found the perfect Mate and now, they had their own home. Shado looked like a kid in a candy store.   He was busy telling her what all he wanted to do to the place and what he wanted to get. Xael suggested that once she collected her pups and they had some down time that they made a list of what they wanted to purchase and what changes they wanted to make. There wasn't that much to change. Xael wanted a new kitchen sink and toilet, Shado wanted a different bed, one with drawers and he wanted to replace a few of the windows.

After an hour of excitement, they decided to head into town. Shado asked Xael to remind him to stop by the hardware store to get spare keys made, Xael looked at him confused.

"Umm, there's no need to lock the doors. Grams never locks her doors."


Xael had to laugh. "Yeah! Who's dumb enough to break into a Wolfen's house, plus this is tribal land, people aren't like that out here."

"Well, let's skip the hardware store!"

As they drove to the city, the two held hands the entire way. Chatting about what all they wanted and how excited they were. Before they reached the restaurant, Xael received a phone call.

The call didn't last very long. It was a Detective wanting to know if she and her grandmother could come to the station as they had news concerning her parents. Xael was shocked since it had been so long ago. She let the Detective know that she needed to check with her grandmother and that she would be the one calling him to set up a meeting. Call ended, she looked over at her Mate.


"I need to call Grams." Xael had a somber look as she called her grandmother.

"Grams?" Xael proceeded to tell her everything the Detective told her. She also gave her Grams the number so she could set up the appointment, Xael would take them whenever she was ready. Ms. Emma would call him immediately and set an appointment for tomorrow. She wanted to get it over with and focus on Bonding.

Xael turned back to Shado to let him know what was going on. He let her know if they had any issues to get a hold of one of the guys, especially Houser. In fact Shado let her know he would talk to him that evening and to not worry over it. Xael agreed, right now, she wanted to enjoy the day with her Mate.

Reaching the restaurant, Xael exited the vehicle and patiently waited for Shado. Walking hand in hand into the restaurant, Xael quickly found the Elder Shado and rushed over to him. She surprised him with a huge and tight hug.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you!!" Shado reached the two and joined in a group hug, his dad laughing at all the attention.

"Why would you do something like that? You don't even know me!" Xael was still shocked at the enormous gesture from the Elder.

"Because my dear, you two deserve it and I'm happy for you both! It was nothing."

Xael scrunched her face at him, "You bought us a house, it's more than nothing!" He laughed again and motioned for them to sit. The Elder again was mesmerized by the Omega, especially her eyes now that they had changed over to their mated color. Xael knew that the intensity of the blue was always fluctuating depending on her mood. Now it was very noticeable.

"Shado tells me we're going to meet your grandmother later?"

"Yes! I already told her about you, she's thrilled to meet you and see her great grandson of course!" The Elder Shado didn't want his son to feel left out.

"Nice save dad. I know great-grams is going to be fascinated with Xael just like you are." The two males laughed and continued to talk as Xael scanned the restaurant. She caught sight of the African American couple that they ran into at Target and the Police station. Xael excused herself to go and say 'Hi' to them.

"Well hello again!"

"Well, if it isn't the beautiful woman with the grey eyes!" The man laughed while the woman just smiled at her.

"My name is Xael, Xael Thunder Wolf." She extended her hand to shake theirs but the woman brushed it away and got up for a hug. They both did.  Xael was happy to return the gesture.


{I'm fine, it's the couple from Target!}

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you again Xael. My name is Ella and this is my Mate, Charles. We must be lucky to run into you again!"

"Or vice versa! Are you two enjoying your day?"

"Oh yes!! We are out celebrating!"

"Celebrating? An anniversary?"

"No, we got good news on our daughter's case! The ones responsible were taken into custody for a previous case."

"Oh! That's awesome news. I'm sorry, can I ask what happened?"

"She and her Mate were killed."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Xael had a somber look.

"Ehh! No worries my dear. How is your Mate and your parents doing?"

"My Mate is right over there with his dad. My parents were killed also when I was a little kid."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that dear."

"Thank you, I'm supposed to meet with a Detective soon, they have word on their case also."

"Really? What was your mom's name? If you don't mind."

"Oya Stevens."

Just then the older woman crumbled to the floor, both her Mate and Xael moving quickly to catch her. Elder Shado saw what was happening and rushed to help.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, she just passed out." Xael was in medic mode as she and Shado's dad assisted her. Luckily she came to as Shado walked up.

"Ms. Ella? Are you okay?" Xael was worried about the Older woman, till she felt a firm hand on her shoulder, it was her Mate Charles.

He looked down at her and smiled then over to his wife who was now sitting up, tears in her eyes.

"Everything okay babe?" Shado finally spoke.

{I don't know}

Elder Shado and Charles helped Ms. Ella up and back to her seat. She immediately reached for her Mate's hand. Xael looked at them with a thousand questions on her face.

"Are you two okay?"

This time Charles spoke, his Mate was too emotional. "Xael, what did you say your mom's name was again?"

Xael worriedly looked at Shado then back to him. "Oya Stevens..."

Before anyone knew what was going on, Charles and Ella had Xael wrapped in a hug. Xael caught the scent of Ms. Ella and inhaled deeply. Tears suddenly filled her eyes as she moved out of the hug. She just stared at them and noticed that Charles, looked like her mom.

"Your..." Xael couldn't move as tears started to run down her cheeks, Shado was now worried.

"Xale, what is it?"

She still didn't move. Shado looked at Charles for answers.

"You're our grand-daughter..."

Xael returned the gesture and immediately hugged them back, the three of them now crying. Xael wanted to be sure and pulled out her phone, showing the older couple the photo of her mom and dad. Her identity was confirmed by both of them.

They all moved to a bigger table. After another round of introductions, they enjoyed a lively conversation. Xael was beyond herself at finding her mother's parents. They all talked for over 3 hours but had to leave as they needed to visit another Elder. Xael gave them huge hugs as did Shado and his dad. Xael also gave them her number and let them know that she and her other grandma would be in the city tomorrow to talk to the detective. Xael asked if they could meet again tomorrow and meet her dad's mom. They were both excited and would join them at the police station. Xael let them know she would call them so they could meet there. More huggs and the group parted.

Elder Shado offered to drive and the three walked to his car. The walk did Xael some good as it enabled her to calm down from all the emotions from earlier. Shado knew she was tense.

"You okay babe?"

"'s, that was. That was a lot. Maybe that's why we kept running into them. We were supposed to meet."

"More work from Spirit Xael." The Elder Shado was sounding like her grandmother. Xael smiled at him. Once inside the car, Xael turned to Shado.

"Hey, can you go with Grams and me tomorrow to see the detective?"

"Yeah, I should be able to." Xael smiled at him, her emotions were still pretty raw but she felt she needed to call her Grams. She reached over and grabbed Shado's hand for support.


Xael couldn't say anything as she felt the sobs coming. She shoved the phone towards Shado and buried her face behind his shoulder.


"Adam? What's going on, what's wrong?"

"Ms. Emma... Xael found her mom's parents."

There was silence on the other end. Shado patiently waited.


"Yes ma'am?"

"Where's Xael?"

"Sitting next to me, crying."

"Oh my precious did she find them?"

"We just kept running into them. Today was the third time and Xael introduced herself to them and they started talking. Ms. Emma, they found the ones responsible for Xael's parents murder. Her other grandparents were at the restaurant we met my dad at and Xael saw them and they started talking. I guess they asked her what her mom's name was and that's when it all happened."

Xael raised up, wiping the tears from her eyes. Shado handed her the phone back.

"Grams?" Xael voice was shaking but she was now able to talk without crying.

"Oh baby! Its wonderful news. What did they say about the case?"

"Not much, they want to meet tomorrow at the station when we see the detective, I think that's what he wants to tell us."

"Wonderful. This really is wonderful news Xael. I know you were too young to remember much but...this is just wonderful. We meet with the detective at 1 tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll let them know then. They really want to meet you!"

"Wonderful! How are you really doing dear?"

"Emotional, today has been a little overwhelming and it's just started."

Ms. Emma had to laugh. "Since you're on the phone, I hear you have a new home!"

"Yes!! I can't believe it. Adam told me this morning. Maybe you can meet his dad?"

Elder Shado shook his head while glancing in the rearview mirror. Xael and her grams talked for a few more minutes, then ended the call.

"Hey dad? You up for doing a late lunch tomorrow?"

"Our treat again!" Xael wanted him to know that he wasn't paying for anything else as far as she was concerned. It was agreed, after meeting the detective, they would all gather for what would be a family meal.

{I'm exhausted}

{I can tell babe, it's understandable}

{Thank you for this morning and everything.}

{Thank you for being an awesome Mate}

Xael gave him a quick kiss and settled against him in the backseat.

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